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RPG RPG Maker [うんこモリモリ丸] 退魔巫女遊戯 / Taima Miko Yuugi (RJ176344)

Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do you get the last 3 enemies on the top left of the gallery? How do you beat the boss dude in the Mine?

Its one of those scripted battles where you cannot avoid his attacks but you will lose if you run out of mp, Just use items to keep your mp up and let the script playout.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I think that is linked to the Thousand Mask boss. I'm pretty sure if you get defeated when they put a mask on you then you'll get that scene, otherwise it's just the standard loss scene. I need to test it, as I've only seen that scene once.

Looks like that's where it was. Turns out you can see that scene if you go to the mask boss in the CG room and select the second, then fourth option. Perhaps I do have all of the CGs unlocked, then? That gap between the white-haired sister and the second to last boss has me wondering, though. Speaking of her, it's a shame they didn't have any scenes with her in it; white hair + red eyes are a winner in my book (though I suppose she's basically just a palette swap of Setsuna already).

How do you get the last 3 enemies on the top left of the gallery? How do you beat the boss dude in the Mine?

Do you mean the very top row on the left? Those are the ghost train enemies if so.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Do you mean the very top row on the left? Those are the ghost train enemies if so.
No, the leftmost row on the top side

Also, is it impossible to win the last fight against the white haired girl?
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Also, is it impossible to win the last fight against the white haired girl?

It's not impossible, just another VERY heavily scripted boss fight. Guard and spam your 100 TP move until the script starts and then it's basically a guaranteed win.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do you even beat the plant boss, im seriously stuck on how to beat it.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do you even beat the plant boss, im seriously stuck on how to beat it.

The rose one? That one's a little annoying because you have to figure out which one is the real one - it doesn't do you any good if you attack the fake ones, as they just disappear and the boss shuffles around so you're back at square one. I don't think there's a surefire method to distinguish the real one without some guesswork, so I'd recommend just whacking away at random ones until you hit the right one, which is recognizable by the fact that it won't disappear afterwards. As I mentioned for the mask boss, your cursor will remember which enemy you hit last, so even if the boss rearranges itself after you hit it, whichever enemy your cursor is on when you go to attack again will be the correct one. Later on, when you start hurting it enough and the boss changes forms, the real one will be a different color than the fakes, making things even easier.

Just make sure to guard whenever the boss's TP is up (noted by the glowing yellow or red marker above it) and you should be okay. Otherwise, you might end up getting tied up and risk being quickly knocked out. You should use your 100 TP move whenever you're sure you're hitting the boss with it, too, of course. You can practically breeze through most of the game if you know when to guard and keep spamming that move whenever possible.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Thanks for the info friend, I will keep trying. Just grinding lvls at the moment to try and boost my chances of not getting beaten while trying to figure out which one it is.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

How do you even beat the plant boss, im seriously stuck on how to beat it.

You don't need to whack away at random to find the boss, just compare the boss TP gauge with the TP gauges in the target info, you want to attack the one that has the same TP as the boss TP gauge. Use your 100 TP attack to attack the boss.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

You don't need to whack away at random to find the boss, just compare the boss TP gauge with the TP gauges in the target info, you want to attack the one that has the same TP as the boss TP gauge. Use your 100 TP attack to attack the boss.

So that's what they meant when they were going on about TP gauges during the fight; I had trouble piecing that one together without a proper translation. Thanks for pointing that out! I'm sure it'll save a few people some headaches down the road.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Wish id known that strategy for thouand mask lol, just spammed the second lightning move that hits everything.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Wish id known that strategy for thouand mask lol, just spammed the second lightning move that hits everything.

Well, apparently, the sister says once you hit the right one, as long as you don't move your cursor, it will stay on the right one. However, I found that a dumb idea since if you AOE them down, you don't get hit by like 5 things in 1 turn.

A criticism I have for this game is that it missed the immense potential of corrupted forms. E.g. the author could have had the heroine change into a corrupt-form depending on the boss you lost to. WIth different stats, abilities, etc. Could have used this to improve the puzzle mechanics of the game too, and prehaps multiple endings. (I didn't finishe= the game yet, so I don't know if there are multiple endings or not).
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Well, apparently, the sister says once you hit the right one, as long as you don't move your cursor, it will stay on the right one. However, I found that a dumb idea since if you AOE them down, you don't get hit by like 5 things in 1 turn.

A criticism I have for this game is that it missed the immense potential of corrupted forms. E.g. the author could have had the heroine change into a corrupt-form depending on the boss you lost to. WIth different stats, abilities, etc. Could have used this to improve the puzzle mechanics of the game too, and prehaps multiple endings. (I didn't finishe= the game yet, so I don't know if there are multiple endings or not).

The problem with shooting them all at once is that they immediately come back with greatly increased TP, so that doesn't have long-term potential - or did you manage to pull it off doing that? I stopped trying to roast all of them after a few turns because I was tired of having to try to defend against strong attacks from 4-5 enemies every other turn or so and it felt like I was losing a war of attrition.

As for endings, there's one if you lose to the final boss and one if you win, though I can't completely grasp what's going on during them thanks to not having a clean translation. I honestly wasn't too impressed with the story once it started shifting towards the human enemies, either way. What little I could glean from a machine translation seemed generic.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

The story is pretty bland, and I think I've heard some of CRAWLING's lyrics once I saw the sister's design.
Seriously all she needed was a scythe and one winged angel as the bgm.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Just noticed that Setsuna has a sword skill which hits four times and is named Tsubame Gaeshi. This was really familiar, but I couldn't place it so I had to look it up. Seems the creator is a Fate/Stay Night fan.

Not necessarily. It's a sword technique of the real-life Sasaki Kojirou, so it pops up quite often in Japanese games.

(Heck, if he intended it to be an F/SN reference, it'll be three cuts instead of four.)
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Plant boss is easy.

You see next to the boss, there is a gauge says TP meter. and when you select a boss, you can see their specific TP and each of them is different. THe plant that has a matching tp gauge with the one on the left is the real one. If there are multiple plant with similar tp, you just need to guess, but it is very easy to guess the right one.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

The way I identified which mask was the real one is by looking at the name-tag. The fake ones are all in the same position, while that of the real one is slightly shifted to the left. The same probably applies to the plant boss, but with that you can just keep spamming area/multiple-target attacks
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Or you can just poison the boss.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

The problem with shooting them all at once is that they immediately come back with greatly increased TP, so that doesn't have long-term potential - or did you manage to pull it off doing that? I stopped trying to roast all of them after a few turns because I was tired of having to try to defend against strong attacks from 4-5 enemies every other turn or so and it felt like I was losing a war of attrition.

For me, I AOE them down a few turns, then defend 1 turn (they spend all their TP, usually). I take mana potion next turn, then repeat. It worked really well.

As for endings, there's one if you lose to the final boss and one if you win, though I can't completely grasp what's going on during them thanks to not having a clean translation. I honestly wasn't too impressed with the story once it started shifting towards the human enemies, either way. What little I could glean from a machine translation seemed generic.

Yeah, the human enemy battles were pretty boring - mainly due to the lack of hentai once it started.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

For me, I AOE them down a few turns, then defend 1 turn (they spend all their TP, usually). I take mana potion next turn, then repeat. It worked really well.

Yeah, the human enemy battles were pretty boring - mainly due to the lack of hentai once it started.

That and they were the longest, hardest and most repetitive