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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

Put this in the same category as Half Life 3.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

is this game suppose to be on going or what, i remember playing it like 2 years ago with tons of bug and infinite loop :confused:
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

is this game suppose to be on going or what, i remember playing it like 2 years ago with tons of bug and infinite loop :confused:

Supposedly. ILL claims to be working on it and the patreon money still flows (FOR SOME ABSURD REASON). 90% of me believes that there is no way this game will be complete but I have slight hope that this game will be completed.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

Supposedly. ILL claims to be working on it and the patreon money still flows (FOR SOME ABSURD REASON). 90% of me believes that there is no way this game will be complete but I have slight hope that this game will be completed.
Ill's Patreon description said:
The main thing affecting me when I'm trying to progress on this game though, is that I have blurry vision from time to time. It's due to an eye issue I've only gotten recently, so part of the money I use from Patreon goes towards fixing my eye problems. I really need a cure for hell annoying eye issue, I'm appreciate the help.
I could understand your opinion if he would earn thousands of dollars each month and nothing is happening but since he's honest and tells everyone what happens with the money i won't argue. Let's say it's 50/50 for eye prob and game dev...you won't get far with ~$ 280/2.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

To be fair, he was earning much more than this before when he was still actively working on the game (somewhere in the neighborhood of $700-800, if I recall correctly.) He's earning so little now to due a lack of any kind of substantial update in ages.

Edit: Looking back at his blog, its been about a year and three months since we last even got a demo to work with. It doesn't surprise me that his support is dying.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

I could understand your opinion if he would earn thousands of dollars each month and nothing is happening but since he's honest and tells everyone what happens with the money i won't argue. Let's say it's 50/50 for eye prob and game dev...you won't get far with ~$ 280/2.

True but he has literally posted nothing in the last year or so. Its kinda absurd to throw money, even a dollar, for months on end with nothing not even a status update from the dude. But I guess its fine if they are doing it to help him out. I completely forgot about the payment for the treatment.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

True but he has literally posted nothing in the last year or so. Its kinda absurd to throw money, even a dollar, for months on end with nothing not even a status update from the dude. But I guess its fine if they are doing it to help him out. I completely forgot about the payment for the treatment.
Yeah, as much as I hate Patreon-abuse I'm totally fine with him getting money as long as the people paying know that its mostly allowance for him. Not like he doesn't need it, just don't expect the project to accelerate through it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

I have no idea why people still get their panties in a twist over ILL's Patreon.

He literally made a post detailing that the Patreon stuff was not related to game development and was for personal use, medical bills, and fucking cigarettes. He specifically states that the Patreon was purely to make his life easier, which might lead to more game development.

I'd quote his post, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it.

EDIT: nvm, it's right on the Patreon page.

$100 – reached! per month
Resolve the issue of my everyday's fuel...it's cigarette
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

The guy is basically bumming off all the fuccbois
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

Put this in the same category as Half Life 3.

For those who don't know about hl3 (half life 3).

Half life 3 was issued a cease and desist, so no hl3 confirmed.
(saw it from youtube, also they released a "fan"story by the original storyboard director of the hl series about how hl3 ended)

Putting this in the same category as hl3 means its never coming out.

Also this is my post #666.:D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners (Still only the same demo, no update yet)

no update and still playing old demo you might as well give up game has been abandoned

Not officially abandoned, as Ill still has hopes and intentions to continue work on it. But he basically is healthy enough to even try for about a month a year if he's lucky, far as I can tell. And it was less time by far this year.

and the patreon money still flows (FOR SOME ABSURD REASON).

It's basically just a charity patreon at this point for a guy who made a nifty game that he'll never be healthy enough to complete. Nothing more, nothing less. If anyone's naive enough to believe there's any other purpose to donating, then as the old saying goes "A fool and his money..."

The guy is basically bumming off all the fuccbois

This is the uncharitable but not entirely inaccurate version of things basically, yes. :)
Hello thread, my good friend. I haven't seen you on the front page for awhile, so welcome back.
He is still working occasionally on D&P. If I get the google translation of his twitter account right he added a handjob scene and (maybe) Hairstyle customasation last month. I am rooting for a new demo this month :)
lol, i thought this game is dead
Dead ? no, since the dev hasn't officially gave up on it and is still working on it.
Considering the dev health and his working capacity, then the game is more in ICU or palliative care rather than dead.

Still hoping Ill's condition will allow him to finish enough of the game. But it's getting more and more of a long time project.
Clever who the game ersma little to break off. Then you can still sätzllichen things a building gradually ^^

Schlau wer wenigs das Spiel ersma ab zu schlissen. Den dann kann man immer noch zu sätzllichen sachen ein baun nach und nach^^
Dead ? no, since the dev hasn't officially gave up on it and is still working on it.
Considering the dev health and his working capacity, then the game is more in ICU or palliative care rather than dead.

Still hoping Ill's condition will allow him to finish enough of the game. But it's getting more and more of a long time project.

Well, I won't go so far as saying its dead. But his pace of work is so terrifically bad that we are looking at probably twenty five or more years to see the full game. I love the demo though, love love love the game play, so not going to bash the dude even though its kind of hard to accept that his illness that only lets him work for half an hour a year. Ill wait patiently for him to either officially drop it or finish it. Also occasionally bumping the thread to get other poor folks to see the original demo and get hooked into it just like I was, then enjoying their misery as they also wait with the rest of us.
Hello thread, my good friend. I haven't seen you on the front page for awhile, so welcome back.
Thats not how it works

And we may aswell consider it dead, he seems to be doing the least he can do to keep his poor patrons hooked. His condition aside it can't be that it takes him a year to implement hairstyles, a hunger system (he mentioned a year ago before disappearing) and maybe 1 handjob scene. Its dead, Jim
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seriously id say please close the post already we know wont ever be released and if its one day it be when my grandchildren be on that age. if ask me this post its just memory and space lost in the page =3 and sorry but 5 years already since he said will be released without issue.....

seriously even for a person who works on games alone took him 2 years to make an excellent game wish was unholy sanctuary and he did it alone in his spare time. and this guy with a GROUP have over 7 years because was posted in dlstie on 2013 but we know his starting project was at 2011 or even before that... and he doesnt even have Prologue done... its full of bugs AND ITS THE EASIER GAME POSSIBLE WISH ITS TABLE TURN BASED -_-. i was really hooked since i really like rape and corruption and its art was interesting but doesnt worth the time already. thats why it be better to mark as close and IF SOMEDAY he release it we would know by dlsite and not useless 1kb update per year. sorry its just my opinion