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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread

Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 8/8

"I can smell the freshly cooked bread but where is it hid.....Eeep!" Rain cried, stumbling down. At least, she was back to normal!

Right, there was a fight with those redhats going on! Finding those tasty breadcrumps would have to wait!

But she had no weapons...well at least she had her natural charms!

"Go go Zameia! If you beat them properly I am going to give you a kiss~!" she offered.

She covered herself with her hands...more for the benefit of looking more seductive than because she was shy. She had no weapon, but she could make those pervert redcaps to get a nosebleed!

"Hmmm...why are you staring me like that, Mr. Redcap...you have...something bad in your mind...ahhhh~" she faked a moan and a shy-innocent look of an unwilling-but-willing maid, peeking towards one of the redcaps at the back.

(Action: Lewd Seductions at one redcap, Wisdom Save DC 13 or it takes 4 psychic dmg and has disadvantage on its next attack roll)
Bonus: Inspiration at Zameia - Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes.
The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
Move: A bit closer if needed)
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: freed, in combat, Mood: anxious, Tag: All

Davia watched with quiet satisfaction as both Eleanah and her assailant fell asleep. Problem solved in a simple yet elegant manner, for a while at least.

She turned around and saw Zameia already engaging the two other redcaps, while Rain and Idriana seemed to still gather their thoughts.
Huh, Rain has managed to turn back. Have to interrogate her about that.
"Don't just stand around, Slave!" She called to Idriana. "Give your slave-sister her equipment!" She commanded before turning back to the red-caps. "Alright. One specimen sedated for study, now I can make an example out of you." She smirked, before chanting /ignite/ in Drow Elven and throwing out her hand, a dark purplish flame shooting through the air at one of the beings.

(Davia casts Fire Bolt! Spell attack: 15, Damage: 8, priority target a red cap who has already taken damage.)

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: None

Idriana had perhaps taken more of a knock on the head when getting out of the wagon than it might have appeared at first. She stood looking around at the moving willows, the nasty little red capped creatures and even the tiny little people under the mushrooms. It was only when violence exploded along with Rain shifting back into her very attractive but very nude human form in an explosion of feathers. She looked over at Davia and nodded. Ripping into her pack she pulled out Rain's gear and stepped over to her. "Here Rain, take what you need for now and then I'll charge in and help with the combat."
9863026.jpg Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix was waiting to see what the creature was planning to do when suddenly she found herself getting tired and collapsing, fast asleep. She wasn't sure exactly what had happened herself, instead finding herself in a meadow with a small fence, and some sheep looking things with braids jumping over it and counting.

Meanwhile in the real world with the redcap on top Nix instinctively reached her arms around and hugged it, and as she decided to try see if she could make a shape kind of like a sheep, but more humanoid, in the dream, she ended up shifting in the real world too.
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Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 1/2
Active Effects: Bardic Inspiration (1d6 to attack, ability, or saving throw rolls)


Zameia would glare angrily at the two redcaps as they leered at her, only seeming angrier as they tossed a net onto her. "Boil those nice little creatures in a stew DO YOU?! ATTACKING MY FRIENDS?! You'll be lucky to leave with a few broken bones!" She shouted in Orcish, hating it when people harmed helpful cute creatures like the fairy, and hating when people threatened her friends... even if they had technically only been her friends for a few hours or so...

Speaking of her friends she would hear Rain's encouragement and would blush a bit at the thought of getting a kiss for the fight. But knowing that her friends believed in her, were relying on her, and were behind her did steady her a little. She couldn't fail here, not when the people around her needed her to help them to victory... So she'd breathe a bit more steady, focusing in on her fight, but still enraged at the thought of what these red caps might try to her friends.

She'd turn her attention first to the one that had thrown the net on top of her, figuring that he deserved the beating just a little bit more now. They'd both get kicked down in time, but he was the unfortunate soul that was going to go first. So she'd grip her staff tight and aim her strike right at the side of the goblin's head, her staff swinging at high speed, attempting to smash into him as hard as she could, wanting to start by just hitting something. It had been a long day... she liked hitting things when she was frustrated. Just another reason that these goblins were unlucky to have been so evil today. With the right leverage you could bring the weapon in to strike someone incredibly hard without having to be particularly strong. Fights were more than just which person was strongest, even fighting was just as much about technique as it was about overpowering someone...

And after she made her strike with the quarterstaff she would keep her momentum going, spinning around and actually leaping just a bit to twirl her body, carry her momentum, and hit the goblin in the head. With her speed and momentum she would even spin a bit in the air, aiming to strike the goblin where her staff had landed. Usually you'd go for a jumping strike like that to hit a taller opponent, but it could work against the smaller goblins so long as you aimed properly and adjusted your form. Others would say the midair spin was flashy and was her showing off. But it was about the momentum behind the kick, getting more room to swing the kick around meant a faster hit and a stronger strike... Yeah... That was totally why she did the really cool spin. It was all about momentum or something... Okay maybe she did like showing off...

Either way she'd land her jumping kick, smirking a bit as she almost certainly felt the kick connect, glad to finally be able to dole out a bit of punishment. "THROW ANOTHER NET! I FUCKING DARE YOU!" She'd growl at the other, still in Orcish because in her experience that usually sounded angrier and better in battle...

(Quarterstaff Attack Roll: 17, Damage Roll: 7 Bludgeoning)
(Unarmed Strike Attack Roll: 25 CRIT, Damage Roll: 6 Bludgeoning)

Inconspicious red hatted men, Tag: All

Zameia slams her staff against the redcaps temple, sending it stumbling back, dazed and bleeding. She follows this up by spinning around.. and slamming the goblins head into the ground with a spinning kick.. and an unhealthy sounding crack. The little thing is dead before it can even hit the ground.

The other one was.. dumb. But also cowardly. Seeing it's mate manhandled, and then finding itself hesitating.. only to be impacted by a fireball.. frantically it ran away, Zameia, a little suprised and struggling out of her web, watching the little creature flee towards the river... only to be.. seduced by Rain and.. through that, somehow falling

Thist left you with only one living red-cap, the one that was currently busying itself groping the sleeping sheep girl.. well, presumably there were more in the cave ahead, but perhaps you shouldn't invade the cave.. not without resting a little. Whilest it was only about early afternoon, you thought, it had been a long day..
Combat concluded!

Nix was awakened easily enough.. if you wanted to. She was adorable as a sheep, wasn't she? There was also the matter of her wicked sleep-companion. And the problem of you being lost in a fairytale forest with little shelter and the only helpful creature you'd seen about being roughly the right size to fit in your palm. Whilest you think you spotted another suspicious eye peering out of the redcaps cave, after your decisive driving off and disposal of at least two of their kind, no one else seems to want some, for now..
Between this and Rain having returned to normal, it seems things are looking back up to you. Well, if you forget about the whole 'Stuck in a strange, different world' bit.

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: None

Helping Rain get her gear on Idriana watched impressed as Zameia battered down the Red Cap. "Bravo!" she called out and clapped as the red caps died or fled. "Let's capture the sleeping red cap and see if we can't negotiate a passage with our prisoner."
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: after combat, Mood: anxious, intrigued, Tag: All

Davia took a deep breath and looked around for more signs of trouble. (Perception: 8) As strange as these beings were, at least they could still be affected by her magic. This whole place deserved extensive studies, yet there were other matters first, namely to find their way out of this forest - and the curious matter of Eleanah's transformation while asleep. She walked towards the two sleepers, waving her slaves Rain and Idriana to her.
"My sleep spell should lose effect any moment. Be ready to keep that little... thing restrained. I wonder how this happened though." She pointed at the sleeping sheep-girl. "A mutation of my spell? Some natural effect of this place? Or some trickery?" Going over her knowledge of how magical spells affected body and mind, Davia thought about whether it could have been her own spell, or if not, whether the source of the transformation came from Eleanah or somewhere else? (Arcana: 18)

She looked towards the cave mouth. "I think it is better if we find a more... private place though. Anyone have any idea?"
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 8/8

"Hmmm...little one, if we eat the get-big shroom, we will get bigger?" Rain turned to ask the little fairy

"I could turn back to a duck...I think. And I could take all of you an my back to the other side of the river. I guess?" she offered, preparing to tie down the sleeping redcap.

"But we have to find the sage, not just escape..."
sheep.jpg Nix the sheepling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix meanwhile wasn't doing much, she was simply lying down on the ground, hugging the redcap as if it a teddy, still cutely looking partially like a sheep. Davia wouldn't be able to tell what exactly was the reason for Nix's shapeshifting, the only thing which was for certain was that she hadn't caused it. Maybe it had something to do with her going all blinkey earlier with the knights?

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 1/2
Active Effects: Bardic Inspiration (1d6 to attack, ability, or saving throw rolls)


Zameia would look as the other goblin ran off, preparing to follow after him before she saw him fall as well. With that done she'd breathe a sigh of relief, her very posture changing as she got out of a combat stance. Not only that, but she'd center herself once again, calming herself and moving herself past the rage that had overcome her hearing what those creatures did to the small fairy creatures. The monk would blush a bit awkwardly when Idrianna complimented her taking down one of those goblins. She hadn't expected to make her attack look so dramatic, but it worked considering that one of them was still lying on the ground. While still blushing a bit, she'd give a little bow in response to Idrianna's praise. Take pride in your skill... But do not let it rule over your actions She'd recite to herself in her mind, another teaching. It was normal to take some pride in what you were able to do, you just couldn't let it consume you and make you overconfident. Take pride without acting out of pride.

Though after that she would look over to her... err... now rather fluffy companion. Her blush would grow even more intense seeing the state of dress her sheep companion was in. "Does uh... does anyone know anything about this? She's... well she's kinda cute all fluffy like that but... I don't think that's a good sign... Plus we might want to get her dressed..." She'd comment, thinking about where they were gonna go next.

Thinking for a moment she would speak up. "Um... I was talking to one of the denizens of these mushrooms, and she mentioned that some of the mushrooms allow us to both shrink and grow if needed. So we can use that if we need Rain to take us across the river as a duck... Also we could ask about shrinking down and resting in one of their homes if possible?" She'd look around, seeing if the fairy she had been talking to was still there. If she was she'd go over to the creature to speak again. "If we shrunk down to your size, would you be able to house us somewhere? So we could get a bit of rest before heading out? If not we'll be on our way." Though a part of her wanted to go right back to that cave full of redcaps and stop some more of them from hurting these nice fairy creatures. Despite the pressing needs of getting out of this strange world, she also wanted to help the creatures that seemed very friendly.
Tag: Davia, Rain

Davia failed to discover any imminent danger.

She also was sure that this was not then normal effect of sleep magic. If it was linked to this place, .. possible, but she lacked the information to make a clear call.

Rain's questioning meanwhile gave her a dismissive look from the small fairy. "Well Of course Fowl Mistress, the big shroom makes you bigger.. what else would it do? Would you expect the big-shroom made you small, but also really subservient to my people? That would be wicked Xaryel fairy Trickery, and I'm a benevolent Daryel fairy, as you can tell. Their headcaps are beige-brown, whilest ours are brown-yellow. They are malevolent tricksters, We are honest workers. I myself am an ant-herder."
It chuckled, hiding a bit behind a dandelion, when addressed by another big-one.


Inconspicious red hatted man, Tag: All

Between Rain and Idriana's efforts with the rope, you quickly disentangled and bound up the nasty little thing, leaving poor Nix without a pillow! You could-should propably try waking her up, but she is kind of cute like that...


Little Fairy. Tag: Allish

"Well, of course we can offer you shelter, violent mistress.. not the redcap though. You all do look a little ruffled. Perhaps you should rest before you head through the forest. .. Oh.. My name is Xi, but you can call me Xiladyoren Wanderslitch the Third if that's easier."
The little creature (you still weren't quite sure on it's gender, of if gender mattered to it) offered and then pointed ahead, to a large oak.

"Our home is there.. please don't tell or bring the Redcaps.. If you all eat a small-shroom you should fit fine, if a bit snuggly."
It encouraged.
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: after combat, Mood: anxious, intrigued, Tag: All

Davia exhaled in relief. It seemed they were in the clear for now, only to then notice the small fairies? talking to Rain and Zameia.

"Whoa, where did you come from?"

. . .

"I'm not sure this is a good idea." She said after the idea of eating 'small-shrooms' was floated. "We don't know anything about these creatures, or the plants. Though I suppose Idriana could always serve as a guinea pig... isn't that right, slut?" She stroked the elf's collar. "I'd rather study this magic first, but this is not a good place. You figure out a place to go, I'll look after Eleanah." She announced, before stepping over to the still sleeping sheep-girl and kneeling down next to her. Davia slowly pulled the girl's clothes off, careful not to wake her, inspecting her transformed genitalia. With an evil smirk, she prepared a message spell, one hand pointed at the sleeping Eleanah's head while the other was stroking oh so slowly along the girl's pussy lips as she whispered:

"Listen to me. You adore Davia. You find her sexy. Being near her makes you wet. You are always horny around her. You will do anything Davia tells you to, anything to please her. You are weak-minded and slutty. You need someone else to think for you. Davia should think for you. You will never lie to her, or try to manipulate her, or keep something secret from her. You will obey Davia, and it will make your pussy gush with pleasure. You want to be her slave. You want to be dominated by her."
Each whisper was accompanied by a long, slow stroke along the quickly moistening lips of the sheep-girl's pussy.

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 1/2
Active Effects: Bardic Inspiration (1d6 to attack, ability, or saving throw rolls)


Zameia was a bit concerned when her fairy friend mentioned the types of tricks other fairies got up to. "Beige-Brown bad... Brown-Yellow good... Errr... I feel like that's not gonna be easy to keep track of..." Hopefully they wouldn't run into the different fairies in the dark... She could barely tell the difference between those two colors even now. Though hearing the little fairy's job did interest her a bit more. "An ant herder? What do you use ants for? I used to take care of my tribe's animals myself... Though that mostly meant boars and other animals they used for food... Never got to take care of ants on account of my size..." Though she had to admit that she liked watching when ants were walking along in a perfect line. It was kind of impressive how they managed to coordinate themselves like that.

"I don't know if we'll get anything out of these redcap goblins... Honestly if you guys want to try and ask him anything then go ahead, otherwise I don't want to even look at these things any longer." Boiling kind people like these fairies really stuck with her, and meant that she didn't want to even try talking to those redcaps. Plus they even tried to catch her and her friends in a net... probably to do something nefarious to them!

"Yeah... we wouldn't be telling the redcaps about your home. And if they tried to follow us they'd get another beating. You helped us out and told us some things we needed to know. Thank you so much Xi! We could use a bit of rest considering how scraped up we are..." After all, it had sounded like her transforming companion had gotten hurt worse than her from that fall, and Zameia was still a bit roughed up from that fight with the guards, as well as how she had gotten roughed up from her own fall.

Though Zameia was surprised at Davia's hesitance on this one. "Xi helped us. I doubt they plan on hurting us too much. Besides, as it stands I'm a bit beat up, and Eleanah sounded like she took a nasty fall from that carriage. I get this place is dangerous, but if we don't rest up even a little bit we're gonna just get even more hurt. Plus I can meditate a bit to get my Ki back..." The fairies had earned her trust at least. And as it stood a rest was starting to seem like a bit of a necessity. "I doubt an ant herder means us much harm. Besides, if we keep some of that growth mushroom on us then we can get out and grow big if trouble comes. The only thing is that we probably need to toss this Red Cap out before we head in... Wouldn't want to lead them right to the fairies." She commented. But then she would let Davia head off to deal with Eleanah, hoping that her friend was okay, and hoping that the weird shape shifting stuff wasn't this world taking its toll on her.

"If all of you really don't want to get some rest here then I'm not gonna fight over it... But I doubt we'll get too many opportunities to rest properly in this crazy world... Not sure I want to pass it up just from suspicion." She would say, shrugging a bit and leaving the choice to the rest of them now that she had said her piece.

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: None

Idriana stepped up and nodded to Davia. "Of course... I am a brave knight and a slutty slave. Let me try the small mushroom first." She knelt before the little person. "I am Idriana. We'll rest with you and then perhaps while small we can make our way through the woods until we escape the guardians and can grow big again. Can you give me one of the small mushrooms so I can shrink to your size?"

Little Fairy. Tag: Idriana, Zameia

"Ant herding is a complicated profession that can't be reduced down to simple tales!.. I guess I could tell you a few things..

But yes, the violent mistress is right, skeptical mistress. I mean you no harm.. unless you harm the ants.. I guess even then, it's your world so I guess if you really wanted to do that....

I hope you aren't the kind of people that are into hurting ants. I've not seen any magnifying glasses myself.. hmnn.."

The fairyling confirmed, before re-indicating the mushroom to Idriana.

"Right there over the hill, guinea pig mistress."

The mushroom had a peculiar, well.. shroomy taste to it. When Idriana tried to gulp it down it got a little stuck in her throat.. primarly because with a slight spinning and twisting sensation, her whole body began to shrink!

Her body that was. None of her equipment.. or clothes. This leaves Idriana wiggling in the billowing remains of her outfit, as she peeks her head back out at a much larger world.. Larger flowers became as the trees, the trees became her sky and she noticed small things on the ground she'd never paid attention to before.. like right now, a curious ladybug, now the size of about a healthy Dachshund to her, watched from a distance..

(Idriana's size changes to tiny! She is now Chibi-elf!)

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: Tiny Chibi Elf

Idriana gasped as she suddenly shrank to a tiny size. She crawled out of her clothing and stood rather naked. "We'll have to figure out how to shrink our clothing and gear as well but otherwise I'm fine."

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 10/15, Ki Points: 1/2
Active Effects:


Zameia did seem fascinated by the idea of ant herding, but they had more pressing things to be concerned with. So the explanation on exactly how ant herding worked would have to wait. "Sorry to seem dismissive of your work, Xi. While it sounds like something I'd want to learn about, I suppose we do have other things to work on. And no, I have no intention of harming ants. At my monastery they taught us to even be wary of where you step to avoid needlessly harming any bugs." She would say with a bow. "If you'd like, you may call me Zameia, or if you'd prefer you may continue with 'Violent Mistress'" She said with a chuckle.

Then she watched as Idrianna shrunk down to the size of the fairy, her eyes going wide in surprise to see that it had actually worked. Despite all the discussion on it, a part of her still didn't believe that it was going to actually happen. "Awwww... She's so tiny! It's adorable!" Though knowing that their equipment wouldn't shrink down with them was troublesome. While she could do without any weapons or armor, she doubted that her companions were so lucky. "Hmmm... Yeah if there was a way to shrink our items that would be better... Or one of us could stay big and carry all of our stuff nearby. If we can't shrink our items we could even set up a watch, so whoever's keeping watch stays big while the others rest." Zameia would suggest just in case it turned out that they were unable to shrink their stuff down with them.
sheep.jpg Nix the sheepling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

Whether or Not Davia's attempt at manipulating Nix was successful was hard to tell, the sheepgirl wasn't reacting much outwardly simply seeming to get disturbed in her sleep, though whether it was what Davia was attempting, a bad dream or just her being woken up by the voice would be hard to tell.
d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpgDavia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: after combat, Mood: anxious, intrigued, Tag: All

Davia listened to the others while kneeling over the sleeping Eleanah, positioning herself in such a way that it would be difficult for the others to tell what she was doing.
Seeing Eleanah rouse, Davia briefly intensified her ministrations, two of her fingers slipping into the sheep-girl's wet folds, rubbing them just beyond the lips.
"When you wake up, you won't remember my voice, but you'll follow my directions. You want to worship Davia. Being near her makes you wet. You desire her, desire her touch, like no-one else ever before. You secretly want to be hers. And when you hear Davia speak the words 'Sleep under my spell,' you will realize that her voice is mine, that I am Davia, and that you must serve me..." Davia pushed her whispers into the girl's nexus and mind with her fingers, though it wasn't enough to get her, or Davia for that matter, over the edge before it looked like Eleanah was about to rouse.
The lewd Drow pulled her fingers out from the smooth snatch and wiped over Eleanah's crotch as she started to stir. She quickly licked her fingers and palm, savoring the taste of helpless arousal before shaking the young girl awake.
"Wake up, sleepyhead! I think you just volunteered to carry our equipment!..." She sang with a wicked smile as she rose and turned to the others.
She still wasn't too sure about those plant-fairies or whatever, but she was somewhat resigned to it. Without any idea where to go or where to find shelter, what other choice did they have? And seeing Idriana small but well was at least evidence that the method worked. Part of Davia was intrigued by the creatures and would have loved to study them, but this Queen, and the prankster, and the red-hatted creatures all loomed on her mind. She wasn't here on her own, either. She had slaves to take care of. Whether they knew they were her slaves or not...
"Very well, take us to your village. We will decide on the next course of action there. Eleanah will carry our possessions until we arrive at the village, where she can join us."
Davia reached out for another sample of the mushroom. She had to admit she liked the title "Skeptical Mistress," though.