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League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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A place to post champion builds and general tips and ideas. I've been getting a lot of help thanks to RandomKnight and felt like passing on a few things:

General Tips-

Shift-casting: You can hold down shift and then press the ability hotkey to instantaniously activate spells where your cursor is (or just instantly depending on the spell). This is especially useful for abilities that rely on quick execution or spammability, as well as reactive casting. This can also be done with the number keys for quick execution of the character's taunt animations.


Kog'Maw's Kog Cannon

Build Focuses: Ability Power/Mana/Mana Regen
Ability Focuses: Living Artillery, Void Ooze

The basic idea: Kog's Ultimate ability- Living Artillery- is a extremely potent skill, able to take out heros beyond tower radius and almost from nowhere, though it's firing rate is also hampered via the additional mana cost for spam-firing. This requires Kog to need exceding amounts of mana to fuel his other more defensive abilities as well as further barrages.

This build, when combined with Shift-cast, will allow you to fire constant barrages of high-powered shots, and the added ability power to fuel this ability will also allow your Void Ooze ability to farm creeps easily as well as slow down rushing champions trying to attack you. Kog's other abilitys can also be used in conjecture with Void Ooze for a few defensive kills.

Item Setup-
First purchase: Meki Pendent, Health Potion. This gives you a quick heal during early game and begins your mana regen boosts
Second Build Phase: Purchase Boots of Speed, Build Meki Pendent into Tears of the Goddess. This increases your mana and mana regen by a startling degree.
Third Build Phase: Rush-build Rabadon's Deathcap. This piece is extremely important to boostin your Ability Power
Fourth Build Phase: Build your boots into Mercury Treads and construct a Archangel's Staff. More ability poweer makes Kog a happy void critter.
Fifth Build Phase: Yet to last a game that gets to where I've completed the Archangel's staff, though adding to this potent offence could be items such as Feindish Codex and Nashor's Tooth. Armor item by this point would also be a capital idea.


Feel free to add on to this thread with your own personal builds and such!


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I can give advice and tips if people want em, if I remember to check up on this topic from time to time. :v Just throw questions my way.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Eh, I might post builds here later, but for now, just some thoughts I have on items.

Rabadon's Deathcap - If you focus on abilities that use AP, you get this item. There are no excuses. This item gives you 201.5 AP before taking anything but this item into account.

Archangel's Staff - The next big AP item IMO, but you have to be able to raise its stacks and you have to be able to use mana. Usually, AA Staff and Rabadon's used in conjunction with each other on a mana-using, AP focused champion will give you 345 or more AP (Alistar has the lowest mana pool, as far as I know, so I'm using him as the lowest) before anything else is taken into account.

Zhonya's Hourglass - The third best AP item IMO. 50 armor, 100 AP, and 2 seconds of stasis? YES. Great item for those who need to get in close, but don't want to die for an extra 2 seconds. It's even better if you bait the enemies into a trap, then use this to still come out alive.

Mejai's Soulstealer - Okay, I know, this item, at max stacks gives 180 AP, much more than Zhonya's, as well as 15% cool-down reduction. So why do I rate it lower? It's a snowball item, meaning that you HAVE to stay alive and get kills/assists for it to be worth it. Yeah, it is the easiest of the three snowball items to get rolling and keep rolling, but it also puts a giant bullseye on you, and unless you're already outright owning the other team before you get this, chances are they'll focus you and make you regret spending that 1235 on it when you can't get past 5 stacks.
-Addendum - This and Sword of the Occult are great, IMO, on hybrid bait characters. Specifically, Teemo. Your job is to make the enemy think 'hey, it's a squishy with a stacking item, let's get him!'
That is their mistake. You're actually leading them to the bush where you have a mushroom and 2-4 team members waiting for him. Just make sure you have Flash. That summoner spell will save your furry ass too many times.

More to come later, currently I have places to go.

EDIT: More.

My Build For Annie

I dont' want to say that Annie is my favorite character to play as, but she's the one I believe I have the most experience with and the the most fun with.
She's a nuking mage, with a stun that depends on how many times she has cast (every 5th spell will stun).
Many people, for the sake of high AP, I believe, have built her squishier than she should be. Now, while I don't exactly make an effort to 'tank' her up, I like survivability, seeing as she WILL get focused if the enemy is given the chance.

TAKE NOTE: this is for someone at summoner level 30. Your runes/masteries may vary.

So, here is how I build Annie:

Before you even go into a match, grab these runes:

> x9 Greater Mark of Insight
>> 8.55 magic pen. The best marks to grab for our purposes.

> x9 Greater Seal of Clarity
>> 0.585 Mana Regen per 5 seconds per level (10.53 at level 18)? YES. You have mana, and you WILL be throwing out spells like a mad-girl.

> x9 Greater Glyph of Celerity
>> 0.45 Cool-down Reduction per level (8.1 at level 18)? VERY NICE. You need your spells off of CD quickly. More spells = more stuns = mo' betta'

> x3 Greater Quintessence of Swiftness
>> 4.5% increased movement speed. Now, Quints are debatable, because everyone has their own preference. I like to move quickly.

I go with a 9/0/21 build.

> Offensive Tree - x3 Archmage's Savvy, x4 Sorcery, x1 Archaic Knowledge.
>> Archmage's Savvy because it gives AP, and you want AP. Sorcery because it gives CDR. You WANT CDR. Archaic Knowledge is what we've come here for, though. 15% Magic penetration. Not a flat amount, a percent. Meaning that the more MR the enemy has, the more powerful this becomes. Though, it is just 15%, so it's not as powerful as the Void Staff (they do work well together, though). I put the 1 point needed to reach the second level into Deadliness because that will at least give me something, as I won't be using either Exhaust or Smite. If you want to use either of those, by all means, put the point into the one you'll use *coughexhasutcough*

> Defensive Tree - lolnothing

> Utility Tree -
>> First Row: x3 Good hands, x2 Perseverance, x1 Haste. Good Hands is just nice to have, IMO. Waiting to respawn is a bitch. Haste is taken because I use Ghost, and you ALMOST ALWAYS want to try to take a point into the masteries that correspond to the summoner spells you use. Perseverance is a dump mastery. It is nice, though.
>> Second Row: x4 Awareness. This will help you level up faster, therefore helping you upgrade your spells faster.
>> Third Row: x3 Meditation. This helps with mana regeneration. You want this.
>> Fourth Row: x3 Quickness, x1 Blink of an Eye. Quickness increases your move-speed (and as I've said, I like moving quickly). Blink of an Eye improves the Flash summoner spell, which is the other one I use. This thing will save your ass more times than you'll be able to count, though it also makes a nice gap closer.
>> Fifth row: x3 Intelligence. CDR, you want this.
>> Sixth Row: x1 Presence of the Master. This is a very nice mastery, as it reduces the CDR on your summoner spells by 15%. That's 15% more times you can Flash in to/out of battle. 15% more you can smack Ghost and run towards/away from battle. You want this.

Summoner Spells:
As if you couldn't tell, I take Ghost and Flash for my Summoner Spells. I've also had good luck with Exhaust in place of one of those, it just comes down to how you play. I swear, though, if I see you on Annie with Fortify and/or Rally, I will shove Tibbers so far down your throat you won't shit right for a week. Yes, yes I did mean your throat.

Skill Order:
If you're going to solo, I'd suggest Disintegrate first. 90 damage as opposed to the 51 your basic attack does, and if you're smart and last-hit the minions with it, you'll get the mana refunded for killing the minion, therefore allowing you to stay in the lane longer.
If you're in a side lane, I'd suggest taking Incinerate first. Sure, it doesn't refund mana for a kill like Disintegrate does, but you don't need a target for it. This means that you can sit on fountain and build up a charge or 3 towards your stun before you even get out into the lane. Hell, you can charge it up 'till you have your stun. That way, when the enemy tries to run in and do something, oh look, they're stunned now.
Either way, once I start gaining levels, I try to have all 3 spells by level 3, and the rest go like this:

Summon: Tibbers - Highest Priority
Disintegrate - Higher Priority
Incinerate/Molten Shield - these are interchangeable in priority, depending on what you need more, damage or survivability.

Yeah, this is why you're here. I know. So, let's get to it.

> Rod of Ages
>> Health, Mana, AND AP? SWEET MOTHER OF JEBUS YES. You have just gone from squishy to slightly less squishy.

> Sorcerer Shoes
>> 20 Magic pen. Very nice. Though, if the enemy CC really is just too much without Mercury Treads, get those instead. Better to be alive and able to do something, than dead and not doing diddly squat.

>Morello's Evil Tome
>> An item that's been recently introduced. 75 AP, 12 mana regen, and 20% CDR. A mage's best friend.

> Rabadon's Deathcap
>> 201.5 AP form one item. AND the 30% bonus AP includes your TOTAL AP, not just the AP on this item. YOU. WANT. THIS. ITEM.

> Banshee's Veil
>> HP, MP, MR, and a spell shield every 30 seconds. You are now even more slightly less squishy. HUZZAH!

> Rylai's Crystal Scepter
>> Nice HP and AP, AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR OFFENSIVE SPELLS WILL HAVE A SLOWING COMPONENT. EVEN TIBBERS (if I'm remembering right.) Congrats, now you're better than even more slightly less squishy. You're a tiny bit of a pain to kill!

> First Items: Sapphire Crystal and 2 health pots. That crystal builds into something you'll want next, and the health pots will keep you in the lane a little longer.
> First Trip back: By now you should have at least 925, enough for a Catalyst. Try to save up for 1275, though, as this will let you get your basic boots along with the catalyst. Any left over money can either be spent on health pots or not at all.
>> Though, maybe your first trip back is simply because you got owned and had to retreat/died. In either case, just get back to your lane and wait for that 1275 gold mark to go back again, if you can.
> Second Trip back: This is where you start to get to decide a little. Do you have enough for a Blasting Wand, or even enough for a full Rod of Ages? Or do you really want those Sorcerer Shoes for that 20 Magic Pen? Choose wisely and go forth.

From here on out it's really up to you for the order. Well, do try to get Rod of Ages either before or immediately following your boots. You really want the full benefit of that item. Personally, I go for the Rod first, Sorc Boots next, the the Tome, then I start Rabadon's with a Needlessly Large Rod, but I may get a Banshee's Veil before I actually MAKE the Rabadon's. Last item is usually Rylai's, just because it's fucking hilarious to see the enemy ask if I'm going 'tank' Annie. That, and the slow is epic, IMO.


My Build for Jarvan

Again, this is just how I build Jarvan. If you find a different way that works for you, great.
I see Jarvan as a Tank. He has 2000+ base health at level 18 and nice Armor/MR. He has a debuff, a buff, a slow, a knock-up, and a shield. His ultimate can make the enemy go 'OH SHI-' by transforming the landscape for a few seconds. His passive is pretty nice as well, though like (most) all passives, you won't really notice it the longer the game goes and the better the items you and the enemy get are.

Mix It Up, Oh Dip


I go with a 0/9/21 build. Yeah, I really like the Utility tree.

> Offensive: lolwut

> Defensive: x3 Resistance, x3 Hardiness, x3 Strength of Spirit.
>> Resistance and Hardiness give 6 more Magic Resist and Armor, respectively. That may not sound like much, but 6 more Armor/MR at the start of the game, and even through the end, is really nice. Strength of Spirit gives you more Health Regen based on your mana. More Health Regen is always nice.

> Utility: Pretty much the same as it was for Annie, with the exception of 3 points into Perseverance instead of 2, and no points into Blink of an Eye. That's because we're not using Flash this time around.


> x9 Greater Mark of Desolation.
>> Your main damage is physical, so Armor Pen is nice to have.

> x9 Greater Seal of Clarity.
>> Mana regen. You wants it.

Now, here's where it's a little odd.

> x7 Greater Glyph of Celerity, x2 Greater Glyph of Focus
> x2 Greater Quintessence of Celerity, x1 Greater Glyph of Focus
>> These are all Cool-down Reduction runes. This is the best combination I've found so that Jarvan gets as close as possible to 40% CDR without going over and wasting it.

Summoner Spells:
I take Ghost and Ignite. Ghost is just really nice, and I like to use ignite because, well, it pisses people off and can sometimes even get that kill that might have gotten away otherwise. Exhaust is also great to use instead of Ignite should you just prefer it, or not have Ignite, or just see that you need more CC.
--Personally, I feel that Ignite is too powerful as it is right now. They either need to nerf the damage or the healing debuff. It's pretty much a free nuke at level 18.

Skill Order:
I always go with Dragon Strike first. It's a very nice ability with a low CD and mana cost. By level 3 I try to have 1 point in each skill, and then I go from there. If they're really beating on me, I prioritize Golden Aegis. If I'm a pushing machine, I prioritize Demacian Standard. If I need to last-hit and harass more, I prioritize Dragon Strike. Naturally, his Ultimate takes priority over all.


> Manamune: Great mana item for physical mana users. In fact, everyone could use a Manamune. EVERYONE.
--Seriously, though, this will get rid of your mana problems AND add damage. Build a Tears of the Goddess early, though, so you can start getting stacks ASAP.

> Mercury Treads: You're a Tank. Tanks get Merc Treads. END. OF. DISCUSSION.

> Force of Nature: magic Resist, health regen, and movement speed. Oh HELL yes.
--This is interchangeable with a Banshee's Veil, depending on the situation. 9 times out of 10, though, I grab FoN.

> Sunfire Cape: Armor, HP, and 40 magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. Very nice.
--If you find yourself against a mostly magic damage team, swap this with a Banshee's so you have that and an FoN. Less HP, but the MR and spell shield make up for it. Plus, you'll hit a little bit harder. Not much, but a little.

> Frozen Heart: Armor, mana, 20% CDR, and slows the attack speed of enemies around you by 20%. Very nice.
--If you don't think you'll be able to get a Frozen Heart before the game is up, at least try to get the Glacial Shroud component. 10% CDR, armor, and mana 4TW.

> Frozen Mallet: HP, damage, and it slows enemies by 40% for 2.5 seconds? OH HELL YES.
--Seriously, this is a nice item. People will be hard pressed to run from you, and it helps keep you alive. As with the Frozen Heart, if you don't think you'll be able to get it before the game is done, at least grab the Phage component. HP, damage, and a decent, though not guaranteed, slow.

> First Items: I grab a Doran's Shield to start with. It's an excellent Doran item IMO, and it will allow you to stay in the lane longer than you'd think if you play smart.

> First Trip Back: Try to have enough for a Tears of the Goddess and basic boots. Maybe grab some health pots if you have enough.

> Second Trip Back: Try to have enough for Merc Treads and one other item. Might be a Negatron Cloak, might be a Phage, might be a Glacial Shroud. Use your best discretion to pick.

From there on out it's up to you to use your best judgment. Do you need damage? Finish Manamune or get Phage (or even finish Frozen Mallet if you have Phage already). Do you need to tank RIGHT NOW?!? Then figure out what you need to tank, and grab either more Armor or more MR. I usually wind up end-game with Doran's Shield, TotG, Merc Treads, Glacial Shroud, and FoN. Maybe some random item I got to work towards another item.

My Sivir
blah blah blah
Alright, not a lot of stuff right now. Tired. Probably will try to get more up later.
As for now, a build I kinda like for Sivir. May tweak it more. Seems to work for now, though.
ALSO: I still have to put some stuff in for the complete build. Unfortunately, I'm tired and Leaguecraft is taking forever at the moment. Important thing is 9/0/21 (spell pen) OR 0/9/21 (dodge). Armor Pen red, mag reg yellow, and CDR blue. Purple can be CDR or Movement.

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May 12, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I play as Malzahar, Fiddlesticks, or Karthas. I tried a few others, but I do well with magic users.

Add me if you'd like: xXxMagusxXx


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

So, apparently, I've been facing some shitty teams lately.
That, or I should really try using snowball items more (despite my dislike for them).


I like Urgot. I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again.
He's not a champion you can just pick up and know how to use right away, and he has some powerful abilities that work very well 1v1 AND in teamfights.

I've played 7 games with this build. 5 won (1 by forfeit), 1 lost, 1 forfeit. Only 3 of those went past 20 minutes, 2 past 30, 1 past 40.

I start off with basic Boots and 3 health pots.
First trip back I grab Sword of the Occult, second I grab Leviathan.
Third trip is Guardian Angel. + Merc Treads if possible.
After all of that, I focus on getting Stark's Fervor, then finally a Bloodthirster.
I only got the Bloodthirster in one game, and Stark's in 5.
In every game I got everything up to Emblem of Valour at the least.

Alternatively, you can get Warmog's instead of Leviathan and Trinity Force instead of Sword of the Occult.

For Masteries, I go 9/0/21.
Archaic Knowledge in Offense.
Haste, Utility Mastery, and Blink of an Eye in Utility.
For Runes,
Armor Pen Marks,
Mana Regen/lvl Seals,
CDR/lvl Glyphs,
and HP/lvl Quintessences.

When possible, grab Blue Buff. You don't NEED it, but you WANT it.

Play aggressively, but intelligently. You can fuck someone's day up easily, but you'll cry if you get baited and/or focused. Once you hit both snowball items' max stacks, you should be rofl-stomping squishies 1v1, or maybe even 1v2 if they're not so good.
For teamfights, your job is to go in second, fuck up everyone on the enemy team, and get out. Usually this involves hitting your shield, swapping a squishy closer to the rest of your team, and then basic attacking EVERYONE as well as hitting them with your Q. Once you've tagged everyone with basic attacks and gotten off a couple of Qs, it's probably time to flash/run out, smack the enemy team with Corrosive Charge, and then just laugh as you poke at them with your Q. At this point, either A) you'll get to give chase, in which case DON'T FORGET that your shield allows you to slow people down, or B) it's time to fall back because the enemy is too strong, just don't leave your teammates hanging if you can help it, and poke as you run, throwing on your shield for good measure when you can to slow the enemy down.
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Hell yeah! Finally a thread about LoL!

Kusanagi: Personally, I wouldn't recommend snowballs to anyone. You never know how the battle might turn.

I'll write something up for the champions I've been playing later.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Kusanagi: Personally, I wouldn't recommend snowballs to anyone. You never know how the battle might turn.
Well, I do say in a previous post that getting snowball items can cause you to cry if you can't maintain enough stacks for it to be worth it.

Do I like snowball items? Not really, and they're usually not something I'd take, either. However, they do have their uses, and shouldn't be discounted entirely.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Point. Altough I've never picked them, even for bot rounds. I die too easily.

Anyway, here's my two cents. I am not a pro or anything. I might give a few pointers, but don't expect me to solve all your problems, as quite frankly I tend to suck from time to time. Hopefully you might find this useful at least a little, though.

A support fighter, Kayle doesn't seem to be that popular these days. This probably comes from the fact that she's so-so. Her ability to support allies through heals or buffs is pretty weak, ultimate aside. I'm not saying you should disregard that aspect of playing her completely - just keep in mind that building her as pure support is idiotic. If you want to play that kind of role, there are several other champions far better suited for this. Your job is to act as a supporting DPS, covering others and adding extra firepower into the fights.


9/0/21 is probably the best choice here. Most of your damage comes from abilities, so having reduced cooldowns and extra penetration on them is a must. Utility masteries will help you stay in lane and support your effectiveness, so they're a good choice. I recommend maxing Good Hands (the less time you stay dead, the better) and taking Haste as well, mainly because I use Ghost a lot. Also take Awareness and Meditation (mana regen is a must). After that, take Quickness (Blink of an Eye too, if you use Flash), Intelligence (so good on Kayle - cooldowns on most of your abilities are a bitch) and Presence of the Master. Perseverence makes a good dump mastery, so put a point or two in it if you don't have other choices.


I'll be honest with you, I haven't completed even a single set of runes for any champ. Bad management and lack of funds, I suppose, as I tend to make decisions on an impulse. Still, I recommend CDR glyphs (you need as much of it as possible), mana regen seals, and magic penetration marks (you'll be building AP, so yeah). Not sure about Quints, I'd say either movement speed or health.

Summoner Spells:

Take at least one mobility spell - either Flash or Ghost. You can take both, of course, but if you don't want to, Ignite and Exhaust are pretty nice choices against enemy champs - they can help you or your partners grab the kill. Teleport is debatable. While it's handy sometimes, I think there are better choices. Don't bother with Rally or Fortify, Heal or Revive. Clarity and Cleanse are fairly good choices, I'd say. Clairvoyance - same as Teleport.

Skill Order:

At first level, put one point in E and leave it there. Following that, you should keep leveling your Q and W, alternating between the two - though if you feel you need one more than the other, feel free to prioritize it. Ultimate always has highest priority, take it whenever possible. E upgrade last, after mastering other skills.

Now, usage: Q is simply amazing. A projectile with decent range, decent base damage, great AP and bonus AD ratio (damage increases at a 1:1 rate with both of those stats, so you can deal a lot of magic damage in a single shot with this), fairly noticeable slow for several seconds and on top of that, you deal increased damage to anyone tagged by this as long as the slow persists. Just chuck it at anyone you want to whack and stay on target.

W is your support skill - a weak heal combined with a short mobility buff. The first part isn't much good, especially at first. The healing component gets better as you level it, but it's nothing special - about 200 base heal when maxed (45 on first level). The movement speed increase can come in handy, though, and I guess it does help your friend survive an extra blow. The problem is that this one has an ungoldy cooldown - 15 seconds without any reduction if I recall correctly, and if you keep constantly healing others with this (due to low HP gain, you'll have to use it a lot) you'll be low on mana quickly. It gets better as you level it, but it's by no means awesome.

E is your primary attack, which might make you wonder why I level it last. After all, it offers decent attack range bonus (turning you from melee into ranged champ) and bonus AP damage for ten seconds, with fifteen second cooldown (with no reduction). The thing is, leveling Q first will actually grant you better DPS if you take advantage of the extra damage it gives you, and leveling W is important to make the skill actually useful. You will use it nearly constantly in fights, but level it last. Bit of a paradox, but whatever.

R. Your ultimate. This skill is how you tell difference between good and bad Kayle players. It makes one champ completely invulnerable to damage for 3 seconds, for 100/75/50 mana, depending on the skill's level. It's cooldown also decreases as you level it. Now, I can't stress how insanely useful this ability is. It pretty much grants you or any ally of your choice free reign to do anything without worrying about any and all attacks for three seconds. The only weak point is that it doesn't help against cc skills, but it'd be OP if it did. Generally, you will be using it on others, most often carries. If you have a carry that's in combat and about to die, you pop this on him/her and help her retreat or take the enemy down. That's what this skill is for: saving allies from lethal damage to let them escape or finish their enemy off. If there's no one nearby, you can use it to save yourself, but don't hesitate to use it on others. They'll love you for it.


Kayle is a kind of hybrid DPS which more or less decides which items you'll be taking. We're going to need a lot of attack speed, CDR, AP and some AD as well. I recommend starting with Meki pendant and potions, followed by boots. Your next target is a pair of Daggers, which you can build into a Stinger. This, combined with the pendant and an Amplifying Tome (the last two combined into Fiendish Codex) will give you Nashor's Tooth. Nashor is simply amazing on Kayle - a lot of attack speed, CDR, AP and some mana regen, it has most of the stuff you need and increases your power a lot. Boots should be upgraded into Ionian Boots of Lucidity. I've mentioned before that your abilities have f***hueg cooldowns, and this should help. Your next item should be a Sheen (A. Tome and Sapphire Crystal). It's passive will help you deal more damage, and it'll let you use your abilities more thanks to extra mana. After this, start building Guinsoo's Rageblade (Blasting Wand + Pickaxe). It gives you a nice chunk of AP and AD, and it's passive will increase your AP and attack speed further as you keep fighting. After the Rageblade, buy Zeal and Phage and combine it with Sheen to make Trinity Force, great item for any hybrid champ. Nashor, Trinity and Rageblade are your most important weapons - even if you wish to buy them in different order, you should always take those three, leaving Rageblade for mid-game and always buying Sheen first. After those three and boots, you have several choices. Malady and Wit's End provide a decent boost to your DPS, along with MR reduction on enemies (Malady) or MR bonus for you (Wit's End). In fact, I recommend taking the latter over the former. Hextech Gunblade is a decent choice as well, though it's not as powerful as it used to be. It does provide nice AP and AD bonus, along with lifesteal and spellvamp, which keep you alive longer. I suppose anything else with attack speed bonus is nice too.

Now, you probably realized that you're going to be fairly squishy, so avoid tanking. You're not going to be the best damage dealer either. Your job is to stick to teammates and help them survive fights and kill their enemies. That doesn't mean you're not going to be dangerous - just keep in mind that others might, and will, be better at dealing damage than you. Early game, you should go with someone into a lane (don't lane alone, especially against two people - you don't have the ability to disregard damage easily, or the firepower to force them out or kill them on your own) and support your partner while farming with E. Q can be used to harass or initiate ganks while W will keep your friend fighting a bit longer. R is a lifesaver, once you get it try to maintain enough mana to cast it in a tight spot. Mid game you should stick to someone, preferably a carry, and help him in fights or ganks. That's pretty much your job from mid game onward - keep the carry and other teammates alive and shred enemies whenever you have the chance, aiming for squishies first. Let others, preferably the tanks, initiate. You just stay behind their backs and keep them in one piece.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Well, actually the main reason Kayle stopped being popular is that the remake made her lose her old "Jax"-eqsue hyper carry status...and into a mediocre support outclassed by Sona, Taric, Janna, etc. :/ Anyone who remembers the old kayle is typically unwilling to give the remade one a chance. Same goes for the current Soraka as well.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Funny you mention Soraka. She's weaker as support than before, but her damage output is pretty nice. I've seen a good Soraka player who used her offensively and was quite a pain in the ass. Though I agree, as support Kayle is outclassed by pretty much all of the above.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Battlepony too OP.

But on a serious note, Soraka as an "AP" carry is nice against certain matchups, as she auto wins certain lanes and people underestimate what a 6 second silence nuke with higher AP ratios than Kassadin does. But beyond the "surprise" damage factor, Soraka's not really that viable in competitive play. Fun for trolling though. ((1 v 3ed by Soraka, umadbro?))

That and there's the part about where a solo AD carry instantly rapes her in lane, since she can't put enough ranks in W to self sustain against sustained damage unlike what she can do to avoid burst damage.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Yeah, against certain champs, Soraka is one Hell of a counter. Altough I agree AD carries are a problem for her, but then again, they are a problem to a lot of champions. That's their point.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Here's my Mundo Build:

Warmog's, Warmog's, Warmog's, Warmog's, Warmog's, Atma's.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

@RJ: Not enough Tiamats.

@Grave: Not the point. It's more of the fact that AP carries in general outdo AD carries in lane, barring severe gaps in skill level. However, Soraka is an "AP carry" that does well against other AP carries, but poorly against AD carries. That'd be because she's more of the sustain/tanky DPS type of laner (typical build for soraka nowadays: Frozen heart, Rylai's, spam starcall/infuse all day...) of course, which is also "weak" against AD carries (kinda) due to their sustained damage. But yeah.
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Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Mmm... Point. She counters mages well, but guys like Yi are another story.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Uh... No, yi? Yi's the type that's bad even against Soraka, simply because his laning dominance is near non-existent. ((Okay fine, he's not as bad as some are.)) Better off leaving him in the jungle. "AD Carries" refer to the ranged auto attackers nowadays.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Ah, like Ashe? Those tend to be a pain, but they're not known for their durability.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

AD carry who's the most pain, Nocturn. No other carry has anything on him. He singles you out, activates a spell resistant shield that buffs him, and eats you alive.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Don't forget his ultimate. That. Damn. Ultimate.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

AD carry who's the most pain, Nocturn. No other carry has anything on him. He singles you out, activates a spell resistant shield that buffs him, and eats you alive.
Number one jungler for good reason. But classified as assassin/bruiser more so then AD carry. Mind you, he's still a bitch.