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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

In my quest to try out more games of other devs around the forum I tried Aylia's Story out today. I found it really interesting having played numerous rpgmaker games to date I think for me it kinda trumps everything else I've tried. The good thing it does it that it starts like a proper game with a introduction in a weird way it reminded me of technomage but only ever so slightly.. Well proper game is a very loose term but as a rpgmaker title it felt like I knew where to go and that their was a path to start learning about the world along with the story. Whilst games that let you go in 20 different directions at first are ok I prefer how this one has been set up.
Whilst I'm not the biggest fan of how the inventory/menu Ui works in rpgmaker titles that's not the developers fault although I noticed it was a little different for the good of it I think I mean the character preview showing from the main tab.
I got up to the first town just after obtaining the peasant dress.
Unfortunately entering the Mayors house my game froze.
"willem!!! "ugh"
It became unresponsive after this. I have no idea how old the public viewable build on the forum here is I tried to look through about 50% of the posts to see if it was mentioned before but couldn't find it :D

I'l probably get around to trying out a little bit more at a later date.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@PM21: I'm going to tackle Lynne's design first thing after I finish chapter 1.

@Angmir: You're right, and I have always tended to be overly optimistic in everything I do. I always believe I will accomplish more than I actually do, and that has been something I have worked to try and improve on over the years.

I do want to take a moment to explain though, since your concern is warranted. I actually thought chapter 1 would be done last October (yep, that is how stupidly optimistic I was). Then, the guy I contracted to build the battle system disappeared and I did not hear back from him until February. So, that delayed things. I got the battle system mostly working in January and thought, "Hey, I can get this done by March!" Well, between work and family obligations, I had barely any time to work on it during February and March. But, I would always tell myself, "I'll get a bunch done tomorrow." Then, in April, I start actually assigning stats to monsters and realized I had no freakin' clue how to balance a battle system. That ended up taking 3 weeks of my time and before I knew it, April was gone. So, in my frustration, I shifted my work schedule to work on the game 2 days a week in May. That has helped, but my alpha testing had a number of complaints that I've worked to address (the new portrait being one of the bigger ones).

To me, the release always feels "just around the corner" and "a mile away." Not sure if that makes sense. At some point in the future, I'll start working on this full time, and having 8 hours a day that I know I can dedicate to these games will improve my ability to predict releases, but I'll still probably be stupidly optimistic. In the end, I hope that you are ultimately satisfied with what you receive. THIS is exactly why I do not run a monthly Patreon.

@Ironstorm: Not sure why it would crash there? That seems an odd place, as the crashes are usually related to move routes. You're the first to report that crash, so it may just be a fluke. Either way, that scene is changed a bit in the version I am working on, so it may not matter anyways. Glad you like what little you were able to see. Angmir will hate me, but the next release should be ready at some point this year, haha! :D (God, I crack myself up)

EDIT: @Darian: Forgot to address your question. They are called rivals because they will be involved in a number of quests, and will often be competing with Aylia to finish the quest and get the reward before she does. Something that has always annoyed me in RPGs is how the hero is the only one doing many of these quests. This is my way of addressing that issue, and it opens up a lot of cool scenarios. This will come into play quite a bit more in future chapters, but you'll see the rivalry begin to develop between Triste and Aylia in chapter 1.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

EDIT: @Darian: Forgot to address your question. They are called rivals because they will be involved in a number of quests, and will often be competing with Aylia to finish the quest and get the reward before she does. Something that has always annoyed me in RPGs is how the hero is the only one doing many of these quests. This is my way of addressing that issue, and it opens up a lot of cool scenarios. This will come into play quite a bit more in future chapters, but you'll see the rivalry begin to develop between Triste and Aylia in chapter 1.

I'm hoping that there'l be at least some times when Aylia can use sex as a faster option during the rival quests, or risk losing the reward to the rival.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm hoping that there'l be at least some times when Aylia can use sex as a faster option during the rival quests, or risk losing the reward to the rival.
That would be cool, but I think he can do more than that.

From what I have seen, there are usually 3 causes that lead to sex scenes in H games.
- consensual sex
- one man forcing his lust onto the girl (groping, voyeurism, rape)
- the sex act being the/a way to accomplish a quest.

The rival thing brings a new motivation because girls can really be bitchy to each other. Wanting to embarrass/humiliate a rival could be an interesting new angle, through dares, bets or even revenge or blackmailing (depending how far the rival thing goes).

For instance Triste will probably not back down from a bet, even if the loser has to please Bogwort with her mouth.

Angmir will hate me, but the next release should be ready at some point this year, haha! :D (God, I crack myself up)
That’s not funny. At all. How can you make jokes at such time? People are dying (of waiting) down here!

But if you could use that sadistic mind of yours to torment Aylia, that would be great :D
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@PM21: I'm going to tackle Lynne's design first thing after I finish chapter 1.

@Angmir: You're right, and I have always tended to be overly optimistic in everything I do. I always believe I will accomplish more than I actually do, and that has been something I have worked to try and improve on over the years.

I do want to take a moment to explain though, since your concern is warranted. I actually thought chapter 1 would be done last October (yep, that is how stupidly optimistic I was). Then, the guy I contracted to build the battle system disappeared and I did not hear back from him until February. So, that delayed things. I got the battle system mostly working in January and thought, "Hey, I can get this done by March!" Well, between work and family obligations, I had barely any time to work on it during February and March. But, I would always tell myself, "I'll get a bunch done tomorrow." Then, in April, I start actually assigning stats to monsters and realized I had no freakin' clue how to balance a battle system. That ended up taking 3 weeks of my time and before I knew it, April was gone. So, in my frustration, I shifted my work schedule to work on the game 2 days a week in May. That has helped, but my alpha testing had a number of complaints that I've worked to address (the new portrait being one of the bigger ones).

To me, the release always feels "just around the corner" and "a mile away." Not sure if that makes sense. At some point in the future, I'll start working on this full time, and having 8 hours a day that I know I can dedicate to these games will improve my ability to predict releases, but I'll still probably be stupidly optimistic. In the end, I hope that you are ultimately satisfied with what you receive. THIS is exactly why I do not run a monthly Patreon.

@Ironstorm: Not sure why it would crash there? That seems an odd place, as the crashes are usually related to move routes. You're the first to report that crash, so it may just be a fluke. Either way, that scene is changed a bit in the version I am working on, so it may not matter anyways. Glad you like what little you were able to see. Angmir will hate me, but the next release should be ready at some point this year, haha! :D (God, I crack myself up)

EDIT: @Darian: Forgot to address your question. They are called rivals because they will be involved in a number of quests, and will often be competing with Aylia to finish the quest and get the reward before she does. Something that has always annoyed me in RPGs is how the hero is the only one doing many of these quests. This is my way of addressing that issue, and it opens up a lot of cool scenarios. This will come into play quite a bit more in future chapters, but you'll see the rivalry begin to develop between Triste and Aylia in chapter 1.

I wont hate you I will only hate the wait ;p.
Somewhere this year doesnt sound promissing tho ;p

If anything sayign game is "just arroud the corner" is good for marketing ;]

Good luck and may Goddess speed your progress !
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Anyways YummyTiger if you need help in some way let me know. And dont worry about the release time, a lot of us are patient persons,for this, i can say that "i supporting you no matter what", sounds like a fanboy, yes... maybe... i know... but its true. For a long time i tried a lot of rpgmaker games and just 2 games have all or almost all i seek, one is Roundscape adorevia and the other its yours, Aylia´s Story. The first one is a good game but the H-scene images are a mix of diferent H-artist, and this is a fail (in my opinion), for this reason when i tried you prologue Demo i was like "omfg! the story make sense, is good, is funny, i want to know more!". The drawing is awesome, the maps are colorful, etc.

My friend your game is a gold mine, so im cool if i have to wait.

I guess a lot of people already said that to you, thank you for your effort,for make this game free, and use a original drawing style (others rpg maker use 3dcustom girl images that sucks in my opinions or just copy random hentai drawing and put them in their game (that´s even worst).

Finally i want to ask you if in the future you will add or already is implemented scene like that
I can imagine a scene where Aylia is trapped/stuck in a tunnel and the gobling is behind her and the gobling start to push her by the ass for help her to unstuck and depending of corruption lvl of Aylia can enjoy it, and maybe a consensual or forced H-scene happens, like touching or sex.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Mate you updated the info of your patreon site about the chapter 1 release time to: "Next Release: Chapter 1 - July 2015", my point is, how long? to chapter 1. And which is the main Thread about the game, im asking because i found a lot of Threads on hongfire (even with screens) and others without screens in others websites,so i just wondering which one you use more often, just for get fresh info about your progess.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Mate you updated the info of your patreon site about the chapter 1 release time to: "Next Release: Chapter 1 - July 2015", my point is, how long? to chapter 1. And which is the main Thread about the game, im asking because i found a lot of Threads on hongfire (even with screens) and others without screens in others websites,so i just wondering which one you use more often, just for get fresh info about your progess.

I don't give specific release dates at this point. The early/mid July was an estimate, which is the best I can do while I am working on this in my spare time. This fall, when I start releasing pledged updates, I will go full time, then I can attempt to tackle true release dates. I'll have at least 40 hours a week that I know I will be dedicating to the game. Right now, there are weeks where I am lucky to get 5 hours. It takes a LONG freakin' time to get this game done at 5 hours a week (granted those weeks are rare now).

My Patreon has the most up-to-date info. I tend to answer questions and comments on ULMF, Hongfire, etc., but I only post major progress reports. Just saying, "I'm still working on it," seems kind of a pointless post.

To answer comments/questions:

@souldead: Yes, Aylia will have the option to use her sexual charms to improve her ability to complete certain quests. But, the rival system is far more in-line with what Darian is saying. In fact, his comment on Triste not backing down from a bet is like he is literally in my head (that's all I'll say on that).

@Angmir: Trust me, I got your point and did not take any offense. You make a valid point, and I've been promising this thing for awhile now. I should've kept my mouth shut back in April, but I was too excited.

@Danjuro: Thanks for the offer. I'm doing okay right now. I've got two people helping me a bit with scripting, which is probably the biggest issue I've faced--well, that and balancing this damn battle system.

The crystal scenes in the prologue were a bit like your tunnel idea :). I'm not sure if that specific scene will be in the game, but we'll have to see. Who knows?

@Squark: It absolutely won't be a game over event if you fail a quest to a rival. It will instead simply influence Aylia's attitude and future quests related to that specific quest. You will actually see this a bit in chapter 1 between Aylia and Triste.

In fact, I'm not sure if there will be that many game over events at all. Losing in battle will not be a game over, I've got an idea for that. I'm aiming for a fun, somewhat challenging, experience, and I personally dislike the branching paths with 90% of them leading to game over events that I see in some games.

As always, thanks for your patience. I promise I'll update the first post and thread title when I release the chapter 1 demo.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Ok, doing the "warm welcome" quest, I've tried every building and spoke to every person I can find.

I can't find Drake, can anyone tell me where he is?

Not Dirk, (the guy in the outskirts) Drake.

tried searching the thread, but there's no answer for it.

Edit: obviously I found him right after posting the question. You can go north after you've found everyone except for Drake.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Ok, doing the "warm welcome" quest, I've tried every building and spoke to every person I can find.

I can't find Drake, can anyone tell me where he is?

Not Dirk, (the guy in the outskirts) Drake.

tried searching the thread, but there's no answer for it.

Edit: obviously I found him right after posting the question. You can go north after you've found everyone except for Drake.

Huh, had not heard of anyone having issues with finding Drake. Anyways, glad you found him. I've made some changes to that intro quest in the current version to address many of the issues people had. It should be impossible to miss Dirk now, and things should flow a bit better.

Hope you liked it! I've got the monsters completed and should finish up all chapter 1 maps today. I'm aiming to finish all the eventing this week and continue to finalize the CGs. I'll post when I have the release date locked down.

Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Huh, had not heard of anyone having issues with finding Drake. Anyways, glad you found him. I've made some changes to that intro quest in the current version to address many of the issues people had. It should be impossible to miss Dirk now, and things should flow a bit better.

Hope you liked it! I've got the monsters completed and should finish up all chapter 1 maps today. I'm aiming to finish all the eventing this week and continue to finalize the CGs. I'll post when I have the release date locked down.


So right now only thouse CGs stand between us and release ?

Thats it ?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

So right now only thouse CGs stand between us and release ?

Thats it ?

Nope, I need to put the events on the new maps. I have all the scripts written, just need to put them in RPG Maker and load the correct portraits, etc. I'll be doing that over the next few days. I'll also play through the entire game during this and fix/edit anything I feel needs a bit more love.

After that, I'm going to finalize the Enemy AI script, which I've already loaded and learned. I need to make sure the "H" attacks are working as intended and loading the right pictures.

Once that is done, then, all that will be left is a few CGs (which are already sketched).

I'll be posting on my Patreon today or tomorrow to say all this, and that maps are done. I'll make another post this coming weekend to hopefully say eventing is done. At that point, I'll give a release date.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I noticed Aylia is barefoot in the prologue. Will this game include any foot fetish material, or you are not interested in that sort of stuff?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I noticed Aylia is barefoot in the prologue. Will this game include any foot fetish material, or you are not interested in that sort of stuff?

You know, you are the first person to comment on that in all the testing and feedback I've received :D. Honestly, her sprite is barefoot because I was too lazy to draw some simple shoes on her... Kira was the same way, but I fixed that. Triste's sprite already had shoes because I used a different method for her spriting (which I what I'll do going forward).

Anyways, to your question, I don't have any particular foot fetishes. I do plan on having at least one NPC with a foot fetish in the game, so there will be some options through him. Beyond that, it did not make sense for Aylia to wake up without clothes, but still be wearing shoes (even though the panties already stretch that a bit ;) ). As an elf, I'm tempted to just have her move barefoot through the whole game... not sure.

Note: The rough draft of the dialogue between Aylia and the foot fetish NPC is hilarious (imo). It is one of those times I was actually laughing out loud as I wrote it. One big reason I put him in the game was so I could write Aylia's reactions and when she tells Bogwort about it, his reactions! :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Note: The rough draft of the dialogue between Aylia and the foot fetish NPC is hilarious (imo). It is one of those times I was actually laughing out loud as I wrote it. One big reason I put him in the game was so I could write Aylia's reactions and when she tells Bogwort about it, his reactions! :)

Her being uncomfortable around the foot freak is exactly the type of encounters I'd hope for. Will we see any of this npc in Chapter 1 or he's later into the game?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Uh, hey folks, I'm here to watch for updates to the game, not to read your spat please. This was honestly one of the tamest internet disagreements I've ever read, so take it to PMs or just move on. Thanks!

Me too! I wish that damn YummyTiger fellow who just get on with it and release the freakin' game. I mean, seriously! :D

Not sure what transpired, but seems like everyone's calmed down now. Good, Aylia's Story is above love and titties. Should be nothing but happiness in here. You don't want to make Aylia mad!

Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yet her clothes...

Her clothing was destroyed when she was imprisoned in the crystal. The Gods attempted to destroy all Eliandre artifacts, and her priestess robes were imbued with magic runes. Thankfully, her panties were rune-free ;).

Essentially, they did not destroy the Eliandre race after their attempted coup, but they did try to ensure that it wouldn't happen again. Most of this will come out as you play through the game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Except she did not age while in the crystal. It was essentially a stasis. So, nothing would have grown. That's why she is not an old lady after hundreds of years.

Aren't elves immortal anyways ?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Aren't elves immortal anyways ?

Depends on the setting, tolkien elves were, Yummy ones don't have to be.
In fact in some games they live standard human lives... We will see, is all in Yummy hands as the autor
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, I kind of took the concept of elves and put my own spin on it. Hence, they are really Eliandre, I just thought that "elves" was easier to write, and it seemed logical that the more "primitive" races would have a simpler name for them.

I think I might do a lore post on the Eliandre, but they are not immortal. They do live extended lifespans (300-400 years), and immortality was one of the reasons for the Great War in the first place. The "Elders" were all in their final centuries of life and sought immortality as they faced their ends. They tricked their people into thinking the coup against the Gods was for a noble purpose--Aylia knows some of this, which is why she holds more anger towards the Elders than the Gods.

Some of what is said here is correct. They live extend lives, they did have better hygiene than pretty much all but the Gods themselves, they were incredibly advanced in terms of "magic," and in many ways, they were the Gods' favorites. Anyways, thanks for the posts! I love talking about stuff like this, and it really helps me flesh things out as well.