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Re: Hate Thread

Thanks for the offer, but I'm alright at the moment. We'd need a reliable method of money transfer, such as paypal, first anyways. I know I've got a paypal account, but I'm not particularly skilled in using it; always just gone via ebay where it fills in all the info for me and all I have to do is press a confirm button.

Besides, I don't really know you all that well, no offence intended.

One could probably make a tidy profit selling games online and gifting them via steam, but I'd be shocked and awed if that didn't violate it's ToS.

Ok. But if you need any help there i'd be glad to assist. I buy games for my buds when theres sales, so im not an abuser of cash. Also, as far as abusing any cash you sent me the details with, i wouldn't have the smarts to get money from it myself. Im terrible at that sort of thing.
Re: Hate Thread

And it seems the UK is also getting screwed, albeit not as hard, with prices of £30.

Is that £30 for the collectors edition or the normal edition? If it's the collectors then that's pretty damn good, the collectors edition of New Vegas cost me £60 and the collectors edition of Reach (not the one with the statue) cost me £55.
Re: Hate Thread

Is that £30 for the collectors edition or the normal edition? If it's the collectors then that's pretty damn good, the collectors edition of New Vegas cost me £60 and the collectors edition of Reach (not the one with the statue) cost me £55.

No, that's the normal edition, as direct compared to people in the US getting it for $30.

Apparently, people in RK-land can get it for 30 euro. Which, from memory, is also less than 30pound.
Re: Hate Thread

No, that's the normal edition, as direct compared to people in the US getting it for $30.

Apparently, people in RK-land can get it for 30 euro. Which, from memory, is also less than 30pound.

Maybe it got there once, for a short bit, but not anymore. Euro took a big hit with the recession, and is about half way between the dollar and pound now IIRC.

Anywho, the place across the street has had various alarms going off since 2 AM, disrupting sleep, making the dog bark, and generally being annoying. I'm fairly certain it isn't important, or something would have happened by now.
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Re: Hate Thread

Basically my plan. For everything else, there's Amazon.com

I could help with that. I get free shipping on Amazon cause I'm a student.

Blargh. I hate the fact that my cat is in heat and I can't afford to get her fixed.
Re: Hate Thread

I could help with that. I get free shipping on Amazon cause I'm a student.

Blargh. I hate the fact that my cat is in heat and I can't afford to get her fixed.

I've never seen an animal in heat. Is that a good thing?
Re: Hate Thread

I've never seen an animal in heat. Is that a good thing?

It's good for their species as that's when they reproduce... it's annoying as fuck for cat owners as they just get to be this loud obnoxious bastard of a creature. More so than usual.
Re: Hate Thread

It's good for their species as that's when they reproduce... it's annoying as fuck for cat owners as they just get to be this loud obnoxious bastard of a creature. More so than usual.

Is that when they just keep meowing constantly for days? i guess i HAVE then. At least its not like a dog, where they hump you to death lol.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I can't find a song I heard earlier today on radio.
Re: Hate Thread

Is that when they just keep meowing constantly for days? i guess i HAVE then. At least its not like a dog, where they hump you to death lol.

They chirp. And meow a little.

mine are mostly quiet unless they're hungry. And usually when they're hungry they sleep on me.
Re: Hate Thread

lol, I try to be. But they usually realize momma will wake up if they lay on me and stare.

heee just the talk about cats makes me feel fuzzy. Its my only true weakness. Cuteness melts me like an ice cube in the sun.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the clumps that form in Parmesan Cheese.

All I want to do is have some Parmesan Cheese on my Spaghetti. BUT NO. The clumps keep the cheese from being dispensed through the top. So I have to unscrew the top in order to get any cheese out. Then, I have to BEAT the FUCK out of the clumps.

I also hate Coke Zero. I can deal with Cherry Coke Zero, 'cause at least that has cherry in it. The regular Coke Zero, though... BLEGH. I'll drink, well, most any other soda before I try that stuff again.
Re: Hate Thread

have you tried getting a block of parmesan and shaving it yourself?
Re: Hate Thread

have you tried getting a block of parmesan and shaving it yourself?

I actually prefer to do it that way, but it's either that or the pre-grated stuff, and I'm the only one here who takes the time out to do it, so 9 times out of 10 we get the pre-grated.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that due to "inclement weather" school is closed today. -grumpy- I wanted to go to my first day of class. I was all prepared, too.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that monday night combat had me do some physx download that turns it is related to crashing and is why now I can't open the game, yet trying reinstall the game won't work until I uninstall physx but windows installer won't let me, so now I'm going to have to try and delete all of physx manually while backing up every steam game I have, at which point I'm probably going to have to reinstall each of them afterwards.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that due to "inclement weather" school is closed today. -grumpy- I wanted to go to my first day of class. I was all prepared, too.

Heh, my first day is tommrow, and it's looking like that might be the case too.

I also hate how cold weather makes dry skin which makes my feet hurt x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that monday night combat had me do some physx download that turns it is related to crashing and is why now I can't open the game, yet trying reinstall the game won't work until I uninstall physx but windows installer won't let me, so now I'm going to have to try and delete all of physx manually while backing up every steam game I have, at which point I'm probably going to have to reinstall each of them afterwards.

Ouch... simply ouch.