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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア2 / The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria 2 (RJ242008)

Here is my save, missing one last girl in dictionary, seem to be missing key items since there awkward spacing between them
Tried getting every item in the every stage, missing a few that are just too confusing to get.
A few sex scenes in dictionary are missing and I can't find the condition that triggers them


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maybe you know how early it is? I'm in chapter 3 now

Alternately, you can get a contract with the ballet girl and idol cat girl and equip them on MC. They both have a male masturbate skill.
Any hooks for this yet? View attachment 21428

VNR and AGTH are giving me the old "only hook each new character once!" problem, but Textractor seems to be hooking nicely. I'm having to use a Regex to get rid of some text that is constantly repeated, though, otherwise it doesn't realise it needs to remove some excess characters (and displays them all twice). Only problem is hitting the pause menu seems to spam it with more text than it can cope with and it just gives up; and in turn it's spamming google and bing with too many requests and getting blocked, a problem I've never had with VNR. Maybe I should just use the clipboard copy from Textractor and break out Atlas or Translation Aggregator.

If anyone has a better method (especially one that can cope with the menu!) please let me know!
i dunno te only gallery i found its once you have access to your room´s tower there are crystals to summon the enemies. BUT some enemies just appear there and do nothing and other just dont appear despite being on the list
If you check the quest list, on the bottom row are the CG replays for in-game events.
we now wait for the guy who did the gallery for raku illieum that has specific events that cant be scene again and make a giant orgy area
Does anybody knows the use of the rooms you can upgrade.
You can find some small dark area, you can light them up and then you get the possibility to upgrade them.
those are your private rooms. you just need items to unlock each part- bath - bedroom- normal zone - AND the tower i mentioned before with entrances to all those rooms you have connected
also you can storage summons there if you dont want to take them with you i think
those are your private rooms. you just need items to unlock each part- bath - bedroom- normal zone - AND the tower i mentioned before with entrances to all those rooms you have connected
also you can storage summons there if you dont want to take them with you i think

Yeah but be warned when you storage your summons there: Don't go to the bath or the bedroom or your summons will attack you.
I don't know why this is a thing, when you already have the gallery room.
if you fill the hart thing your summons will do H Stuff
Maaaaan, this game is really fun, but triggering different H animations on specific enemies feels random as shit at times.

And with that thought out, can anyone tell me how to get the second and third succubus animation? I'm getting tired of trying over and over again to no avail - that one just has me stumped to the point I could've finished Myst guide-less in the same amount of time...
Okay, playing the trial version 03-1 right, and have no clue how to change the keys.
Is that even possible, or is the key config just for show?
I have two confusing things on my mind.

1. Some of the girls when they rape you will make a heart effect upon climax, this heart effect generally denotes additional H-move opportunities (the first boss did it to denote her yuri attack). The mother slime girl also does it which I think is key to getting her present.
2. At the top of the tower area with a twintailed girl that has more health than usual, she has a special blue heart move (denotes that it occurs when you have a blue sash), and this move consists of a blue ring that when touched surrounds your character in blue energy. If you don't struggle out of it, you will be abducted into a spaceship full of the twintail girls... there doesn't seem to be a point to this.
I have two confusing things on my mind.

1. Some of the girls when they rape you will make a heart effect upon climax, this heart effect generally denotes additional H-move opportunities (the first boss did it to denote her yuri attack). The mother slime girl also does it which I think is key to getting her present.
2. At the top of the tower area with a twintailed girl that has more health than usual, she has a special blue heart move (denotes that it occurs when you have a blue sash), and this move consists of a blue ring that when touched surrounds your character in blue energy. If you don't struggle out of it, you will be abducted into a spaceship full of the twintail girls... there doesn't seem to be a point to this.

So far by my experience present drops seem to be random, whether the girl drops presents or not can be seen in the dictionary. I haven't noticed the heart part but if there can be a confirmation that would be nice.

Certain monster girls have blue hearts next to their regular hearts, I believe this is not an extra H scene but a new way for interaction with the girl, the ones with this that I know of are the lamia(aka stone lamia) and the lilith on the top of the tower. The lilith takes you to their ship(which I think sth will be added in future patches). And the lamia interaction, I think it has something to do with the stone statue girls in some maps and in some bath houses, this may be already in the game or will be added in the future.

An NPC has hinted sth about extracting poison but I haven't figured out the entire thing yet

Hearts that are dots (not interactable) I think have sth to do with the area or a very specific situation(eg. The black haired twintailed girl kirin has a scene only available at the city with an old-style jukebox, the girl herself had a different naming than the original Kirin version), which girls do shota or yuri they made it very clear already
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The pink lolipop that enemy drop add 4hearts points on the summon you have equiped when you pick it up
Ok just finished the game and man... if someone in the past ever told me that i would get nostalgic for a hentai game i would laugh in their face.

It was so nice to see all those areas from the previous game especially when i remembered that a secret was there before and it still was now. And when i got the Chaos (or Devilish or whatever we agreed on calling it) form at the end, which was also my favorite transformation from before, i was so excited. I was really hoping that we would unlock Aria at the end of the game, but from context clues (since i can't read Japanese) it seems like that's not the case for plot reasons.

Anyway, as expected the game is a major improvement over the previous one in almost all the areas, especially the QoL area. The only problem for me is that there seems to be a very small amount of side content compared to the previous game (unless my nostalgia glasses are blinding my vision or there is some more content after finishing the game that i didn't notice yet). I hope that some of the future updates will add a little bit more.

Now onto the 100% and the wait for translation begins. Let's hope that Kerriden will come down from the heavens to grace us with another amazing translation.
VNR and AGTH are giving me the old "only hook each new character once!" problem, but Textractor seems to be hooking nicely. I'm having to use a Regex to get rid of some text that is constantly repeated, though, otherwise it doesn't realise it needs to remove some excess characters (and displays them all twice). Only problem is hitting the pause menu seems to spam it with more text than it can cope with and it just gives up; and in turn it's spamming google and bing with too many requests and getting blocked, a problem I've never had with VNR. Maybe I should just use the clipboard copy from Textractor and break out Atlas or Translation Aggregator.

If anyone has a better method (especially one that can cope with the menu!) please let me know!

I was somehow able to remove duplicate lines with this lua script:
Note that this is first time I did anything with lua so no bully pls.
I know that it does not work perfectly, but it's best what I can make with no knowledge about lua.

_G.repeat_items = {}
_G.repeat_count = 0

function ProcessSentence(sentence, sentenceInfo)
 local items = _G.repeat_items
 local count = _G.repeat_count
 local exit = false

 for i,v in ipairs(items) do
  if sentence == v then
   exit = true

 if exit then
  return ""

 if  count > 10 then
  table.remove(items, 1)
  count = count - 1

 table.insert(items, sentence)
 count = count + 1

_G.repeat_items = items
_G.repeat_count = count
