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RPG RPG Maker [うんこモリモリ丸] 退魔巫女遊戯 / Taima Miko Yuugi (RJ176344)

Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Since I can see people are still having problems, I think I should try to write down a couple things or two about the bosses in the game. Note that most of these notes are written down according to one man's experience, and mostly taken from the in-battle comm scenes. Corrections welcome.

First group of bosses
=Sewer boss: The Aggregate One=
Being the first boss in the game, he's really not all that threatening or gimmicky. The small hand uses mild physical attacks relatively often, but isn't very tough so will go down fast. The large hand only attacks at TPMAX, with a hard-hitting but easily-avoidable attack. The main body itself can hit you with AGI-decreasing sludge, but there's really no particular gimmicks to this fight. Just burst down the hands and the main body last, being careful of the low-accuracy hard-hitting attacks and the main body's TPMAX unavoidable, and you'll be fine. He's weak to thunder, though this will probably only be useful in rematches.

=Hillpath boss: The Embattled Amaryllis=
This is the first boss with a notable gimmick. Only one of the four is the real body, while the other three are fake bodies that die to any attack and revive indefinitely. Their positions shuffle, too.
You can smack them all with AoE attacks if you have 'em, but the fakes will come back with a ton of TP so that can be a pretty bad idea (fortunately enough, the fakes here don't have a TPMAX move as far as I can tell)
One way to discern which one is the real body is to eyeball the "Boss TP" meter and see which of the four have more-or-less matching TP scores.
Another way is to hit the boss with an ailment (try the 18TP move) which will let you know which one is real for as long as the ailment lasts.
Alternatively, the game system remembers which enemy you hit the last time you attack, so when you manage to find the main body as long as you don't move the target cursor you'll always target the main body no matter how much they shuffle.
Also, when the boss hits phase 3, he can't revive the fakes anymore, so feel free to pop an AoE and get the three out of the way.
Remember to be careful of the Restraint and Stumble inducing attacks.

=Ghost train boss: The HENTAI Train=
The first "mook maker" type of boss. The train itself does not attack unless it hits TPMAX (unavoidable; you have to guard), but the multiple mooks behind him (excepting the Conductor, who supports the others and summons replacement mooks faster) just love to pelt you with both regular and H-attacks, which can also inflict debilitative ailments. Try to stack up on H Defense if you can. Unfortunately you can't permanently eliminate the mooks (at start), since even with the conductor gone more will pour in over time, so all you can do is to burst down the boss while dealing with the mooks. The fire AoE spell can work wonders.
The boss will lose passengers as its phases advance, but in exchange will gain TP faster, so watch out.

=Coastal cave boss: Dai Kaiju Takora=
There are 8 enemies here; the main body, and 7 tentacles, some of them submerged underwater and rotating every few turns. You can target submerged enemies, but you can't damage them, so random-target attacks are at a disadvantage at first. The main body usually attacks with Stumble-inducing water bursts and sight-covering ink, while the tentacles will probably be doing the bulk of the damage. Fortunately the tentacles can't respawn, so do your best to burst down the tentacles and leave the main body for last, so the TPMAX unavoidable he eventually does won't be as hard to manage.
He's also weak to electricity, so feel free to take the gamble with your thunder spells if you want.
Also, this part of the game is a reference to Go**illa and Ga*era.

=Abandoned mine boss: Ancient G*nd*m=
First things first: the main body is normally invulnerable to all your attacks thanks to its special coating. Don't bother hitting it. The arm, however, is vulnerable, so take that out first. The main body's eye-beams do low damage, though hard to dodge, while the arm is somewhat on the opposite side of the spectrum.
The main body will only open its mouth, and therefore make itself vulnerable, while preparing its TPMAX unavoidable lazor. Wail on him when his mouth is open.
On phase 3, though, the main body will only open its mouth on the exact turn it fires the death ray and close immediately afterwards. All you can do is to load up on as many DEF+ items as you can, keep your HP up, and go all-out when the boss opens its mouth (and taking the death beam full-on to the face).
...If you're unsure about your survivability, use the 100TP ultimate, as it can be used as long as your MP is above 0.

Second group of bosses
=Rot heap boss: The Aggregate Zero=
There's a lot of enemies. The boss has 4 subparts, and is basically immune to damage until the subparts are gone, so you have to take them down first. The boss will initially spend TP on healing and reviving its subparts, so it's a DPS race.
Being wet, the AoE fire attack won't do much, but the AoE thunder attack(if you have learned it) will work very well. Otherwise, it's a matter of beating down the mook enemies it spawns with, then the subparts, and finally the boss' main body.
Aside from that this boss should be more or less similar to the previous bosses you meet - beware of the ailments they inflict and incoming powerful attacks, and you'll be fine.

=Forgotten village boss: Thousand Faces=
Remember the gimmick from the Amaryllis boss? Yeah, it's here again. Multiple fake bodies and one main body, shuffling each turn. The same countermeasures apply, but since the fake bodies now have TPMAX moves, using AoE attacks is a VERY bad idea.
Speaking of which, both the boss and fake bodies only have attacks used by this stage's enemies; the same precautionary measures apply. Just burst down the boss while dodging/defending against the fakes' attacks, and you should be fine.
Come phase 2, the boss will summon even more masks (AoE attacks is an even worse idea now...), but there's nothing new.
At phase 3, all the fakes will die out immediately (thankfully) but the main body now gains a bind move he'll also use on you straightaway, but if you can handle that he's not different than the other bosses.

=Sky garden boss: The Strongest Taimamiko=
Hey, it's her! From the dev's previous game! And she's not on our side. Oh boy.
First off, her title has grounds. She's RIDICULOUSLY strong, and has speed and skill to back it up. If you get hit, you're in for a world of hurt. Thankfully, you have two tanky oni on your side, who are capable of dishing out the damage on their own, and attract most of the heavy fire. Because of the boss' relentless onslaught however, they'll need some help taking it, which is where you come in with healing and revival spells and items. The oni have enormous HP scores, so use percentage-based heals such as the expensive full heal+ailment cure+revival spell. Just keep your party healed up, and the boss'll go down sooner or later.

=Undersea base boss: The UFO Gather=
First things first, the boss is utterly invulnerable at first. Nothing will work no matter how hard you try. Just do whatever you can to keep yourself from getting annihilated until Mayuko mentions the alien managing the barrier on that console up top... And then run away from the battle. No, really.
Backtrack to a side path in the room, walk over to that alien managing the barrier, beat him down, and then interact with the console to blow it up and power down the barrier. Now get back to the boss fight.
The boss itself won't do anything other than summon UFOs and such for the first part of the fight, so feel free to burst the UFOs down and then focus on the boss. The "regular" UFOs are pretty normal enemies, while the "heavy" metal-plated combat UFOs are tough but weak to armor-piercing attacks such as your 22TP move.
The boss will start attacking later in the fight with powerful MP-draining light attacks. Equip light resistance accessories to counter this, and continue on as you did before; it can summon Mecha-Takoras too later on but you should be able to handle them.

=Golden pyramid boss: The Faceless King=
The first thing you should notice is that the main body's 100TP move is an unblockable, undodgeable petrifying gaze that turns you into gold. Since he starts with it. It only lasts for a short time, so you should be fine as long as you start the fight with full HP and decent equipment.
Aside from the boss, there's also a red hand, which attacks with powerful physical attacks, and a blue hand, which attacks with magical attacks (beware of the faint ailment, caused by thunder spells!). As usual, your priority is to burst down the hands, and leave the boss for last.
As for how to deal with the petrifying gaze, well, you equip the ink sunglasses (occasionally dropped by Mecha-Takoras, you probably have a couple of them by now) to intentionally blind yourself with ink, at least one turn before the TPMAX warning (since the ink-blind only starts to take effect the turn after you equip it). As long as you're ink-blinded, you're immune to the gaze.
When he hits phase 2, he'll start attacking normally alongside his hands.
When he hits phase 3, he'll then revive his hands as golden versions instead of his normal ones. The golden hands are invincible, so take no detours and focus solely on the boss.

I'll write up the human enemies later.

To add to that:

For the Ghost train boss: You can also instant-kill all the ghosts with your Song spell if you've learned it, which kills everyone but the conductor and the train itself.

For Sky Garden Boss: Load up on the マスク series of accessories, and you should start healing for 2000+ HP even with your most basic heal spell.

For the Golden Pyramid Boss: The boss is also susceptible to the confuse spell, so there's that.

And in general, abuse your 100TP skill, the fact that you can't game over unless you run out of MP as well, and there's always time to use a revive item before they start hitting you with MP draining H attacks.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Human enemies (no names given)
=First enemy=
Being the first of the humans you face, he's honestly nothing too special - that is, other than how he's tougher, stronger and faster than a good chunk of the bosses you've fought so far, being stronger than some 3* difficulty demon bosses. This trend will predictably continue through the rest of the human enemies; they're the final storyline bosses after all. Also, you have a limited number of KOs you can receive here, so try not to get downed.
He frequently uses your 18TP move, which drains MP and causes poison on top of damage, so carry precautions to cure poison and/or dodge/counter the attack. Other than that, he also has a Stumble-causing multi-hit move, so equip the accessory that grants 99% stumble resistance or you're going to have a bad time. The rest won't be different than most other bosses - keep your HP and MP scores up, handle his attacks and whittle down his HP gradually.
When you reach phase 3 and he gains TPMAX, heal up. Don't dodge or block, heal up. This is because his ultimate takes effect the FOLLOWING turn. After healing up, equip as many DEF+ items as you can (don't forget stumble resistance!) and guard the incoming undodgeable. The rest should be the usual fare.

=Second enemy=
The first thing you should notice is that she hits HARD. Aside from the mostly-harmless but stumble-causing earthquake spell, all her attacks are powerful spells that capitalize on her high magical stats, and since they're magical neither DEF nor dodge will save you (though guarding can mitigate the damage you receive). Get fire resistance and electricity resistance items and equip them, and also equip the スタンガン for faint resistance - you do NOT want to get stunned at an inopportune time. Don't forget the stumble resistance boots, either. Additionally, pay attention to her sprite. As one of the comm sequences will reveal, closed mouth means incoming thunder spells, open mouth means other moves (fire, earth or a TP/MP restoring move). You have limited KOs here too, so play it safe and whittle her health down carefully.
(As a note, you can actually drain her MP to 0 if you spam the 18TP move enough, which renders her harmless until the next time her AI decides to use spiritual concentration).
When you reach phase 3 of the fight and she prepares her TPMAX move... Equip all the dodge+ accessories you have and backstep, in contrast to the rest of the fight. Hopefully you'll avoid all of her ulti's hits; if you survive, you've won.

=Third enemy=
As some of the comm sequences will reveal, he's quick, but his attacks aren't especially threatening: your 11TP two-hit slash, a counter move he can do at around TP50, and your 15TP ground-wave is probably the most frequent attacks he'll do (don't forget the anti-stumble boots here, either). He can use the doppelganger spell though, which is a cue that the next turn he'll use the DEF-ignoring 22TP move. It's powerful, but slow, so you should have the time to either attempt to Stumble him with the earthquake spell or ground-wave skill (equip accuracy+ accessories for insurance) or counter with the 35TP iai counter. Just keep your HP/MP up and whittle his HP down, like the previous 2 fights.
When he hits phase 3, however, he'll pull out a machinegun. Equip all your dodge+ items now. He won't attack straightaway, but spend a turn to give himself a buff; use this chance to do whatever. Afterwards, spam backstep for several turns in a row, until Mayuko comms in and tells you to attack (This will be when she counts to 100).
He'll spend 3 turns reloading, so use that time to wail on him. Rinse and repeat - the rest of the fight is just "backstep until he starts reloading and beat him down when the chance comes up".

=Fourth enemy=
WARNING! After you finish this fight, it's a one-way trip to the final boss.
Heavily scripted fight. First things first: Setsuna is FAR out of her league here, she'll get shishkebab'd unless you somehow have insane stats or something, and even then it's uphill. As long as her MP isn't 0, though, she'll auto-revive herself each and every time she ever gets downed (note that there's no limit to the amount of times you can get downed here), so keep your MP up and weather through the fight. Eventually you'll enter a point where both sides will just spam ultimates at each other without your input, the battle ending shortly afterwards. Oh, remember how you can still use your ultimate even if you're downed. You'll be using it manually soon enough.

=Final boss=
The first part of the battle is actually a relatively standard boss fight. The boss has several moderate-to-powerful attacks, but by now you should have enough practice with standard bosses - similar strategies apply, more or less, and she doesn't inflict many ailments either. Just whittle her HP down while keeping yours up, though take note that you'll probably need to keep your MP high to full for the next part.
When the next part hits and both parties are automatically filled to maximum TP, don't pull any punches here. Use the 100TP move, and ONLY the 100TP move. The boss' ultimate will crush all resistance and down you without fail, but you should have a sliver of MP left for your ultimate, which endures any assault, to go off and fill your HP and MP back to full. Keep repeating this until the next part of the battle - you'll know when you get there. The fight's pretty much over at this point, go do whatever until you're treated to the ending cutscenes.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Does someone happen to have a save-file at around Level 15?

Seems like I accidentally deleted my game, and the save-files with it, like the idiot I am. :confused:
The last boss I beat was the octopus on the beach level, I think that was in the level 15 range.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I hope it gets translated into english, I knew there was a story to it but there's only so much you can interpret from the visual cues.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I want to talk a bit more between MC and Mayuko's relationship.

While the majority of their interaction is slapstick it shows how comfortable Setsuna is around her, this actually creates a massive contrast to her actual sister whom she meets later on again, her interaction is there of fear, uncertainty and aversion. Additionally, the whole game players out like this, Setsuna goes out to fight and earn money, Mayuko is at home feeding her info and tips. When Setsuna returns home, Mayuko has food ready for her. In fact on some of the really big missions, Mayuko actually goes out of her way to get better ingredients and cook better things for her. Assuming if we could understand the dialog more, the intercom conversations really flesh out both characters nicely, even if most of the character traits are pretty generic. Plus there are certain events that show how much Mayuko actually cares for Setsuna, like the Oba-chan fight (lose that one to see). In all I think the over the top slapstick works in its favor, since it shows their relationship is relaxed, fun and close knit, rather than super serious drama all the time. Thats my two-cents.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I want to talk a bit more between MC and Mayuko's relationship.

While the majority of their interaction is slapstick it shows how comfortable Setsuna is around her, this actually creates a massive contrast to her actual sister whom she meets later on again, her interaction is there of fear, uncertainty and aversion. Additionally, the whole game players out like this, Setsuna goes out to fight and earn money, Mayuko is at home feeding her info and tips. When Setsuna returns home, Mayuko has food ready for her. In fact on some of the really big missions, Mayuko actually goes out of her way to get better ingredients and cook better things for her. Assuming if we could understand the dialog more, the intercom conversations really flesh out both characters nicely, even if most of the character traits are pretty generic. Plus there are certain events that show how much Mayuko actually cares for Setsuna, like the Oba-chan fight (lose that one to see). In all I think the over the top slapstick works in its favor, since it shows their relationship is relaxed, fun and close knit, rather than super serious drama all the time. Thats my two-cents.

I mean, yeah, okay. I've considered that argument as well when reflecting on the game as a whole, but something about it still doesn't sit right with me.
Maybe it's just that I don't find the slapstick to be all that interesting, and while we're all about show, don't tell, and all that, I would have still liked to see a few more genuine signs of concern throughout the game, or at least quit it with the antics once things started getting serious (insisting on torturing one of my closest childhood friends for information? Really?) instead of like, right before I go off to fight the final two bosses or after I'm already dead. For pete sake, you could at least show a little more concern when I'm in the middle of getting brutally raped or ryona-ed instead of somehow getting left out of the loop.

Sigh...well, what's done is done, so no point in continuing to rant about what I would've liked to see and not see, and I still appreciate that a little more thought was placed into fleshing out the characters emotionally, even if Mayuko gets kind of left out and not from the process. At least the bad end presents a nice alternative with a punch to it, even if it is a bad end as far as the world's concerned.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Human enemies (no names given)
=First enemy=
Being the first of the humans you face, he's honestly nothing too special - that is, other than how he's tougher, stronger and faster than a good chunk of the bosses you've fought so far, being stronger than some 3* difficulty demon bosses. This trend will predictably continue through the rest of the human enemies; they're the final storyline bosses after all. Also, you have a limited number of KOs you can receive here, so try not to get downed.
He frequently uses your 18TP move, which drains MP and causes poison on top of damage, so carry precautions to cure poison and/or dodge/counter the attack. Other than that, he also has a Stumble-causing multi-hit move, so equip the accessory that grants 99% stumble resistance or you're going to have a bad time. The rest won't be different than most other bosses - keep your HP and MP scores up, handle his attacks and whittle down his HP gradually.
When you reach phase 3 and he gains TPMAX, heal up. Don't dodge or block, heal up. This is because his ultimate takes effect the FOLLOWING turn. After healing up, equip as many DEF+ items as you can (don't forget stumble resistance!) and guard the incoming undodgeable. The rest should be the usual fare.

=Second enemy=
The first thing you should notice is that she hits HARD. Aside from the mostly-harmless but stumble-causing earthquake spell, all her attacks are powerful spells that capitalize on her high magical stats, and since they're magical neither DEF nor dodge will save you (though guarding can mitigate the damage you receive). Get fire resistance and electricity resistance items and equip them, and also equip the スタンガン for faint resistance - you do NOT want to get stunned at an inopportune time. Don't forget the stumble resistance boots, either. Additionally, pay attention to her sprite. As one of the comm sequences will reveal, closed mouth means incoming thunder spells, open mouth means other moves (fire, earth or a TP/MP restoring move). You have limited KOs here too, so play it safe and whittle her health down carefully.
(As a note, you can actually drain her MP to 0 if you spam the 18TP move enough, which renders her harmless until the next time her AI decides to use spiritual concentration).
When you reach phase 3 of the fight and she prepares her TPMAX move... Equip all the dodge+ accessories you have and backstep, in contrast to the rest of the fight. Hopefully you'll avoid all of her ulti's hits; if you survive, you've won.

=Third enemy=
As some of the comm sequences will reveal, he's quick, but his attacks aren't especially threatening: your 11TP two-hit slash, a counter move he can do at around TP50, and your 15TP ground-wave is probably the most frequent attacks he'll do (don't forget the anti-stumble boots here, either). He can use the doppelganger spell though, which is a cue that the next turn he'll use the DEF-ignoring 22TP move. It's powerful, but slow, so you should have the time to either attempt to Stumble him with the earthquake spell or ground-wave skill (equip accuracy+ accessories for insurance) or counter with the 35TP iai counter. Just keep your HP/MP up and whittle his HP down, like the previous 2 fights.
When he hits phase 3, however, he'll pull out a machinegun. Equip all your dodge+ items now. He won't attack straightaway, but spend a turn to give himself a buff; use this chance to do whatever. Afterwards, spam backstep for several turns in a row, until Mayuko comms in and tells you to attack (This will be when she counts to 100).
He'll spend 3 turns reloading, so use that time to wail on him. Rinse and repeat - the rest of the fight is just "backstep until he starts reloading and beat him down when the chance comes up".

=Fourth enemy=
WARNING! After you finish this fight, it's a one-way trip to the final boss.
Heavily scripted fight. First things first: Setsuna is FAR out of her league here, she'll get shishkebab'd unless you somehow have insane stats or something, and even then it's uphill. As long as her MP isn't 0, though, she'll auto-revive herself each and every time she ever gets downed (note that there's no limit to the amount of times you can get downed here), so keep your MP up and weather through the fight. Eventually you'll enter a point where both sides will just spam ultimates at each other without your input, the battle ending shortly afterwards. Oh, remember how you can still use your ultimate even if you're downed. You'll be using it manually soon enough.

=Final boss=
The first part of the battle is actually a relatively standard boss fight. The boss has several moderate-to-powerful attacks, but by now you should have enough practice with standard bosses - similar strategies apply, more or less, and she doesn't inflict many ailments either. Just whittle her HP down while keeping yours up, though take note that you'll probably need to keep your MP high to full for the next part.
When the next part hits and both parties are automatically filled to maximum TP, don't pull any punches here. Use the 100TP move, and ONLY the 100TP move. The boss' ultimate will crush all resistance and down you without fail, but you should have a sliver of MP left for your ultimate, which endures any assault, to go off and fill your HP and MP back to full. Keep repeating this until the next part of the battle - you'll know when you get there. The fight's pretty much over at this point, go do whatever until you're treated to the ending cutscenes.

One more note about the third enemy: Don't forget that you can de-equip your armor to get +20% evasion if you unlocked the skill to go full nude. And if you have the items for it, even if you do go down, you can still revive yourself before the boss does anything else to you
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I mean, yeah, okay. I've considered that argument as well when reflecting on the game as a whole, but something about it still doesn't sit right with me.
Maybe it's just that I don't find the slapstick to be all that interesting, and while we're all about show, don't tell, and all that, I would have still liked to see a few more genuine signs of concern throughout the game, or at least quit it with the antics once things started getting serious (insisting on torturing one of my closest childhood friends for information? Really?) instead of like, right before I go off to fight the final two bosses or after I'm already dead. For pete sake, you could at least show a little more concern when I'm in the middle of getting brutally raped or ryona-ed instead of somehow getting left out of the loop.

Sigh...well, what's done is done, so no point in continuing to rant about what I would've liked to see and not see, and I still appreciate that a little more thought was placed into fleshing out the characters emotionally, even if Mayuko gets kind of left out and not from the process. At least the bad end presents a nice alternative with a punch to it, even if it is a bad end as far as the world's concerned.

If you tried to piece together some of the banter it does show some interesting things.

During the battle against the 3 human characters, if you pay attention to some of the banter, Mayuko shows cracks in her usual self. In fact if you pay attention to the Miko fight, Setsuna actually holds back (Her TP meter is 0 even if you have TP gear on) until Mayuko encourages her to give it her all. Another way to look at this is Mayuko trying to support Setsuna in the only way she knows how, by treating her like she's always has. In that sense, Setsuna's past is catching up to her and Mayuko wants to make sure that atleast she has something familiar to cling to. Also, its noted that demons were pretty much completely destroyed before the start of the story (previous game saw to that) so Mayuko's lack of concern over Setsuna's situation may stem from the fact that she just has THAT much confidence in her abilities, and the weakened abilities of the recently revived demons over all. Plus it seems like getting fucked by demons is part of the demon hunter job description.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Does someone happen to have a save-file at around Level 15?

Seems like I accidentally deleted my game, and the save-files with it, like the idiot I am. :confused:
The last boss I beat was the octopus on the beach level, I think that was in the level 15 range.
Hate to beg, but; Anyone? Anything in that range is fine really, I'm fine with having to re-do some hours, I just don't want to have to re-start from scrap again.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Hate to beg, but; Anyone? Anything in that range is fine really, I'm fine with having to re-do some hours, I just don't want to have to re-start from scrap again.

Sorry. My lowest save is around level 50. I rotate my saves, so my highest is actually lvl 78, without any cheating. I just equiped the "random junk status effect" item which increases exp by 50% and it was easy steam roll.

Honestly, you can probably get to around level 15 in 45 minutes if you just grind.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Originally Posted by alias34 View Post
Does someone happen to have a save-file at around Level 15?

Seems like I accidentally deleted my game, and the save-files with it, like the idiot I am.
The last boss I beat was the octopus on the beach level, I think that was in the level 15 range.
Hate to beg, but; Anyone? Anything in that range is fine really, I'm fine with having to re-do some hours, I just don't want to have to re-start from scrap again.

Not quite lvl 15, but here is my lvl 12 save just after the rose boss. Closest I have.


  • Save04.zip
    40.5 KB · Views: 56
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

If you tried to piece together some of the banter it does show some interesting things.

During the battle against the 3 human characters, if you pay attention to some of the banter, Mayuko shows cracks in her usual self. In fact if you pay attention to the Miko fight, Setsuna actually holds back (Her TP meter is 0 even if you have TP gear on) until Mayuko encourages her to give it her all. Another way to look at this is Mayuko trying to support Setsuna in the only way she knows how, by treating her like she's always has. In that sense, Setsuna's past is catching up to her and Mayuko wants to make sure that atleast she has something familiar to cling to. Also, its noted that demons were pretty much completely destroyed before the start of the story (previous game saw to that) so Mayuko's lack of concern over Setsuna's situation may stem from the fact that she just has THAT much confidence in her abilities, and the weakened abilities of the recently revived demons over all. Plus it seems like getting fucked by demons is part of the demon hunter job description.

At this point we're just picking the game apart and examining each and every single piece of it, and while the effort's there, I'm not sure I want to give the game THAT much credit.

It boils down to the simple fact that I just don't like Mayuko and how she's characterized, especially when I started interpreting it as a Nayuta vs Mayuko thing as far as the story and ending was concerned (even if that wasn't the game's original intent)
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Anyone got any insight on the chances of this ever getting some form of translation? I decided to finally look into and install a translation aggregator to play this, but it's really not cutting it. Being forced to play in a tiny windowed view, just to try and interpret slow and virtually incomprehensible machine translations has so far been pretty horrible. It rather kills the nicely done atmosphere of the game even when shreds of info can be gleamed. I opted to go back to fullscreen to let imagination and trial and error do a better job.

I'm trying to figure out whether I should continue with the game blind, or perhaps wait. Obviously a full story+dialogue translation would be a huge undertaking, but it would be very nice to at least have some clues as to what items and skills are. I was wondering if we could perhaps make a few simple images to post in this thread. Edit some translated text over an inventory/skills screenshot or such.

Marching around levels clueless about the specifics of my abilities and with inefficient randomly assembled builds helps prevent the game becoming too easy (and thus devoid of fun slip ups and H-scenes), but it can also be a bit frustrating.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

In 5 days it's already made ~65% of the sales of his older game
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Looks like there was yet another update with bug fixes, so we're up to version 1.05 now. I don't know exactly what's being fixed, but here it is if anyone wants it.

Edit: new version is here. Sorry if you've been following the links all of the way from my original upload!
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Played the game from start to finish; my comments:

Excellent game. Took about twelve hours to three-star every dungeon and finally see the ending. I really like the implementation of the combat system and I have to say it outclasses most of the other RPG Maker H-games.

There's good attempts to establish their characters and such but I don't really like to talk about personalities since it can get pretty subjective on how likable a character can get.

In the final fight, the flashback to the kids was a very good move. Stirs up a good deal with emotions which made it a memorable experience. The ending was superb, but I felt it could have used a little more twists. I kind of expected Setsuna to return, and it did happen anyway in a pretty straightforward manner.

Some things I felt could have improved:

- The skill point system. I maxed out every skill by level 95~. It could be a skill tree instead and have enough skills so that every possible skill point won't be enough to cover all the skills. Being able to see what each skill did before learning it would have helped a lot as well.

- The 1-3 star dungeon system. There seems to be no noteworthy merit to be doing anything more than 1 star!

Extra opinions:

- I like how Mayuko has something to say about every enemy, every status condition, and every time Setsuna steps onto a new kind of territory. I really like their slapstick conversations.

- It does feel awkward sometimes to see Setsuna cheerful and optimistic at dinner scenes right after all she's been through in the dungeons...

- Why did Setsuna panic at the sight of a cockroach right after she managed to beat a giant Shoggoth-like monster on her first go at a dungeon?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

This is pretty much the best (completed) Hentai RPG game I've played. The fights are fun if a little too easy most of the time and sometimes repetitive, the H is top notch, apparently it has a good story to it and it has enough content for me to go for a second legit playthrough. The music is nice (I'm guessing it's from some library though, not original), the environment design and sprite art are cohesive.
My only real complaint is like I said, the difficulty. The TPMax move is a total get-out-of-jail-free card and there are many times at which I would've lost if it weren't for that. You also end up using most of the best TP moves every turn you're attacking. The only time it makes sense to use the basic attack is if you're building TP for that TPMax, and only really against bosses.
On the flipside, the enemies that can bind Setsuna are extremely powerful - especially when there are enemies among those you're fighting that attack before you do each turn. The only real option to break out of binds is by using TPMax, because usually when bound the enemies who are doing H moves will do so before you try to escape, and the TP bar usually fills up from the chain H-attacks from running out of stamina/MP.
Speaking of running out of things, the supplies are way too abundant, even without buying any. It's never a question of if you have enough potions or items, but whether you're able to at a particular point in combat.
Then there's the magic. It's overpowered, to put it simply, especially the AOE ones. Those facehuggers? No problem with the AOE fire attack, because they only have H attacks and being hit will cancel it out. It'd be nice if the AOE magic had a chance of missing each enemy.
The best enemy in the game imo is the three-headed ghost, with its ability to summon additional ones.
So yeah, the difficulty is weird. Sometimes you're constantly on the back foot, most of the time you don't have a chance of losing. My current playthrough, I'm not using magic nor am I upgrading or buying better weapons or armor. It's a lot more fun this way imo.
Another couple of things I would've liked to see is game over scenes for each enemy and alternate outfits (and the cut-in H scenes reflecting whether Setsuna is naked or not), but work.

Unrelated, there is a bug in the seaside level, not sure if it's been fixed past the initial release, but if you have the ability to hop one tile, you can get stuck left of the cave entrance.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do I spoiler?

it would be very nice to at least have some clues as to what items and skills are.






As for equipment items, the ones that increase stats are obvious but I'm just as lost as you for the ones where the JP description is the only source of info.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I just started to play this game and i have a question:

Which skill is the one that helps you get the h scenes?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I just started to play this game and i have a question:

Which skill is the one that helps you get the h scenes?

I'm not sure which specific skill but if you interact with the toilet twice, you can get into the recollection room and the weird dude in there gives you the ability to unequip clothes iirc, which means enemies will use H attacks more often (As they will when her clothes are destroyed). I think it also unlocks an entire tree of skills, one of which lets you destroy Setsuna's clothes, another (item) which will let you suicide in battles.