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Re: Wolfenstahl

Unfortunately for me, I've taken every possible effort to avoid the issue you suggest and it's still come up with the same error. I have downloaded an entirely new version of the game; installed it in a different directory (as well as un-installing all previous versions of the game from hdd and installing it on a different hard drive), there's zero chance of old files of any kind interfering.

Sadly, I get the exact same error every time I get a bad end screen / browse the gallery. Sorry to be a bother, but hopefully either this means my computer is completely hopeless or this helps in some other way.
Re: Wolfenstahl

As I mentioned several posts before:
Please delete the old game files, and don't use ANY of them with the new version.
This kind of error seems to come up if you use an old save file.
Since I downloaded the game for the first time shortly before I posted we can rule out that possibility.
However, I did some more testing and also came across Mistixs' post
You probably have Windows 7 and I'm gonna assume you have the game extracted into desktop, so just move the game fold into C drive and it's fixed.

On another note regarding my last post, been waiting for 15 mins now and it's still not past the loading screen... any help here would be appreciated.
and wouldn't you know...moving the game directory directly to the C:\ Drive made all errors vanish.
Previously it was in:
"D:\Users\username\My Documents\miscellaneous\sorting_station\games\Paperheads 20121202"
and produced all these errors that I posted and even locked up after bosses sometimes.
Now I relocated the game folder to:
"C:\temp\Paperheads 20121202"
and everything works fine.
I can only guess, but it seems to me that the game has issues with certain forms of directory paths (or maybe it can't handle the game being on a different partition?). Anyway, hope this helps in any way.
Re: Wolfenstahl

It's not luck at all, the ingame tutorial should explain it clearly how it works.
(if you know how it works out, you should be able to manage to do it every time you try to do it)
Seems I havent checked out the tutorial thinking that it'd only teach you the grab system.

I'll have to leave the 1st stage as it is, but all the other stages won't have any edges.
(I mentioned all of this several times already...)
Really sorry for pissing you off though, I was really frustrated.

But now we really have to pull this off.
(don't want this to get bigger and bigger, until it ends like some other projects that never get finished)

No that'd be the worst thing to happen ever!!
I mean besides what I mentioned earlier, this game is really beautiful and you did a fantastic job!
Re: Wolfenstahl

Why does the boss get name CHAO :D ?

his hair look alike with wolf girl :D , so does he concern with wolf girls :D?
Re: Wolfenstahl

This is a pretty good game that I've been following for a while! Even though it still contains bugs, (especially the jumping) I don't think the developer should spend too much time fixing them. I think they should just complete the other stages in the game. A 90% working game is better than a 100% half finished game!
Also on the issue of the boss, not having a grab IMO, seems to work good to change the pace of the game, but some hentai should be incorporated into his attacks. Might not make sense to change this first boss, but with the other bosses they should try that! It actually feels strange to have a boss without any hentai moves (these moves can be separated from the grab system).
Re: Wolfenstahl

oh yeah :D
where you got it :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

I hope the new version I uploaded yesterday fixes the issues for most people.

I have an idea how this could have happened.
But it would be nice if you could tell me how this happened exactly?
(maybe you lost all HP while standing near the specific door that gives out that message? at least that would be my guess)

Most of those rooms are rooms where Verdani gets locked in, after her HP drops to zero.
After you get locked into one of those rooms and escape from it, you can enter it anytime.

Well, there isn't anything particularly wrong with the development process.
It's just that the amount of sprites/graphics etc. is about 10 times higher than before.
Also the amount of code, ingame-areas etc. has been increased greatly.
(so it's only natural that the game eats up more ressources)

As far as I know, this should be the reason why the game can't be played by some people.
Unfortunately I only have computers and notebooks that are above average...
So I have no opportunity to test the game on older machines.
(also everyone from our team, as well as the testplayers, have stronger pc's)

The only thing I know for sure is, that the "bug" of being unable to start any version beyond the first version up, is occuring on older computers.

Well, it's always difficult to get a game to run on "every" system.
Especially if a game is made by one programmer alone.
But I'm trying my best to fix as much as possible.
(though I think I won't be able to reduce the ressources needed, unless I strip the game of everything that has been implemented, or build up a completely different game... 2D platformer, less hentai-animations etc... mainly the stuff I mentioned in my earlier post)

I can't make out which version it exactly was, sorry.
(yes, the uploaded versions actually have different names/descriptions as the ones stored on my PC, and since there are countless sub-versions of versions... well...)
I guess someone else has to upload it again.


Yes, my PC is very old. However, I can run Doom 3 with all settings at highest and the game (Doom 3) still runs smooth. Now I know that Doom 3 is an old game, but how the hell can a H-game require a faster PC than a game like Doom 3? That is just ridiculous. This is an H-game we're talking about here. Unless it has the graphics and animations of something like Skyrim or Resident Evil 6 I see no reason for it to have such high system requirements.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Yes, my PC is very old. However, I can run Doom 3 with all settings at highest and the game (Doom 3) still runs smooth. Now I know that Doom 3 is an old game, but how the hell can a H-game require a faster PC than a game like Doom 3? That is just ridiculous. This is an H-game we're talking about here. Unless it has the graphics and animations of something like Skyrim or Resident Evil 6 I see no reason for it to have such high system requirements.

Some programs require more memory and ram than others. I lag more while playing Dota 2 than I do playing Skyrim at max settings and I have about 200 mods loaded on Skyrim. I also cannot run League Of Legends at max settings.
Re: Wolfenstahl

(Bump) Ouch!

Man, are you still alive? Still developing the realm?

Anyway, the audio is hot, when Verdani gets raped, she says "ah" or was it "oh" or "uh", nevermind...
And where'd you got the name "Verdani" from? Is it your friends name or what?

Hope you're still alive, and reach your goals for this game, like everyone else wants to happen.
Last edited:
Re: Wolfenstahl

I apolagize for the necro but i'v only just found out about this game. I am currently trying to get all the cg from the newest demo but i keep getting error messages like stated in the posts before and like the posts before it's got nothing to do with using old saves. If anyone had all the cgs or a save so i could just see what they were in the cg viewer id be a very happy bunny :) Cheers
Re: Wolfenstahl

try putting the game in a directory like
and keep the path as simple as possible (no special characters or spaces, stick to a-z|A-Z)

By doing that I got rid of all those error messages
Re: Wolfenstahl

(Bump) Ouch!

Man, are you still alive? Still developing the realm?

Anyway, the audio is hot, when Verdani gets raped, she says "ah" or was it "oh" or "uh", nevermind...
And where'd you got the name "Verdani" from? Is it your friends name or what?

Hope you're still alive, and reach your goals for this game, like everyone else wants to happen.

fap fap fap fap fap fap
aren't you ?:D :D :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

try putting the game in a directory like
and keep the path as simple as possible (no special characters or spaces, stick to a-z|A-Z)

By doing that I got rid of all those error messages

Thank you very much seems to be working a lot smoother. I thought it would be alright seeming as it was on my desktop. I'm only missing 2 cg now. So far I've got 1.Lose to 1 Paperhead. 2.Lose to 2 Paperheads. 3.Lose to Tentacle. 4.Lose to Tentacle in green fog. 5.Blue bottle. 6.Threesome after blue bottle. 7. Lose to red haired boss. 8. Win against Paperhead boss. 9. Win against red haired boss. Apperently theres something to do with a room where the lights go out but i can't seem to find it.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Sorry for necroing this thread, but is there any further development on this game or start of a new game?

I enjoyed playing Paperheads and want to see if anything new came up. There's nothing on the blog :/
Re: Wolfenstahl

blog update.
they're still working on it and posted a few new enemies that await us in the full version.
Re: Wolfenstahl

And where'd you got the name "Verdani" from? Is it your friends name or what?

It's actually a modification of the name "Verdandi" to "Verdani" by simply deleting one letter.
I needed a somehow nordic sounding name.
(actually Verdani in Paperheads is just a spinoff of the original Verdani that wears some knight-armor living in a medieval fantasy world)

Sorry for necroing this thread, but is there any further development on this game or start of a new game?

I enjoyed playing Paperheads and want to see if anything new came up. There's nothing on the blog :/

Real life issues slowed down developement speed again.
(especially because they mostly come unexpected)
Anyway we will still finish this game.
Since we are almost done, we will not drop this game.

Progress wise it looks like this:
Ingame graphics - 95%
Game Over CG's - 66%

As soon as all graphics are done, they are implemented into the game.
After everything has been implemented, all that's left to do is to test it, as well as some bug-fixing.
This will also take some time.
Re: Wolfenstahl

oh yes:D
you are making our life more meaning :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

Man the new enemies look sweet! The woman in particular I'm looking forward to; girl on girl is awesome in any situation but would be an interesting variation from the paperheads too!