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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

was the free 0.1 update coming the 30th dec? or did i mix thigns up? :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

He will try to get it done till then but its not a 100% release date i guess.

There is no such thing as 100% release dates in one-man indie developer land. Hell, I just got a notice for Jury duty next week, I guessed I missed the first one. Which means, that'll fucking eat up a least a day, probably 2-3. It is what it is unfortunately, of course, in the end the game is being released for free, so there is that.

December 30th is my goal for the release of Chapter 1. Chapter 1 will be free and should represent about 20% of the total game. It'll have multiple branching quests, multiple battle skills and H-enemies, multiple scenes with Aylia, Triste and Kira. It should provide a good example of what to expect in the final product.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just one good question here im a pleb, so only played the demo "first release" but just wondering if Aylia is a virgin? i dear hope she is, pls just answer me with Yes/No i dont want anymore spoilerinos Thanks :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just one good question here im a pleb, so only played the demo "first release" but just wondering if Aylia is a virgin? i dear hope she is, pls just answer me with Yes/No i dont want anymore spoilerinos Thanks :)

No, but Triste and Kira are.

I know it is commonplace for the heroine to be a virgin in corruption type games, but Aylia has been alive for hundreds of years. It just seemed a bit impractical that in ALL that time, she never had a romantic partner among her race. Still, I doubt it will be that negative for those wishing she was a virgin, because while she had a romantic partner, it was very vanilla and limited. So, there will be LOTS of firsts that you'll get to experience with her :D

That's all I'll say.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hey man read your cover page, great idea very interested.

Just to be clear, game is currently not released and will it be free or will it be on English dlsite?

If so how much?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

think its free for everyone, but plebs get updates later, and if u support on patreon u can updates/info and such faster ibelieve.

I don't quite understand, are you saying if I donate I get the latest version without having to wait for the game to complete?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I don't quite understand, are you saying if I donate I get the latest version without having to wait for the game to complete?

The final game will be released for free to the community. It will also probably be available on Kimochi for free. I never intended for this to be a for-sale game.

The game will be released in 6 chunks. The prologue was the first, then there will be a release of each following "chapter." The prologue+chapter 1 was always intended to be the public demo, and will be released upon completion. Given the lengthy delay in development, I plan to just release chapter 1 to the public and patrons at the same time.

After the release of chapter 1, all subsequent chapter releases will be released to patrons first. I don't know how long, or whether I'll release chapters 2-5 publicly at this point. But, when the final game is finished, it will be released freely. Nobody has to donate anything to my endeavor to enjoy Aylia's Story. If you donate, I'm trying to offer a number of perks, such as voting on upcoming content, offer input on character designs, etc., getting access to lore posts and my terrible jokes :D, maybe a mini-game or two (although I'll probably make those public as well).

Just to reiterate though, I have not solved the save game transfer issue. As this game will probably end up taking upwards of 15-20 hours to complete, it might get tiring to replay it multiple times. On that note, it might be ideal to wait and just play the complete version. Or, just play the full demo and make your decision then.

@fushan: Don't be too disappointed on the virgin thing. I'm telling you that it probably won't be that big of an issue. Aylia's never given oral, she's never done paizuri, she's never done anal, etc. You'll get to enjoy a lot of her reactions to those firsts, which should more than make up for the virginity thing. Additionally, for the virgin hunters out there, you'll get the opportunity to experience Triste, Kira, and probably Lynne losing their virginity.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I would have said that Aylia was a virgin and Kira wasn’t. Is the reason only the backstory and not the plot? I mean, from a backstory point of view it’s easier to believe Aylia’s a virgin (since she’s a priestess she could have taken a virginity vow or something) rather than to believe she had centuries of sex without trying anything remotely kinky. Of course you can always say she had to do it in a very ceremonious way, during the full moon of a summer solstice in rhythm with the ocean waves wearing a hat with bells, but a virginity vow is a lot more self-explanatory.

However, for the story I can see the point. What bothers me in other games is that everything is thrown to the protagonist the first time; first time sex ever + sex with someone unworthy + rough rape + huge orgasm + inability to resist, after that there is no much room left for progression. That’s because when the protagonist is a virgin her first time has to be something huge. On the other hand if she already had sex the beginning of her corruption won’t be as meaningful and it can start small.

Plus it gives her a point of comparison, for instance she can say to Bogwort her boyfriend is/was strong, tall, killed dragons and black knights and saved burning kittens from orphanages to belittle him, until she realizes she gets more turned on by the situations Bogwort drags her in than anything she did before with Prince Charming. It can be a slow process and it fits well with the corruption thing.

But I do have a problem, bear with me:

if Aylia isn’t a virgin, what’s her romance history? Clearly she hadn’t many relationships otherwise she would be more experienced, and if she had many partners her corruption wouldn’t be as fun. We can then assume she had only one boyfriend, maybe a few at maximum. If she had only one relationship during hundreds of years it was really special for her, it wasn’t a one night stand in college.

So, what happened to the guy? He cannot be dead because if Aylia's true love is dead the whole corruption thing gets sadder. I mean, taking advantage of a poor girl who lost the man of her life…On the other hand if he’s alive and she knows it the corruption gains a new layer (she’s not single and doesn’t want to cheat on him) and it gives another leverage to make her do things (you want to be one step closer to your boyfriend? Then let us touch your boobs).

To me, if Aylia’s not a virgin her boyfriend has to be a key element to the plot. I’m not complaining since it opens a lot of interesting opportunities but it’s not how I understand the story so far. I fear the boyfriend thing will be dropped once to say she had a tiny experience and never to be heard again, which would make little sense story wise and would miss original possibilities.

Triste on the other hand, oh boy...
Especially since there is between 99% and 101% chance it will be with Bogwort.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The final game will be released for free to the community. It will also probably be available on Kimochi for free. I never intended for this to be a for-sale game.

The game will be released in 6 chunks. The prologue was the first, then there will be a release of each following "chapter." The prologue+chapter 1 was always intended to be the public demo, and will be released upon completion. Given the lengthy delay in development, I plan to just release chapter 1 to the public and patrons at the same time.

After the release of chapter 1, all subsequent chapter releases will be released to patrons first. I don't know how long, or whether I'll release chapters 2-5 publicly at this point. But, when the final game is finished, it will be released freely. Nobody has to donate anything to my endeavor to enjoy Aylia's Story. If you donate, I'm trying to offer a number of perks, such as voting on upcoming content, offer input on character designs, etc., getting access to lore posts and my terrible jokes :D, maybe a mini-game or two (although I'll probably make those public as well).

Just to reiterate though, I have not solved the save game transfer issue. As this game will probably end up taking upwards of 15-20 hours to complete, it might get tiring to replay it multiple times. On that note, it might be ideal to wait and just play the complete version. Or, just play the full demo and make your decision then.

@fushan: Don't be too disappointed on the virgin thing. I'm telling you that it probably won't be that big of an issue. Aylia's never given oral, she's never done paizuri, she's never done anal, etc. You'll get to enjoy a lot of her reactions to those firsts, which should more than make up for the virginity thing. Additionally, for the virgin hunters out there, you'll get the opportunity to experience Triste, Kira, and probably Lynne losing their virginity.

Will we see pregnancy for the side characters too?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

It could simply be that she had a boyfriend once lost her virginity, yes, but there was a massive war and we dont know her age when she had the BF and the war happened, it could have been something of a few years and thats it, and besides, she has hundreds of years but most of them were in that crystal in which she was sealed. So she could easily be like 20s, yes she ages slowly because of here "elf" race, but we wont know till we play the game.
For which i am drooling with the posibilities. Take your time yummy and make to your hearts content XD
You could check and see what they did in mass effect series for the save carry over or like the witcher 3 on consoles where you are given questions in regard to mayor plot choices as to who is alive and what did the heroe did, other than that i dont know or maybe the Hack GU trilogy
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I think people are more worried about it than they need be. There are a number of reasons why I have it set the way I do. I've a good amount of experience writing, and I've been planning this game for over a year now. There are reasons for the things I do. In fact, pretty much every aspect of the game's details are meant to be that way. (e.g. I did not put stocks in the town just for looks, or the mayor does not have an easel in his room because I wanted a bit of clutter). You're just going to have to trust me that I'm building a good game.

As for the corruption worries Darian, I don't think it is all or nothing. Just because she is not a virgin does not mean she cannot become corrupted, or that corruption will suddenly lose its appeal. Good corruption stems from good dialogue and reactions, and those will be there. It may blow up in my face I guess, but I think people will enjoy what I have planned.

@Xil: A relationship with Bogwort will not be forced on the player.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

so there wont be any rape or nonconsentual grab assin?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I think people are more worried about it than they need be. There are a number of reasons why I have it set the way I do. I've a good amount of experience writing, and I've been planning this game for over a year now. There are reasons for the things I do. In fact, pretty much every aspect of the game's details are meant to be that way. (e.g. I did not put stocks in the town just for looks, or the mayor does not have an easel in his room because I wanted a bit of clutter). You're just going to have to trust me that I'm building a good game.

As for the corruption worries Darian, I don't think it is all or nothing. Just because she is not a virgin does not mean she cannot become corrupted, or that corruption will suddenly lose its appeal. Good corruption stems from good dialogue and reactions, and those will be there. It may blow up in my face I guess, but I think people will enjoy what I have planned.

It's your story, at the worst of times. People can reflect how it wouldn't be the story that they created, but then it becomes just a matter of opinion.

I think the only people concerned about that are the sort of hot-button fetishists. Games try to appeal to a broad base of these already, and sometimes somebody's personal fetish gets missed. I understand how that can be a dissapointment, but I also think you're right in saying that a multiple hundred year old being has PROBABLY had a romantic interest at some point.

Also, comparing it to real life, the majority of women I know happened to lose their virginity to older guys who were just after sleeping with them. That's actually not at all an uncommon story, and I don't see why the "old boyfriend" has to be a figure to the plot. Metastory wise, I think it would be really annoying for her to be constantly remembering someone she used to care for (hundreds of years ago) while learning about this new world. Why do you want to hear about an old experience of hers (unless in a flashback?) We're playing an H-game.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As for the corruption worries Darian, I don't think it is all or nothing. Just because she is not a virgin does not mean she cannot become corrupted, or that corruption will suddenly lose its appeal. Good corruption stems from good dialogue and reactions, and those will be there. It may blow up in my face I guess, but I think people will enjoy what I have planned.
Hmm, what makes you think I believe corruption will suddenly lose its appeal if she’s not a virgin? I thought I wrote the exact opposite, or at least I tried. What I did write is corruption wouldn’t be as fun if she had numerous partners, which is not the same (if she already has sex with every other man obviously it won’t be as meaningful to coerce her to do it with yet another guy).

Also, comparing it to real life, the majority of women I know happened to lose their virginity to older guys who were just after sleeping with them. That's actually not at all an uncommon story, and I don't see why the "old boyfriend" has to be a figure to the plot. Metastory wise, I think it would be really annoying for her to be constantly remembering someone she used to care for (hundreds of years ago) while learning about this new world. Why do you want to hear about an old experience of hers (unless in a flashback?) We're playing an H-game.
I think you missed the point I tried to make. If Aylia had sex before, it was with only one partner or a few at most, otherwise she would be more experienced. Why so few in centuries? I mean sure, you know women who lost her virginity to older guys who only wanted to have sex with them, but how many of those women waited dozens of years before doing it again with someone else? The “special boyfriend” is not special because he managed to sleep with her but because he was the only one or close to it in hundreds of years. Why a very attractive woman at least somewhat open to sex would stay single for centuries?

The most logical explanation I see is that she was not single, that their relationship lasted that long, hence his importance in her story.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

She's an elf, dude. Those froo-froo motherfuckers can exchange chaste embraces and flowery poems for years.

+1 for best reply so far. Made me laugh!

Also, I didn't have time to more than skim your reply Darian, so I may have misunderstood your intention. Eliandre were not a promiscuous race, and considered much of the carnal pleasures humans and other races engaged in as beneath them (ahh, corruption, you rear your beautiful head once more). So, a lot of those crazy things humans (and goblins) engage in will quite surprise her.

This is also one of the reasons why I changed some of the dialogue in the prologue awhile back. For example, when Bogwort mentions "kissing his other head," Aylia is confused. It is not something she would even think about at this point.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well a simple answer might be "She knew a guy before the war, they got close briefly became lovers, and then he did such a terrible job of trying to get her interested in the Kinky wierd stuff he was into that she not only broke it off with him but immediately joined the branch of the priesthood that required vow's of Chastity.

Though if the angle is along the lines of Elves just not being so into "Such vulgar behavior," that does raise the question of weather or not she be physically capable of getting into it now. Though considering the idea of the Elves fighting the gods, one simple way around that could be that during the fighting the elves actually mannaged to inflict a small wound on the Goddess of Passion, and when Aylia was sealed in the crystal there was a drop of her blood on Aylia's skin.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

is there a H-event status page in menu? or maybe coming in the future.

not about topic-
Oh btw my first lang is not english so i wonder why i got a -minus rep for answering with "i got u bre, thx for info" what was it? was it the "bre" ??

thought was very rude.

Edit: Thx for counter <3
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

is there a H-event status page in menu? or maybe coming in the future.

not about topic-
Oh btw my first lang is not english so i wonder why i got a -minus rep for answering with "i got u bre, thx for info" what was it? was it the "bre" ??

thought was very rude.

Edit: Thx for counter <3

If you mean a Gallery, Yummy said hes working on it.

And i lol'd at your -rep thingy
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

She's an elf, dude. Those froo-froo motherfuckers can exchange chaste embraces and flowery poems for years.
OK, they need to create a deep bond, a strong connection before moving forward. So… you agree with me when I say there must be someone very special to her in her past then?

What happened to him? Does she still love him? Is he still alive? Does she hope to see him again?

Look, I’m just saying that if she had been with only one guy in like half a millennium there must be a reason, and that reason is probably still relevant now when it comes to her behavior around men. I don’t understand why I get so much hostility just because I care about the story.