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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcments Thread


*ninja's in a week ahead of schedule*

Boy, that was some vacation.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I for one quite enjoyed Slither actually. I thought Mr. Fillion really made the movie as well.

And welcome back Burrito.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Slither was awesome, one of the goriest movies ever. Right up there with Dead Alive.

And half the cast of Halo 3 ODST is from Firefly, and all of them are pretty much the same character. Fillions character is the squad leader (he talks the same as Mal, and they used his likeness for the in-game character,) the guy who played Wash (forgot his name) is the pilot and demolitions expert, and Adam Baldwin is the heavy weapons guy (who happens to talk and act just like Jayne.)
Re: Member Announcments Thread

"Stand back, everyone, nothing here to see..."
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Slither was awesome, one of the goriest movies ever. Right up there with Dead Alive.

And half the cast of Halo 3 ODST is from Firefly, and all of them are pretty much the same character. Fillions character is the squad leader (he talks the same as Mal, and they used his likeness for the in-game character,) the guy who played Wash (forgot his name) is the pilot and demolitions expert, and Adam Baldwin is the heavy weapons guy (who happens to talk and act just like Jayne.)

ODST is a must get for me. I saw the interview he did about it on youtube and I was fangirling the whole time. Firefly and Halo mushed into one huge nerdfest? WANT.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

"Stand back, everyone, nothing here to see..."

"Just imminant danger and in the middle of it, me..."

I realized that a few of them were in Halo 3, but the ODST news is new to me, it is now officially on the top of my must-get list, wheee!!
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I just got back from the TOOL concert in Kingston....

Re: Member Announcments Thread

Does anyone know if there's a way to create a battle.net account without actually using the in-game account creation? My friend got Warcraft III, but it won't let him install it - something about localization.xml making the installer not load - and I thought about the battle.net tech support, but he needs a battle.net account to register in the first place to post to get help >.<

And no, he has no other games he could use to create a battle.net account with.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

well. I have a battle.net account. and i have warcraft 3 and i have not had that problem with installing. If you goto Blizzard.com you should be able to get help with Warcraft 3 without a battle.net account. If that does not work let me know and i can see what i can do about sending a message for help or something. I dont think there is actually a way to get a battle.net account without having WoW. Warcraft. Starcraft or something on your computer and signed up for.

Good luck and let me know how it works out.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I tried going to Blizzard, it just sent me to the battle.net thing :(

Well, the problem seems to have resolved itself anyways. He swore up and down he was on the administrative account, and it wouldn't work. I come back a week later, he says he got it to work. I ask how, and he said he had to go on the ADMIN side.....
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Yeah, I went and played that baby-punching game on Newgrounds for a bit after that =.=
Re: Member Announcments Thread

made you feel better did it? Do they have crunching bone sound effects?

You know what the best thing about eating babies? They come pre-marinated!

Alright, I freaking myself out now.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I know how you feel, I recently found myself laughing about a friend of a friends near-death fate, because I thought it sounded "cartoony" despite the fact he has yet to wake up from it.

I haven't felt right about myself since and I don't think I'll bounce back very well if I find out he dies, even if I don't really know the guy.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

We have sick senses of humour don't we?
Re: Member Announcments Thread

I blame Linemarvin.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Now that I'm reminded, let me go sulk for a while.

I feel actually really terrible about it now. And what's worse is, even though I feel bad, every time I think of it, even typing this post up, I'm stifling a smile and uproarious laughter. :'(
Re: Member Announcments Thread

do you all know whats worse than nailing 10 dead babies to a tree.


Nailing one dead baby to 10 trees

(no babies were harmed in making this joke)
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Don't even get me started on baby jokes :(

What do you get when you break a baby's jaw?
Re: Member Announcments Thread

its not a baby joke. Its a dead baby joke.

Whats the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of bowling balls.
You cant unload a truck full of bowling balls with a pitch fork.
Re: Member Announcments Thread

Ok, I'm sorry for interrupting the dead baby jokes, but I have a comment. I'm going to be a freshman at university in a bit less than two weeks. Anyone have (more or less) serious advice that could give me?
Re: Member Announcments Thread

If you're the type of person who is paying for their education, not paying for their credits, college is remarkably easy. Also, the right major is always important.

If you're rooming with someone, talk with them as little as possible. Don't be rude; if they talk to you, respond, but try not to start too many conversations. I've found the more two people talk, the more likely they will fight. When multiple people are going to be in a small area for a long time, they're almost GOING to fight, but that has to stem from conversation. My freshman year, I didn't say anything past "I'm going to eat, you coming?" We never had a fight (cept for one time, but that was a boxing match) and we're still rooming together into our junior year.

I know people who could hardly even study just because of conflicts with their roommates. It was sad actually, neither of them were wrong, they just couldn't get along