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ACT [ Maken Ansala ] さきゅばすの日記 / Succubus Affection

I should start farming likes too :p

In all honesty though, moneys well spent and got me that much more excited for the final release. Will absolutely pick it up. Suggest you all do the same.
Is there any content besides the green haired witch girl and the slimes? I cant seem to find anything
im honestly a little surprised with the complete lack of updates this game has gotten. doesnt look like either dev cares about the project to me. been stuck on v. 0.02 for what feels like ages. especially compared to how frequently and content rich fobs updates tend to be.
im honestly a little surprised with the complete lack of updates this game has gotten. doesnt look like either dev cares about the project to me. been stuck on v. 0.02 for what feels like ages. especially compared to how frequently and content rich fobs updates tend to be.
Just because the game had 2 tech demos doesn't mean it's not being worked on actively. They just don't want to overshare, which personally is fine in my opinion, however there are constantly new posts about additional features and dev logs.
im honestly a little surprised with the complete lack of updates this game has gotten. doesnt look like either dev cares about the project to me. been stuck on v. 0.02 for what feels like ages. especially compared to how frequently and content rich fobs updates tend to be.
FOBS is released for free and this game isn't intending to be. There's a lot of art assets already done, things like characters and levels and such that we get images and gifs of on the ci-en, but I think the coding still needs to catch up. There's a lot more mechanics in this game than FOBS. It no longer seems to just be a simple 2D platformer action rpg, there's going to be stuff like crafting, capturing companions and skills, and w/e else they decide to add. One of the updates I read said it took a lot of time just to write the code to have companions properly follow you around. We aren't exactly owed monthly demos with significant updates either. A lot of people just assume that these kinds of crowdfunding sites are a consumer service, when it's really for developers. So you thinking they don't seem to care is kind of insulting. On our side, we can't tell how many people are supporting them with money and how many are just using the basic free follow functions, so we have no idea if they make enough to focus on the game full-time. Some people do get lazy though, however I don't believe these guys fall into that. There are a lot of thing to think about here.
im honestly a little surprised with the complete lack of updates this game has gotten. doesnt look like either dev cares about the project to me. been stuck on v. 0.02 for what feels like ages. especially compared to how frequently and content rich fobs updates tend to be.
FOBS is most likely Zell's main focus with this being a mere side project.
Hmmm so this game is only paywall, even for demo? Weird stuff~
Many people feel like it's not worth 10 dollars a month. I hear some people are letting other people try the demo for free to get a taste to see if it's worth. How ridiculous is that? Baaah entitled people.... Demos are meant to be paid for!!
Many people feel like it's not worth 10 dollars a month. I hear some people are letting other people try the demo for free to get a taste to see if it's worth. How ridiculous is that? Baaah entitled people.... Demos are meant to be paid for!!
Actually, no, I disagree.

Demos are meant to be given out for free. There's multiple reasons.
On PCs, a demo will help the user test the game and see if their computer can handle it.
Demos help the user play a snippet of the game and see if they enjoy the gameplay. People don't play games outside of the genres they like often. Demos help sell you on those genres you might not be interested in if you straight up had to pay for. For instance, some people don't know if they like Tower Defense games. If the tower defense game has a demo they could find a stance on it.

What's meant to be paid for imo are betas. Early access versions of the final game that might have glitches, and might just straight up change how the gameplay works or art direction. You're getting an extremely early look at games that have betas, and they're not expected to have professional presentation in a lot of their aspects.

Ansala really shouldn't be calling the versions he's releasing demos imo.
Actually, no, I disagree.

Demos are meant to be given out for free. There's multiple reasons.
On PCs, a demo will help the user test the game and see if their computer can handle it.
Demos help the user play a snippet of the game and see if they enjoy the gameplay. People don't play games outside of the genres they like often. Demos help sell you on those genres you might not be interested in if you straight up had to pay for. For instance, some people don't know if they like Tower Defense games. If the tower defense game has a demo they could find a stance on it.

What's meant to be paid for imo are betas. Early access versions of the final game that might have glitches, and might just straight up change how the gameplay works or art direction. You're getting an extremely early look at games that have betas, and they're not expected to have professional presentation in a lot of their aspects.

Ansala really shouldn't be calling the versions he's releasing demos imo.
I thought my saracasm was obvious with the stupid line that you should pay for demos....
There is really not much content in what they've offered anyways, yet. They've done a pretty good job at showing off their mechanics without completely spoiling any stages. There will probably be a more thorough demo available when the game is closer to release, like usual.
I love how Forest of the Blue Skin plays and all of it's character design. Love the new puzzles and girls of ver 1 and 1.01. Zell's animations overall are getting better with time and less ... lackluster? I suppose. Hopefully can test this one out. I feel I'll like anything that has Zell's hand in on it.
Was there an update recently? There's a new post, but if nothing is new I'll wait it out. It's a bit barebone on content other than mechanics right now
Was there an update recently? There's a new post, but if nothing is new I'll wait it out. It's a bit barebone on content other than mechanics right now
The new post mentions trying to make a demo with another area. There probably still won't be much to it, though.
Is the Demo super short with only 2 girls? Could just be getting owned by the japanese language barrier