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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I'm sure you mean Dissidia 012 [Duodecium].

Hehe, another game I'm really looking forwards to. :)
I hope they put more females in it. Having only two playable female characters in Dissidia: Final Fantasy was criminal. (And Shantotto isn't even pretty, in my opinion.)

At least there's Lightning and Tifa confirmed so far.

Sorry, I'm a PSP nut. ><

I hope Genesis from FFVII: Crisis Core appears, though there's probably 0% chance of that happening. :/
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I <3 FF Tactics! It was one of my favorite games when I could get the playstation away from my brother. If you get Ramza, I want Zalbag! and and..... her

If you're going to have Zalbag then you're going to have Dycedarg. Then we're going to need Delita, and you cant forget Agrias. Then to balance out the sword fighters you're going to need Mustadio, because playing a gun wielder would kick ass. TG Cid would be awesome too, though he'd be broken as all hell and while there's quite a few options for villains you can't beat Ultima. Hot damn her outfit was awesome, and her EX Mode could be her true skeletony form.

And yeah, I'm a huge FFT fan, its my favourite out of all of the games.

Ergh Genesis. The ONLY good things to come out of Crisis Core was the CG battle between Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal and the battle system.

And Kain from FFIV has been confirmed as well. Which I'm pleased about because it means there's a little bit more variety. And I dont really care for Lightning because FFXIII was shit. These are the characters I'm hoping for;

FF1 - Hero: Red Mage, Villain: Dark Elf Astos
FF2 - [dont care, didnt like the game]
FF3 - [didnt play too much of it]
FF4 - Hero: Tellah, Villain: Rubicante
FF5 - Hero: Faris (fuck yeah, kick ass pirate bitch!), Villain: Gilgamesh
FF6 - Hero: Celes/Locke/Relm, Villain: you cant really beat Kefka for a villain but Celes would be an okay choice
FF7 - Hero: Barret/Vincent/Red XIII/Yuffie...hell they're all viable candidates, Villain: Rufus Shinra (Proud Clod as an optional boss similar in style to Chaos)
FF8 - Hero: Rinoa/Selphie/Irvine/Quistis, Villain: Edea/Seifer
FF9 - Hero: Every protagonist/Beatrix Villain: Garland/Zorn and Thorn (maybe just one and the other as an alternate costume but both come out in the EX Burst) (Necron and Ozma as optional bosses similar to Chaos)
FF10 - Hero: Lulu/Wakka/Rikku/, Villain: Seymour
FF11 - (who cares?)
FF12 - Hero: Balthier/Basch/Ashe/Vaan, Villain: Vayne/any of the Judges
FFT - Hero and Villain; every character is viable
FFTA - Hero: Any protagonist, Villain: Marshe/Any antagonist
FFTA2 - Hero and Villain: Any protagonist/antagonist
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well, Genesis may not have been the most well-liked character, but I thought he had really neat weapons and spells.

... I didn't really play any FF outside of those released on PSP, so can't really talk much about possible characters for most of the FFs...

I read that Gilgamesh has a really high chance of appearing though.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

You do realise you can get FF1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 on PSP, right?

And I hope you can transfer all your save data over to 012.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ah yes, but the turn-by-turn gameplay of most FFs irks me. It's... too slow... :/
Maybe you could enlighten me on what made you so drawn to it.

Not too sure about transferring of save data though. It would be quite weird if we start the game having maximum level characters donned with the highest level equipment. And then using the overpowered characters to rape the pre-set low-leveled story-mode computer.

Unless they make story mode difficulty vary with your character's current level, which would greatly increase the game's replay value.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

. . .The TURN BASED BATTLES in Final Fantasy Tactics are far slower than anything in the other Final Fantasy games.

And there isn't any one thing about the series that drew me to it, its the combination of the characters and their development both in theirselves and the relationships with the other characters, the driving force of the villains and their development, the story, the world, the history and the battle/magic system and the differences between each.

It's a shame Squeenix decided to bumfuck Final Fantasy 7, sure its got a good story and the characters are all wonderful (even if Cloud is a tad emo) but it isn't the best in the series. Though I am happy they've been spending some time with Ivalice (FFT, FF12, FFTA [though that is a fictional Ivalice they go to], FFTA2 and Vagrant Story). Here's hoping they decide to pick up the likes od FF6 again, now that was a truly great FF game.

I'm hoping Dissidia 012 will be a kind of 'add-on' for the original Dissidia. It'll allow you to play the original games storymodes with the original roster of characters but it would also have its own storymode for the new roster of characters. If they dont at least let you transfer your save over then they'll basically be kicking their fans in the nutsack after wasting so many hours max'ing their characters out. I'd like to kick the new characters ass with my max'ed out Cloud. Inb4 fanboy, he was the one I enjoyed playing most.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

...But FF: Tactics looks way better than the first few FFs which were horribly pixelated! I also felt that it's gameplay was more... ....deep. Sort of. Instead of relying mainly on grinding.

Apparently they'll give both Cosmos and Chaos characters a new storyline. :) WHICH IS WONDERFUL NEWS!

I agree that Cloud was really fun to play, but his attacks are too slow to use against a human player. I liked Gabranth the best. Lightning speed attacks and an overpowered and chargeable EX-Mode = Pure win.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Okay, you're the kind of person I fucking hate. You want to know why?

...But FF: Tactics looks way better than the first few FFs which were horribly pixelated!

That fucking shit right there. Graphics =/= a good fucking game. Sure, they add to the experience but its story, characters and gameplay that make a game. Only shallow fucks like you only care about graphics. Who gives a fuck whether Tactics look better than the original games? Try playing them, then you'll see they're good games. Unless you're so far up your arse you won't see the game for that it's really worth. I'm surprised you're not blowing the 360/PS3's dick for their graphics.

Anyway, that aside, Gabranth was an awesome character and was my second main. Though I dont know what you're talking about with fast attacks, outside of his EX Mode they were of average speed, and while you're charging your EX Bar you're open to attacks so he's a double-edged sword. In the end he's risky but the payoff is worth it, unless you're battling Chaos.

EDIT: To the person who +rep'd me- I was thinking about mentioning Algus/Argath, but then I remembered what a complete and utter twatbag he is. Though I guess he would make an alright sub-boss. Also, if you havent played the remake for the PSP you rebattle him later once he's dead. He's been resurrected and you fight an undead/demon Algus/Argath.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ah, but I stated my second reason for liking the game more. Similar to why I also like Disgaea 1 and 2.

I played FF1, 2 and 7 on my PSP already, and didn't enjoy the gameplay that much either. I have not tried 8 and 9 yet.

True, I may not have explicitly stated it ,but I do not think that graphics = good game. Hell, I think that games such as Cave Story (despite being a pixel-art type game.) rock.

I admit that I didn't make my reasons for disliking most of the FF's clear enough, but I don't think you should condemn me just for one statement I made in my earlier post.

And surely even you agree that good graphics does result in a more enjoyable gameplay experience.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Wait wait wait, you think Disgaea 1 and 2 are deep? PFFHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm a huge fan of the series but even I know they're shallow. The only things that make them good are the characters and the comedy. And Disgaea isn't a grindfest? Again thats bull, they're some of the most grind heavy games outside of MMO's I've ever played.

And if you dont like FF7 for its 'gameplay' then I doubt you'll like FF8 and 9 as they both have you traversing through towns, dungeons and overworlds while battling random battles and going through a 30+ hour story.

And I'm going to sound like a 'fanboy' now, and I expect I'll get some backlash from it but personally if you shun the main series simply because you dont get along with the gameplay I dont believe you should be allowed to enjoy the side games because you aren't a true fan.

Anyway, no I don't believe good graphics makes for a more enjoyable experience, it only enhances the enjoyment you're already experiencing. I'd happily play some 8bit and 16bit games over some of the shit out today. Hell, I've been enjoying Fallout 1 way more than Fallout 3 and FO1 looks like someone's rolled a 6 month corpse in a pile of shit compared to FO3.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out that JOTI is held this weekend. Although I'll only participate from home, since I don't have a laptop.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

... Once again I killed myself in my own post. Hmm, how about: I like the games where you take control of the whole battlefield? Not sure how to explain it. I just hope you catch my drift.

Well, I personally didn't find Disgaea all that grind-ish, if such a word even existed. Maybe I didn't strive hard to get the ultimate equipment and whatnot, and hence did not require grinding.

Anyway, 'fanboy' or not, I don't think it matters. Why should we be prejudiced against people who have certain preferences or are extremely into something? Everyone has their own right to what they like.

Finally, regarding your last statement, how is "more enjoyable experience" and "enhanced enjoyment" any different?

Damn. This used to be an optimistic thread on "What made you feel giddy?".

P.S. More deep =/= deep.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Damn. This used to be an optimistic thread on "What made you feel giddy?".

P.S. More deep =/= deep.

Did you actually look at the thread start?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well, this argument cum discussion originally started following what was meant to be typed in this thread, with me being happy over DJ Max Portable 3, and SirOni waiting for Dissidia 012's release.

Then stuff happened.
So, yeah...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

... Once again I killed myself in my own post. Hmm, how about: I like the games where you take control of the whole battlefield? Not sure how to explain it. I just hope you catch my drift.

Well, I personally didn't find Disgaea all that grind-ish, if such a word even existed. Maybe I didn't strive hard to get the ultimate equipment and whatnot, and hence did not require grinding.

Anyway, 'fanboy' or not, I don't think it matters. Why should we be prejudiced against people who have certain preferences or are extremely into something? Everyone has their own right to what they like.

Finally, regarding your last statement, how is "more enjoyable experience" and "enhanced enjoyment" any different?

Damn. This used to be an optimistic thread on "What made you feel giddy?".

P.S. More deep =/= deep.

Firstly, how didnt you find Disgaea grindish? Even in the main storyline there are some levels where you need to train up for a while because of jumps in enemy levels. And then there's the need to get better equipment so you need to grind to get money. And I'm not even talking about the 'ultimate' equipment because you have to go into the Item World to get them. Anyway, the type of game you're talking about is a TRPG or SRPG (Tactical Role Playing Game and Strategic Role Playing Game).

Secondly, if you've got no interest in any other games of a series whats the point in even bothering to start a game that's part of a series that spans multiple games. I understand you may not have the consoles that some games are on, but if you're going to play a side game of FF7 then it makes sense to play FF7 if you're going to follow the story from one of the side games. If you've got no interest then frankly I believe you shouldn't be entitled to play anything to do with the series. Dissidia doesnt really count because its like a fanfiction made into a game.

And thirdly, by 'enhance the experience' I mean it does nothing to further the gameplay, story or characters other than 'prettifying' them. Take the game I'm playing right now; Halo Reach. I'd glady play it even if it was in PS1 era graphics because I enjoy the story and the characters of the game and the game series as a whole.

Anyway, if you do like TRPG's and you have a PS2 I recommend Phantom Brave. It's story is way better than any of Nippon Ichi's other games, a hell of a lot deeper and the characters are so much better. Though keep in mind that your units except for your 'home base' unit leave the battlefield after so many turns. Though you can summon more when they leave.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Wait what? Disgaea isn't a grinding game at all. I hate to call you (and my flatmate even) on that one Oni, but grinding in Disgaea is the noobs way through the game. It's like playing on easy mode. I loved Disgaea specifically because of the awesome tactical depth of it (as well as the brilliant setting and characters of course). I never specifically grinded for improving my overall level once. I went through most of the game winning by a hairs breadth at a severely lower level than my enemies. On one or two battles which I lost, I was able to go in and dominate the fight the next time round because I had figured out a better strategy by then. My flatmate is a big fan of the series, but when I actually saw their playstyle during Disgaea 3, I was horrified (go into battle, if lose, grind for 10-20 levels, repeat).

After the main story missions the pacing and level of the remaining chalenges and extra modes gets loose enough that tactics get far more vague and grinding soon comes into it, but for the first 100 levels, the game is actually incredibly well balanced. Anyone that grinded their way through the games missed out.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Just a side note here, I found my old purple gameboy color, and I am SO digging red and blue out <3

Nostalgia ftw.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Truthfully, I don't remember grinding that much in Disgaea, with the exception of Axel mode in Disgaea 2. Perhaps I didn't find it that grindish because you level up really quickly too.

For the second point, you may find it rather weird but I read up on what has happened in FF7 rather than play the game, since I also believe that storyline plays a crucial part in how enjoyable a game is, although it may not meet your standards to qualify me to be an "entitled" player of the FF series.

Also, forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't each FF series differ from each other in terms of storyline? Sure, there may be similarities but I'm quite sure they are not linked to one another. (With the exception of side games of the same series, like FF7: Crisis Core and FF7: Dirge of Cerebus which have some relation to FF7 and FF7: Advent Children.)

Thanks for the game recommendation! Though I doubt I can try it anytime soon since I have exams coming up. I have a PS2 (Given from a friend) a PSP, and a laptop. Nothing else.

I think we got off on the wrong foot, so forgive me if I have offended you in anyway and made you think I'm some shallow, stupid, graphic-obsessed retard.

Haha, I still have my Gameboy Color too! It's the transparent model. I broke mine when I was kid though (not that long back, actually), after trying to get it to play Gameboy Advance games by ripping out the back. ):
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

@Squid&Loveless- It must've just been my way of playing Disgaea then. I've never actually used a full squad, I used at most 5 different characters; D1 was Laharl, Etna and three generics I spent a fuckload of time on and D2 was Adell, Rozalin and three generics, one that was replaced with Etna once I got her. And I made sure to advance them in their tiers once they were unlocked.

@Loveless- Well if you've been reading up on FF7's story then I guess thats alright. Though I still believe you can only truly enjoy it if you play the story first hand. And by series I meant the FF7 series, not each FF game.

@Chibi- Thats what ROM's and emulators are for :p Though yes, nothing is quite like playing it on an actual console.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Really? No wonder then. I had dozens of characters by the end of the game, and used nearly all of them. I probably should have done a bit more leveling, seeing how half my characters were still missing a load of special moves by the end bosses. Hell, I never even unlocked the winged slayer move until after Zenon. I did my bit of power leveling after the story so to not miss out on stuff like Zeta and Baal, but soon lost interest in the post story massive numbers section.