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Re: Wolfenstahl

I completly understand. "Unsatisfied" is better than "failure", a failure is too harsh, and besides it doesn't really fit, for me a failure would be a bad game abandoned half way through, which this is obviously not, that's really my only gripe.
Re: Wolfenstahl

I personally wish you luck, and I'd donate SOMETHING at the very least... ( maybe not 25 Usd.... but atleast 10...) still though, your art is awesome, and you try your best!
Re: Wolfenstahl

If could, I would have donate some for you. This is a really good game.

On a side note, does anyone know how to get the first set of Game Over CG from the second boss? The one where he fucks her from behind?
Re: Wolfenstahl

You have a great designer, you can always bounce back Wolfenstahl.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Well, I was satisfied with the game, when I was "done"...
Because I just made it, as it was planned to be, the number of CGs, the enemies, the system, everything.
(except missing text, yeah)

But I didn't know back then, that it made so many troubles for other people to play the game.
(version 1.0 to 1.02 of the game)
I really testet it on a lot of computers, and it always run fine...

After improving the performance issues several times, I uploaded the new trial version, and the vote revealed that the game didn't work for more than 50% of all fans...

I was shocked when I found out, that the game didn't run on newer Nvidia graphics cards...
And yeah... the reason why I didn't found it out myself:

I (and my friends) turned our backs to Nvidia in the past years, because we keep on having trouble with those graphics cards...
So we all bought ATI radeon, and we never had any trouble with them lol...
Don't get me wrong, Nvidia is strong, and really good.
But I kinda experienced trouble with their graphics cards way too often, mostly when I tried playing games that did "not" require high-end graphic cards.

Don't ask me why, I don't have any specific knowledge on graphics cards.
My decission to turn my back to Nvidia is because of my (negative) experiences with them.
I also heard from people being unsatisfied with ATI radeon, so they switched to Nvidia.
So I guess it's just a point of view.
(it just happens, that I keep on getting trouble with Nvidia graphics cards, well, maybe I have bad luck or something)

Sorry, I went a bit off-topic there.

Well, why I'm "unsatisfied" with the game in the end...

First of all, I think a game should be playable by as much people as possible.
Without needing too much ressources, limiting the number of potential customers.
And I wasn't able to fulfill this, because of my lack of experience.
I'm happy that I fixed the big issues... but I haven't fixed the problem that some people simply can't play the game, because it eats up way too many ressources, and I guess, I never will be able to fix this on Paperheads...

Second, we spend so much time and money on this game...
Even if it would sell "good", it would still not make profit, because the expenses would be way greater than the income.
Profit means, that it should give you more money, than you spend for making it.
(right now it doesn't sell good at all, but well, as I said, even if it would... the expenses would outweight the income, after all those troubles, we didn't expect the game to sell well... but... we didn't expect it to be this unpopular either)

Third, I guess we put too much work into areas of the game, that are barely noticeable.
If we would have thought about this more carefully right from the beginning...
Well, I think we could have made a much better game.

So all we currently hope for, is to be able to get at least enough money, to be able to work on and finish a game within 2-3 months.
(which is half the time that Paperheads took)
I believe, that we can make a much better game, with the experiences we made during our first game.

Actually what is needed to make profit, is good time and ressource management.
And I think it's better to do smaller games that are cheaper, rather than doing too big games that are expensive.
At least at the beginning, once you've got a good reputation, and a team that has some experience, you can do some bigger games.
(and of course you should have enough time and budget, so it's not that harsh on you, in case it fails)

I'd love to talk more, but I'm pretty tired already, and I got to leave tomorrow.
I'm not really sure when I'll have an internet connection once again.
But I'll be definitely back as soon as possible.

Thanks for everyones support!

And thanks that you people like the game, this makes me really happy.
(btw. I'm not feeling depressed or anything, it's just... well... it's only "honest" to acknowledge that a game I worked on, is financially a disaster, but I'm not giving up because of this)

nope nope not listening the game was fine lalalalalalallalala *fingers in ears* lalalalalalalala...on a side note still waiting for the 25 bux transfer to my paypal from bank 6-8 business days is such a crock of shit! my donation is coming wolf just waiting on bank shitfuckery then it will be done...on another note i really liked all the extra work and detail put into your game to me it stands out better then most...the only thing i wish your game had was more variety of enemies or the very least more monsters like the sewer tentacle beast...but such a small gripe it dont even phase me...the one biggest thing you guys hiccuped on was that you needed to have the english dlsite sale up at the same time as the japanese sale...if you would have had that you would deff have gotten more sales...

best thing to remember people are LAZY if your product is easy to get more so by paying for it then pirating it most people (not all but most) would rather just shell out the quick bux for a hassle free experience...im one of those people i would rather drop a couple bux and just have fun then search tediously through a bunch of bullshit to find some obscure download that may or may not work and may or may not even be the file im searching for...

dont be so hard on yourself wolf it was your first fuckin game man lol ive seen game makers makeing thier first game and after years are STILL makeing it lol let alone get it on dlsite and selling copies! take your licks and lessons learned and do a better one next time...write it down if you have too...your community has been talking to you about what they think you should have done to make your sales...write stuff down man! learn from it! then do it for next time!

anyways i wish you the best in your move and i hope you can get back into the thick of development quickly! take er easy eh?
Re: Wolfenstahl

the one biggest thing you guys hiccuped on was that you needed to have the english dlsite sale up at the same time as the japanese sale...if you would have had that you would deff have gotten more sales...

Re: Wolfenstahl


I've been wondering about that actually. I thought that when you submit a game, you need to select if you want to put it on the English DLSite too or just on the Japanese site. While the usual delay seems to be between 1 to 3 days from what I've seen, some games just never make it to the english site. I assume that Paperheads will come to the English DLSite eventually? If so, I'll buy it there when it comes out.

It's unfortunate about the development time even though it's not entirely unexpected (I did caution about a few things many months ago), but a big congratulations on actually getting through them and actually finishing the game anyway! Really looking foward to see your next game now that you have some experience under your belt!
Re: Wolfenstahl

I've been wondering about that actually. I thought that when you submit a game, you need to select if you want to put it on the English DLSite too or just on the Japanese site. While the usual delay seems to be between 1 to 3 days from what I've seen, some games just never make it to the english site. I assume that Paperheads will come to the English DLSite eventually? If so, I'll buy it there when it comes out.

It's unfortunate about the development time even though it's not entirely unexpected (I did caution about a few things many months ago), but a big congratulations on actually getting through them and actually finishing the game anyway! Really looking foward to see your next game now that you have some experience under your belt!
i said 10 days because both my games took over a week to be released on english dlsite (and i'd allready stuck them on my blog at that point)
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Re: Wolfenstahl

Great game!

Question about CG gallery (for Paperheads 1.03):

What do you need to do in the game to unlock these pictures in CG gallery:
1. Second from the left in the third row (number 19 or 20)

2. Second from the right in the fourth row (I'm guessing greyhaired chick punishing female boss)?
Re: Wolfenstahl

The game is really good, but it has it's fair share of bad moments and stupid boss battles, if the game wasn't a adult rape game i'd make a video about it

The first Boss is tough but once you get his attack patterns down and find a trick he's not so bad

The second boss the one from the subways or as i like to call him Dante the Saiyan is almost unbeatable i cannot beat him, Stragity gets me nowhere

Hit an running does not work you'll end up running out of stamina and you be fucked literally.

Going all in is suicidal

I found out that just walking up to him and slap/kick (I personally think she's needs another attack) and then walking away or jumping away from him works best

His attacks are

A weird kick thing that isn't so bad

And a Falcon Punch a medium range attack where if the punch alone doesn't get ya the force blast will and it does some good damage against ya. I just discovered you can jump over it.

At least the first boss had a gas attack which made sense.

I'm not putting down the author of the game or anything I still think this game is really well made.
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Re: Wolfenstahl

Now on English Dlsite too:

Re: Wolfenstahl

Anyone finished the game?

Question about CG gallery (for Paperheads 1.03):

What do you need to do in the game to unlock these pictures in CG gallery:
1. Second from the left in the third row (number 19 or 20)

2. Second from the right in the fourth row (I'm guessing greyhaired chick punishing female boss)?
Re: Wolfenstahl

profit update, by my calculations wolfenstahl has made $3980 usd (just dlsite sales) ...congrats on that :)

was wondering how things were going aswell :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

Second, we spend so much time and money on this game...
Even if it would sell "good", it would still not make profit, because the expenses would be way greater than the income.
Profit means, that it should give you more money, than you spend for making it.

Hey Wolf,
Would you mind talking about the cost to make a game? When you say you spent too much making it, do you mean that you spent too much time? Or do you mean there was real money going out the door? If it's real money, what did you spend it on? Are you talking about hardware to make the game, or software to make the game, or did you hire some external folks, or were there additional costs to publish, or something else entirely???

I've been assuming you are the sole programmer, and that you are sharing the profit with a single artist. In my mind, that means your actual costs should be near zero. You make it sound like you are spending a lot of real money to make this happen.

PS, I am not able to buy the game from DLSite (I have all the wrong credit cards). I did manage to get a copy though, so I sent a nice donation instead. The Paypal link on your page sends donations direct to your artist. I hope that's correct.

Re: Wolfenstahl

my pc cant run this game even the trial :(. is there anyway i can run this game ???
Re: Wolfenstahl


calm down man i didnt know...you dont have to be a cunt about it...i just assumed that for the uploading it you could select either jap or eng dlsite or both and it would upload at the same time to both sites...i find it odd that this is not how they do it anyways especially if the game was origanally built in english...oh well...got my donation in as well so hopefully that helps things along for the next game...
Re: Wolfenstahl

Anyone finished the game?

Question about CG gallery (for Paperheads 1.03):

What do you need to do in the game to unlock these pictures in CG gallery:
1. Second from the left in the third row (number 19 or 20)

2. Second from the right in the fourth row (I'm guessing greyhaired chick punishing female boss)?

To get the CG on the third row, second from the left:

Start Stage 2, get to the 102 Station. The 103 Train will pull up, DON'T get on it. Fight off the Paperheads until the 120 Train pulls into the station(should be the next train, they alternate I believe), jump aboard and fight on the train as usual. When you get into the 120 Station, go all the way to the left, visit the bathroom and lose, the CG is yours.

Also once you get the CG, there's nothing more to do at the 120 Station, so don't waste your time going back there.

To get the CG on the fourth row, second from the right:

This is one of the two CGs that get displayed when defeating the third boss. I don't know if they alternate, or you need to start the stage fresh to get it to appear. Just keep defeating the third boss and it will show up eventually.

Hope these help and good luck.
Re: Wolfenstahl

can someone make a vid of all grabs for me XD
Re: Wolfenstahl

Um, if it's possible, can someone help me?

I'm missing the third CG - both from the left and from the right - in the fourth row. It's next to the CG of losing to the last boss.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Um, if it's possible, can someone help me?

I'm missing the third CG - both from the left and from the right - in the fourth row. It's next to the CG of losing to the last boss.

lose to the smog guy on level 3 (theres 2 cgs)
and the other seems to be an alternate win cg for the last boss
(i unfortunately got the whip cg) youll have to beat her again and again til you get it