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Virgin Invader (Complete!)

Re: Virgin Invader

loving the game but there a couple balance things i might point out. give us some way to hit people when they knocked down since trying to kite the lighting blast while waiting for the archers to get back up is kinda broke or give archers WAY less health. also health markers of the "walls" that pop up would be helpful. love the combat but some of the controls are broken or just not snappy enough for the level of precision you require. maybe give us the ability to dash forwards and back. two last things are that we need either a mid battle heatlh regen that is not dependent on the random drops or we need alot less people per room since with the amount of ranged attacks and the sheer amount of health that people have, as well as the most nasty enemies have the getup damage aura, that the game becomes just dodging around at times until your S is back up since if you stand still the ranged will pick u apart. one last thing is that the Fireballs hit box might be a bit too generous as well as the vertical attack from the lighting one. on a postive note the game looks amazing and feels like it is so close to perfect but just needs a few balance tweeks to make perfect
Thank you for your comment :)

I thinking to decrease number of girl a bit as my previous post said. About attack knockdown enemy; I already think about it when I start making this game but I decide to cancel it. Maybe it's only my own self but it's look bad and violence for some reason because girls are on good side. I want to make theme that look fun than a serious fighting game. Even MC is a demon but doesn't mean he like to do that. If girls are villain bitchy girl. I will not hesitate to add kick, stomp down attack like what studios always have.

About HP regen; There are HP regen flame that heal you fully every 2 room and you can still replay room after you dead not go back to long check point. So I think it's fine. And 15% chance for bra / 10% for panty drop not too low. And there will be demon girl that have heal ability on later stage(still heal only 15% HP and long cooldown :p)

Many people mentioned about player get up after knock and dash cooldown. I will reduce dash cooldown a bit. But for get up; I still thinking how to fix.

About Fireball hitbox; I don't know why many people mentioned about it. I use fireball image and smaller it a bit. I'm 100% sure it not too big and it's smaller than fireball sprite image. So I can't fix this one. About Thunder; I'm thinking about make thunder ball slower before the bolt release because I usually get hit in room 2-3 too :p. Maybe increase from 1 sec to 1.30 sec. 2 sec is too much and player will never get hit with it.
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Re: Virgin Invader

just managed to beat whats released so far. ya that heal helps but here is another idea. down A plus the diamond combo gives u a charge of energy could u make an up A plus diamond that gives a small amount of health continually over the duration? Then again once the sheer number of people per room is lowered i think the HP problem will disappear. one last grip is the last(stage 2) boss has a couple of weird things. Here super dash/lunge thing you can jump it but if you were in a corner and land on her even though she is not moving she will do all the damage. She also seems to have a couple of attacks, primarily the multi stab thing that seems to have a hitbox behind her as well. loving it so far. one question does it have a gallery mode yet or that in final product?
Re: Virgin Invader

just managed to beat whats released so far. ya that heal helps but here is another idea. down A plus the diamond combo gives u a charge of energy could u make an up A plus diamond that gives a small amount of health continually over the duration? Then again once the sheer number of people per room is lowered i think the HP problem will disappear. one last grip is the last(stage 2) boss has a couple of weird things. Here super dash/lunge thing you can jump it but if you were in a corner and land on her even though she is not moving she will do all the damage. She also seems to have a couple of attacks, primarily the multi stab thing that seems to have a hitbox behind her as well. loving it so far. one question does it have a gallery mode yet or that in final product?
2nd boss; It's not about jump or wall problem with her finisher bug. It's rarely chance that her finisher not playing animation well and get struck in finisher animation. I sure that my coding is OK but sometime game engine not process well. She's the most buggy girl now. I finding a way to make her 100% no error in full game. About her stinger attack(stabs); If I remember right. I make hitbox start at center of her. So maybe your player hitbox collision with the corner of her hitbox attack. That why look like her attack back. I will make this hitbox smaller a bit. But still it better to block or dash back for evade this attack.

About gallery; Sure there will be gallery mode when game finished. But you have to cleared game for unlock gallery stage.
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Re: Virgin Invader

June, huh? That's quite long... Guess you have to give us some candy from time to time to keep our attention and excitment level high :)

As for the difficulty...I don't really think it's that hard once you get used to the enemies. Apperantly a lot of people try to dodge, but I'm lazy so I guard 90% of the attacks.
Oh btw... you can re-supply your mana easily once you took down the first opponent. You can't H a girl as long as other are close, because the will interupt you...BUT you can monster-H them (Not sure if intended). Those aren't interruptable and once the scene is over you get a full mana point without any trouble and you can just start the next one. Good for first boss! You can damage her enough for the first sub enemy to appear, take her down and use her to restore your mana.

For the second boss: she is weak to jump attacks, since her regular hitbox only covers a small aerial area...which means, you will hit her first in most cases and then you can combo her down. Guarding doesn't do much against her, since most of her attacks break your guard.

Apart from that, the changed BGM are pretty good and I haven't encountered any other bugs up until now. Kepp it up.
Re: Virgin Invader

June, huh? That's quite long... Guess you have to give us some candy from time to time to keep our attention and excitment level high :)
I plan to finished Virgin Invader in May. But I set to June on DLsite for maybe some delay or if I want to make H-CG :p
Re: Virgin Invader

Hi, I'm trying to make joystick system and I have problem with it. I'm silly about coding this part and even if I can coding joystick. Maybe it no joystick config because I'm silly about this part.

I thinking about put joytokey program in game folder because this program no need to install. Is this a good way or I should make my own game support joystick:confused:

For people who don't know what is joytokey :
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Re: Virgin Invader

Didn't realize that Gamemaker required coding for gamepad support. JoyToKey looks interesting but it's shareware right? Does that mean you can just package the shareware version, and the people who really want gamepad support can just purchase it? Seems like an easy solution.

Might be better to focus on the core game for now, and if there's enough demand put in the gamepad support later. The game is certainly playable without it.
Re: Virgin Invader

Didn't realize that Gamemaker required coding for gamepad support. JoyToKey looks interesting but it's shareware right? Does that mean you can just package the shareware version, and the people who really want gamepad support can just purchase it? Seems like an easy solution.

Might be better to focus on the core game for now, and if there's enough demand put in the gamepad support later. The game is certainly playable without it.
It's freeware for player. But I will buy license for commercial and put it in Virgin Invader folder with Key set-1 and Key set-2 saved. So player just open program and select the same Key set(in game and joytokey) or set it by him/her self. I saw this method in Fatal Fight(Studios). Some people mentioned about gamepad after I released demo on DLsite. So I think it better for can play with gamepad than not even few players use it.

About coding; it's make me confused in some part, not much good tutorial about joy coding and still not support well. Maybe I should change to Gamemaker Studio on my future game :p

for gamepad button will be like this :
Move - D-pad / L-joystick
A - Jump
B - Dash
X - Atk
Y - Special Skill
L1 - H
R1 - Block
LT - Switch Support
RT - Support Call
Back - Backspace(Skip Cleared Room)
Start - Pause
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Re: Virgin Invader

Show some H-sprite and I hope you enjoy XD


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Re: Virgin Invader

That wolf sprite though. 10/10

By the way, are you planning on making an uncensor patch for us non-asian people? I know asian porn has to be censored but since us in the west don't have such laws it would be great if you could post an uncensor patch here in the forums or something.
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Re: Virgin Invader

Even Asian people hate when their porn are censored...
Did You think even Asian Love them?

My latest game even butchered by heavy censor (Criminal Girls on PS Vita)
F*** you NISA!!

But I think this game aren't that showing too much
So perhaps no censor
But we'll see what DL Site gonna release
Re: Virgin Invader

About censor; I think it's not see much even censor or not in the first place. For now I mostly censor only a dick. And my full game will be this level of censor on paypal. I'm lazy to make just censor or uncensor dick version :p But I'm uncensor on girls' body.
For DLsite it's up to them that I have to censor more or not.
Re: Virgin Invader

Its to hard hhhhhhhhh I cant win for boss stage 2
Re: Virgin Invader

Thnx man i win for stage 2 but after win open errore and games is shut down :(

Not sure about this. But if you continue many many times before you win and got error. Maybe that the reason because game has memory leak bug that increase memory used every time you restart room.
I already fixed memory problem so if the cause come from memory leak. I think it's fixed in full game. If you open task manager and see game memory used. It usually use around 700,000K - 1M+. But after I fixed it; now used memory only 7,000 - 10,000K :)
Re: Virgin Invader

Not sure about this. But if you continue many many times before you win and got error. Maybe that the reason because game has memory leak bug that increase memory used every time you restart room.
I already fixed memory problem so if the cause come from memory leak. I think it's fixed in full game. If you open task manager and see game memory used. It usually use around 700,000K - 1M+. But after I fixed it; now used memory only 7,000 - 10,000K :)
I win two times and stage 3 not opaind after i win stage 2