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ACT [excessm] おねショタACT スマッシュボーイ / Smash Boy (RJ225414)

I feel like I beat the game on hard and felt almost disappointed.
Not sure why. Fewer animations, maybe?
I was hoping for some new animations but felt like most of these were recycled from past games, minus a few footjob variants.
Yeah I was also a bit disappointed that some enemies have the same POV-scenes or ones that are just slightly altered.
Definitely looked like he cut some corners during the production - also with the variety. Parade Buster had all kinds of enemy themes, while in Smashboy is rather constricted. Doesn't even have swimsuit girls. :<

There's probably more near the end.
That's not true.
I'm past 50 and the only thing that changed are that some levels have random modifiers like more HP for enemies or all itemdrops become weapons.
And the level select changed to merely "go deeper" - so I don't think there's anything left past that.

How far down you have to go?
I'm at level 15, and my highest hitting attack is just deals 18000 damage.
I stopped when I got past 50.
Is there an option to set it so that the enemies don't use any attacks at all? I know there are some for limiting it to certain types of attack, but is there one to turn off all of their attacks?
I just got to level 50. Even Deeper Depths. AND NO UNIQUE BOSSES so far...
I had a bad feeling since the demo was out, but now i can say that the game have lower the fetish quality A LOT!, every enemy is a carbon copy of the last, but with a different hair, i had low expectations but this game still let me down.
It seems that they focused more on making a fun beat'em up with a lewd theme than a lewd game that is a beat'em up.
Welp, they want to publish it on steam so i think they are going with that SFW shit : /.
I had a bad feeling since the demo was out, but now i can say that the game have lower the fetish quality A LOT!, every enemy is a carbon copy of the last, but with a different hair, i had low expectations but this game still let me down.
It seems that they focused more on making a fun beat'em up with a lewd theme than a lewd game that is a beat'em up.
Welp, they want to publish it on steam so i think they are going with that SFW shit : /.
God damn it. That's kind of a waste of game. I doubt anyone looking for a beat'em up will even play it because it's not exactly that strong. It's kinda just god hand but 2d anime.
I kinda hate being a scrooge about demos but I hit the nail on the hammer-- which I honestly hoped I was wrong.
I'm not going to level 100+ unless there's some serious ass at the end, and i doubt it'd even be worth it after the time I've invested in it.
Unless this is one of those dreamy plot twists where things suddenly just fix themselves though.
The combat isn't too bad, but the lewd stuff just seems so underwhelming. Maybe he'll add some patches in later on, or start a new project entirely. I just hope he doesn't end his works with this.
I thought if I went far into the Dark alley I would get unique enemies like in the Monster Tower in Parade Buster. I highly doubt there's anything I got level 70 and it was all just generic "hard" fights.
I kinda just spammed the mace and beat the game with absolute no difficulty, minus the double amazon fight. That was just hell.
Speaking of, I wonder why there's no gallery mode for that. Unless there's another boss fight with her at the end, since "You can battle any enemy you've defeated in custom games."

Probably fighting her on the street as she towers over you or something. It's on parallel with her hidden animation, so who knows?
Not really worth my time, though. I'll stick around if something new pops up, but ah well.
Well considering the DLsite page blurb says "21 unique enemies" and there are 21 unique enemies after you beat the game, I doubt the Dark Alley will ever show something new.
Unless there is the "real final boss" around level 100 that will also unlock the hidden animation and the gallery, but yeah I can't be bothered to grind that deep.

Well there's hoping that a) excessm will add more unique content afterwards like he did with his other games or b) his next game will offer more stuff, now that he has the whole engine up - kinda like between One Syota and Kariyume.

Still despite all the negativity in the thread I still say it's an amazing game, since it's one of the rare H-Games that offers the more gameplay than just the usual turnbased RPG bull. Not to mention the art is still pretty damn good.
Also reading his Twitter he recently released a patch that fixed some issues:

Here's a bad Google Translation-version of his Tweet:
Updated defect fixes. The following has been fixed
· There are times when the speech of the enemy character "Senshi Mel" is not displayed correctly
· Subquest "Invincible victory" I can not get the reward after clearing (I'm sorry, please clear it again)

And I guess bugs he acknowledged but is still fixing (?)
Correction point continuation
· If you go to the final stage with some disadvantage skills, you get an error
· There are times when an error occurs when attacking the walnut (genuine) (real)
· Stage 5-3B Display is disturbed by performing specific operation on the route
Still despite all the negativity in the thread I still say it's an amazing game, since it's one of the rare H-Games that offers the more gameplay than just the usual turnbased RPG bull. Not to mention the art is still pretty damn good.

Agreed, I really enjoyed it and got a decent amount of hours out of it and of course I'll be booting it up again every now and then for... you know.

The only issue now is the mystery of that final boss insertion image in the enemy.wolf file, I can't get it to trigger no matter what I try,
I'm late for the game, but I want to ask something anyway... Can you still break the girl's clothes like in the previous titles??? This is some thing of great concern to me :)))
Unfortunately, there's nothing beyond Dark Alley 100+.
Here's a complete save with all techs level 7
Set 1: Power build, Spam charge kick
Set 2: For combos
Set 3: Ride build at start of stage (Equip it before entering Stage)
since I can't attach
The game doesn't suck, it just seems so unanimously lackluster.
ya kinda lackluster i like the game the escape path were nice wish the game had bosses game over scenes like in Parade Buster maybe when the game get updated there will be some with new enemy's i would be fine if he adds the parade buster enemy's in this
I'm late for the game, but I want to ask something anyway... Can you still break the girl's clothes like in the previous titles??? This is some thing of great concern to me :)))

It seems like a lot of people are pretty disappointed with this game, me included, but think about this; Excessm seems to always add more girls to his action game. This is all based on his pasted work, but still. I think there is a good chance that this game will get more girls added to it in the future. (He says hopefully :cry:)
It's not a bad game in the slightest, people's expectations were just really, really high.
It's not a bad game in the slightest, people's expectations were just really, really high.
This is true, but it's Excessm we are talking about. The one who made the legendary Parade Buster with like 50 different girls. Let me put it this way, with Smash Boy it feels like Excessm is going backwards. This work didn't really bring anything new to the table and fans like me are left wondering why. I am still glad I spent my money on this game, but I just hope he isn't losing interest in these kind of games.

TL;DR IMO this work seems lazy compared to those in the past.