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Sort of, I weigh and pack meat for a variety of different orders (steaks and diced breast/thigh mostly). And I've probably never seen that character before.

I could not work there, there would constantly be a little voice in the back of my head wispering, "psst, hey, HEY! Free food. You know you want to."

As far as that girl goes, well... I guess I'll have to wait and see if someone who does know of her recognizes the picture. Thanks anyways.

Here's a sketch of your request, Oni. And there is also a complimentary Ironman for my taking so long.

SirOni request

And Samus

And if anyone can recognize the girl in these pics I would really appreciate your critiques.

Spank yew.

Edit. The girl's name is Jennette Mccurdy. Look her up and let me know how I did.
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It's really important to me to get feed back on these pics. What I am gonna do is post them with the pics I used as references. Let me also say I didn't trace them. I did it once to get a feel for her face, it still gives me trouble. But it was for sketch I didn't post.
Here goes...

Pic1 Ref1 Ref2 Ref3 Ref4

Pic2 Ref1

The reason I uploaded these pics instead of just linking them was because it was taking too long to find the pics I used again. I still had them on my hardrive so I figured I should upload them. I really hope to get your critiques, guys even if your gonna be a nasty cuntrag about it. The feedback would really help point me in the right direction.

Do you have some sort of thing for her or is she just your current choice for drawing pics of?

Do you have some sort of thing for her or is she just your current choice for drawing pics of?

Is there something wrong with both? Either way, haven't done much in the way of sexiness recently. I'm still gona practice on her, though.

If you're still having trouble with the face, try isolating the features that are giving you the most trouble -- the nose, the eyes, the mouth, etc. Do some practice drawings from reference, then try some on your own to see if you have a feel for it.


I don't think that you need to distinguish the apples of her cheeks with lines, though they are a prominent part of her face, especially when she's smiling. That's the sort of thing that you would go in with afterwards with light and shade, or smoother pencil shading if you weren't planning on colouring it.

Generally, it's good to have an undersketch before moving on to the finished linework; I think I can see faint traces of that in your images, but I think that doing some more research on body shape would really help! Doing stick-figure skeletons to ensure that the arm lengths match up even if one is tilted a certain way will help. In picture two, the reposing figure definitely needs some reference to back it up -- the body doesn't look as realistic as you've been drawing the faces so it looks off.

For reference and general practice, I'd suggest taking some time out of drawing specific figures by doing quick gesture drawings -- spending thirty seconds a pop on a nude figure. The end images aren't really pretty, and you can scrap them later if you want, but the process of quickly analyzing and trying to put to paper the shapes of the body will help you to internalize those shapes, and allow you to have a sort of muscle memory that will definitely help later down the road! is helpful for this!

Other reference that might help: for a variety of photosets. Essentially, what you would be looking for is a couple of different images from here or elsewhere on the web to combine -- by doing so, you're avoiding copyright infringement because you're taking inspiration from the poses and not outright copying someone's idea. You'd use reference of the gal's face to make a character with similar features, and another reference that has the lighting and colours you want when you started to colour.

As with everything else, doing rough, quick sketches or thumbnail-sized images to get an idea of the pose and lighting is really helpful. Practicing drawing in blocks of shape rather than lines (say, getting a fat marker or a brush pen) can really help to hone your understanding of how the body works, too. Varied line thickness adds a dynamic look to the image... it's something that you don't see much in anime because they're obsessed with the ultra-thin line.

And a in different areas, some of which you might find handy!

I know that this is really generalized, but the last thing I can suggest is this: try to consider each line that you're drawing. Does it look nice, or did you do it really quickly just to get it done? Every line in an image should have a kind of beauty. Hair lines shouldn't be scribbly unless it adds to the aesthetic of the image. (On the other hand, you can scrap that idea, just so long as you're conscious that you're saying "FU!" to the rules and tossing them out the window!) If you consider your lines as you're drawing them, and how they fit into the image as a whole, I found that I levelled up over time from before I went to art school to afterwards. Once you do the other practice, this one starts to make more sense, I guess!

Back to the drawing board then, huh? Yes, I made a retarded pun. What I gather is that I'm fucking up on a FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL. Basically I have to RE-LEARN DRAWING. Guess this is what happens if you stop for a couple of years.

Anyways, you have no idea how helpful you've been to me by pointing out such flaws. I ACTUALLY LEARNED! Thanks again. I got some work to do.

And thanks for the tip about the lines. That's something I'll seriously consider.

Hehehe... The conceptart link even has a thread on how to analyze and use critque. Crazy-awesome.
Damn, Posemaniacs is hardcore. And your right, the end result isn't really all that pretty. But at least now I know I can do some figures in 30secs.
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-Toilet Paper forum migration complete-

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I have no back ups of the artwork I posted over at the TP forums, so I just pasted the links here. Can't tell what some of it is due to the work somputer not liking certain sites.

More Nykka is never a bad thing. I do agree with you that she's wasted potential ever since TP dropped her game.

More Nykka is never a bad thing. I do agree with you that she's wasted potential ever since TP dropped her game.

WHO THE FUCK AR- I mean what's up? Sorry, it's just that forwarding my ports is making me a little hostile.

WHO THE FUCK AR- I mean what's up? Sorry, it's just that forwarding my ports is making me a little hostile.

ElUno, the guy from the TP forums that help you think of some stuff for your Nykka drawings. :p

ElUno, the guy from the TP forums that help you think of some stuff for your Nykka drawings. :p

Yeah, I 'member you. Turns out those forums might not be shutting down after all. Kazu and nolatare have also shown up here. Though Kazu tells us he is here for a different reason.

But you never helped with jack(I KID!)! However, I will help you to some sketches felt like getting back in the groove.
