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RPG RPG Maker [うんこモリモリ丸] 退魔巫女遊戯 / Taima Miko Yuugi (RJ176344)

Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

After running a test in the final battle, I can find no correlation between the amount of MP the final boss takes with her ultimate attack with your stats; regardless of whether I raise or lower DEF or max MP, it always takes all but a sliver of MP, at least in the Normal difficulty setting; the MP drain seems to be percentile.

Note that I was at level 99 (I was a compulsive grinder), with every single skill unlocked, and with a decent amount of permanent-stat-boosts used (not too much to make a major difference).

Anyone who has more knowledge about this is welcome to add information.

Thnx for trying
Found out it was a bug i didnt have the newest version yet and now it works ;)

Gotta say that i really enjoyed this game.
Great scenes and fun fights, shame i cant read the story.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do you get the other girl to join you?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Look out, version 1.06 is here and not only are there bug fixes, there's a typo fix hiding somewhere, too! You have to really credit the creator for staying on top of things - there's been more than a few games I've bought that were released and never touched again, bugs or not.

Edit: 1.07 has released, but I'm leaving this one up due to the likely nerf of the ultimate move in the later versions. Don't know about you, but I enjoy face-melting overpoweredness.


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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Still no word on this "HENTAI MUST DIE" mode?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Sorry to necro the thread, slightly, but I had to say how awesome this game was.
I haven't played RPG maker games in awhile, but this one was so amazing. I liked the battle system that didn't force me to grind for H-stuff, I loved how I could speed through conversations if I'd already seen them, and I loved the damn story.
Is it weird that I got choked up a little (a lot) during the ending? Is it also weird that I laughed on several occasions because of the back-and-forth between Setsuna and Mayu? What is the world coming to when I enjoy porn games more than normal ones!?
I haven't checked English DLsite yet, but I plan on buying this game and his previous one ASAP.
Oh, also the H-stuff is good too. I guess that was the point of the game, huh?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Soooo: I asked thos on the other one and so I do in this one:

Is there an actual translation for this (Awesome) Game? = P
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Soooo: I asked thos on the other one and so I do in this one:

Is there an actual translation for this (Awesome) Game? = P

No. Closest you're gonna get at the moment is this, but it's only for gameplay stuff and doesn't even cover everything
How do I spoiler?






As for equipment items, the ones that increase stats are obvious but I'm just as lost as you for the ones where the JP description is the only source of info.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

is there a guide for this game?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

is there a guide for this game?

The game is actually extremely linear, you just go to each area and keep going until you reach the boss. Boss battle and the heroine will return home without your input. You just keep doing this for story progression, but it allows you to return to old areas to grind your stats a bit if required.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

is there a guide for this game?

The only things that might require a guide are the scripted boss battles (It's not obvious for non-JP speakers that they're scripted), how to get the gallery (Interact with the toilet at home) and what each skillset and the equipment does. All of that is covered in this thread, a lot of it in the post above you.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Oh, there was a blog update a couple of days ago, 1.07 will mainly address balance issues with magic and the full TP attack with some other things that I can't fully understand through google translate
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Oh, there was a blog update a couple of days ago, 1.07 will mainly address balance issues with magic and the full TP attack with some other things that I can't fully understand through google translate

I saw that a while back. From what I can tell, he's nerfing the 100 TP attack so it can't be abused, which is really disappointing if so.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I saw that a while back. From what I can tell, he's nerfing the 100 TP attack so it can't be abused, which is really disappointing if so.

Why? It was OP as fuck to the point of being an absolute get out of jail free card. So were many of the TP and magic abilities. As far as I could understand, I think the TPMAX attack only gets less powerful each time you use it instead of being prevented from doing so, and maybe the TP generation rate is lowered.

I wish the levels would scale directly, you can have a very easy or slightly less easy time depending on which order you do them in. If you make a point of it to kill every enemy, you usually end a few levels too low for the 2nd or 3rd difficulty but too high for the first to be of any challenge.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I saw that a while back. From what I can tell, he's nerfing the 100 TP attack so it can't be abused, which is really disappointing if so.

It was crazy overpowered though. I basically had a build that boosted my TP Gain as high as I could get it, while boosting my crit rate by about 200%, so I could basically charge every 2-3 turns. That basically made it impossible for me to do die against normal mobs and most bosses since it not only heals HP/MP to full, it frees you from binds and most ailments.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

It was crazy overpowered though. I basically had a build that boosted my TP Gain as high as I could get it, while boosting my crit rate by about 200%, so I could basically charge every 2-3 turns. That basically made it impossible for me to do die against normal mobs and most bosses since it not only heals HP/MP to full, it frees you from binds and most ailments.

The binding system definitely needs reworking imo. If you're bound and the enemies have a H attack queued up, the only action you can perform that will precede them is the TPMax attack. I think it'd be balanced better if magic attacks and the escape action (Which has a chance of failure anyway) always took place before anything else (Pending rebalance of magic too), meaning you're at a greater risk of losing all stamina from H attacks if it fails to hit the target(s)
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Apparently you can kill the alien reactor without running away and fighting the engineer. It can be set on fire in spite of the barrier, and the fire will slowly damage it until it moves to phase 2, which drops the barrier.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Why? It was OP as fuck to the point of being an absolute get out of jail free card. So were many of the TP and magic abilities. As far as I could understand, I think the TPMAX attack only gets less powerful each time you use it instead of being prevented from doing so, and maybe the TP generation rate is lowered.

I wish the levels would scale directly, you can have a very easy or slightly less easy time depending on which order you do them in. If you make a point of it to kill every enemy, you usually end a few levels too low for the 2nd or 3rd difficulty but too high for the first to be of any challenge.

Huh = o what a relief I already finished it before of this Update then = o
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I noticed that version 1.07 released today, but I believe it's just more bug/typo fixes, along with the previously discussed balance changes. All I really did before uploading was take a quick peek at the CG room to see if anything was added (from what I can tell, there wasn't) and do a quick fight to see if the 100 TP special move was nerfed. I didn't do enough testing to give a conclusive result, but it seemed like it was much less powerful whenever I used it more than once in the same battle (around 50% less damage when I tried). Its damage output is so random that it's tough to make sure that's the case without further testing, though. If anyone else notices any other changes, don't be afraid to chime in and let us know what's up.

Edit: look a few posts down for the slight update that released just a day or two later.
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