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Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 69.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 10 20.4%

  • Total voters

Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

-How do you think you'd react to her, or each other?
Firstly, her mere existence would break my current view of the world and what I understand to be real, which would be friggin awesome. I'd be over the moon. That aside...

An odd silence whilst trying to figure the situation out. Exchange of names. Other short questions and answers, likely followed by a lot of laughs and "duh" reactions. After realising that we pretty much already know each other, there wouldn't be much left to hide the obvious physical differences and flood of curiosity that would follow.

-Would you have sex with her, given that she is open to the idea if you are?
Frankly, it wouldn't take long. The thought would dawn on both of us, we both realise, both wonder how to ask, both not bother asking because we'd already know the answer. Then stuff would probably happen. It may get delayed by other circumstances. I live with two other people, being the primary issue. But it would only be a matter of time.

-If so, what positions?
Start off with whatever seems natural, and then start getting creative and experimental latter. At some point we'd probably both be at the computer 'researching' new ideas. Never having to wonder or be nervous asking about new ideas would be brilliant.

-How often, if you had it your way since she'd share roughly the same libido?
Hard to say. I don't think I'd actually consider my libido to be very high, though the first week or so would almost surely be packed with activity. Having access to a partner that I can fully understand and predict, and will likely put up with anything I do (and vice versa, naturally), would provide incredible freedom. Also, the way that neither of us would get upset/shocked/offended if receiving unwanted advances, would be great. Simply a case of, "Nah, not now. Trying to write an RP post. Oi, come back and button my blouse up again."

-Fetishes you or her would indulge in? Would you share her?
Would take a moment of thought to figure out which ones were posible in reality. "Clonecest... done that, what else?"
Generally, anything that was possible, and not prohibitive expensive or risky in some manner.

"Sharing" is a decision she makes, not me. And vice versa, if you get what I mean. We probably wouldn't want to hold each other back from any other opportunities. Though things may get difficult if actual relationships with a third person was involved. Since finding a friend that could truly accept both of us as partners would be hella unlikely, the situation of either M-me or F-me finding a girlfriend (/boyfriend?) would likely exclude and distance the other.

Would spending intimate time with "myself" be considered cheating? It would be awkward in almost any way of looking at it. Though I wouldn't be considering alternate me as a girl/boy friend or 'partner', I couldn't have a serious relationship with someone, and then go home to have casual sex with "someone else". We probably talk about this thing in advance.

It would be a very strange relationship... needs further thought.

-Would you want her to have a futa option or no?

-Any other things you might add...
Silly hats. On each others heads, whenever our backs are turned.
We'd get some alcohol, and observe each other drunk. Then both.

Gaming, and competing with each other on completely equal ground. Would be awesome. Also, that thing Aika said about playing games during sex. Subteranian Animism, on lunatic mode, with a dick in your ass. Lets see how well that works. (And again, I thought of this, so she'd think it's a great idea.)

We'd seriously need to buy an extra computer...

Get her an account here. Would she already have one? I'd probably trust her to use mine. The difference would be negligible.

Ooh, cosplay. She'd certainly get some help funding that. And see, any outfit I choose, I already know she'll love. : D

Double the brain power for figuring out stuff, and imagining up stuff.

No longer would my household have to split packets of four food items to feed three people. All our meal planing and freezer space issues would be solved. No more singular left over burgers!

My households democracy might break down a bit though, since "I" would now have a 50% say in things.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

I met a person who was very much like a gender swapped me. we got a long fantasticaly, which mostly consisted of sitting in the same room together.

that all ended when they turned out to not be like me, i hate them now.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Gaming, and competing with each other on completely equal ground. Would be awesome. Also, that thing Aika said about playing games during sex. Subteranian Animism, on lunatic mode, with a dick in your ass. Lets see how well that works. (And again, I thought of this, so she'd think it's a great idea.)

Now that's a display of masochism if I ever saw one. Good luck dying to first wave of fairies that comes.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Thread reminded me of this image.


A minor brain twister.

Also, if this alternate me existed, I would have finished this work ages ago. *grumble...*

Perhaps this is why various gods from a plethora of mythologies divide themselves into multiple new gods? I'm making a mental note, that should I ever achieve omnipotence, to explore this idea further at some point. Seems like an excellent way to stave of ronery godhood.

Thinking about this work, even a normal male me clone would be handy right now. Though less fun afterwards. I'm left wondering whether another M-me would be good for hugging or not. Sometimes a simple hug is all you need, and even family can be weirded out if you randomly hug them out of the blue. I can't quite tell if it'd be a simple nice thing, of just feel awkward. Trying to figure out the different ways I'd treat a second M-me compared to an F-me clone, is a thinking point. How much difference mere gender can make. Which make me question whether F-me could truly share the same fascination with the situation that I'd have, and yet she'd know how I felt about it. Coming from my bias starting point as a male, she is naturally awesome. And I'd still be just the same me.

Putting a spin on the scenario, if I was zapped with R63 magic, and somehow sent to live with my normal self, what then?

Infact, I'm going to make that the next question of this thread if that's okay.

If you were zapped with gender reversal magic, and sent to live with your normal self, what then?

+Consider all the other questions being aimed at you.

Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Oooh, interesting. Well... hrrrm.
Many of the fetishes and what not would be the same--sure, this sounds a little narcissistic of me, but I think I'm a pretty easy person to live / deal with IRL, and overall fairly tolerant. We'd divide the chores and... honestly, it'd still be an open relationship no matter which side I was from. No secrets though, at least not regarding who we've been with for safety's sake.

I don't think I'd really be emotionally attracted to my male half as R63 me, simply because, well, it's me--and how arrogant would it seem to really be 'in love' with myself? I've been with people both very alike and vastly different from me, but I originally made this with simple sexual attraction in mind... that yeah, it'd be at the very least entertaining (though not necessarily conducive to a long-term relationship). Basically free and frequent casual sex, can't complain about that. In terms of just human contact / closeness for those who need it, well... I suppose a good amount of that is certainly healthy too ;3
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

I'd tell him to keep that damn thing in his pants cuz it sure as hell ain't goin in me.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

-How do you think you'd react to him, or each other?

Also "fuck man, you look horrible."

-Would you have sex with original-you, given that he is open to the idea if you are?
Yeah sure.

-If so, what positions?
Oral fetish, so om nom. Arguably it would be even more fun this way. Then other stuff I guess.

Somewhat related, I would probably regret never figuring out where the fuck my prostate is.

-How often, if you had it your way since she'd share roughly the same libido?

-Fetishes you or him would indulge in? Would you share him?
All the ones that don't end with me in a pool of blood I suppose? Most of my fetishes don't work IRL besides the oral, tanktop and glasses ones... ...and uh, I don't think the tanktop one is as hot on fat dudes.

Share? Uhhh it's not like I'm a great catch or actually go looking, so I really don't have to worry about that anyway. I dunno, really.

-Would you want him to have a futa option or no?
...Uhh. I've already got moobs? But then no beard, so no.

-Any other things you might add..
Also a healthy BMI ratio. ...And a bigger dick, probably. Not sure about the monsterguy stuff, but a reeeaaaally long tongue. Fun times.

My self-esteem's kinda shit. Can you tell?
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

If you were zapped with gender reversal magic, and sent to live with your normal self, what then?

+Consider all the other questions being aimed at you.

Ok, this is a fun question. Let's see now...

-How do you think you'd react to him, or each other?

Hoo boy. First I'd have to come to terms both with living with another me, which obviously would involve a lot of vitriol ("God damn you're awful, man." "So are you, woman." "I KNOW!" and so on), and get used to having tits and no penis. I suppose things would start going smooth once we got used to each other and worked out a comfortable routine. Basically, the beginning would be the worst, with things getting ok later on.

-Would you have sex with him, given that he is open to the idea if you are?

Well, after getting used to the change and living with each other, I suppose we'd definitely do it.

-If so, what positions?

Nothing unusual, I suppose. Missionary, doggy, maybe something else, but nothing out of the ordinary.

-How often, if you had it your way since he'd share roughly the same libido?

Once a day, at least. Maybe more often if we felt like it.

-Fetishes you or him would indulge in? Would you share him?

Share? Maybe if there was a girl interested... But I doubt it. As for fetishes... Maybe some light bondage? Some of the things I'm into are impossible to reproduce, and the others I wouldn't be willing to try. But an experiment with something less risky from time to time wouldn't be bad.

Maybe we could try out oral or toys, I suppose...

-Would you want to have a futa option or no?

No. What's the bloody point?
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Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

If I were hit by gender-bender ray I'd be too freaked out over suddenly being a woman to think clearly. But I'm also rather fascinated with the female body. It wouldn't be long before I started experimenting with the sudden change, and by then I'd probably notice that hey, there's another normal me sitting over there. I have no intention of touching another man, but technically I'd just be touching myself, so we'd eventually find ourselves sharing a bed at some point. From that point on you can refer to my earlier post.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

If I was turned into a woman I'd kill myself. And by myself I mean the asshole that just took over being the alpha-me.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

I think we can refer to my previous post for most of this, though I think the first thing I'd do as a man would be Masturbate.... And make sure Ben came along to live with the normal me.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

To all of those questions: Yes.

How often? Yes. That is how often.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

If you were zapped with gender reversal magic, and sent to live with your normal self, what then?

Does your sexuality change with your gender?
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

If X-Change is to be believed then most likely. Though my answer still stands. If some asshole clone thinks he's taking my place in my life I'll fucking cut him.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

And that's why you will never take over the world with an army of clones :D
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

And that's why you will never take over the world with an army of clones :D

Aika is apparently going to fuck all his clones into submission, to serve as his peons.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

And that's why you will never take over the world with an army of clones :D

Don't get me wrong, if I was still the alpha-me when all these clones pop up you're all fucked. But no one is taking over my place. Especially jumped up arse holes who think they're the original.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Speaking of which, how would you dress your r63 self? Examples welcome.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

Probably dress exactly like me, though with the occasional 'girlier' clothing.
Re: Would you screw a rule 63 / opposite gender you?

I'd probably wear what women wear now, without looking like a cheap whore though.