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Jen (Phoenix)

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen searches through the books only to find countless medical journals, research papers, and dictionaries. She then hears the door behind her open and close again. "What are you doing?" A booming voice asks. She turns around to see a large blond haired "doctor" looking at her with a confused and angered face.

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

I was just trying to find out where I was... Jen says, wheeling around quickly. Maybe this man could help her. He hasn't attacked her yet at least.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

The blond man looks at the woman in front of her. "You are supposed to be in exam room. You are one of the trial subjects, are you not?" The doctor looks at a clipboard he is carrying in his hand, seeming to be searching for something.

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

What are you talking about? I woke up a floor down less than an hour ago and keep getting attacked left and right! Jen says, distress in her voice.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

"Ahh yes, you must be.... Jen? I have heard about your travels to this floor. You know, I should report you for escaping." The man says, moving a step or two closer. "But you know, I have a little experiment of my own. Tell you what, yOu help me, I help you. Deal?

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Wha...? Escaping? Why am I even here... What do you want, too? Jen asks the man.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

"Well you are clearly standing here, which means you escaped your cell. You should be down on the lower floor, but like I said, I have a proposition for you. I am doing some of my own research, and am trying to develop a collar that lowers the resistance of the person who wears it. You wear it and I will let you go your way." The man pulls a leather and metal collar out of his pocket. "Don't worry, once the data has been collected, it will drop off you. Do we have a deal?"

Inhibition Collar: -1 to DEF and CONST; 10% chance per turn that it releases (At the beginning of the turn)

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Accept Collar
Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen quickly stumbles back, hand clenching around her bat. N-no! I just woke up in a four way intersection of hallways.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

"Hrmm, then someone failed to put you in your cell properly. The guards on that level are not the smartest, most dedicated lot." The man assumes a more agressive stance. "Now, are you going to help me, or am I going to have to take you back down? By force, if needed."

Inhibition Collar: -1 to DEF and CONST; 10% chance per turn that it releases (At the beginning of the turn)

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Accept Collar
Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Nnnnnnnyaah! Jen pushes out in fear, raising the bat up.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

"Okay, I've had enough of this." The doctor puts the collar back in his pocket and drops his clip board, lunging at Jen. He tackles her, pushing her hard into shelving behind her. She loses her breath and drops her bat to the floor.

(Crit Hit)

Jen DEF: 1
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Pick up bat (50%)
Flee S (50%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Gah! Jen cries out as she tries to shove him backwards, tears in her eyes now. If she can just get him back a bit and off balance, she might be able to get the bat.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen pushes hard, but the man is very strong. He forces her down to the ground. he stays on top of her. "I am gonna turn you in, but not before I punish you for your insolence!"


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 3

Pick up bat (50%)
Can't Flee
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

N-n-n-no! Get off of me! Jen cries out as she tries to wriggle free from the man and dislodge him.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen manages to pry the man off of her a bit, enough to pull herself up against the closest wall. In the process she half-purposefully, half on accident headbutts the man.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 2

Pick up bat (67%)
Can't Flee
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Starting to get a bit hopeful, but fear overriding her desire to try and get her bat, Jen tries to bring up a knee between her and the doctor and push him off.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen lodges her knee between her and the doctor. She thrusts upward, hoping to pry him off of her. IN her awkward position, she fails to move the man, and only succeeds in exposing her panties. He quickly removes one hand from pinning her to her mound and rubs through her cotton boy shorts.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 3 + 1
Doctor HP: 2

Pick up bat (67%)
Can't Flee
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

NYEEEEEEE! Jen shrieks as she tries to use her leg to push the man off again while trying to bring a hand down to cover herself.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

A shot of warmth runs through her body, but she tries to subdue it and focuses on getting this man off of her. She again thrusts her leg into his midsection again, simultaneously grabbing at the doctor's hand. Her attempts to multitask seem to fail, as he leans into her leg and his hand continues it's assault, not even slowing from her hand.


Jen DEF: 0
Jen CONST: 2 + 1
Doctor HP: 2

Submit (Risk Succumb - game over roll)
Pick up bat (67%)
Can't Flee
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Neeeehhhhhh! Jen moans out in distress before trying to grab the bat while the doctor's hands are distracted.
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