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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア2 / The Paradise Fortress of RePure Aria 2 (RJ242008)


Active member
May 9, 2018
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This was discussed before: you need the 4th slot '自慰' skill, triggered by down+Z
To expand on this, at one point in the story, one of your transformations gives you a glove item. Go into your item menu and enable that, then you can press down+z to masturbate (works for the girls, also).


New member
Aug 19, 2018
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i was able to pull some sprites from this game using this program (its for steam games but you can run it on anything by putting the game folder in the common folder with your other steam games) . it can also inject sprites supposedly although ive never actually done it with d3d9 games which this is.

if someone wants to do an uncensor mod or change other visuals, it could be a good place to start.

you can even distribute it to other people by making a dll wrapper although again, i dont really know how to do that



Jungle Girl
Oct 26, 2014
Reputation score
I'm having an issue where the game won't open properly, it'll flash the main menu for a split second then just go to a black screen. Running with Japanese locale doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone have any ideas?


Demon Girl
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
I'm having an issue where the game won't open properly, it'll flash the main menu for a split second then just go to a black screen. Running with Japanese locale doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone have any ideas?
No clue, the game run fine with & without computer in japanese setting. Did you try to re-DL it?


Demon Girl
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
To expand on this, at one point in the story, one of your transformations gives you a glove item. Go into your item menu and enable that, then you can press down+z to masturbate (works for the girls, also).
For the Girls it's X+Down, you get the Glove at the start of Chapter 7

-Boss 00 - Shadow

Chapter 1:
-Boss 01 - Red Vampire
-> Be naked
-> Be in woman form when she is sliding down.
-Boss 02 - Giant Slug
-Boss 03 - Eye patch lady
-> Be naked when she use her ruban attack

Chapter 2:
-Boss 04 - Crystal Dragon
-> Be naked during it's charge attack.
-Unlock Consumable: Gold hammer
-SubQuest: in the red block section
**Unlock Bunny girl**
-Boss SQ01 - Red monster
-Boss 05 - Purple Slime
-> Be naked 1st form
-> Be naked 2nd form (Need to reduce her life till no red Cristal)
-Unlock Key item: 02(Cyan Flower)

Chapter 3:
-Unlock Key item: 03(Key)[Unlock Iron Barred Door]
-Unlock Key item: 04(Pink potion)
**During Big Ribbon girl following you**
When her dress turn Yellow/Orange got to a hotspring (HScene)
-Boss 06 - Shadow

Chapter 4:
-Unlock Key item: 05(Herb cristal)[Unlock Vegetal Door]

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:
-Unlock Scarf
-Unlock Sword skill MC
-Unlock Key item: 11(Heart key)
-Unlock Key item: 14()

Chapter 7:
-Unlock Pink hand (MC/Girls masturbation skill)

There are 2girls that have a very usefull dash.
If close to a wall she will run on it and the other one it's working during a jump like a jetpack boost really cool to fly trough the level

If you get 1 of the 3 dots filled yellow you can make a Super attack with [R]


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New member
Nov 25, 2018
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I'm having an issue where the game won't open properly, it'll flash the main menu for a split second then just go to a black screen. Running with Japanese locale doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone have any ideas?
Change to Japan Locale -> Restart your computer.
If you don't know how to do it then look up some Youtube Video.


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
Reputation score
VSD said: Running in Japanese Locale doesn't seem to change anything.
Icyterror reply with: Change to Japanese Locale.

I'm quickly losing all hope for this species. *sigh* In other news, I found a path I completely forgot about and got back on track with game. Currently on 4th chapter and will update any harder to get H scenes as I come by them. Some of the 2nd scenes are...unique.....


Demon Girl
Feb 21, 2014
Reputation score
Ok so we have a nice system to design your own very powerful summon, the succession shop (lady in blue dress standing on crystals).
1. You can take one skill from summon and put it on empty slot of another summon for 20 gold (summon providing skill is destroyed).
2. Or you can remove one skill from a summon for 10g. The game states it should be used mostly for [!] skills, which are not beneficial, but to make a dedicated summon with a good skill selection you will need to remove good skills too if they are not well suited for a given girl form.
3. You can also unlock any skill instantly with a skill coin. This is for skills that otherwise require using the summon to farm hearts.

Finally in one of such shops later in the game you can buy a copy book for 100g. Equip a summon with skills you want to copy and then equip copy book and all unlocked skills of that summon will be on the book, which you can then use for first action without worrying about losing unique summon with a nice skill you want on your designed summon.

With proper skills final battles are quite easy, the pink bunny without an arm was the only one that provided some challenge, last one was much easier for me.

For girls having fun with themselves it seems gloves you get from progressing main quests are not enough for all girls. Some of them do have down+x animation, but sometimes the skill shows up in status but it's not working and sometimes even doesn't show in status. This is independent of any skill changing summons that may be or not equipped. Are there any additional requirements to make it work?


Jungle Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
I'm having an issue where the game won't open properly, it'll flash the main menu for a split second then just go to a black screen. Running with Japanese locale doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone have any ideas?
Did you switch it to Japanese before you extracted the game or after? I had the same problem with another game and it was because it wasn't extracting properly until I switched to Japanese locale.

VSD said: Running in Japanese Locale doesn't seem to change anything.
Icyterror reply with: Change to Japanese Locale.

I'm quickly losing all hope for this species. *sigh* In other news, I found a path I completely forgot about and got back on track with game. Currently on 4th chapter and will update any harder to get H scenes as I come by them. Some of the 2nd scenes are...unique.....
I think the important part of Icyterror's post was the "restart your computer", not the locale.

Also since I didn't see it mentioned, the game's been patched to v1.01. Make sure to update.
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Demon Girl
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
Ok so we have a nice system to design your own very powerful summon, the succession shop (lady in blue dress standing on crystals).
1. You can take one skill from summon and put it on empty slot of another summon for 20 gold (summon providing skill is destroyed).
2. Or you can remove one skill from a summon for 10g. The game states it should be used mostly for [!] skills, which are not beneficial, but to make a dedicated summon with a good skill selection you will need to remove good skills too if they are not well suited for a given girl form.
3. You can also unlock any skill instantly with a skill coin. This is for skills that otherwise require using the summon to farm hearts.

Finally in one of such shops later in the game you can buy a copy book for 100g. Equip a summon with skills you want to copy and then equip copy book and all unlocked skills of that summon will be on the book, which you can then use for first action without worrying about losing unique summon with a nice skill you want on your designed summon.

With proper skills final battles are quite easy, the pink bunny without an arm was the only one that provided some challenge, last one was much easier for me.

For girls having fun with themselves it seems gloves you get from progressing main quests are not enough for all girls. Some of them do have down+x animation, but sometimes the skill shows up in status but it's not working and sometimes even doesn't show in status. This is independent of any skill changing summons that may be or not equipped. Are there any additional requirements to make it work?

By the way there is 4 Powerfull mobs ( last one is a fairy) you can come accross but i don't know if there is a quest that go with it.

If you see a flower under the HP bar of the enemy it's mean for girls not the guy, for the Fairys and dark slime (Bunny girl MC girl form and the clerc girl), the fire harpy with the snow fox girl.


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New member
Aug 13, 2018
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Ok so we have a nice system to design your own very powerful summon, the succession shop (lady in blue dress standing on crystals).
1. You can take one skill from summon and put it on empty slot of another summon for 20 gold (summon providing skill is destroyed).
2. Or you can remove one skill from a summon for 10g. The game states it should be used mostly for [!] skills, which are not beneficial, but to make a dedicated summon with a good skill selection you will need to remove good skills too if they are not well suited for a given girl form.
3. You can also unlock any skill instantly with a skill coin. This is for skills that otherwise require using the summon to farm hearts.

Finally in one of such shops later in the game you can buy a copy book for 100g. Equip a summon with skills you want to copy and then equip copy book and all unlocked skills of that summon will be on the book, which you can then use for first action without worrying about losing unique summon with a nice skill you want on your designed summon.

With proper skills final battles are quite easy, the pink bunny without an arm was the only one that provided some challenge, last one was much easier for me.

For girls having fun with themselves it seems gloves you get from progressing main quests are not enough for all girls. Some of them do have down+x animation, but sometimes the skill shows up in status but it's not working and sometimes even doesn't show in status. This is independent of any skill changing summons that may be or not equipped. Are there any additional requirements to make it work?
ill be honest i used the fireball girl and the scythe girl to beat the final boss with no summons took a good 10 mins with proper potion usage


Demon Girl
Apr 27, 2013
Reputation score
Found this about the Summon.
アルラウネ 混乱無効
ハーフオーク 物理ダメージ25%の確率で無効
ウィルオーウィスプ 120回攻撃、火炎吸収。霊魂浄化攻撃で完全消滅。
スライム 虫系の敵を捕食する。被弾時に消耗120減ると消滅。
ラミア 魔性形態の後方攻撃の威力上昇
ハーピー スキル『むっちりボディ』無効化。落下によるミス判定無効化。純愛形態で『ウインドセイバー』習得
アルケニー 壁ジャンプ時に張り付き効果
ラミア 魔性形態の後方攻撃の威力上昇
見習いウィッチ 氷結属性小弾攻撃。被弾時に消耗
パチパチ しゃがみ時体当り無効。端っこ立ち
ゴースト 攻撃時に無属性援護攻撃。物理すり抜け。霊魂浄化で消滅
乳エルフ(動かない物には、精子かけ後にしゃがみ動作で挿入) 物理体当りを50%で無効化。無垢形態に装備で乳エルフ化
ピクシー 1秒毎に自分含み、2体の使い魔のHPを1ずつ回復。被弾時に消耗
ビブリオちゃん ストーリーを進めるとロック解除、形態変化時に撃つ紫の弾を喰らい、MP0の瞬間に解除する](無属性攻撃を行う設置型魔術道具。召還・配置で消耗。火属性攻撃で消滅
パールたん 水中での空気残量現象速度が3/4になる。飛び道具を無効化する【アローガード】を習得
マーメイド 水中での小弾自動回避できるウォーターグレイズ。ブレス防御。 
パールさん 水中での空気減少が半分。むっちりボディ。物理無効化。
フレイムハーピー スキル『むっちりボディ』無効化。落下によるミス判定無効化。火炎耐性。
スノーレギオン 氷結属性完全防御。無垢形態でフリーズアローエアロ。
ホワイトウィスプ 無属性援護射撃。電撃吸収。浄化で消滅
セラブー(凍らせて風or火で攻撃し女体化させる) 矢による攻撃を時々行う。召喚者被弾時に反撃。被弾時消耗。氷結、電撃以外無効
マカイゾー 突進系の攻撃強化
アルマコット(分離後の道中、宿屋のお泊まりイベントで入手) 火炎無効。男の子形態と純愛形態でサモン・アルマコット
雪女 氷結耐性。無垢形態にフリーズアロープラス
フレッシュドリー(リボンを剥いでない状態で男ので接触) 雪属性の攻撃に強くなる。ムーンホワイト形態で、いちごくらふとの極意
ダークピクシー 雷属性の攻撃に強くなる。純愛形態、プリーステス形態でウィンドセイバープラス。
スタースキュラ(男の子形態以外に真・純愛形態で百合有り) ダッシュグレイズ。水地形無視
ソードファイター ソードガード。純愛形態、プリーステス形態、男の子形態でブレイブヒーリング
シャドウシフター シャドウシフト。アライメントドア開放値半減。通常扉鍵必要無し。純愛形態と男の子形態はブレイブヒーリング。
GG Trad
※ In order to use familiars, you need to buy a visor board with SHOP.
Arlaune confusion invalid
Half-Oak Physical damage invalid with 25% chance
Will Owisp 120 attacks, flame absorption. Completely annihilated by a spirit purification attack
Slime Prey on insect-like enemies. Disappeared when consumed 120 when shot down.
Lamia: Increases the power of backward attack on demonic forms
Harpy skill "plump body" invalidation. Miss judgment due to falling invalidated. Acquired "Wind Saver" in pure love form
Alkeny Sticky effect when jumping on the wall
Lamia: Increases the power of backward attack on demonic forms
Apprentice Witch Freeze attribute bullet attack. Exhausted when hit
Crackling Invalid per body when squatting. Stand on the edge
Ghostless Attack during non-attribute support attacks. Physical slippery. Annihilation with spiritual purification
Milk Elves (for moving objects, inserted by squatting after sperm application) 50% of the physical body is nullified. Equipped with a reckless form to make it a milk elf
Succubus (perpetrated by a princess vamp) grays shift. Power recovery in the boy form
Tea fairies (perpetrated by princess vamps) rarely recover MP. Exhausted when hit
Pixy Recovers 2 familiar HPs, 1 each including a player every second. Exhausted when hit
Vibrio-Chan Advances the story, unlocks purple bullets shooting at the time of form change, releases at the moment of MP0] (A stationary magic tool that makes non-attribute attack. Consumes by recall and placement. Disappears by fire attribute attack
The rate of residual air in pearlescent water is 3/4. Master [Arrow Guard] to invalidate the missile
Mermaid A water gray that can be avoided automatically by small bullets in water. Breath defense.
Mr. Pearl Half of the air reduction in the water. Plump body. Physical invalidation.
Flame Harpy skill "plump body" invalidation. Miss judgment due to falling invalidated. Flame resistant.
Snow Legion Freeze attribute Complete defense. Freeze Arrow Aero in solid form.
White Wisp Unattributed Support Fire. Shock absorption. It disappears by purification
Dol-tanny (A contact with the boy mode with Dole-san wearing a doll and not holding a doll (near 36?)) A small doll made with him. Mimic the attack method. Consumable at the time of shot. Freezing, lightning, arrows are invalid.
Serabu (Frozen, attack with wind or fire and get female) Occasionally attack with arrows. Summoner strikes back when hit. Consumable at the time of shot. Freezing other than lightning
Makaizo rush system attack strengthening
Almacot (obtained after separation, obtained at the inn's lodging event) Flame invalid. Summon almacot in boy form and pure love form
Snow Woman Freeze Freeze. Freeze Arrow Plus in Reckless Form
Fresh Dolly (A contact with a man in a state where the ribbon is not peeled) Becomes more resistant to snow attribute attacks. Moon white form, the secret of strawberry kraft
Dark Pixy Becomes more vulnerable to lightning attacks. Wind Saver Plus in a pure love form, a pre-test form.
Star Scura (There is a lily in true and pure love form besides boy form) Dash grays. Water topography neglect
Sword Fighter Sword Guard. Pure love form, Prestes form, Babe healing in boy form
Shadow Shifter Shadow Shift. Alignment door opening value halved. Normally there is no need for a door key. Pure love form and boy form Brave healing

Seams like they got innate skill but didn't find a skill list. (it's from him: akunaki.blog.fc2.com)

There is that hscene in the water stages that made me LOL



Demon Girl
Feb 21, 2014
Reputation score
An other map done
That's a very nice piece of work. I see you are missing one item in the "汲水塔 リュ" area, but I couldn't find it either. However in the map of tower part one item you are missing is a bullet barrier (blue striped card like many in other close areas) which I have found. I don't remember exact location, but I could probably get a save or use green chapter thing to get it again if you need help with that.


Sprite Modder
May 8, 2018
Reputation score
Here is my almost complete save, It has all current outfits and H-scenes unlocked. Some of the warp points were taken out in the 1.01 update and I couldn't be bothered to make one where the big boobed second scene is, but here you go.



Demon Girl
Feb 21, 2014
Reputation score
I was thinking of making a map but after 2hours i only made that....
Also the coin you are missing on this map is inside 3x3 square in the aerial zone in the north-west part of this area. I remember it well as it is a very interesting one to get. You can't actually go inside that square, you have to destroy the crate with red sword attack that works through walls and then have summon with "ジェム+お金吸収 [常時]" skill (commonly found on arachnos girls) to pick up the coin for you.