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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

I suggest we just say "Fuck it", and start mod the shit out of it, like VH01 with KATTEBAN since the author went missing for a while.

It had been almost 3 years since an actual file, I don't see what being the reason of stopping us modding.

Be my guest. I once took a peek into the game script's and I was like
Be my guest. I once took a peek into the game script's and I was like

This. After the earlier conversations I had already had in this thread I also went ahead and took a peak at the guts. What DnP runs on makes even the worst spaghetti code run away screaming in pure unmitigated terror. Honest to God, its hard to even believe that the project has gotten to the stage it already has. Altering a few cases for some minimal effects is not really that bad (i.e. the mod for the bedroom) but adding actual content to the game is just not realistically feasible for a modder. The time and effort you would have to pour in would never be able to justify the results you would get out at the end of the day.

I have been playing with a fsm in unity to try and replicate the combat, and it seems somewhat complicated, but feasible. But rebuilding the systems from the ground up in a different engine is a time sink I doubt anyone is willing to take on, regardless of how cool it would be at the end of the day.

TLDR: Modding content into this game is madness. IMHO it would take a studio and not a an individual to do so.
When the spaghetti is so bad it is often more feasible to recreate from scratchscratch
This game does pile on a lot more complexity than RPG maker was ever meant to handle. It would be easier to make and expand it's systems in another engine that allows you to better manage code but then of course: you got the problem of needing to make everything else that RPG maker gives you out of the box.

Unless there is an RPG system and assets on the assets store of Unity that could be used? I personally have no idea as iv never used Unity.
The RPG aspect is trivial to recreate in Unity honestly. It would only take a few hours of work to get that end down, then maybe a week or two of work to get all the skills and passives back in and working. Hell honestly anyone with some willpower and the ability to search youtube could probably get this done.

Its the way the combat is setup and actually played out that is the problem. The number of states required is particularly high, the amount of tracking is high, and there are tons of modifiers for each state as well... and the more states you have the more complicated their interactions become.

Its not impossible to do by any means, or even really difficult, but setting it up and testing it would literally be a full time job. Most modders do this stuff for their own enjoyment, so finding one willing to make that kind of time commitment is extremely rare. If you add in the skill requirements (tutorials on youtube are not enough for this level of coding, you would need some actual skill) of actually creating something like this on top of the time investment requirements... Well lets just say the odds of someone stepping up are abysmal. Although I'd certainly love to see it happen.

As far as the art assets end, honestly its hard for me to speculate on. Its so far removed from my area of expertise that Im probably going to embarrass myself speaking about it. But considering nearly every item is displayed both on the paperdoll and the players sprite, Id imagine your probably not going to be able to get away with free shop assets.
1 year worth of work and just bugfixes.. Safe to say that we'll never get a full release

He seems to only actually get anything done in the short period of time between the end of spring and when summer starts to really kick in, spending the rest of the year basically unable to see or work.

Which is to say, we've got a small chance of seeing another demo release this year, but that chance goes down rapidly from here.

It's a real shame when you compare it to the steady pace he was managing before things got bad.
I'm just glad that he's actually still doing something to the game.
Sorry for the bump, question in regards to the small bit of modding or anyone who knows some of the quirks in this game. How do you make time pass? Sleeping at the inn does nothing...I only found getting caught in the endless dungeon makes time drag along. Reason for my interest, I never got around to the pubic hair feature so I wanted to see if time passage would make it work, as it should. Thanks and sorry for the bump.
Sorry for the bump, question in regards to the small bit of modding or anyone who knows some of the quirks in this game. How do you make time pass? Sleeping at the inn does nothing...I only found getting caught in the endless dungeon makes time drag along. Reason for my interest, I never got around to the pubic hair feature so I wanted to see if time passage would make it work, as it should. Thanks and sorry for the bump.

Are you staying at the Inn properly? Time should pass dependent on how long you decide to stay at it in the menu that pops up upon interacting with the door.

Anyways time passes at around 1 minute every 4 turns (or every 12 movement "steps" taken) that Miene does, regardless of where she is.
I was in that town you get to after you're done with the prologue, the one with the endless dungeon. When I'd stay at the in and try any hour value, it wouldn't actually advance time. I found it odd, but I'm guessing it may be because of the mod I was running. Thank you for the answer.
In update 4.01 the character status screen key 'esc' shares the same key as the command menu key 'x'. Whenever I press 'x' now it shows the status screen key but if I interrupt it with another key say like attack then press 'x' real quick it takes me to the command menu.. :( Am I doing something wrong?
Just noticed some update posed on 5 May 2018 in his block.

From google translate. he said that some bugs fix, positive reactive while being fuck (which I assumed it as 'ahegao'), and look like we got new area called slum.

Didn't mention release date yet.


Where is this so called Block I want to follow up on his work.
I doubt the guy knows what he's even talking about
just let the thread rest

There used to be a save file availalbe for download from this thread that included saves for different stages of the story line. That's what I meant by "content", sorry for the mixup.