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ACT PUZ Vore Loli Ryona Guro [窓惑工房 / Window Frame] Dysthanasia (RJ01199228)

-added 2 enemies, giant fly and small fly
-added 3 death animation, 2 giant fly, 1 small fly
-added multiple save slots
So what are the death sequences for the big fly? Just impaling you from 2 different angles?
"Small Fly" refers to the previously seen "Children" monsters and may be a mistranslation of "Small Fry" which seems to be a term that is sometimes used in Japanese to refer to small and usually trivial enemies (think of garbage mobs like slimes in MMOs).

Children: Caught by 3 at once (guro)
Fly (clothed): Brain slurpee (guro)
Fly (naked):Larvae impregnation & infinite(?) birthing
Two of the three added scenes have been seen/teased before.
After getting the key from dog room and going through the toilet vent where tf are you supposed to go ?
Nvm. Completely forgot that in order to use the key you have to press E.
If the fly is cumming fully grown maggots into her shouldn't her belly inflate like crazy?
Also lol for the no birth count limit. I got bored watching after the 10th maggot or so when their combined volume was probably larger than the mc.
It would have been much more interesting if the fly was smaller, the impregnation process was longer and after a black screen saying how many hours have passed the mc could get up with a growing belly and still be able to walk around. From here on she must find a safe place to give birth before the maggots start eating her from the inside out and burst out of her belly.
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update version, 2.01
After getting the dog room key and going through the toilet vent, where are you supposed to go?
game is actually spooky when i have to play it blind lol but i am an enormous pussy
After getting the dog room key and going through the toilet vent, where are you supposed to go?
After you go through the vent, get out of the room and go left. Use the key on the door with a doormat. Select key with Z or X and use with E.
Pressing E to open the door is fucking dumb because there is no hint for it and you are used to open doors with left click.
That's it. That's the hardest part of the entire demo. The rest is easy. You can outrun the 3 little shits and you can completely avoid the fly by crawling or not crossing paths in the first place. All the other monsters are also easy to avoid or outrun. In previous version you could escape by hiding in lockers even if you were spotted. Now mr toenail will even open doors to go after you.
The toilet monster was moved near the end of the demo, after the fly bridge and before the saw puppet.
I absolutely suck at these sort of games, especially when there's no map and all the rooms look the same. Can I get a save file? I'm very curious about the animations.
I've updated the OP post with a guide to the new version of the demo, updated the list of gameovers, and added a translation to the pause menu and settings.
Those of you with older computers or graphics cards may want to go into the settings and turn things down. The shaders, AA, DoF, bloom, and general effects settings will likely have the most benefit.

I think the dev figured out that I was peeking at the files... The new demo's files are now encrypted, and I can't get the viewer to open some of the models like before.

Some more speculation, someone on Ci-En was asking the dev if they're a woman. Their impression was from reading a mistranslation, but now that they've mentioned it... Why is there a squat toilet in the men's washroom? Is that a thing in Japan? I thought they were just in women's washrooms (in Japan)? Perhaps the dev is a woman and has never seen a men's bathroom?
But hey, that's just a theory...
I've updated the OP post with a guide to the new version of the demo, updated the list of gameovers, and added a translation to the pause menu and settings.
Those of you with older computers or graphics cards may want to go into the settings and turn things down. The shaders, AA, DoF, bloom, and general effects settings will likely have the most benefit.

I think the dev figured out that I was peeking at the files... The new demo's files are now encrypted, and I can't get the viewer to open some of the models like before.

Some more speculation, someone on Ci-En was asking the dev if they're a woman. Their impression was from reading a mistranslation, but now that they've mentioned it... Why is there a squat toilet in the men's washroom? Is that a thing in Japan? I thought they were just in women's washrooms (in Japan)? Perhaps the dev is a woman and has never seen a men's bathroom?
But hey, that's just a theory...

That'd be a plot twist, especially for one of the OGS. Thanks for keeping up the thread. Honestly, it's concerning how much I hope this game turns into something special like their first game.
Some more speculation, someone on Ci-En was asking the dev if they're a woman. Their impression was from reading a mistranslation, but now that they've mentioned it... Why is there a squat toilet in the men's washroom? Is that a thing in Japan? I thought they were just in women's washrooms (in Japan)? Perhaps the dev is a woman and has never seen a men's bathroom?
But hey, that's just a theory...

There are very commonly squat toilets in men's bathrooms in Japan.
The thing i dislike a lot on the few i play:
-No surround sound and quite loud.
-I have the feel to drive a Truck without driving assisstance
new update on Ci-En (ver 0.21)
from google translate:
mostly fixes to the game. It should run faster both characterwise and optimization.

Also the demos free so link begging would look extra silly.
You call that an update, private?

It's worth mentioning that in this minor update, the developer has changed the camera controls.
Now, the character's movement is tied to the camera direction.
Moving forward will always move (or rotate the character towards) the direction of the camera. Moving back operates similarly.
Moving left/right now has a shimmying animation for strafing.

The dev says they made the game easier to run, and that there is more headroom for further optimization.
I thought it would be easy to tell how the dev made the game more lightweight, so I had a quick look at the new demo:

The character's skin shader has been changed again. She now has a plasticy or wet sheen.
The developer has also taken out a bunch of light sources (even on max quality).
The game also seems to be doing more (very) aggressive occlusion culling now.

I have some theories as to why the shaders were affecting older GPUs, but meh, let's hear it from the people with weak PCs this demo around.

As I'm exploring, I keep finding these rusty doors in the basement, and for some reason, they always remind me of some kind of ominous "red door" I can't remember from Demonophobia.
I doubt the dev is attempting to make references to something, but they're using asset store bundles. They could have just used a regular door from the set...
The neck snap game over is so much easier to get in 0.21. The boss doesn't even insta kill her with one hit if she has full health. It takes 2 hits to game over and it does clothing damage.