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Weird Dream Thread


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I don't remember much of my dream today but towards the end, some guy told me that cockroaches have pink eggs inside their bodies that are worth a lot of money and for some reason I decided to sit on one to kill it so I can extract the eggs, then I woke up. :confused:


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I don't remember much of my dream today but towards the end, some guy told me that cockroaches have pink eggs inside their bodies that are worth a lot of money and for some reason I decided to sit on one to kill it so I can extract the eggs, then I woke up. :confused:
I can turn this into porn.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I'll put pink eggs in your cockroach

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

I dreamed that my best friend's crazy ex stole my brand-new car and led me into a weird road-trip adventure to track her down and get my fucking car back. For reference: I haven't seen my old best friend in years and NEVER interacted with his girlfriends, so all that came a bit out of the blue.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Might I suggest you all record your dreams, instead of just posting them?

Apparently there was a study once that claims you can increase your
capacity to remember and interact with your dreams, if you make an
effort to memorize what happened inside of them, the best method for
doing so making a "dream journal" of sorts, writing down the contents of
your dream the second you wake up from them.

Said study also notes that doing so enough times may even lead to lucid

I've recorded over 100 of my dreams, including around 13 nightmares,
but I've only had about 1-4 lucid dreams that were recorded in the bunch,
so I'm not sure if that contributes to the study, or if I'm just bad at
lucid dreaming.

Doing my own study of dreams a few years back, I developed a
hypothetical spectrum of aspects one's mind reaches for when
a dream is developing in the mind. As we know, a dream forms as
a sort've byproduct to our mind subconsciously sorting out thoughts
in our head while we sleep, like an overnight accountant filing some
paperwork while the rest of the building is closed already and nobody's

What kind of "paperwork" this metaphorical accountant files, is what
dictates what our dreams will consist of. I'd boiled it down to five aspects..
These aspects are Fantasy, Short-Term Memory, Natural Imagination, Long-Term Memory, and Fear.

Sometimes a dream can only consist of one, sometimes more than one, but usually it's just two.

Fantasy being the rare one, since dreams including it are typically very
pleasant ones, sometimes encountering or pursuing sexual desire, or
merely being a situation where you gain superhuman abilities. The reason
pleasant dreams are rare is part of the old logic that humans tend to hold
on to bad memories stronger than good ones, thus good memories are
typically less-likely to surface within dreams.

Short-term memory is usually the "modifier" aspect, added on to either fantasy,
fear, or Imagination, and manifests itself in the form of things you merely thought
about or encountered that day, appearing in your dream, be it a location, a person
you met, or even just something you were day-dreaming about for a while.

Imagination is an optional aspect, but is most common in my own dreams. This is the
wild-card, in which any combination your dream ends up with may be changed or
mutated to something completely different that you'd never seen before, only being
very loosely tied to familiar elements, like someone you met or a familiar location.

Long-term memory, another "modifier" aspect, usually manifests itself in either a major
or minor way, depending on if imagination or fear is involved.. This most often ends up
with you being in a very familiar setting, such as a location you'd often spent time in.
Whatever happens in said location may be random, but you'll always feel a sense of
familiarity with where you are in a dream based on this aspect.

Fear, is typically where nightmares spawn from, but if certain other aspects are involved,
it can merely manifest as a "Bad dream".. Something negative that upsets you,
but doesn't scare you or put you in mild shock.

My own dreams typically stem from imagination, with both long and short-term memory
being interchangeable and sometimes having both along-side them. Rarely do I ever have dreams with fear or fantasy.

My mother always has the same dreams, with fear being the mainstay,
and long-term memory typically being the modifier, forming dreams of watching
relatives stuck in some form of perilous situation, unable to help in any way.

What aspects/modifiers do your dreams stem from?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Because writing them out here certainly doesn't equal recording them.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Well, you'd have to write ALL of them out here, every single time, and
in typically thicker detail than usual. And even then, who'd use a forum specifically
as a dream journal?

I guess I wouldn't be opposed to that, it'd make the thread more interesting,
but something tells me people aren't gonna do that, and will stick to either
comically fabricating a dream to sound entertaining, or splaying one out in
very low detail most of the time. A dream becomes more memorable from
recording it if you record it in great detail. Otherwise you might still remember
it fully, but you've got a lackluster description of it floating around which
doesn't quite do it justice.

Might not sound very interesting, but there is an additional benefit to
recording a dream which is initiative for practicing your writing skills and
vocabulary. Which doesn't happen if you don't record it in detail.

And now I sound like a fussy parent.. Either way, dreams are a bit of
a passion for me, which is why I felt the slightly flimsy justification for
clarifying all this.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dude, learn to say what you wanna say in a sentence or two, its a quality too.

I had this weird dream tonight where Aragon had become corrupted and the Ringwielder, so everything was screwed, but instead I decided to abandon the escape attempts and challenge him 1on1. Dream ended when I changed the momentum of his axe wielding secondary arm to bite into an old shoulder of his main arm. Sadly I woke up before the conclusion, .. there are never any elf to conquer in those dreams.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Here's a dream I recorded just a couple minutes ago, as I'd just woken up.

I spoiler-ed it to help shrink down the post itself.
I mentioned I'd recorded over 100 dreams. 99 of which are regular dreams,
but 13 are nightmares, which I grade on a scale of how badly it effected me
after I woke up.

Spelling/grammatical errors fixed for reading convenience, but in their naturally
recorded state they can typically have a small number of them through-out.

Dream #99: Crazy Big Rigs
I was walking down this sidewalk with a random friend, I really don't know who they were exactly. We were walking next to a school, in the middle
of the night, to supposedly meet up with or try to catch some other friends he wanted me to get. His motives were unclear, and his behaviour was
a bit sporadic, as he randomly hurried me along with himself into an unlocked parked lime-green mini-van-ish car, to hide. We waited inside it and
peeked out the windows until we noticed a car driving up and pulling over in front of us, so we both got out of the car quickly and approached them.
I brazenly opened the driver-side door and looked up at them with a grin, saying something along the lines of "Room for two more?". I recognized
the woman driving being marty, but there were 3 other people in their car which was a black SUV, and she'd just given me this look like she didn't
even know me, closed the door, and sped off down the road without a word.

My "friend" then urged me to take his car to chase them down. I was dubious of his motives, but went along with it anyway. He'd owned a very large
dark blue pickup truck, the kind with four wheels in the back and an engine like a bus. I hopped in and he took the back seat. I was never very
experienced driving cars before, but even so, this truck was a disaster. The thing accelerated like a dragster, and at first I couldn't find
the brake pad, only this very slippery wad of oily rags where the brake pad should've been. As I was barely weaving past traffic I asked him
where the hell the brakes were and he told me his friend had wrapped them up with rags to make it easier to reach, so I'd push down on the wad
of rags as hard as I could, and even then the truck would barely slow down at all, only really being stopped by the brakes if I was going less
than 10 MPH, but just tapping the gas would get me to 25 in seconds.

Somehow while we were driving, the setting changed, and it was now day-time, and we were driving around an area vaguely reminiscent of the
main highways near san benito. I didn't have any more or less control over the truck, but at least being on a highway, it was easier to
avoid smashing into other cars, and I had more time to brake and turn when needed. I asked him where he wanted me to take him, and he just
casually answered "Iunno, just take me anywhere". I went off on a short tangent saying something along the lines of "Dude, it's your car,
what the fuck, I can barely drive this thing and you're just telling me to drive you anywhere", before an idea sprang in my mind. I knew
a nice quiet spot I could drive that would at least give me an excuse to park this beast of a vehicle, as I took a screeching U-Turn on
the highway and started heading a different direction.

I knew I must've been scaring the hell out of many people at that point, and there was even a time when I'd directly whooshed past a cop
car at a stop light going 35 MPH, but I guess being chased by the police just wasn't a part of my dream.

In searching for this "quiet spot", I'd somehow instead came across my old friend micheal's house, suddenly remembering where I was
supposed to be going, and taking another U-turn partly over a ditch, rocking the truck around a bit violently.

After a bit more driving, the dream changed again, and this time I was on a big fucking motorcycle, with my friend sitting on the back.
I had much more experience with motorcycles, so even though this one's brake pad was just as fucked, I could at least handle the throttle
a lot more delicately without speeding around uncontrollably. Not only that, but after a short while I'd discovered the hand-brakes on it
were actually functioning much better than the rear ones, which meant I could actually safely drive now. We hadn't drove around for very
long before I noticed I was driving around the same roads as before, repeatedly. Though I didn't have time to fully become aware of this,
as just when I was taking a turn back towards another familiar road, another man driving a motorcycle T-boned me, thrashing up my leg and
doing who knows what kind of damage to my friend. I didn't have a liscense, so I knew I'd be in trouble if I just stayed, and somehow the
bike still ran just fine, so I drove off as fast as I could back to my house.

Now, I was in my room, The bottom half of my right leg was mashed up pretty bad and bleeding profusely, but I didn't feel the pain, and
for some reason, I had a severely injured black-and-white cat sitting on my computer chair. It only had a few spots of blood on its fur,
which might've been my own, but it was clear that it was internally mashed up about as bad as my leg. It sat there, acting the way animals
typically do when they're mortally wounded, so I just tried wrapping it up in a blanket to help it feel more comfortable, but it was fussy
(obviously), and clawed at me whenever I tried to get near it. I'd pissed it off enough that it used whatever energy it had to leap from my
chair to my bed, and only then did I noticed it was indeed bleeding. And now it was sitting on my favorite pillow, so my main worry was
trying to avoid getting cat-guts all over my favorite pillow, but once more, it just clawed at me whenever I tried to move it.

Finally I came to my senses, and realized I should probably call an ambulance for myself. I had an old phone who's service was out, but
from what I'd been told you could still use un-paid phones to call 911, so I did.

911 - "Hello, what is the emergency?"

Me - "Uh, yeah, I have a mashed up leg, and a badly injured cat, can you send an ambulance, and uh.. .. A.. Vet, or something, that can come here?"

911 - "And where do you live?"

Me - "[says my address]"

911 - "Okay, we'll have a unit over right away, please stay on the phone with me-"

Me - "Oh, wait.. Better make that 2 ambulances.. I had a friend, he's in even worse shape than I am... Ugh... I don't even know if he's alive.."

911 - "So, two ambulances?"

Me - "Uh, yeah, lemme go check outside if he's still there."

The dream ended as I started heading outside to where ever I'd parked to check on my friend.

Don't worry, I won't make a habit of posting them here, I just wanted to show you how I record them.
Last edited:


Jungle Girl
Nov 10, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Weird Dream Thread

For me...

I keep getting weird dreams having me getting ntrd with different girls but I'm not even a relationship, is this a warning for me? lol


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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I was in the countryside, talking with a witch... I suppose I had done something because she gave me study credit(written on a folded napkin), but I no longer remember what it was... anyway, as she was leaving, she warned me not to look at her house, which was wandering about(think Baba Yaga's hut) or I would be struck blind(or possibly dead). Obviously some time later the hut came around, but I didn't manage to look away in time, so I went blind and was paralyzed. I even thought I was really dying and then I woke up.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Had a weird dream where a friend and I had a place together and we were all lovey-dovey and shit. Weird part is, we did date in the past, but found we weren't compatible. Also, Also, something, something shit was happening.


Jungle Girl
Nov 13, 2013
Reputation score
A couple of days ago I had this dream and it still feels fresh in my memory.
It was one of those dreams where you feel as if you were awake. You guys know what I´m talking about right?
So there I was lying on my bed it was still dark, something had awoken me and I saw that my bedroom door was completely open then it appeared it had a humanoid shape and its weird looking face had these giant teeth’s. The monster ran towards me jumped on my bed and pressed its hands against my chest and I felt the pressure.
That´s when I woke up. It was 3 am I could not fell asleep again. I had never experienced a dream like that before the whole thing make me feel like a kid.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
A couple of days ago I had this dream and it still feels fresh in my memory.
It was one of those dreams where you feel as if you were awake. You guys know what I´m talking about right?
So there I was lying on my bed it was still dark, something had awoken me and I saw that my bedroom door was completely open then it appeared it had a humanoid shape and its weird looking face had these giant teeth’.
just a notch away from being kinky.


#1 Hero
May 7, 2011
Reputation score
Here's one from the puberty years. Yes, it's a wet dream.

Growing up, our driveway was more of a quarter-mile (about .4km) dirt road; the end of that road is where the school bus would drop me off/pick me up. Yay, living in the boonies!
Dreamt one day that I was walking home and about halfway down, in a valley chunk of the road (very hilly around there), I was ambushed by an ostrich! What the hell is an ostrich doing in Michigan?! I stumbled back and fell on my ass, the sinister bird (of prey, apparently) looming over me with that evil one-eyed stare. Apparently my Jurassic Pork was out, because the avian lowered itself onto the exposed area and began working quite efficiently. I achieved yogurt that night.

I've never been a fan of birds, as pets or furry lust targets, and I still can't figure out what the hell my brain was thinking. I also cannot manage to drop my guard around them at the zoo. I know they aren't really a threat to my precious seed, and that there's a barrier of cold iron to keep them at bay... but the dream was just so real it stuck with me.

It still haunts me from time to time.