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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Yea, well, Jenn's not going to make an unskilled attempt at swimming unless there's a *really* good reason. I wouldn't say she's exactly afraid of water, but she knows she can't swim and isn't suicidal. Also she's not going to willingly taking her bra or panties off in front of Mina unless her life depends on it, so... :p)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well, it's kinda our only way of moving forwards. The vegetation is thick and goes right down into the lake. I suppose Jenn could try wading around the perimeter, but I bet she'd end up chest-deep at some point anyways. We don't have anything worthwhile to cut through the plants, and we don't have any means of fixing the bridge. Presumably the timbers are still floating around, so Mina could grab a few and we could use them as flotation devices.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well, then I guess we wait for RJ. Maybe the collapsed part is small enough that Jenn - with running and acrobatics, and without tentacles waving everywehre - could leap across. Or maybe she can try to craft a raft or something to get pulled across on. Or something like that.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina lets out an angry pout at being denied sex, but then seems to think of something, and calms down, with a mischievous smile back on her lips.

"I'll swim you guys across!" she announced, casting a glance at the attractive Jenn, and diving into the water from the bridge, only to materialize at the shore, and make a gesture at Jenn, "C'mon! Just hold onto me! I'll take you across!" she offered to Jenn, a perverted smile obvious on her face, with one of her sharp teeth peaking through her lips.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


... she's going to do something sexual or juvenile to me, I just know it. But it's not like there is any other way across, and I can't stay on this side.

"Alright... just, be careful."

When the time comes, Jenn holds on as tightly as she can but does her best to remain otherwise inert.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Oh-kay, Melissa won't go swimming back.)

Mina's quick dive takes Melissa a bit by surprise, and she hops back with a squeak as the spray hits her.

"Mi-na... When you get the chance, could you cram my stuff in my backpack and swim it over, please?" she calls as Mina surfaces near Jenn.

Shivering a little as the water cools on her skin, Melissa hugs herself in a feeble attempt to keep the chill at bay. She keeps glancing over at the monster in its lair, wanting to reassure herself that it's really staying put even while all this splashing is going on.

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina cocked her head, smile for some reason growing bigger.

"I can't carry you with all that heavy stuff... Take it off... I'll carry that separately." she told Jenn, as her cock was starting to become a little more erect... Confirming Jenn's suspicions of Mina planning something sexual, playful or no.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Yea, okay."

Jenn takes off her backpack and sets it down along with her rapier on the ground.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As Jenn hops on her back, Mina places her hands on Jenn's ass, and claims it's to hold her up while she goes into the water. Mina struggles a little, and shouts,

"K-kick your legs!" as she puts all her effort into taking Jenn across the lake.

After she managed to escort Jenn over the lake, and her clothes were soaked, Mina caught a good glance, due to Jenn's clothing now sticking to her skin, of her whole body, and what it might look like nude. This influenced her next decision, in that once Jenn was on land, Mina flipped herself over on the shore so that Jenn was on her back, and with a playful bite, she placed her teeth on Jenn's soaked breast, giving her other a tweak, before jumping off of her, giggling with what she thinks she got away with, as she went for Melissa, to help her as well...

Once she reached where Melissa was on the bridge, she waved for her to come down, Come on! Just jump down! she said.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Someone *really* isn't looking to get on Jenn's good side...)

Jenn was more surprised then hurt by the little demon's actions.


Did she really just do that? The girl has no self-control and doesn't care. I mean, she almost certainly had sex with Melissa when they disappeared after those flying women... how Melissa expects her to live in an inn full of women - and men! - who don't know about her is... I don't know.

I should radio in about whatever the hell that was that just attacked us, maybe the director knows something we don't. Like 'it will fully recover within 5 minutes of taking damage'. Oh, but it's in my bag... hope that thing's waterproof.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa gives one last sidelong look at the monster still lurking under its rocks. Lacking the adrenaline of worrying about Mina, she's a... little more cautious now.

"I-I'll climb down..."

So she does, cautiously lowering herself over the broken edge of the bridge and towards Mina's waiting hands.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Mina's just bein' mean to her, in her own mind. :p)

As Melissa goes down, having to hold her nose to stop any water from getting in, Mina quickly goes under when Melissa plummets into the water, and helps to bring her back up to the surface. She wraps Melissa's arms around her neck, and tells her to hold on, as she lets her go, trusting Melissa to hold on, as she swims towards the shore that Jenn was on.

After dropping Melissa off at the shore, and making two trips to and fro to bring their supplies safely across the water, protected in the water proof packs (Except for Melissa's rifle, where the barrel of the gun was sticking out above Mina's head, she had to swim a little harder to make sure no water got in.), Mina looked worn after placing Jenn's gear on the dry ground, having brought all their stuff to the other side, she let out a sigh, and collapsed onto her naked back on the ground...

(Mina's stamina status: Yellow)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa looks over from where she's shaking the water off, trying to get as dry as she can before she puts her underwear back on.

"Thanks lots, Mina, do you want to take a moment to catch your breath before we go into the greenhouse? I'm not sure if you'd fit my jeans all that well, but if you want 'em, you can have 'em..."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Heh, I half expected Mina to try to insist that Jenn strip down and then 'forget' to bring over her clothes. :p)

While Mina's swimming about, Jenn does her best to dry off - standing in the sun and wringing out her shirt as best she can. When Mina brings her pack, she picks it up and finds the radio...


"Hello again, we ran into more interesting native life. This time a bunch of tentacles flew out of a lake and tore apart the bridge we were trying to cross. Nobody was hurt this time, and they seemed to retreat rather quickly once we hurt them. Anything we ought to know? Otherwise we'll continue our investigation into the scream we heard."

Meanwhile, Mina finishes bringing over the rest of the stuff. As she finishes talking, Jenn becomes aware that both Mina and Melissa are naked, Mina with her unusual assets painfully obvious.


"Well thank you, Mina. Are you okay to go or do you need a minute?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Other than the warning I gave you to avoid dark water, there's little else I can recommend. Continue your investigation, and report everything to me. Out."

As Mina lay on the ground, catching her breath, she looked up to Jenn with a goofy, perverted smile,

"I could use a little encouragement..." she said suggestively to Jenn, eying up her still damp body.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(What exactly does she think I'm going to do? >.<)


"Encouragement? What, like I should threaten to kick you if you keep looking at me like that?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa rolls her eyes at Mina's suggestive suggestion.

"Mi~na... do you want to spend the night in the bathtub when we get back?"

She sighs and puts her underwear on. Soggy and dirty, it's still better than strutting about naked.

"So do you want to try the jeans on or not?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina gets up from the ground, and gives a quick shake of her head towards the offered jeans before continuing to harass Jenn.

"You should realize you're madly in love with my body! Hee, Hee!" she teases. and when Jenn offers to 'spend a night in the bathtub,' she smiles brightly, "Yeah! But I want Jenn to be in the tub to!" she seemed to have very much enjoyed the threesome they had with Melanie, and seemed to want another...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Either Mina's being obtuse now, or Mina's REALLY dumb...:rolleyes:)

Melissa sighs at Mina's antics, and puts the jeans on herself. The slight edge of sarcasm in her voice gets a little more pronounced with her next statement.

"I meant, ALONE. Would you like a shirt, or do you want to strut around naked for a while?"

She hefts up her backpack, testing the straps and making sure there's no lingering puddles of water. She also looks over her rifle - Mina did her best, but it definitely got splashed; Melissa'll have to spend some quality time with a cleaning cloth later.

(If Mina doesn't take the T-shirt, Melissa puts it on herself.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Yea well, you're not getting anybody into a tub until we finish with this. Lets keep going."