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What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)


Demon Girl
Nov 23, 2012
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What game?
What genre?
How's the H?
Why do you like it? / Why do you dislike it?

Personally I'm a fan of the Action labeled games on DLsite, stuff like hounds of the blade and eluku really gets me going, there's occasionally one or two games similar to these, but usually they're extremely bland and repetitive like shinobi girl and that genre of games. I mean they're great but they get old very fast.

Dislike wise the RPG games are not my favorites. They seem like a huge time investment for a few CG's most of the time. Whats even worse is that I don't speak more than 2 words of Japanese which makes playing even more difficult. But of course there are a few good ones, I remember playing the Rurual life one and it was pretty enjoyable until I couldn't figure out what to do next.


Recommend Hounds of the blade and eluku games. And lab alive and Skunk series was probably my favorite H-games outside of those 2. Though I like the pixel style of lab alive and the action style. It's great game try it.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

Anything with bestiality. So Hounds of the Blade, Nanocrisis and Unforbidden are favorites of mine.
Fairy Fighting is still probably my favorite game overall though. (Dat Frost Wolf knot. Mmmm~)
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

If we're talking straight up gameplay, then I completely agree with Fairy Fighting and LAB- Still Alive. But not only are they very fun to simply play, both of them have several fetishes that I'm a really big fan of: Stomach distension (by hueg dongers), vore, bestiality and monsters. Fairy Fighting is probably my favorite hentai game overall.

Least favorite? All of the copy paste unoriginal and uninventive RPG Maker games out there. Seriously, there are so many boring and stale "HRPG" games with awful gameplay and badly drawn porn. Thank god for the anomalies of incredibly good games, like Vitamin Quest, Drop Factory and Dungeons & Prisoners, or I would never have even given new games a chance.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

Anything with bestiality. So Hounds of the Blade, Nanocrisis and Unforbidden are favorites of mine.
Fairy Fighting is still probably my favorite game overall though. (Dat Frost Wolf knot. Mmmm~)

Pretty much this, vanilla content is boring lol. Would add Nighmare Sphere for gameplay and music.

Least favorite type of game? ADV. 900 MB of audio and 50MB of content. And the only content most of the time is still-image CGs. A few of the animated ones are okay (like Caryo), but generally no lasting value. And they barely qualify as a game in the first place.

RPGmaker games just suffer from there being so many of them. There are a few in there worth playing (for me those would be the ones with animation and non-vanilla content).
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

My 2 favorites
1-What game?
What genre?
How's the H?
few scenes, more pixels
Why do you like it? / Why do you dislike it?
Many character, good gameplay, and it is on partial english

2-What game?
MaidenSnow Eve
What genre?
How's the H?
few scenes, more pixels
Why do you like it? / Why do you dislike it?
Better ARPG late Diablo2, and it is on partial english, farm, farm gear!!!
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

man thats are a lot of questions there:eek:
let's see i don't want to clutter this thread with all my favorite games,
(and games i don't like)
so i try to keep it small,

all battle fuck games,:D

battle fuck genre

the h is all what's the games are about fucking all the the time:D

i like bf games because they're all about sex and that's also why i play mon rune filled japanese h games:D

endless long novels without a tex skipping feature
(if not eng translated)
mahjong games (mahjong is not funny)
quiz and question games (dame monrunes)
but i really hate games focused or filled with lolis:mad:

genre uhm loli (if that's a genre), mahjong games,
boring novels without good cgs and quiz or question games
(damn moon runes)

the h is well i skip the loli stuff
and the cgs in most boring novels and mahjong quiz games are pretty good though (that's why i wasting my time on them),

i dont like loli games because of the lolis raping little children is sick:mad:
novels because there are mostly boring,
mayong because they are no fun (mayong is a stupid game)
and quiz or question games are just monrunes:(
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

My 2 favorites
1-What game?
What genre?
How's the H?
few scenes, more pixels
Why do you like it? / Why do you dislike it?
Many character, good gameplay, and it is on partial english

Sorry the translation updates are slow! The rest of the team's slacking too!
Also, on-topic, nowadays I like a good BF game. Least favorite is probably linear graphic novels. If they have choices and multiple endings that's cool, but the linear stuff is just blah.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

My fav. games has to be between Vitamin Quest and the Circle Kame series of games.

Can't remember the names of the bad ones cause I like to forget they exist x.x
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

I guess my favorite would be Monster Girl Quest. It was the first eroge I ever played and it introduced me to a lot of things I didn't realize I liked and in general hastened my spiral into a pervert OTL

It also had a good story and characterization, and some nice H-scenes buried amongst a huge amount of mediocre ones and some that were downright repulsive :S
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

My personal favorite of all time is Naked Order. I never would have thought of stealth gameplay as a good fit for a hentai game, but NO did it perfect. It's got all kinds of fetishes I like, including exhibitionism, the "start off hating it, end up liking it" fetish, the "hope I don't get caught" fetish, and the "only doing this because I have to" fetish. The art is quite good, and the gameplay is simple but fun. I'd love to see more games do something similar.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

Fave: Fairy Fighting, for the cum inflation, large insertion. and general creepy icky shit to get raped by.

Least Fave/Dislike: Games that contain more guro than sex. I dont mind if the sex turns into guro. But I think every enemy should have sex anims.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

Most Favorite: Bonetown

Yeah, yeah, I know it isn't technically a "hentai" game. And I'll throw in another fact that "Bonetown" doesn't have all of my favorite fetishes (bestiality, for example). But I find myself drawn to this game for the ability to explore a large world, and having the "challenge" of sexual performance.

The exploration part is pretty easy to explain. I like to think of it like "Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past" on the SNES. It has a huge world that actually allows the player to work out their own order of events to do in the game-world. That's what I liked about the SNES Zelda game is that you could explore a dungeon for a bit, grab an item, and then exit the dungeon to explore more of the world to really open up the environment and the possibilities. "Bonetown" did that as well with the power ups and environments, and I really enjoyed that.

As for the "sexual challenge", I rarely see this in a game where it asks the player 'are you a good lover?', and Bonetown is one of those pleasent exceptions. I guess you could consider a lot of "Battle-Fuck" games to be the exception as well. But "Bonetown" just felt like it handled the idea of being better at giving the ladies a good time, and then being rewarded for your sexual prowess. The game even scolds you and your avatar on your inferior sexual skill if you fail, such as girls saying that it was a waste of time after sex. For a game that claims sex is easy to get in the game-world, it actually makes it a required action to be successful and encourages the player to sleep with a diverse group of women, while playing as a diverse group of male avatars.

Least Favorite: SKUNK 2

This... Game is probably the one that gave me such high hopes, and then took them out to be anally raped by a shit-golem death, then cooked and served to the sorcerer that made the shit-golem -- and THEN shat back out to be used to lengthen the shit-golem's dick. In laymen's terms, it is my "Aliens: Colonial Marines".

Part of my problem could be summarized in two parts: Difficulty and length. I kind of like the mechanic in SKUNK 2 with the cards, and I also liked the idea of being the overlord playing through minions to defeat the girls. But the AI for the girls is so extremely bad that it feels pointless to even make this 'game' a game. It is extremely easy to defeat and capture the girls, requiring no strategic depth the card-mechanic begs for. I beaten it in a half-hour! As a test, I wanted to see how imbalanced the game is and focused more on making my monsters lose and let the girls get away. I actually found this surprisingly difficult to do, as the girl AI seemed eager to make me win. It took me two hours to do, and the final round was close to me winning. But then the girl did win and got away, and I was rewarded with the "game over" screen I eagerly worked towards. Oh, and keep in mind that there is no replay value if you beat the game. Nothing else to unlock, no alternative game modes, or even new creatures to play as.

I find something very wrong in a game if it is more of a challenge to lose than it is to win. I guess you could think of it as arousing, but I was so pissed off with the core mechanics that I didn't find the "rewards" satisfying enough. I only played this thing twice, and I have no intentions of going back. It even makes me wary of the other games in this series too, as I believe these belong in the "too good to be true" category of h-games.
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

There are too many favorites for me to list, but bar none the #1 worst one for me is "Critical Point", a semi-obscure visual novel.

That game gave me *nightmares*.

Most of the endings are some of the most horrific, mindfuck, depressing shit ever, and to make it even creepier, each ending is accompanied by a shot of the moon with some vague, cryptic, negative-sounding catchphrase, like "shooting for the moon only results in failure." or some shit.

The normal stuff that most people get scared by like zombies, ghosts, axe murderers, doesn't really phase me, so I've got a very specific set of weird fears, and this game pretty much set all of them off.

The worst endings though were;

The one where the main heroine hacks into your brain, and re-configures your body from the inside out, turning you into a mindless robot to follow her orders as she eradicates the human race and/or turns them into slaves.

Up until this ending, literally RIGHT UP UNTIL IT, she was a cute, kind, peaceful woman. During this entire particular ending, she's grinning cutely at you as she describes this, but as she drops the final bomb that she's hacked you, the background switches to a ton of static monitors with a menacing glow, her face twists and contorts into an evil grin, the music cuts out and goes to silence, and then boom, game over.
The one where the same woman, having not went full psychopath evil, gets her *head blown off by a rocket launcher*, and you take a brunt of the damage as well.

The screen cuts to black...

...and you wake up with her face, inches from yours, with empty eyes, lifeless, and staring you right in the face. Then you die shortly afterwards as the villain blows you to bits.
And of course let's not forget the mindfuck ending like where this same heroine's head *appears on the body of a muscular, buff dude villain* right before things go apeshit as she's taken over his body or something like that... jesus christ fuck that game lol
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Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

My favorite genre is action but I also like RPG & SLG. My favorite theme is fantasy & mahou shoujo.

My favorite games are:
- Parasite in City it's a "Prince of Persia" styled gameplay with "Bio Hazard" theme, great graphic, the difficulty is acceptable too, it's a bit on the hard side but you don't need to be a platformer expert to finish the game. There is a sequel announced but it seems to be experiencing a development hell ... . so sad ..
- Beat Angel Escalayer, an SLG with mahou shoujo turn base battle. I wish that Kyohei (he is escalayer's support) is a girl though because yuri is always better especially in mahou shoujo themed stuff. ... . a lot of people translates Alicesoft games but this no group seems to be interested in translating this ... so sad ..
- Slave Girl Ena, a side scrolling beatemup with great graphic & nice gameplay mechanism. The only problem is that the H-scene is pretty lacking though it's pretty great if you only care about ryona.

As for everyone's favorite that Fairy Fighting, the gameplay can be somewhat frustating mostly because the enemy can 1 hit kill Tiki (even with always full hp cheat on!)... graphic is ok but the amazing animation makeup for it. Lots of fetish and thanks to the stage selection feature you can avoid stuff that you don't like. It's free too!
Sorry the translation updates are slow! The rest of the team's slacking too!
It's always nice to see people translating stuff! If your team get burned, maybe try to take a break for 1 month & hopefully you can continue the translation with fresher mind :D

That game gave me *nightmares*.
Sounds like the author is going to be the next Urobuchi Gen lol
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

I've seen this a few times on the forum now. Is this the English version of _| ̄|○ or is it an abbreviation? (or both?)


Angel/Shinobi/Witch Girl for the sex-focused gameplay and nice animations. Not something I really "play", though - I always turn on cheats.

Ehhh.. So-so

The Indie HRPG games Harem Collector, Overwhored, and The last Fucklord each had something interesting to offer, but don't have any replayability for me and have elements that I dislike quite a bit.

Harem Collector

+ Female NPCs that aren't completely flat character-wise, but which also don't have "dating sim" personalities

+ A variety of sex scenes, and a replay gallery

+ Low-quality but entertaining visuals (rendered images) that use a silhouette instead of an image of the protagonist

-/~ Uses default RPG Maker resources with faces made by a generator that outputs ambiguous faces

- An extremely annoying protagonist

- Bad character dialogue

- Inconsistently written sex scenes (the style and quality varies a lot)

- Grinding through battles and grinding for items (Though I always cheat, so I don't notice it much)

+ A key female character who wants the protagonist to gain power and enjoy women

+ A protagonist who isn't a douchebag (Helping the villagers? Cool.)

-/~ Uses default RPG Maker resources with custom faces

+/- Odd art styles that sometimes look bleh and other times look ok

- Insta-sluttiness via mind control (Boring.)

- Some bad dialogue (Particularly because the protagonist's dialogue is extremely limited, which makes "discussions" with him just ... bad.)

- Forced kink content (The "Moo" stuff, the bat girl, etc. I prefer games that let me choose what I want to experience.)
The Last Fucklord (or whatever Sierra Lee might rename it to)

+ Non-douchebag protagonist

+ Interesting plot concept (No idea why the Fucklord/Incubus King exists or what he really does, but the idea of one of his subordinates trying to build up someone to defeat him is an idea I haven't seen before.)

+ Decent writing (The protag's characterization is inconsistent and lacking, and some of the dialogue is just eyeroll-worthy; but other characters, the general dialogue, and the sex scenes are written at a higher level of quality than most games.)

-/~ Uses default RPG Maker resources with a few custom sprites; not sure where the faces come from

-/+ Story progression (Early on, it seemed like there would be an interesting setting and unique storyline; but as the updates go on, it seems more like there are just a bunch of unusual/unique plot points that are just mentioned in passing and it all feels very rushed and empty.)

Stuff I don't play

I don't play any Japanese-only games, because I'm not a fan of how those games are written, and I dislike gameplay elements other than art and text. If something looks interesting, I check out a Let's Play video or image gallery instead.

I'm also not a fan of animal-like creatures or gross stuff (ugly characters, slime, gore, etc), so I don't play games with horror themes and such. I prefer vanilla-ish sexual content that's about "spoils of victory" (whether consensual or Victory Rape or confinement) or lust (consensual or nonconsensual), or kink content that's about things like virginity, female-on-female or threesomes, (human-on-human) impregnation, or incest.


I generally only play games that have an art style I like and that focus on sex, or that have a new take on writing or provide new plot elements.

Art styles and writing styles that I dislike lead to me eventually not being interested enough to keep playing, or result in something so bad that I'm disinterested in playing further (which happened with all three HRPG games that I mentioned).

I'm not a fan of battle gameplay, so I might play a platformer with cheats on just to see what it's like, but I won't replay a game for the "gaming" element - so it either needs to be very sexually focused, or very writing-focused.

For example, I moderately enjoyed playing LAB: Still Alive as a single playthrough with cheats on, but I wouldn't have played it without cheats.

I've "replayed" Shinobi Girl probably 20 times or so with cheats on, because the sense of the character getting defeated and taken is more fun than just looking at animations in the gallery.

I started from scratch less than five times with Harem Collector, two or three times with Overwhored, and twice with The Last Fucklord - then I got bored with them.

That's why I aim to make my own games very customizable - allowing the player to focus on sex, story, or both in my RPG-styled game, and focusing on on sex (not destroying enemies or level completion) when/if I make a platformer at some point.
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Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

I have many favorite games. Most of them are ACT game because I love action than just read and click. You can evade gaint axe by your own not just stand waiting for an axe chop your head and pop up "MISS !!!". Another reason is H-sprites are better than CG and ACT game usually have it.
- Guild Meister 2
- Hentai Warrior 1 (Paper Bag Head)
- Big Boobs Hazard (RPG Maker engine but gameplay is great)
- Fatal Fight(Studios) It's not a good game but I still don't know why I really like and replay it many times :confused:

I have not play Fairy Fighting yet but many people mentioned it. Maybe I should give it a try :D

Dislike :
- RPG games that use fully 100% battle engine from RPG Maker because I play many RPG games and most of them have clone same gameplay. It's make to feel boring very fast. Sometime I delete game when I play only 10 minute if it has this gameplay style. And it more worse if game has only CG.

- Too complex story and too many texts(still mostly RPG) because I don't understand Japanese. I can't 100% enjoy game and usually got struck in some part.
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Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

I've seen this a few times on the forum now. Is this the English version of _| ̄|○ or is it an abbreviation? (or both?)

Yeah, it's meant to be someone on their hands and knees but in letters rather than other characters, orz is the same kinda thing.

I probably shouldn't use it so much whoops >.<
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

What game?
What genre?
How's the H?
Why do you like it? / Why do you dislike it?

Personally I'm a fan of the Action labeled games on DLsite, stuff like hounds of the blade and eluku really gets me going, there's occasionally one or two games similar to these, but usually they're extremely bland and repetitive like shinobi girl and that genre of games. I mean they're great but they get old very fast.

Dislike wise the RPG games are not my favorites. They seem like a huge time investment for a few CG's most of the time. Whats even worse is that I don't speak more than 2 words of Japanese which makes playing even more difficult. But of course there are a few good ones, I remember playing the Rurual life one and it was pretty enjoyable until I couldn't figure out what to do next.


Recommend Hounds of the blade and eluku games. And lab alive and Skunk series was probably my favorite H-games outside of those 2. Though I like the pixel style of lab alive and the action style. It's great game try it.

I'm a huge fan of the "sprite sex" in game action genre so that would be RoR. Hounds of the blade is probably my favorite(though that is more CG in appearance) with parasite in city as a runner up.

I'm not a fan of Guro so Fairy fighting is out(Though I do like depravia). I also hate the unrealistic nature of the sex. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of tentacles etc, but when it looks like something should be exiting through the victim's stomach, that's a bit too much for me. Also you can't fit something 6 inches wide in something that can only stretch 4 inches wide. So lets not...stretch the bounds of reality and fantasy so much. When something is absurdly unrealistic in it's presentation, it does very little for me.

There's only a few RPGs I've played but some of them were good. I just don't have too much time to invest, and I also cannot pretend to enjoy something I can't read when that is one of the main focuses of any RPG. Content is secondary.

I do like a good visual novel as well but sex cannot be the main focus. I hate sex romps.
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Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

Yeah, it's meant to be someone on their hands and knees but in letters rather than other characters, orz is the same kinda thing.

I probably shouldn't use it so much whoops >.<

I didn't know about orz, either. Thanks for that.

I don't think they're too confusing in and of themselves, but when they come as part of a non-punctuated sentence, they look to me like they're supposed to be an abbreviation.


It was the first eroge I ever played and it introduced me to a lot of things I didn't realize I liked and in general hastened my spiral into a pervert OTL


It was the first eroge I ever played and it introduced me to a lot of things I didn't realize I liked and in general hastened my spiral into a pervert. OTL
Re: What are your favorite/least favorite H-game(s)

I don't think they're too confusing in and of themselves, but when they come as part of a non-punctuated sentence, they look to me like they're supposed to be an abbreviation.

I have no idea how emotes play into punctuation. Do I put a space after one? Or do I put a period? But what if people think that's part of the emote and get confused!

Language is dumb, communicate only by staring at people really hard instead.