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YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

A RoR that I thought was well done was hound and blade.
Like when you get knocked down, one can mount her then if another one gets close, they mount her too.
Also there was like a persistent world kind of thing outside of the levels where npcs say different things depending on the result of the level like if you got raped or cleared it easily. Also the persistent world had abortion if you got impregnanted.

Another thing I liked about the persistent worlds are the ability to upgrade your stuff. Like having different equipment for different stages like a shotgun for stages with a lot of enemies that surround you or a rifle for stronger enemies that come one at a time.

Another thing I liked in that game was where instead of GO, you had the choice of crawling out the level but you were probably going to geg raped a lot along the way or you could just give up which would result in a gameover.

I also liked how she could get pregnant during the level and that would effect her movement or would have to stop walking because of the pain. The monsters that were born would sometimes attack by latching onto her to feed on milk.

Also having variety in the stage objection would be nice too and not just running to the end. Maybe have a collection stage where you rescue people or have one where you have to kill certain things. Also adding puzzle solving elements, imo make it more fun like the another dimension game(although solving calc questions were a bit too much imo, CHILDREN CAN'T SOLVE THOSE.. o wait nvm)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Yep, pretty sure I stumbled across the artist on gelbooru. Nothing that's been posted here but the hands, muscle tone, and uhhh veins look very similar.

AFAIK he doesn't have anything up on gelbooru, though
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

AFAIK he doesn't have anything up on gelbooru, though
I'm not looking or asking anyone to look. I just stumbled across it and had an "AH ha!" moment. It's hard to tell with the sketches alone, but you can see why I might have gotten confused. I'll post since it's not.

I was looking for that one eye squint (which is awesome). If I found that it'd be obvious.

If it is, I'll retract this post for dev secrecy.

hands, veins

eyebrows and eyelashes

dem eyes...

One I like from this guy, whoever he is
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!


- A struggle system where you have to mash buttons as quickly as possible to get out. Instead a system where you have to press a certain button (e.g. Up, Down, Left, Right) that appears on the screen as quickly as possible is far more enjoyable. Take a look at the newer toffisama games for reference.

- A level system. Level systems have the tendency to become either pointless (the relative strength difference between the PC and NPCs stays the same, just the numbers get bigger), promote grind (kill the opponents in this area x times so you have a chance against the opponents in the next area), and are also hard to balance. A negative example for this is Kurovadis where the level system heavily damages its otherwise good gameplay due to grind and imbalance.
If you want to give the players the feeling of progression do it via new abilities the PC can learn, e.g. a double jump.


- Female opponents who have their way with the PC, and by that I mean NOT standing a couple of meters away and letting tentacles/machines have their way with the PC. Let the girls have fun with each other!

- As a continuation of above's point the female opponent transforms the PC into a futa.

- One-sided/no comebacks. The more often you make mistakes the more severe the punishment becomes; e.g. it gets harder to get out of struggles when you have lost health which results in more damage, making the next struggle even harder to escape and thus dealing even more damage.

- Being also on the giving side. E.g. a boss can only be beaten by making them faint with normal attacks and then rape them.

General ideas:

- Some opponents transform the PC into a male. That would save you guys from the hassle to create a male sidekick and still please the F/M fans.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I'm not looking or asking anyone to look. I just stumbled across it and had an "AH ha!" moment. It's hard to tell with the sketches alone, but you can see why I might have gotten confused. I'll post since it's not.

Oh yeah, this definitely isn't him: I know his IRL name and penname both, he's not this Kaieda guy :p
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I find the need for secrecy a little funny considering the fact that we're all on a site dedicated to the appreciation of japanese porn games. :D It's like even if this guy did reveal his true identity what would we say?

"Hey, you know that famous xxx artist/storywriter? Apparently he worked on a porn game!"

"And how exactly did you know that?"

"Ummm.... uhhhh... *clears throat* I heard it from a friend?"

The amount of suspicious looks when you reveal this before any news outlet picks up on it would be hilarious. :D
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I find the need for secrecy a little funny considering the fact that we're all on a site dedicated to the appreciation of japanese porn games. :D It's like even if this guy did reveal his true identity what would we say?

"Hey, you know that famous xxx artist/storywriter? Apparently he worked on a porn game!"

"And how exactly did you know that?"

"Ummm.... uhhhh... *clears throat* I heard it from a friend?"

The amount of suspicious looks when you reveal this before any news outlet picks up on it would be hilarious. :D

Employers often do a little research before hiring employees. It doesn't take much effort to look up someone's name or email address and see what they've been involved in on the internet. It's easy to forget sometimes how little tolerance people have for themes like rape, and how much it could damage a developer's potential career.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Well I'm the artist, and I've read all comments on this thread, and as a small token of good will, I've made fanart of Kyrieru's character.

Since I cannot link it directly, I've uploaded it to the album attached to my name within this site as well as in an attachment.

lolcats and I aim to develop a fun and sexy game within a sci-fi world, and I'd like to compromise as little as possible with what I have in mind - things you'll begin to see as support comes online (dedicated website, developer journals, etc).


  • Kuro.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 0
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

That's...pretty damn impressive. Do you have it in a bigger size?
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I made the original at 640 x 480, so it's pretty small to begin with.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I made the original at 640 x 480, so it's pretty small to begin with.
What's the resolution range you usually find yourself drawing in?

Your fanart along with the samples in the earlier pages are inspiring. I'd like to draw something of equal quality in the near future. Certainly cleared me of any doubt regarding the art for your game.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Generally I start with a rather large canvas - much larger than I need, say 1600 x 1200 at 72 dpi. Once I figure out what type of drawing it's going to be, I trim the canvas down or expand it out.

And I appreciate the confidence :>

Been rather enjoying your game, and once I see what the art looks like, maybe I'll do some art for you as well.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

You know what be amazing in this game? Animated scenes. A la Iris Action. Pure gold.

Besides that I don't have any other big requests. :D If I can help in any way though, let me know. I'm a computer science major so if you have any problems with code I'd be glad to try and help.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Fundamental Reason Why I Enjoy RoR/GoR Games

I like tying an adrenaline rush to the act of sex. Namely when you're intensely into the actual game part, trying to get past an objective, with a catharsis either in victory or in sex (or both). So if that flow of energy breaks, or if getting the h-content becomes such a chore that you're no longer playing the game, it goes beyond dislike. I won't even bother with the game.

That said, specifics..


-Gallery Mode. This ought to just be standard.
-Teasing/Foreplay/Clothing Removal as "damage."
-Rape/Sex isn't necessarily a game over.
-Lots of variety in h-content, particularly enemies. Humans get boring.
-Good outfits/costumes. Clothing can be sexier than nudity, especially if it affects the sex scene.
-In-game h-content, even if it's just two sprites awkwardly humping each other
-Primal sex. Not brutal, but a sense that the participants (or at least one of 'em) is just overcome by lust.
-Collectibles, especially if they unlock extra h-content. Just make sure there's some way to track which ones you have or haven't obtained yet.


-Hardcore rape (guro, ryona, girl is weeping and being abused). I find it much more enjoyable if the characters are "getting into it" on some level
-Repetitive, un-skippable sex scenes.
-Rewards for avoiding the h-content. The sex is half the fun. Don't include some final secret scene you can only see if you got a "perfect" game.
-Language barriers
-Mash buttons to escape. Especially if "good escapes" mean missing most of the porn.
-Grotesque stuff (weird proportions, expansions, etc)
-Pregnancy (egg laying ok). In general any sort of implied long-term consequences. This is a fantasy, not real life.


-Make sex, seduction, and rape part of the gameplay. If you're fully clothed, the enemies just come at you. But if you're "revealed" then maybe the enemies get reckless, leave themselves open to attack, or damage a "sex bar" rather than a health bar.
-The PC can rape the enemies once defeated or near death for cheap powerups and/or heals, but with some sort of penalty or cost for doing so.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

i am not fan of goro or something near of this.

what im saying below is some ideas and opinions.
The most RoR dont have much "moan quality"... what i'm saying is, the most Rape animation have the "same moan", need some care on the voice action, i know how this can be programed, but is hard to do in "time-line" and random voice action in case of the "adobe flash"(Shinobi girl, Angel girl, Run SailorMoon Run and some others popular what i dont know...)

And have the "MultiMediaFusion"(Yuna Fight, Guild Meinster, The Galaxy Warrior and some other i dont know yet..)
with i say this is more simple and easy to make games and i think is more expensive because of the quality.

by other way, some stranges of the RoR is... When the enemy touch on you.. in 0.01 sec you are being raped
(dont show when the enemy do a "banzai" and get you... or throw you on the ground, dont show when you girl try to resist before on the rape
(like WolfStach(i think i tap wrong the name...)))
with i think is strange...
sorry for my bad english
and good luck with on building the game =)
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Don't forget about ahegaos. The face-of-getting-screwed-silly is a devastating force to be reckoned with.

...if set-up properly.
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Well I'm the artist, and I've read all comments on this thread, and as a small token of good will, I've made fanart of Kyrieru's character.
Looks Pretty Nice. The game's sprite's are pretty vague, so it's always cool seeing other artist's interpretations. In your's she looks thoroughly badass, haha.

Once you've created your game I'll be sure to return the favour. (Along with some artwork for Datony)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Been rather enjoying your game, and once I see what the art looks like, maybe I'll do some art for you as well.
More like 'half' a game since it's a looong way from finish. I await more of your art!

(Along with some artwork for Datony)
I thought it was a typo. Now I think it's intentional that you spelled my name this way.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I know I already said something related to story, but then I saw the posts from bottom of page four/beginning of page five.

Whether you choose to give a full narrative or an excuse plot is of course up to you, however having a progression story won't hurt and will help. Going to chuck out a few examples, and you probably already know all of this but indulge me, it's 3:46AM and I just drank coffee.

Jungle Girl's Story: "Don't get raped while walking back to the hut, and get raped anyways when you arrive." Excuse plot.

Demon Girl's Story: "Girl is too much of a sinner to get into heaven, must escape hell while not giving in to her wanton lusts, if she succeeds she goes to heaven, if she fails she's locked up being fucked for all eternity." Still arguably an excuse plot, but gives a reason to get through it besides not getting raped.

Mystic Girl's Story: I'm a lazy ass.

Angel Girl's Story: "Angel girl goes into hell trying to get a crystal and must avoid being fucked for all eternity." Blatant rip-off of DG, excuse plot.

Shinobi Girl's Story: "Ninja sneaks into secret base/lab to get crystal, must avoid being fucked/captured/both." Excuse plot - welcome to modern RoR games.

If it were me, I'd have each "level" cover some journey or leg of the trip towards whatever goal, with short story scenes in between if possible. With that said, you don't need something super complicated. However, the story will make all the difference between the players who actually try to beat the game and the players who just deliberately lose Level 1 over and over again to jerk off.

I have no idea what you have in mind, but having a few main characters moving the plot along wouldn't hurt. This does NOT mean that you need more than one playable character - it means one character can't hold a story really. If you had a duo of two female characters who can rag on one another, even better. If they were both playable so each ended up with equal fucking time and thus more material to nag each other with, all the better ( "Well, Jen, you seem to be getting pretty used to riding Tentaculas. Maybe we should capture one as a pet for you." "Only if it comes with three Skeevers for you so you can get all three holes pegged again, Aeriel." etc ). But again, this is just my brain on coffee.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

More like 'half' a game since it's a looong way from finish. I await more of your art!

I thought it was a typo. Now I think it's intentional that you spelled my name this way.

That's just what I read it as every time in my head lol.