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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

While Evelen had no trouble getting out of the car and walking around even with her high heels, the pink-haired girl was tripping and falling all over the place now. The brunette couldn’t help but look at her sadly, thinking just how dumb she seemed. Had she been that stupid before the mage cast her spell? She certainly hoped not. Apparently it wasn’t much of a safehouse they were in, not really secure from any intruders, but it was at least something. The three girls got on the elevator, heading up. The magician spoke up while they were inside, telling the two girls that there wasn’t enough food or water for all three of them if they chose to stay. The mage herself wanted to stay and research for a while, but if both of them stayed with her they would all probably have to go out to scavenge for food and supplies. She asked what they wanted to do… And somewhat predictably the pink-haired girl just hugged Evelen and gave a non-answer. The brunette sighed and thought… though the mention of her family reminded her that her mom had to be somewhere out there, probably worried about her despite having left her at home. "Well… I don’t want to be too much of a burden" she replied quietly, "and I do need to get out of here and find my family. I think I want to leave. Hopefully after getting some clothes to protect me."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

So your family is still traped at the city, i just hope than they still can be saved. I dont have too much things here and i could need them later, but i have an used mantle, it have some holes but it will be able to protect you The woman then get inside a room, all was a mess, with boxes and some industry trash, the mage returned after a moment with a grey old mantle than looks more as something to protect from the rain than a mage outfit, the mage also lend a purple cute woman bag, this could certainly store more things than Evelen's old plastic bag.

Aww, can i go too, right? The pink girl whimper as a little girl, holding Evelen's arm.

Doubt than that could be a right choice, but i dont have more orbs here, she could be in the verge of not back or already she is spoiled completely, i could be in danger if she stay here, but i could take the risk if you want
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No, I don’t… think she is" Evelen replied when the magician expressed that she thought her family was still trapped in the city, "I just… got left behind, somehow." She fidgeted around a bit, annoyed that she couldn’t remember what had happened. "Do you have any idea why all this is happening? What’s going on?" she asked as the mage got inside of another very messy room, giving her an old gray cape that was beaten and worn, meant to keep the rain off of the wearer. It would certainly protect her from the radioactive snow, so it was well appreciated. Also she was given a purple purse, which would be much better for holding things than her plastic bag. The pink-haired girl whined a little when she said she was going to leave, clutching at the brunette’s arm and asking if she could go with her. The magician didn’t seem to think that was a good idea, but that she would also be in danger if she stayed. "Well… I can’t use magic to make her better. If it could mean that she never mentally recovers, maybe she should stay here until you can heal her."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Left behind? i suppose than something really bad could had happened if they made that, maybe they needed to leave quickly or something made them act like that

Anyway, i certainly must apologize, but i ussually use the orbs to restore or improve myself, so maybe i should just make her stay here until i leave, maybe with the time she will get better or the doctors find a cure
The mantle girl answer, showing to Evelen than the pink girl will not be healed by her.

They started to move toward the elevator, but just when they press the button, the lights started to fail, as if someone was pressing the light switch or the battery building is fadding.

I dont know why this is happening, in just a moment all started, this gas and the dust started to fall, soon all get worse, all started to run away and only the unlucky ones remain at the city, i had seen many strange things happening to the people. Fortunately i learn to use the orbs before something really bad happen to me.

I need to check the battery, if it die now, you will need to stay here all the night, but you can use the stairs to leave now as there is still time.

Evelen notice the elevator number 5, she needed to go down faster. Meanwhile the pink girl has been focused at her naughty body and random things at the rooms to focus on the talk.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well… there’s a gap in my memories. I don’t know what happened, I just sort of was in my bathtub with no memory of the day before" Evelen said, genuinely unsure what had happened, but hoping that there had been something crazy that had forced her mom to flee quickly. She hoped her mom was okay… In any case, the magician said that she probably wouldn’t try to heal the pink-haired girl’s mind, which made the decision on whether to take her or not fairly easy. If she was going to be trouble for the mage and wasn’t going to get any better, the brunette could at least try to guide her to the outside world and find a doctor, as the magician had suggested. She didn’t know what had happened to the city either, of course, and couldn’t answer Evelen’s questions.

The three of them walked to the elevator again, but before they could get in the lights flickered and went out. Apparently the battery was dead, or something like that. The magician said that she was going to go to check on it, and that if it died the two would have to spend the night in the warehouse, but they could leave via the stairs if they wanted. "I think we’ll leave" Evelen said, not wanting to be a burden. "Thank you for all your help. And… take care of yourself" she continued, before taking the pink-haired girl by the wrist. "Come on, let’s go" she said, tugging her towards the stairs. They didn’t have time to waste standing around, they needed to find another method of transportation somewhere and get out of there.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

You awake at the bathtub? That sound so strange, i guess than you dont find any clue at your house before leave. The woman said looking interested at the strange way than Evelen awaken at this nightmare. Take care too, without my help you could have some problems to use the orbs, but once you learn the method it will be not so risky. With this the woman leave, leaving both moving downstair, the leather heels made hard use the stairs, even more doing it quickly to get out at time.

Meanwhile the pink girl giggle happy to be leaving with Evelen, yet she looks to have a few problems using the stairs, a little off mind to place her foot in the right place. Not so fast, please. The stairs are so creepy The dumb cheerleader say when the metal stairs continue making normal sounds as they go down.

Fortunately Evelen manage to stop of fall at the stairs more of two times, running at the stairs with heels really turned into a difficult task and she get a little tired and sored by the hard work.

She then notice than the last floor was a small parking lot, yet all the cars looks to had been drained of theirs battery and gas, as they have the front part and gass hole open and with small drops on the floor in some of them. She could look more at this place or go out using a large metal door or a cell like small door than could lead her to a small room before leave at the street.

At the parking lot, she can see five cars, also she notice some kind of white fluid close a wall, there was also a metal chair and a pink glass who looks to be a little dirty resting at a side of one of the cars

(cars: blue, red, white, small yellow, truck green)

stamina 75 lust 15(thanks to thigh netdress) lewd 0 int 4 str 3 dignity: humillation clever, breasts: D+ hair: shoulder
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It was really strange" Evelen replied, nodding, "my house looked like it had been ransacked by burglars, but they’d been forced to leave suddenly. There was just random stuff all over too, a bunch of boxes and stuff. The only thing I found in the house before I ran out was… there was this… doll thing. It looked like a big kid’s doll, but it had really big boobs, and a huge… guy… thing. It moved and talked, so I got out of there really quick" she continued, trying to explain everything that had happened in her house before she had left. Maybe the magician would have some clue as to how this all happened. As a final parting question she asked "can you give me any tips on how to use them? I’m not a magician… Do you just hold them and ask them to do what you want?"

With that taken care of Evelen and the pink-haired girl moved towards the stairs, quite quickly. They needed to hurry to get out in time, and they were five stories up. They had some trouble going down once they made it there, the brunette because of her heels and the slutty cheerleader because she seemed maybe a little dumb even to use the stairs. Evelen almost fell several times, but thankfully the stairs had railings that she could hold onto and steady herself. When they got to the ground floor she found that there was a small parking garage with a number of different cars, but it looked like they had been stripped of their batteries and gas by the looks of them, probably to fuel the mage’s car. The young girls didn’t linger there, instead going out through the metal door. There were still cars in the outside parking lot, so she would check them in order of size for being drivable, going from smallest to biggest. Small cars had better gas mileage, right? That was her thinking, anyway. If she didn’t find a car that could be driven she would begin to head out in the direction opposite her house, towards the edge of town. They would have to find a car or a place to stay the night soon.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Before leave, Evelen tried to get more answers from the unknown woman, the mantle girl looks to be in a hurry but stop and hear all what she need to say, interested in know exactly any clue of why the brunette awakened at the bathtub.

A living doll, yes i had saw something like that before, but i supposed than it was some kind of hallucination from the pollution, well a "big kid’s doll" is not the worst than i had saw at the street. About the burglars that is a common news anywere, yet i havent see any of them after all leave the city

Anyway, what is happening at this city is something out of the history, it could be anything from magic to some kind of space dimension phenomenon, but at least i guess than the orbs acomplish some kind of wishes, they fulfill a wish if is the correct color, yet i dont know why sometimes that fail or give strange side effects.

Well i must leave now.
The woman said before leave, leaving both girls alone.


Once down, Evelen decide to get out and find the parking lot from the outside, however there ws not any, just small streets, some on fire, she used her old gray cape to cover herself, finally she was glad to cover her exposed body from the wind and the strange particles, meanwhile the pink girl used her pompoms to defend herself of the strange enviroment, yet this make her arms press her breasts and show a little part of her pink areolas, of course than she dont notice it. They look around as the lights from the building went down, leaving the mantle girl completely traped inside in the darkness for a while, as also making the segurity system close the doors before the energy went down.

From that point all get in completely silence, yet the little giggles from the pink girls helped to to Evelen to dont get completely scared. Her attempts to find a car werent successful, many cars were on fire or already destroyet and turned in black remains by the flames, others were ompletely closed and the ones with keys were struck between others heavy cars than Evelen is unable to even move an inch using all her strengh. At the cars she found some adult diapers, medicines than looks to be used for old people, some cigars and more trash, at least in one card she found some money at coins, maybe 12 dollars in total, a maternity F bra and pink stokings.

She dont know really where is the direction of her house as she was bellow the pink girl when they reach the building, she could still try to take the right path than she suppose could take her out the street. However she slowly notice something crawling toward them hidden at the miss bellow theirs neithers. She could see a path than will take her to some houses with many walls and metal doors, other looks to take her to a alley and then another toward a big store shop far away of them.

Inventory than i remember
pink bag
Big maternity bra
baby's bottle with soda
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Apparently the magician had seen living dolls like the one that had been in Evelen’s living room, but had assumed it wasn’t really there. She also just didn’t know anything at all about what was happening in the city, just throwing out random speculation, though she did give some vague clue as to how the orbs were used. The brunette would have to try it at the first opportunity, to reverse some of the damage that had been done to their bodies and minds by the previous orbs. She left feeling a little bit better, as if this was something she could handle now that she knew a little bit more. And she might not have been a mage, but then again neither was the woman in the mantle… She was just an ordinary woman like Evelen, or at least that was what the brunette wanted to think. If the woman could handle this nonsense, so could she.

There wasn’t a parking lot in easy view once Evelen got outside, just a lot of small side streets. It seemed this industrial park was in a weird part of town she’d never really been to. She was glad for the cape now, her body almost completely covered by it, now safe from the burning dust that fell all around them. The pink-haired girl again used her pom-poms to protect herself, keeping the radioactive snow away from her head and face, though she also smushed her breasts in against each other, making quite the cleavage for her… The brunette had to turn away, blushing, trying not to look at her sexy body. She could tell that the lights had all gone out in the building, and that they had gotten out just in time. The security doors on the building had all slammed shut just beforehand, likely some kind of closing time thing. She hoped the woman would be okay. They didn’t have time to look back, though, so soon enough they were walking down the street, looking for a car.

Unfortunately there really weren’t any useful cars to be found. Almost all of them were burned out or otherwise destroyed, and what few weren’t were either locked up tight or blocked in by others that were. Evelen couldn’t even get in them to shift them into neutral and try to push them off. She did find a few things in the ones that were open, though… Odd medicine she knew she shouldn’t touch, cigars, junk. There were some useful things, though, or at least potentially useful. Some adult-sized diapers that might work as makeshift panties if nothing else, some money, a giant bra, and a pair of pink stockings. When they found a safe place she would have to see if the bra fit the pink-haired girl, and maybe the stockings would be nice too. She didn’t know how the money might be useful in this situation, but there was no sense leaving it. She noticed as she went through all these things that it was deathly silent in the city, more so than she had ever heard it before. It was creepy, but at least she wasn’t alone.

Evelen really didn’t know where she was going by now, but she was still fairly confident that she was headed in the right direction. The two girls walked together without incident for some time in quiet, the brunette keeping her eyes peeled on the ground through the mist. Finally she noticed something crawling towards them, its appearance mostly obscured by the pink mist that covered the ground. There were a few different paths they could take to try and get away from it… One would lead to some houses, another down a back alley, and the final path to a large store some distance away. The store was too far to go, that was out, and the alleyway seemed like a bad place to be… So that left the houses. She hoped they could get inside and close some doors, keeping whatever it was out for at least a while. "Come on, hurry" she said, grabbing the pink-haired girl by the wrist and running. She was getting more confident in these heels with time, so she didn’t think she would fall…
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With the strange creature moving toward them, Evelen don wasted any second and take the pink girl who whimper as the brunette hold her wrist, making her nearly fall on the floor, both girls manage to hold themselves at a close car, wasting some seconds as the crawling noise get close them. But finally they move away running toward the possible shelter of the houses some feet's away of them.

Evelen tried to open some of them but many were closed, she pull from the ceiling doors than protect the houses from the thieves than could live at the houses near the industry building. The time cntinue to shrink and the strange creature get more close them in each second than pass, the pink girl tried to help as best as she could but she couldnt try to open the doors and protect herself at the same time.

They then tried a house with less segurity, a small one without a wall and a window open, they could try this one or go deep inside the street in order to find a safe one.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Whatever the creature was that was following the two girls, it was still gaining on them as they made a run for it. Part of that, of course, was due to the fact that the pink-haired girl stumbled right away, whimpering at the sudden motion. They managed to steady each other against a broken down car nearby, but it wasted precious seconds as the sound of their pursuer got ever closer. They finally got underway and ran to the nearby houses, but try as she might Evelen couldn’t get any of the doors to open. They were closed and locked up tight, and she couldn’t help but think that this had once been a high-crime area to have such security. The dumb cheerleader wasn’t helping either, but that was understandable given that she needed to protect herself from the radioactive snow. Finally there was a house with a little bit less security, and another nearby without a wall. The one that she could get into was good enough for her, because her pursuer was right behind her now… She would try to get in and barricade the door, and then find some place inside the house to hide just in case.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thinking than they couldnt have more time, Evelen decided to take this not so secured house, going inside thanks to the opened window, with some difficults both get inside, then they secured the door and the opened window than they had used. The noises reach the door and were so intense than Evelen could bet than this creature could break it, fortunately it stop and leave them in peace.

Im scared, what if the owner of this house found us The pink girl said, certainly using all her brain to say something useless, there was not a way than she could find how to use a bra, her mind is more focused in touch her pompoms or admire in awee her uniform.

Evelen turn around and notice a little hall with some newspaper, a little black ball at the corner and a black throne, there was also some wood and some wood working gloves. Next the room is other with many toys in boxes and others out of them, finally some stairs are between both rooms.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Both Evelen and the pink-haired girl climbed in through the open window, managing to get in with some difficulty. The brunette was really getting used to her high heels by now, walking and even more complicated maneuvers were getting easier for her. They rushed to close the window and lock it, and then run to the door to barricade themselves in. Whatever was following them reached the door just after they had finished blocking it up, and the noise by now was really loud. It slammed against the door a few times, making the brunette shake a little bit in fear… it seemed like the creature would be able to simply bust the door down. Thankfully it stopped after a while, seemingly leaving them alone. For the moment, at least.

"It’ll be fine, the owner is gone or they would have kept the house locked down" Evelen replied to her cheerleader companion, a little annoyed at how dumb the girl was being. She definitely wouldn’t be able to figure out the bra, so the brunette decided to save it for in case her current shirt was destroyed somehow. Now that they weren’t in immediate danger she took a look around, seeing what kind of house they were in. There was a hallway behind them covered in newspaper, with some pretty weird items. There was a black throne next to a little black orb, and then bits of wood and some gloves. The orb was kind of interesting, but she didn’t have a clue what black ones did, so it would be best to leave it alone. The gloves, they were something. She already had on the long pink ones she had gotten from the school, but the pink-haired girl could definitely use a pair. The next room was oddly full of toys, and between the two was a stairway. "Hey, come put these on" She said to her companion, leading her to the gloves and helping her to put them on if necessary, and then heading for the stairs to scout for more useful things, hopefully some orbs she could try out.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Ehm? yes... you are really smart "giggle" The girl say happily yet confused, when Evelen say why the owners couldnt be there. Then she tried to wear the gloves, yet she looks to be a little sick of wear the gloves. Eww... they feel weird and are...ehm...hmm... ugly?...

Once ready both move upstair, the two soon find themselves in a small corridor, they could heard some little noises coming from the rooms. Evelen could choice from a rusty metal grey door and a very old wood door, as she moves toward them, she heard a loud noise from something falling at the floor at the small floor from where are the toys.

Resting at the small corridor she notice a small black bag with a small light coming from it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I guess" Evelen replied to the pink-haired girl’s comment that she was smart, shrugging a little bit. She didn’t feel that way, and never had, but maybe if she spent more time around this dumb girl she’d start thinking she was a genius… The girl clearly didn’t want to wear the gloves, but the brunette forced her, saying "you’ll like it when we get outside again and your hands don’t burn." That done, the two began to walk up the stairs, quiet noises coming from the other rooms as they slowly ascended the creaky wooden stairs. At the top there were apparently two rooms to explore, one with a rusty metal door and another with a very old, decrepit wooden door. The contrast was strange… what kind of house was this? Just as she walked closer there was a loud crash below them, something falling onto the floor in the toy room from the sound of it. She nearly jumped a foot, but there were some things that could explain it away. There had been lots of toys sitting around in that room, some of them perched somewhat precariously, and they had made quite a fuss as they came in and slammed the door. Maybe they had set something to teetering? Whatever the case, Evelen was worried, but not enough to try to run. There was a small black bag she had spotted in the moment of freaking out, sitting by the wall, and something inside it was glowing softly. She wanted to check that first, and then get into the room with the wooden door.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I dont want to get burn The pink girl whimper, as her fine unscratched delicate hands were covered by the gloves before take the pompoms than had been protecting her all the time, with the gloves on she feels to have more problems to hold her pompoms and sometimes she must to get down to take them again, making completely visible her lower body.

Once upstair, Evelen check the bag on the floor after take a moment to recover herself, she just then notice a very bright and warm blue orb, also she found a strange pair of orange pills and a leather cat suit.

After decide what to do with these, she went to the wooden door and tried to open it, once a hard moment the door get opened and a dense fog cloud surround them, her left leg soon get trapped by something long and gross than pull her inside. The pink girl remain clueless as Evelen tried to stroggle and notice what was happening, she dont notice too much but she can reach to see some kind of vines wraping her lower body, just then she noticed a very old rusty axe on the floor, as also a red dark orb and a pink orb close the pink girl. With these options she could try to escape too struggling to get free.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Exactly" Evelen said quietly, "so that’s why you wear the gloves." It seemed that, unfortunately, the girl had trouble holding onto things with the gloves on, dropping her pom-poms a few times as they moved up the stairs, having to pick them up annoyingly. Even worse, whenever she bent over she gave the brunette a very clear look at her enticing ass… It was quite the blush-worthy view. In any case, she checked the glowing black bag and found one of the things she had been looking for all along… A bright blue orb, the source of the glowing. There was also some strange orange pills and a leather catsuit, the latter of which she would pick up and put in her bag, but first she would tell the pink-haired girl "hold still now, I want to try something" and pick up the blue orb. She would quickly turn to look at her companion and say "make her smarter" in an attempt to use the orb, to reverse some of the curse that had been placed on her.

Evelen would wait a moment or two to see what the effects were, provided nothing too drastic happened right then and there, before moving to the wooden door. It was kind of difficult, as if it were stuck in place, but after exerting some effort she managed to open it. There was some kind of dense fog that immediately surged out of the room, and before she could react she felt her left leg grabbed by something slimy and disgusting… It pulled her inside the room as she screamed in shock and horror, nearly falling over flat onto her back. She struggled with all her might, looking around through the fog to find something, anything… There was an old rusty axe on the floor, and that was all she could see that might help her against the apparent vines grabbed her legs. The brunette reached for the axe, preparing to chop the vines in two and make a run for it, hopefully to close the door behind her again.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Trying to take the chance of make the cheerleader smarter, Evelen tried to use an orb for the first time, she take it and as she start to talk, she could feel than the orb was really hot, nearly burning, fortunately she endure the pain thanks to her pink gloves, however before end to say her wish, the strange object explode and affect both girls. Of course than both are unable to feel the difference, the pink girl just whimper and cover herself and then just remain there looking in a cherfull way to Evelen or at least that looks to be she doing, as her eyes were gazed and maybe lost in the space.

The brunete girl dont have too much choices now to solve this at the moment, so she fight hard to find a good way to open the door where she faced something like a plant trying to rape her, she scream and struggle wildly in an attempt to escape, taking a very old axe to try to hurt the creature, however the weapon get broken in the first strike, even the wooden part get broken and turned into fragments at the nurse hand, fortunately she in a sudden move get free and then run away from the room.

Just then she notice than the pink girl still remain stand at the same place and without be able to avoid it, Evelen collide against the dumb girl, as her skills with the heels looks to dont be really good to run with them. Both girls fall to the lower floor, making a dusk cloud get up as they receive a heavy impact than leave them get uncouncious for a while.


Evelen awaken with a huge pain at her head and her body sored by the impact, she could feel than her body could feel a reduction on the temperature and a fruit like smell could be feel close her, she opened her eyes and notice her body hanging down, her mantle was miss as also her nurse hat, her fishnet has been turned into just a tanktop than press hard at her breasts, she could see the dangerous pink fog just an inch from her head.

After notice than her legs were wraped in a durable rope at the ceiling, she notice than the pink girl was now nude and just sitting over a desk, her lifeless face have a complete make up, her size is now of a girl around 8 or even 7 years, her breasts were even a size bigger, her skin is now more than pale, it looks more likely as some kind of plastic and her now red lipstick lips remain making a O like shape. Just then Evelen could notice than she is now at the toy room from bellow and the front door is now fully opened.

Evelen instinctively taste her lips with her tongue and notice a sweet taste, maybe she also have a make up similar to the now nearly doll girl, the small pink girl turn to Evelen with a happy smile and stunned moves, at the moment both are alone and the role holding the brunette looks to end a little close where the pink like doll girl is resting. Evelen could try to struggle to try to fall, yet she dont have any item with her now, maybe these are at the room, without her hat she feel less able to come to find a way to solve this, maybe her brain is less useful than before, yet she can see three orbs resting at a seat, one black other blue and a pink one, she can see than fortunatelly the room looks to be a little bigger as she remember it, a good thing as she is not breathing the pink smoke.

[ Evelen int is now 2.5, she has lost some inches and maybe she is scared of what she had found after awake. She could recover some int with her clothes and items if she find them ]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The orb was incredibly hot in Evelen’s hand, burning her painfully even through her pink gloves. Still, she was able to handle it for the sake of casting this spell… Before she could finish what she was saying, though, the ball exploded in her hand, immediately affecting the two of them. The brunette couldn’t tell a difference in herself, but she knew what had happened during her attempt. The pink-haired girl had already been pretty damn stupid, and now she was just staring blankly ahead, her eyes glassy and vacant. She seemed almost mindless by now… Cheerful looking, but barely there at all. It was an unfortunate first attempt at spellcasting, especially because it would make future attempts all the more difficult.

Evelen’s “plan” to attack whatever sort of vines were wrapping around her leg went pretty well initially, as she was able to grab the old axe and slam it down on some of them. The plant snapped in two, what remained of those slimy tendrils writhing on the floor, but some still held on to her, and what was more the axe had fallen apart. It was very old, so the wood had been rotten, and when she slammed it against the ground it shattered into splinters in her hand. Even so she managed to jerk herself free of the creature, having weakened its grasp on her with her attack, and she stumbled and ran towards the door as fast as she possibly could. Unfortunately the pink-haired girl hadn’t moved from her spot since the orb had exploded, and Evelen noticed too late to avoid crashing into her head first. Forehead knocked against forehead, and the brunette was out like a light, limply crashing to the floor below.

She woke up some time later, though she couldn’t tell how long. Her head was aching badly from having slammed into the pink-haired girl’s, and her entire body was sore… It was cold where she was, she could tell, and there was a nice fruity smell wafting through the air, like shampoo or scented handsoap. She could also tell that she was hanging upside down, by the way blood had settled to her head. She was feeling quite lightheaded as she opened her eyes, noticing that her cloak and hat were missing, and her fishnet dress had been cut down to a sleeveless shirt that squeezed against her breasts quite tightly. She swayed slightly from side to side, a rope tied around her ankles and attached to the ceiling… The pink-haired girl was there, completely naked and sitting at a desk with really intense, slutty makeup on. She seemed to have shrunk significantly too, her face had become softer and more girlish… but her breasts had grown even more. She looked like an 8 year old who had had plastic surgery to give her an enormous bust. She didn’t seem like she was all there, like she was just sitting there blankly.

Next Evelen noticed that the pink mist was just below her, dangerously close, and that she was in the toyroom they had seen on the first floor. That meant the front door was wide open… She had to get out this position quickly. "Help me" she called out to the pink-haired girl, who was probably devastatingly dumb by now, not expecting much. All she could think to do was struggle on her own, to swing and fight against the ropes with her ankles. If she got free she would run to grab the blue orb she saw, holding onto her memory of that, and wishing that it would "make us both smarter" and if that worked to pick up the pink orb, wishing for it to "make us less lewd."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Once Evelen call for help, the pink girl turn again to her, blinking a pair of times before start to try to move, she looks to have problems to get up with her really huge breasts than by a unknown reason remain slighty firm without fall too much, nearly as if it has been created at the right shape to remain in her possition yet at the limit to look seductively as it could in that size. However the lighhead Evelen dont remain quiet and continue her struggle until she fall direct at the mist making her get the effect of the mist once again. Her breasts start to get bigger as she get up and tried to get the obs, however her skills of walk with the heels looks to had been reduced as also her mind, so she fall again before reach the chair, she painfully get up, feeling her breasts grow more until some strings from her top start to break, the humillation and pain given to her all this day are now making her feel really strange, she could nearly bet than she was loving how her breasts were pressed completely by the translucid net. Making soft groans and moans she tried to focus on the orb, she suppose than if she fail again the pink girl will be less smart than a rock and she will maybe reach the IQ level than the pink girl was having when she meet her.

The wish was placed and the now common smoke surround them followed by the pop sound. She feels like the same as how she has awaken some moments ago, but she dont have time to lost and cast her next spell, the pink orb act after her words and then check what has happened with her and the pink girl,

My body feel funny "giggle" Do you has grow lately? asked a clueless yet capable of think pink girl, maybe with the same lighthead than always Evelen has know than she have, yet for some reason her words looks less dumb than before and Evelen could bet than she would ask the same if she were in the same condition than her dumb ally. Out of that the pink doll has lost part of her make up and her body looks more human and less a toy, yet she remain with the same height. The little woman start to scratch her big breasts and hairless cunt, making a sight of relief as she do it. It feels good"giggle" Anyway the strange owner will come in any moment, i heard than we will be completed soon when more orbs get found... or something, what should we do now?

Without had recovered too much her intelligence, Evelen have few choices to do now as her breasts had already broken part of her top, a little more pression and the fiber will burst away in a potent move. She could now try to find something more at the room or just run away without anything at the street. She then notice a closet and a wooden chest at a side, she could check maybe one before have a possible meeting with the person who is trying to turn them in sex dolls.

Int 2 Evelen has a small make up again, her lips are still painted with a delicious fruit lipstick yet is a normal style. Her breasts are nearly two size bigger and her top has reached the limit. (witout bag or item: max item storage is 2 per person, yet the pink girl could make any item fall at any moment and Evelen too but with less chance)