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ACT [ Waterspoon ] [ ウォータースプーン ] The Holy Grail of Alharan / アルハランの聖杯 RE138139 RJ138139

Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

Bug Fix and Added Content...


Translation from Elder Google...

Fixed a bug that you can not hide standing picture after getting magical armor
Added heart staging option when estrus
Add a random dungeon
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

What does it add?

1) A randomly generated dungeon. When you enter the dungeon you temporarily lose all of your items and must start from scratch. Items found in the dungeon will be equipped automatically.

2) Heart shaped graphical effects when you are horny. To activate the effects, go to top left of the castle town and find a chest north of a lake. Use the item inside the chest to activate or deactivate the effect.

These are mechanics that the dev wrote for the upcoming game. He probably added them because it wouldn't take a lot of additional effort.
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

I thought one of the updates added an item that reset the heroine's H stats?

Edit: nevermind, found it
Fortune teller's hut, theres a flower circle around the marble column, standing on the right of the column then moving up the flowers will transport you to a plain with signs, follow the directions on the signs starting from the bottom left.

Turns out it just sets you lewdness to 0 so you'll still orgasm like crazy if you other sex stats are high, bit meh tbh.


Anyway, where abouts is this new random dungeon?
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Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

Turns out it just sets you lewdness to 0 so you'll still orgasm like crazy if you other sex stats are high

This is probably the biggest flaw with the guy's games. After having sex like 20 times, she suddenly cums every other thrust. It'd be fine if it was "20 times straight in one session" but stuff like masturbating in a dungeon only takes two taps now.
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

I don't know why it happens, but everytime my Libido goes over 50 i get this error until i get it below 50 again. Hope someone can help me with this. Just have the v1.11 translation. No idea the error says v1.11, but the window says 1.2.


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    21 KB · Views: 78
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

everyone has theyre problems...for me I managed to find 2 download links but none of them have the file data.wolf wich means I can't decrypt and apply translation patch :((. Anyone has the latest version or some other version of the game eighter with translation patch applyed or with data.wolf file in the folder please? It would be greatly apreciated.
EDIT: i made it work...I just unpacked every file from the data folder.
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Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

Just out of curiosity, does this game have multiple endings or just one? I mean I finished the virgin ending so is their any other reason to start from scratch?
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

this error say.
Yo system is wrong.^^
dell Game.ini.
Than work the game.

In german^^
Der fehler kommt wenn man vom wem anderes das Spiel bekommt der es bereits gestartet hatte.
Beim Starten erstelt das Spiel ne game.ini = PC einstellungen.
Weil manche automatisch alls Admin starten kommt dieser fehler.
Um das zu Beheben einfach game.ini löschen.
Solte der Fehler trozdme kommen fehlen irgend welche Daten.^^

Falls wer das Spiel alls Admin startet manuell muß er das weiter tun sons taucht der fehler auch beim starten des Spiels auf.^^
(oder Game.ini löschen^^)


Alle Wofl RPG Makers machen die gleichen muken^^.
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Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

Just out of curiosity, does this game have multiple endings or just one? I mean I finished the virgin ending so is their any other reason to start from scratch?

Pretty sure there's only 1 ending. There's no point in start from scratch as you can collect all the h-scenes post ending.

I don't know why it happens, but everytime my Libido goes over 50 i get this error until i get it below 50 again. Hope someone can help me with this. Just have the v1.11 translation. No idea the error says v1.11, but the window says 1.2.

The screenshot you posted is tiny and impossible to read. How did you even manage to upload a thumbnail of a screenshot?
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

the version is buggi whit the ranslate !!!
error in libido over 70 !


in the orginal agme is the error not.
This confirms again how to exploit Patron XD.
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Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

The guy who translated the game did say he made the newest translation for the 1.2 version, which is where the heart error comes from. That being said, does anyone have the 1.2 version? All it added was the heart effect and random dungeon from what I heard, but I like to keep the things in my collection up to date, and the one guy who's said he has it hasn't responded to my PM. Or at least know where to find it?

The latest patch I can find is 1.12
Re: RJ138139 [Action RPG]

I can't find the 1.20 version, can anyone share it with me? THanks in advance!