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Your opinion on H games (please read)


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

To me the bigger deal is payment options, not to mention prices can vary (almost) as much as the quality on DLsite games and so I'd only generally consider buying from developers I can trust to deliver a good product (Clemenia for example) or something like Rance VI from Mangagamer, or even supporting Patreon in cases like The Last Sovereign.

Varies, I generally like games that involve progression and collecting shit, building up toward a greater goal, action games are fine but usually the gameplay in those is far too simplistic to keep it interesting for their actual length.

Varies, I prefer well written characters over a wide variety, but variety creates opportunities for characters to interact and develop, I prefer a protagonist with more of a character and personality over a blank slate, and don't even get me started on the over-use of "the protagonist is a retard" or the "I like him because he is a nice guy" trope in visual novels. If you're not going to give your character some character, don't bother.

I don't really care at all, I've played enough games to know individual quality is much more important than the platform it was created on, the prevalence of RPGmaker titles does make something like WolfRPG a generally welcome variety.

I like fighting systems in games as long as it isn't just tacked on, there has to be some purpose or challenge rather than just dropping a few slimes in between scenes/objectives, for example a resource management game can involve combat to have you balance resources around that, or better yet things like combat rape (Moral Asagi) but even just having actually good RPG combat is nice enough. Just don't for the love of everything bother with tedious bullshit, don't build your combat around RNG, don't include a 30% chance to miss every attack and have a crit chance at least equal to or twice as high as miss chance, nobody wants to just sit there and re-do a turn because their attacks randomly missed unless this is a factor they have control over (using more accurate weapons etc.)

I like characters that develop, I don't like characters that go from prude to turboslut after having sex a few times, that doesn't mean it can't be done well, but it takes some extra attention (Noxian Nights for example has a narrative justification) I generally don't see much point in tracking sex stats though, and something like corruption often gets ruined by having to grind/repeat the same few scenes a bunch of times. Clemenia games tend to subvert this issue by adding escalation which works fine.

In my experience they don't mesh particularly well, The Last Sovereign is something I play almost exclusively for the story at this point, though the well-written scenes are good and woven into the story there's just a limit to how often you can read a variety of "penis and vagina interact" before it all becomes the same shit, so I'm more drawn to the setting/setup than the actual scenes. If the game has a shitty plot I tend to just lose interest, if all you have to offer is good CG I might as well look up a gallery, you need to at least provide an interesting setting/premise to justify not just selling a series of pictures.

Malise and the Machine for example has some really mediocre writing, it's not horrible but there's not much to it either, but the premise and setting still make it much more interesting than just another animation gallery, and the way the gameplay works with it is excellent.

Quality over category, but don't even bother with 3D sex villa models or whatever that overused garbage comes from, 3D models are also a good amount of work if you want to do them properly and the vast majority of it tends to be bad, but when it's good it's often much better than CG.

I don't really self-insert into a story so I prefer seeing a woman get into all sorts of sexual situations than seeing a dude do the same shit with many different women, goes to my previous remarks about variety, and I enjoy watching characters struggle against hardship and overcoming it, which tends to work better for female characters. Probably in part to the fact that most stories from a male perspective tend to either be power fantasies or NTR, and don't even get me started on how poorly femdom is usually presented, I can do without the constant childish name-calling and ridicule whether it's a dude or a girl, I am wholly apathetic to it and takes away from the actual fucking, same shit with body writing and such. but that's me personally having a major gripe about anything I'd consider petty.

Mostly find them here, the format we use here provides most information you need about a title and you can gauge the quality a bit by following discussion, sometimes a developer I like will talk about other games and I'll have a look, or when trying to find a particular game I'll come across something similar.


Demon Girl
Jun 10, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

I don't think this kind of survey is neccecary,
But I give you an anwser, because I'm new, I need to post 15 times.

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

the main one.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

Give me an special experience.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

RPG's fighting is very hard to be interesting. Mostly no.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

levels is hard to be interesting.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

Quite important

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

The whole feeling is much more important.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?


10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

Search the world.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?
yes, i will buy a full traslated game. but not more of 20/30% of their original price. obviously a non-dlsite price is always better, since dlsite basically double the price of a game, it's so far better if i can buy the game from the dev directly (without dlsite in between).

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?
i love rpg games (rpg maker only). but some VN games like Oyako Rankan that have an interactive UI is truly enjoyable.
game like leane of legitimate crow is another example of a vn style game that is very fun to play.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).
It depends on the plot of game. i like both, but for me some stories required focus on a little numer of character, other storyes instead have advantage of a large group of chara.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?
for me, vx ace is the best rpg maker out there. i hate wolf.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?
again, It depends on the plot of game. some stories (to-H, imonuto etcc) have no need to fight, another stories instead required some fight inside them. if the system is well integrated (no useless, no boring and no need to do looong session of gridind/farming) it's a very fun feature.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?
i like corruption so yes i like sex stat, even if there is only lewdness stat. but only if that stat is linked to some system in the game. if there is no use for those stat its better remove that at all.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?
i always love good stories. if i want only CG i have other place to find them, if i play a game i want immersion in that story, emphaty for the chara and follow their journey on that adventure. its better if the story enanched the fetish inside the game obviously. for example, a ntr game with a beautiful story is (almost always) a very great game (nanaha is a perfect ex. of that).

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?
objectively, depend on the way the game is put together. but for my taste, hand draw is always the best.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?
i love ntr storyes so i like play male chara that have their love stealed. but i don't dislike a good female corruption game.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).
selected by fetish mostly. i know some place that speak only about that specific fetish and i constantly monitor if there is news here.
but i like read generic games tread in this forum and similar place to see what there is new in the market of h-games.

(yes i know, my english is very bad, i apologize for that)


Jungle Girl
Dec 28, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

Yes but that price should justifed

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

RPG/Adventure style over VN type games

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

Main Character

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

As long as the game does what it meant to do, I am happy

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

Don't like fighting

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

Quests that are affected by stats are a welcome addition, not a deal breaker if not present

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

The plot has to good (or at least not boring) and CG takes absolute priority

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

3D for realistic character
Hand Drawn CG for fantasy type characters

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?

Female lead corrupting

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

1) Look for attractive CGs
2) Characters
3) Little bit of plot


Jungle Girl
Jul 30, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Yes, I am much more likely to buy a game depending on how translated it is. I won't buy almost any game unless they are translated. The quality of the translation isn't that much of a deal breaker for me though.

2) I have a strong preference to RPG games, and try to avoid the visual novels. I usually don't really care for the story side of the games and prefer good gameplay. Some of my favourites are Moral Sword of Asagi (Ahriman), The Girl in the Red Collar (Enokippu), and Lillitales.

3) Don't really play visual novel games, but enjoyed Witch Trainer.

4) I don't have a strong preference towards programs. If it looks good, I'll play it.

5) Yes, fighting system is my #1 preference when playing a game. I don't pay much attention to the "everyday life" story bits.

6) Sex stats are nice to see, but they aren't a deal breaker for me. I'm not really bothered if a game doesn't include them.

7) I have strong preference towards art and CG rather than story line. I'd like both, but I usually find the stories in h-games to be really hokey or cheesy. If I see a game with great CG and sex animations, I'll usually end up at least trying the demo. I've never bought a game because the story looked good.

8) CG and hand drawn I find to be far better.

9) Always Female lead in my opinion.

10) I browse through all the new threads and look at the artwork. If it is visually appealing to me I'll do more research and see if it has the stuff I like in it.


Totally is a Pervert
Jun 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

Yeah, as long as the higher fee was no more than say £5 above the game's original price. I understand that you would want a higher fee to support the translation.

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

RPG/Adventure type style. That's not to say I don't like vn games, but I like more interactivity than just making a choice every now and then that changes the story. Some vns do this, and those are the ones that I like.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

No preference.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

The game just needs to be good really (and not made with MV). As long as it's a good game I'll play it on any maker. The game being made in English doesn't affect whether I care about what program was used to make it.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

I do like fighting games, but I prefer originality in the systems and not the basic one all the time. So basically unique game-play irregardless of whether it has a fighting system or not.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

There's pretty much no point in having them if they don't affect the game in any way. Instead of limiting you could reward players for reaching a certain landmark maybe? Just a thought.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

Realistically, if I'm looking at whether I'm going to play the game for example on DLSite, the first thing I look at is the art. If I don't like the art then I probably won't end up playing it unless it's been recommended a lot. This is a H-Game we're talking about after all. I do enjoy a good story line though and would be more inclined to play it longer with a good story line. Also since it's not in any questions I'll mention it now, if it has a main fetish I'm not into (e.g scat, scat or the worst fetish of them all, scat) then I'm not playing it irregardless of the games art quality, game play and story line. However, I don't think you as a developer should not make a game with a certain fetish just because it's disliked by certain people. Make the product that you want to make.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

If it doesn't look too similar to the other 3D model games then I don't mind. I think art is more original. I like originality.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?

Unless the MC is a "Rance" like character (or just Rance himself) I prefer a female lead. Just an idea, if you could customise the lead (as in their appearance and not just their abilities or class), then I'd be ore inclined to go for a male lead.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

Just read the threads here, and if it sounds good check out the link and see where it goes from there.


Demon Girl
Jan 4, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

Making online purchases, and in fact buying anything in general isn't something I can do, so no, I wouldn't be more likely to buy a game off legit sites. Unfortunately, unless a game is free, or has a means of, uh, "obtaining" it for free, I have to skip out on a game.

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

It really depends on the game, but I think I prefer the "visual novel" style games more than anything else. When I play an H game, I play them, obviously, to eventually fap to. That's the whole point of an H game, for the most part. Visual novel styled games generally provide those types of scenes quicker and for much less effort (since I don't consider "reading" an effort at all, as it's something I greatly enjoy). Having a game that requires a lot of effort for little reward tends to leave me feeling disappointed; especially if you play for several hours and have nothing to fap to for the entire time you play.

That being said, with video games in general, RPGs are my favorite genre, so I don't dislike RPG styled H games, either, provided the story is good and I don't end up with that "wasted time" feeling. I just prefer the visual novel style.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

It really depends on how good to story is, but I'd say games that focus on several characters tend to be more to my tastes. If you have the option to romance several different girls, then you have reason to continue to play the game after you finish one girl's route. Having a harem route in those situations is also great, since it gives you something else to shoot for after completing the game. It also increases your anticipation, which keeps you playing.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

I'm not sure I even really know the difference between them, so I don't think I have a preference. All I look for in an H game is if it has a good story (if the game is indeed story-driven) and if it has enough H scenes to hold your interest and fulfill your purpose of actually playing.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

This is a tough question to answer. With RPGs in general, since you spend so much of the game in battles, naturally how good the battle system is would be one of the most important aspects of determining whether the game is worth playing or not, second only to the story. But with H games, you mainly play to get to the H scenes so you can fap. If the game had many battles, I'd think it would eventually become a deterrent because it's keeping you from reaching your goal (in this case, the H scenes)

Honestly, I think it all boils down to how good the game actually is. If a game -even an H game- had a truly interesting and engaging story, then I could see my interests changing from "trying to get to the H scenes" to simply "playing the game because it's good". I have played a few H games where I eventually just ended up skipping the H scenes altogether because the story really drew me in and I no longer felt like fapping at that point.

Games that have no battles and just focus on daily life are also good, however, since you can connect with the characters quicker and also presumably reach your goal quicker as well.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

In this case, it really depends on the game. If I had to choose, I'd say I prefer games that don't have sex stats and just focus on the story and the sex.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

That entirely depends on how big a game it is. A small, short game should obviously be focused almost entirely on the H content to satisfy the person playing it. A larger, longer game should focus on the story to keep players interested and invested while also providing meaningful H scenes thoughout.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

I prefer CG, simply because my PC is a 16 year old toaster and can't handle many 3D-heavy games. While there are a few exceptions, most 3D games either run so ridiculously slowly that they're virtually unplayable, or simply don't run at all. I have absolutely nothing against 3D models, and if my PC can run the game, then that's fantastic, but I prefer CG artwork simply because I know I won't have anything to worry about on my PC's performance while playing.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?

When it comes to H games, I prefer playing as a male.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

I have some pretty specific tastes, likes and dislikes, so I research the game as best I can before trying it. If a game contains a lot of the things I dislike, I'll naturally stay away.

I won't list everything I like and dislike since the question isn't specifically asking for that, but for one example, I'm not fond of one girl sleeping around with several different men in a story, and yet for some reason I'm completely fine with one man sleeping with many different women. I don't condone either in real life (provided they're in a relationship) but in fantasy and hentai, that's just what I prefer. So if I see a game has an NTR tag, or a slut tag, or a gangbang tag, or whatever, I tend to avoid it. I also greatly prefer romance and romantic situations and dialog, so naturally I greatly dislike things like corruption or girls whoring themselves out and sleeping around and whatnot, which ties into the reasoning above.
Last edited:


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Sort've a dedicated yohoho, so this question doesn't apply to me.

2) How about none of those? I like platformers, and battlefuck games,
preferably male POV.

3) I've never liked visual novel games, just too slow-paced for me.

4) Meh

5) Meh x2

6) Since I don't play enough games that such a thing has an impact on,
can't really say.

7) I have never, ever been able to get into games that feature those
creepy dead-eyed 90's-esque 3D models.. They're all the same.. To my mind,
it's just like a big slightly pathetic puppet show. Maybe one day when they master
making 3D models that don't look like they were from the 90's and don't move like
a poorly-constructed animatronic, I'll start delving into that..

8) I'll always take hand drawn over CG or 3D models. But CG can still be
good, given what the dev does with it.

9) Not a big fan of sex-sim games where the point is to just either
make someone's life really great, or utterly ruin it. I prefer more
to-the-point games.

10) I typically look for platformers, battlefuck games, or anything involving
good sprite animations.

... Definitely feel like I wasn't the right person to fill this out, but hey, the more feedback the merrier.


Demon Girl Master
Jan 16, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

• I pretty much only purchase games off the . Other than that, I get games from being a pledger on certain developers' Patreon page.

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

• RPG/Adventure and Action games. I tend to stay away from VNs.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

• Second one. I like being able to choose what I do (or at least have the illusion of choice). Games that are TOO linear just get me bored.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

• The client/platform doesn't matter to me. I like WolfRPG just fine. RPGMaker is fine too but I feel like hearing the same default RPGMaker music and seeing the character sprites/portraits makes me subconsciously knock my game rating down a couple points.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

• I like both. But if you're going to make the game have combat, please don't make it boring, and try not to make it too grind-y.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

• General. Maybe one or two things that affect gameplay, but not having it all affect gameplay (which would effectively pigeonhole me into playing a certain way to get the things I want)

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

• Obviously, a good story helps. If there are 3D models, they should be original. Regular art CG's are just fine though. Bonus points for animation.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

• Depends.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?

• I enjoy playing as a male, and I typically enjoy the women taking charge, rather than the guy forcing himself on people or just being a lame character with his "cool meter" off the charts. Those "perfect" male main characters bore the hell out of me.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

• I read this forum, and I always check the "upcoming / sale notice" section on DLSite. I look for games with certain fetishes. Usually mild/light femdom and monstergirls are my favorite, but I will play anything that is interesting or highly talked about.


Demon Girl
Jan 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?
I'm a Cheapy the Cheapskate so I haven't paid for an H-game myself. Maybe in the future when I have a stable income since I'm still in college. I do prefer English translations, but if one isn't available, then hopefully making a fan-made translation isn't too inaccessible like some games (scripts breaking, usage of difficult Kanji/dialects, that sort of thing).

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?
Whatever is interesting, honestly. I don't like RPGMaker (or RPGMaker-esque) games but I still enjoyed a lot of H-games that utilize tile-based movement and sometimes turn-based combat like UrbanxLife, Rune's Pharmacy, Malise and the Machine, etc. I also don't like Visual Novels that much but I still enjoyed games like Dating My Daughter, Princess Trainer, Rogue-Like, Something Unlimited, etc.

The biggest deal-breaker is if there's decent H-animations. If there isn't any, then the next best thing is that the context behind the H-scenes is enough to grab your attention. Go for really raunchy, taboo stuff if you have to.

Another deal-breaker is if the gameplay itself warrants too much attention; I don't want to be fighting a gajillion monsters to level up characters I don't care about to progress in some adventure story just to maybe see one or two short H-scenes every now and then. Rhode's Fortress had it right, Rune's Pharmacy was a bit too grindy, and games like ROBFEOY are (puke) not worth it man...

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).
The more the merrier. As long as opening up more options doesn't take away from the quality of the work.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?
I'm not experienced in this particular field to have an opinion that matters when it comes to choosing. Whatever helps you with your coding, honestly. It's like what Nergal once said, if you have to create some insane workaround, use a different engine (he scrapped his first project made in RPG Maker and moved it over to Unity).

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?
Either is fine. I still consider Fairy Fighting to be one of the most iconic H-games out there. Great H-content, reasonable fighting system (after improvements to the bullshit difficulty), and lots of content that I wish for more. Still, recently, I've been keeping my eye on "daily life" games like UrbanxLife (Urban Demons now) and Summertime Saga, so there's that.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?
If you can make the former work like with Glassix and Netorare Imouto Misaki minus the huge amounts of grind needed, then run with it. If you're not comfortable at balancing a game concept around it, stick with the latter. Don't hinder the quality to please few people.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?
I've seen fairies get fucked senselessly by a giant wolf man for no reason I could understand because I can't read moonspeak (Kanji, at least). I've also seen really engaging stories that spiced up the H-scenes like with UrbanxLife (rest in pieces ;_;7) that made me crave for more.

To me, I think of H-games the opposite I do non-H games: graphics over gameplay.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?
I said this in the Dating Your Daughter thread, but it is extremely difficult to find someone with competent enough modeling skills to match that dude's skills, it's just insane. Most 3D models end up hitting the uncanny valley and end up being a huge turn off. I'd stick to CG/hand drawn. I wouldn't risk hitting the uncanny valley with 3D models if you're not confident enough.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?
It all depends on what the game is about and what you do in the game. Context is extremely important.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).
I click on a thread, I skim through the dlsite images/video preview if there is one (if it's a blog, I skim through that for images/previews). If it's just still-images of vanilla H-content, I pass it by; I can go to sadpanda for that. If the previews are engaging, I read through the thread a little, especially to see if there's a translation being passed around if applicable.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
Last edited:


Demon Girl Master
Jan 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

Hello everyone, I've been here for a good long time now, maybe some of you know me, perhaps some of you even like me, and certainly some of you don't. :p

I have a few questions about English H-Games and I'd like feedback from everybody that is willing to give it. There are no wrong answers here, just opinions on games. I'm going to make a list below and if you could copy the list and reply to each question in that manner, it would be easier for me to read.

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

Yes. Granted the translation isn't god awful.

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

I'm not picky. I'm just glad when there's more h-games out there for people to enjoy. Then again, those rpg maker ones that are continuously shat out can go eat a fatty. There's good ones but dear god are they buried underneath a lot of uninspired crap.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

Definitely ones that focus on multiple people. Constantly looking at the same person I'm supposed to have sex multiple times over with can be quite boring to me. You don't need half a billion people in the game, just at least 2 people to focus on.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?
Pretty much nailed it when you said "would you even care". Even if it's completely in Japanese, I don't.

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

Good fighting system vs. good "daily life" simulator. My only preference is good fighting system when it's completely Japanese. I don't wanna have to brute force my way through the game by talking to every npc and going to every single god damn location. In English, it's up for grabs.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

Dear god no I do not want my options limited simply because I decided not to grind/train a specific stat. "Don't have sufficient sluttiness, libido, horniness, etc." Fuck that with a 20 ft. barge pole. I like the middle ground where you can still do the sex option but have different dialogue and reactions from the character depending on stats. It's more work but I'd gladly pay more for that.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?
All I have to say is it all depends on how important the person makes it. I've played some h-games simply for the story and forgot about the porn aspect while others give literally no story and just drop me in a random location to do things but I still played since they have exceptional CG/art/animations.

Basically boils down to what reason you want me to be playing the game for.
I'm not playing for both.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?
I'm (not) a simple man and just want animation. If it came down to the line though, I'll take CG and hand drawn art. Lots of 3D models not used to their full potential or just straight up look weird/terrible.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?
Oh futanari lead, please become a staple sometime soon... Anyway, I'm cool with both equally. If you go with male lead though, I prefer they remain faceless.

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

I search through every backwater witch-house for any title. There are ones I constantly return to such as ULMF but most of the time, I'm scraping through every forum, half-assed review, and shady blog out there. (Not including searching through DLsite and other stores).


Sex Demon
May 6, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

Thanks guys I've gotten a lot of good replies and advice. I'm still reviewing and working on my stuff in the background here, so don't expect me to be posting a demo or a patron grab anytime soon, I want to get all my stuff lined up so I can have something very solid when I show my hand. More opinions are always welcome!


Dec 2, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

1) Would you be more likely to buy games off of legit sites like DLsite if they had genuine native English full translations? If so, would you be willing to pay a slightly higher fee than for a purely Japanese game?

I would buy games from sites like DLsite if the English version numbers went up. I don't understand why there would be a price differential as language is language and not a basis of price, besides demand of course. (Persona got Japanese audio files for free, why charge extra?)

2) What type of H-game do you like best? Visual novel style (like Library Story or Dating my Daughter) or RPG/adventure style (like Eclipse Work games, H.H. Works games, Fleeting Iris or basically anything that uses wolf RPG or RPG maker)?

Things like Kyrieru's work, and Cherry Poi's work. I don't know what it is about Cherry Poi, but I love that style. Games tend to be hotter when I'm not reading moonrunes, and entering every house, talking to every person, because I can't run outside to fight a monster and die to get porn. Even when I do, it sometimes goes straight to Game Over and both my cock and expectations are shattered.

3) If you like/play the visual novel style games, do you like games that focus on a main character and maybe small bits about other characters (like Witch Trainer) or the ones that let you work with more than one girl/conquest (Dating my Daughter, Glassix, Summertime Saga).

I guess option 1? Does that mean it's kinda like Monster Girl Quest? Because that was cool.

4) If you like/play RPG/adventure games, which format/platform do you like best? RPGmaker VX? ACE? WolfRPG? If the game was made in perfect native English, would you even care what program was used to make it?

No. Anything that doesn't slow down my shitty pc would be best, but I'll manage

5) In RPG/adventure games, do you like games that have fighting systems in them (the ones that are done well, like Adrianne and several others that I can't recall names for. Basically no English H-game has a good fighting system that I've seen so far) or do you like the games like Acerola makes that don't include fighting, but it focuses only on daily life?

Don't know who Acerola is, but games like Malice have an excellent fighting system where the character portraits are raped by enemies. Had this been animated, it may have reigned supreme.

6) Let's talk sex stats! Do you like games that track them and limit your options based on things like lewdness levels or previous choices? Or do you just like games that track them in general even if they don't affect gameplay much?

I'm fine with either, depends on the theme. If it's a slutty girl, what's stopping her from just fucking you? Does she have to build up XP by giving then million handjobs? I dunno, but it could still be fun. If the heroine is being raped, some sort of corruption system or at least lewdness system would be swell.

7) How important is the storyline? Would you rather play a game with a good storyline, with a good plot, with well written sex scenes and average CG/art or 3D models, OR would you rather play a game with a really shitty plot as long as the sex art or 3D models were good?

Honestly a good story could be great, but at the end of the day, I have one hour away from my wife and I want something hot. The simpler the story, usually, the hotter it is. Games like Future Fragments have this massive story I honestly couldn't care less for. In turn, Kyrieru's games seem to have a full world built, but you really don't get any clues as to what's going on. That serves me better than having to search through databanks and reading when I should be fapping.

8) CG and hand drawn art VS 3D models, is one better than the other? Or does it depend on the way the game is put together?

Fuck 3D models. I refuse to play em unless it's Toffi, and even that is getting stale.

9) Male or Female lead? Do you like playing as a guy who shacks up with the ladies or do you enjoy playing as a female lead and corrupting her as you see fit?

I'd say female, provided I find her attractive, (pale white with red hair or darker skinned with black hair)

10) How do you decide what games to play? Do you read threads here and elsewhere and just see what looks good? Or do you look for games with certain fetishes only? (Basically how do you find your favorite titles).

I can only try what has trails or demos. Therefore, unless I am very aware of a maker's resume (Alon's Factory with Pregnant Angel or Acid Style's Barrage!). I try to keep away for excessive gore or death, ain't really crazy for the child-bodied 18 year olds, and I happen to like big fat tiddies.


Grim Reaper
Aug 29, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Your opinion on H games (please read)

Thanks guys I've gotten a lot of good replies and advice. I'm still reviewing and working on my stuff in the background here, so don't expect me to be posting a demo or a patron grab anytime soon, I want to get all my stuff lined up so I can have something very solid when I show my hand. More opinions are always welcome!
To be honest, I would recommend threads like this to all new devs out there wanting to try their luck.

Not as a "Do only this or that", but more or less in a form of guideline and general feels around demand for porn games.
Hmm... I ponder if I should list all links for such threads and keep them.

Anyway, stuff like that helps people and as long as we don't drown in those threads, it's always appreciated.