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Introduce yourself

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Aug 2, 2010
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Re: Introduce yourself

Name: Mallory
Screenname / Nicknames: Mitsukara, Mitsy, Milly
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Current Country of Residence: USA

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Dark brown.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Hair length: Mid-back/just barely to the small. The furthest I can get it to grow so far.
Breasts: Small.
Glasses: Yes, little round ones.
Features: Kinda bland.
Height: Tall.
Glasses: Yes, little round ones.

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Shiny brown.
Hair color: Shiny brown.
Hair length: Down to and covering the butt. Natural hair antennae. Perky bangs.
Ears: Pointy and sideways. Floppy. Angled down a bit. Sometimes floppy dog ears too.
Breasts: C-cup
Tail: Covered in long, thick hair resembling the head hair, but only about 6" long. Prehensile and strong as an arm.
Hermaphrodite with retractable futa part: Yes.
Glasses: Still need them. Huge round ones.
Features: My face would be more like a manga character brought to life than like a real life face. No uncanny valley realism. No teeth, nails, nostrils, muscly bits around eyes, or yuckiness. Tiny mouth that looks like a little line or dot when closed, and soft and pink and simple when opened. Huge eyes.
Height: Not as tall.
Cyclops: Sometimes.
Skin: Sometimes my normal pale flesh tone. Sometimes blue with white hair. Sometimes a grayish brown with black or pale-whiteish blonde hair. Sometimes bright green with black hair.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Aquarius, and somewhat fitting of the associated stereotypes.
My Fears: Dying! At least in a permanent fashion. Un-permanent death is getting more into fetish territory (Custom Zombie-chan is a good example of this, even if it does have a couple really weird things... mostly it's the foot parts and the gruesome shriveling, the rest was pretty cool. I kinda would've liked to see it played out as a longer, more serious story, though... sex included in the course of the plot, though). Also, I fear cars. They're metal deathtraps coming to get me out of spite for my avoidance of them! *hides*
Common Utterances: Huh? Ehhh? Ara? Ahh...
Is the glass half full, or half empty: That depends upon the contents of the glass.
Bad Habits: Procrastination, forgetfulness, distractability, disorganizedness, breaking stuff, asking if I can ask questions before I ask them, announcing what I'm going to say before I say it, neurotically worrying that things I say will be judged, neurotically worrying that the things I'm saying are stupid, and I've been told I take self deprecation too far.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Bigotry
2) Fighting
3) Real-life danger

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist
: Ken Akamatsu & Magi (I'm sure there are better stories out there, even though I really like A.I. Love You, Love Hina, and Negima- and I repeat A.I. Love You, which was really fantastic; but I absolutely love the drawing style. Rarely does it go wrong for me. Too bad he doesn't do actual hentai, and too bad he started including enough finishing detail that nails are usually included now...). Bow Ditama's style in Mahoromatic is also fantastic.
Other manga of interest: Mahoromatic (but I need to finish it), Azumanga Daioh, Yostuba&!
Video game series: Dragon Quest (any of the main series games; still working on IX though. The Roto trilogy, especially, has sentimentality out the wazoo for me, and I have a crazy obsession with it) or Castlevania (the SOTN-types are all pretty good; SotN, PoR, and AoS are the three best I think), I think; Mario games rate pretty high with me too, more so the sidescrollers.
TV Show: ("Gene Roddenberry's"... more like Robert Hewitt Wolfe's) Andromeda (mostly just the first year and a half though- but combined with Coda, it's totally worth it). Star Trek TNG and TOS both had their moments; Stargate SG-1 was pretty great all around. Atlantis had moments too. Tremors the Series, and the four movies, are favorites of mine.
Anime: Way too hard to call. Azumanga Daioh stands out pretty well, for one, but I'm sure this will change as I see more anime instead of just reading manga.
Webcomic: That's a tough one, but I'd have to say . and it's spinoffs are also big favorites of mine (but beware of how dark they get. If you read PDH, though, stick it out all the way to the end, it's worth it IMO).
Hentai anime: Inyouchuu: The Animation (more so episode 1, but honestly the darker plot of the second one worked for me too, and left me wanting more. Inyouchuu Shoku does little for me, however, although the scene at the very beginning at the beach is kind of interesting).
Drink: Pibb Xtra
Shoe: Socks with sandals, or flat-sole boots
Hat: I don't wear one frequently, but berets- with hair magically sticking out- and wide-brimmed floppy hats are both awesome.
Color: Various greens, turquoise / seafoam green, pale lavender, pure blue (think 0R 0G 255B for RGB colors)
Music Genre: Upbeat idol jpop/anime music, synthy sounding music of all sorts, orchestral theme music (not so much orchestral background/atmospheric music), some odd 80s and 60s stuff.
Internet Meme: Introduction for Zero Wing game start in A.D. 2101!!

Do I...

Smoke: No. I don't intend to try it. See "Fears" above.
Swear: Sometimes. More so in person than online.
Flip out and kill people: I hope not...
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Air guitar sometimes. I want to learn to play keyboards and get a keytar also.
Knit scarves for orphans: That's on my to-do list... gotta learn to knit first though... ^^'
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Yes. I try not to spend too much money on it, though.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Yes.
Have furry leanings?: Not really, though I have friends that do. I go for the floppy dog ears and the tail, and some mannerisms, but I definitely want smooth skin and human/elvish features for the most part.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I'll have to see when the time comes, I suppose...
Should Marty have gone back to it?: He kinda did, didn't he? I mean, he seemed to be staying in 1985, and that's "the future" according to 1955 or 1885. If you mean whether he should've returned to 2015, well, it seems Doc did since he hover-converted his train time machine somehow, but given the poor results of the first time Marty went there, no, he probably shouldn't have gone back again.
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Time traveling!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I discovered the forum whilest searching to see if an "Inyouchuu: The Animation" episode 3 exists; it seems that it doesn't, from what I can tell, but the thread I found about it was interesting and I decided to register and poke around a bit and see how it goes.
Other random trivia: Like Maria Renard, I have the ability to produce a turtle shell as if from nowhere to hide inside of. I use this ability to cower after making bad puns, mostly.

Additionally, I was wondering what the rules and limitations are here, and if they could be found somewhere? I'm having trouble locating them, sorry. I have a -15 to spot checks and to intuit direction checks.

If there are no specific rules, then, going on common sense and politeness, with an eye out for how I see the forums work on further firsthand exploration, I have two particular questions: Firstly, are there limits on what kinds of sexual content can be shown and discussed? Secondly, if the first is a relative no, then should I avoid disclosure (should I feel inclined, and find an appropriate part of the forums in which to do so) of my own non-consent/being-a-victim fantasies? (I apologize if having said that much is against the code of conduct, and apologize for my awkwardness in any case ^^')

I would like to point out that I've never posted on a hentai-oriented forum before, so I don't know what I'm doing at all! XD Sorry.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll continue to take a look around and maybe post more if I enjoy what I find! *bows, but falls over and bonks her head, then gets back up and ambles away*


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Additionally, I was wondering what the rules and limitations are here, and if they could be found somewhere? I'm having trouble locating them, sorry. I have a -15 to spot checks and to intuit direction checks.
Lawl, 3.0. Also http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=3

If there are no specific rules, then, going on common sense and politeness, with an eye out for how I see the forums work on further firsthand exploration, I have two particular questions: Firstly, are there limits on what kinds of sexual content can be shown and discussed? Secondly, if the first is a relative no, then should I avoid disclosure (should I feel inclined, and find an appropriate part of the forums in which to do so) of my own non-consent/being-a-victim fantasies? (I apologize if having said that much is against the code of conduct, and apologize for my awkwardness in any case ^^')
The only thing I can really think of is that of underage characters.

I would like to point out that I've never posted on a hentai-oriented forum before, so I don't know what I'm doing at all! XD Sorry.
Duly noted.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll continue to take a look around and maybe post more if I enjoy what I find! *bows, but falls over and bonks her head, then gets back up and ambles away*


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Introduce yourself

Ah, to be young. Welcome to the forums. Also, I think you've made a small error.

Judging from the "ideal appearance" section, your furry leanings are a little more than slight. I'd say you're venturing more into the obtuse, if not reflex.

Oh, and bright green skin with black hair? Do you also throw plasma and have a mysterious attraction to Pumpkin pie and world-saving cheerleaders..?


Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

As Incubus said, only strict restriction is on under age sexual material, simply for legal reasons. It's a shame to have to restrict things, but it wouldn't be fair at all to land our good admin and founder with ugly legal problems. Some boards and galleries risk it, but we can't. That aside most people here are hard to faze, and you'll be hard pressed to upset someone with most genres of hentai in any media. Some theme's like guro, scat and the more hardcore ryona might not be for everybody, but if you ever have any doubts a spoiler tag with a one word warning easily solves that.

And oh yeah. Hi there, and welcome to the forums. =)

Though how does ears and tail equal an obtuse or reflex angle on the furryometer? Sounds like pretty typical Neko/Inu-Girl stuff to me. No whiskers, snout, excess fluffiness or even animal eyes described there.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Mal (if I may indeed call you Mal). Just pay attention to how things go down, and keep yer wits about ye.


Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome!! Def a Mal ^.^

Secondly, if the first is a relative no, then should I avoid disclosure (should I feel inclined, and find an appropriate part of the forums in which to do so) of my own non-consent/being-a-victim fantasies?
Might I point you to my (pretty much) dead thread: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=142 I'm a fan of the NC stuff, but never really explored it much on here. *whispers* Cuz some of the people on here are weird 0.o


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Introduce yourself

I bring up urethral sounding ONE TIME...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums.

Toxic is my slave.

Do with her as you wish.

But do not damage her mohawk.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums, Milly.

+1 for liking Ken Akamatsu.

Do not feed members after dark.
Do not feed Dark.
Aika and Nunu are your new gods, only surpassed by Antithetical Inquiry, though she's rarely on.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Addendum: Only Obe is allowed to feed Dark.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Introduce yourself



Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Exactly why Obe is the only one allowed to feed him.


Double Poster
Aug 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Im Tear! Ive been a long time reader of ULMF and finally decided to get an account! Procrastination ftw! Anywaysiz, im 24 at the mo and single about 50% of the time, but im looking for any opportunity to write for an anime show or video game...and as long as im dreaming i want my cup size and savings to go up... but anyway, im here for as long as i can be!! Look forward to talking with everyone!:p


Double Poster
Aug 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Ummm...hate to double post...really...and its a long one...but since Mitsukara had such an indepth intro, i kinda felt dumb doing that 1st post...forgive me admins and peoples!!! :'(

Name: Lexi
Screenname / Nicknames: Tear
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Current Country of Residence: USA

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Blueish?
Hair Color: Normally brunette but currently blonde
Hair length: Um, boob length? >.< check my profile pic
Breasts: Medium. Like high Bs
Glasses: Nope
Features: -.- dunno
Height: 5.6

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Grey (Gray?)
Hair color: Blue!!
Hair length: I guess shoulder length>.<
Ears: o_O ima skip this one
Breasts: Same :)
Tail: O.O i guess thid was really a personal thing for Mal-chan...
Hermaphrodite with retractable futa part: :eek:
Glasses: Whew a normal question :eek: no still
Features: Hmmm, Id like a cool looking scar. Not the nasty formed over kind, more like what Sasha from Seikon no Qwaser has
Height: Mebye a liiittle bit taller
Cyclops: NANI?!?!
Skin: Tanner! Please!

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Aquarius, and somewhat fitting of the associated stereotypes.
My Fears: Snakes, heights, the dark, death, lonliness, giant flying penises...the usual stuff
Common Utterances: :eek: and anything kyute <3
Is the glass half full, or half empty: If im around, its just empty
Bad Habits: "Procrastination, forgetfulness, distractability, disorganizedness, breaking stuff, asking if I can ask questions before I ask them, announcing what I'm going to say before I say it, neurotically worrying that things I say will be judged, neurotically worrying that the things I'm saying are stupid, and I've been told I take self deprecation too far."-Me 2 Mal ;)

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Lonliness
2) Thinking to much
3) Missing an episode of any current anime

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: :confused: i dont really read manga...
Other manga of interest: Refer to the above death sentance
Video game series: The Tales series!! Kingdom Hearts!! Pokemon!! All the greats:D
TV Show: Refer to the below
Anime: (1) Eden of the east (2)Nodame Cantabile (3) Everything else
Webcomic: HISS!!! AWAY DEMONS!!
Drink: Lemonade
Shoe: Vans baby!
Hat: Backwards Seibu Lions hat
Color: Umm, who cares?
Music Genre: "Upbeat idol jpop/anime music, synthy sounding music of all sorts, orchestral theme music (not so much orchestral background/atmospheric music), some odd 80s and 60s stuff."-all the above plus ambiance:D
Internet Meme: :confused: a what?

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Thats a fuck yes
Flip out and kill people: Nope. I prefer my killings to be calm :)
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: All the time. (Both for K-ON!!)
Knit scarves for orphans: -.- majikayo?
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I have a buzillion stuffed animals!
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I hope not... allthough NHK ni youkoso was a great anime...
Have furry leanings?: Only if its in an RoR

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: the fuck?
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? Hells yeah! He woulda missed all the good animes... :'(

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Finally being assed to and wanting to comment with the celebs like Toxic Shock and Aika (and Nunu!!! :D)
Other random trivia: I guess im bi, meaning that if a girl approached me, depending on how good of a person she is, i would probably go out with/ sleep with her

Thanks to those who actually read this... probably like 2 ppl.
Hows about this, if you read this or Mal's, then post someting on my profile.
Ill be sure to respond :D
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(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Introduce yourself

Well that works too I guess. Best way to make sure you don't have a bad first impression is make two impressions?

There's a delete option in edit, there's a blank form on the first page you can use, and I'm glad to see your opinion on your breasts changed.
Otherwise, welcome

Reason for joining: Finally being assed to and wanting to comment with the celebs like Toxic Shock and Aika

....wait what
and who assed you?


Double Poster
Aug 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Introduce yourself

Its just because i was traumatized by Penny arcade as a child. *sniff* the horrors...
Oh and TS? I meant that it seemed like 2much trouble to make an account so i couldnt ass it. I just decide to 2day because i was visiting for the buzillionth time :D
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