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RPG RPG Maker [ B.H.C ] Le dernier saint chevalier (RJ146155)

there is no gallery damn i lost time searching.. also why does the 4k option where the nun dissapear stopped working after some time. and still get bad end. no more this game has a serious problem with language. if you dont know what it says its a pain in the ass to advance. i managed to beat the ghost. but after that bandints just rape every girl and you as well then nun stop working and bad end city destroyed.. confused here seriously
there is no gallery damn i lost time searching.. also why does the 4k option where the nun dissapear stopped working after some time. and still get bad end. no more this game has a serious problem with language. if you dont know what it says its a pain in the ass to advance. i managed to beat the ghost. but after that bandints just rape every girl and you as well then nun stop working and bad end city destroyed.. confused here seriously

The city is under siege, and there is a (City) Defense stat to manage. Letting it go to zero means Bad End.

The stat usually decreases every day. The common way to raise the stat is to invest resources to fix it. You can also draft citizens to fix it, but that causes Unhappiness. (which I think lowers your income and may have other bad effects like causing Defense to drop faster)

Edit: Oh and the "nun" is actually a cardinal(e). And the (at least nominal) leader of the city.
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The gallery mode is slated for Sept 2rd release. It is mention that on their blog.

Use Translator aggregator + ITH works for me. The 2nd column, second row in the menu brings you to the informatio about the status of the city; including your technology level, your knights' level, threat strength, city defenses, etc.

There's some bugs that seem to be debug stuff left in the game by accident. LOL.
there is no gallery damn i lost time searching.. also why does the 4k option where the nun dissapear stopped working after some time. and still get bad end. no more this game has a serious problem with language. if you dont know what it says its a pain in the ass to advance. i managed to beat the ghost. but after that bandints just rape every girl and you as well then nun stop working and bad end city destroyed.. confused here seriously

I cant say I had an language issues, aside from having to use the usual tools I guess.

Bandits rape people if your public peace reduces. Every time you get defeated one of the stats gets raised. If it hits 100 and you go sleep public peace drops by one level.
(You can lower the stats with various missions you send the knights on, or by giving supply donations etc @ the cardinal/church)

For public peace each drop in level means new people get raped by bandits:
lvl 4: Elen (nun)
lvl 3: Nina (desk person) and knights
lvl 2: MC
lvl 1: MC + Twin Twintails
lvl 0: Cardinal + sister (if you get this one the game will end and you get a specific public peace ending)

No idea what happens that the Cardinal didnt allow her barrier to be used anymore..everything that can happen to the cardinal results in a game ending so I didnt think that would be possible.
wait wait wait...
so this game ACTUALLY LAUNCH?! I thought it was dead on development since there are no news whats so ever...

man, that some dedication I say... (salute to the dev)
I'll be waiting for those awesome guys in Kagura (or Kaguya? I forgot) to bring it to steam then I can buy it legally...
After you go to second zone your character's move speed slows down considerably (because of cut scene). Is there a way to fix it? I've seen some people here talking about fighting second boss, have you not experienced the slow?
After you go to second zone your character's move speed slows down considerably (because of cut scene). Is there a way to fix it? I've seen some people here talking about fighting second boss, have you not experienced the slow?

It's a bug fixed in 1.03. For me, I just had my character a virgin, and not affected by any stat-related effects, and not holding down any buttons during the cutscene.

Welp, I finished the game on true route (Virgin). Turns out, there's no NG+ available yet (at least for virgin ending).

the true ending is a huge boner killer cause it's sad T-T
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Game has its own merits for its price, I suppose. Aside from how it's been years since announcement (wow), it's interesting to play around with.

The negatives for me personally:

- Brutality in some CGs
- CG count and reuses
- Battle relies on % chance for actions and sex, so it's not structured well enough to prevent frustrations. I hate restarting when I find myself in a repetitive loop.

You get skills, sex skills (during restraint), and eventually a strong weapon during corruption. While the corruption content is as good as it gets, in the end it's merely tied to getting her through sex scenes and letting enemies screw around and impregnate her (because of the battle's RNG nature). *On a side note, I enjoy this stuff better in RJ237060.

I sense the game's development age has affected the overall polish. Not to mention for all the time they had (if it has been spent consistently), the CG count is small and isn't implemented to the game in more interesting ways.

Casual rating: 7/10.

Personal rating: 5/10.

*I found that there's a skill related to enemies cumming inside her, when she's at the last stage of corruption, but she still faints after 2 times per battle.
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It's a bug fixed in 1.03. For me, I just had my character a virgin, and not affected by any stat-related effects, and not holding down any buttons during the cutscene.

Welp, I finished the game on true route (Virgin). Turns out, there's no NG+ available yet (at least for virgin ending).

the true ending is a huge boner killer cause it's sad T-T

Could be because its the true ending. The other endings do have NG+. Small scene in some weird place, then you get send back to after the intro with all your equips, a bonus to your level and all the sex stats reset.

Actually it's the same link witch is in page 7 i just was in hurry and forgot to rename it
Do all of the scenes happen in battle or are there scenes outside of battle as well.
Do all of the scenes happen in battle or are there scenes outside of battle as well.

You get scenes outside battle too.

(Mostly to rub it in on how you have failed, if you can read Moonspeak.)

for our bilingual brethren, how is the story and writing?

Story is decent. Writing is great and does a good job of drawing you inside the story and getting to know the motivations of the various characters, with ample character development (at least for Léna the MC). Lots of showing instead of telling — you don't get a lot of infodumps unlike other doujin games and amateur web novels. Instead you get snippets of inferred setting information from character conversations (including from town NPCs) and flashbacks that you can gradually piece together to form a coherent picture that provides insight into the setting background and character histories. There is a strong emphasis on actions and consequences (unlike most other H-RPGs where failure is just a slap on a wrist); failing a quest and/or losing Léna's maidenhood can have far-reaching effects on both how the story progresses (with a myriad of tiny variations on boss and NPC convos) and mechanical things like character abilities/equipment and town/NPC resources.

(Oh and there is plentiful [albeit oblique] references to French mythology and culture. Makes it interesting if you are into that kinda stuff. Also there's a lolworthy easter egg NPC clown who is named the Japanese equivalent of "Sidhe' di Gaeym", with a placeholder text message. ["Haven't written this text yet.] Or maybe calling him « Giu de Merdre » would be more appropriate, considering how French the setting is.)

Unfortunately this all get marred by how the plot is handled. It's like playing a tabletop RPG with a GM who goes "Gotcha, Paladin! Now you fall and lose your class abilities and your fancy Holy Avenger sword!" with vindictive glee. First few times weren't that contrived (and can be dodged by a savvy player without savescumming), but it gets really old as the plot progresses. Example: Wake up, get prompted to walk around town, walk into a you-totally-can't-see-it-coming inescapable boss fight with zero items and wrong equipment (protip: humans are immune to Holy). AND the friggin' boss has an insta-kill move that he will use if you don't defeat him fast enough. "Gotcha, Paladin! You fall!" (It's a running theme.) Oh and if you walk in during the evening, after a mission? No heals for you! You start with whatever battle injuries you had without full HP/MP. Crap like this really makes you want to reload the game instead of rolling with the punches, because of how blatantly unfair some of them can be. (Which is a shame because the story and writing feels much better when you ironman it, but the random out-of-left-field "gotchas" just leave a bad taste in the mouth. Really, after a while, it's just easier to go through the game if you don't get attached to Léna as your player character and stop caring about the NPCs; otherwise the player punches feel cheap.)

Oh and the ending
is shit. Not unlike (mostly the early version of) Mass Effect 3, really (invalidating player agency). Feels like it's a casualty of rushed development, like debug assets being left in the game, missing features, mistimed events/convos, weird balance issues in some places, inconsistent CG art (especially those friggin' off-model photoshoped MS-Painted nipples on the character's full-body portrait. Seriously, they should have left those as Ken & Barbie dolls). Hey, more comparisons with ME 3! (the issue with the rushed development, that is). Basically the ending? Makes it feel like you've been wasting your time all this while only to be trolled at the end. With them yanking on your chain all along the way.

Still, rant aside I'll say it's okay-ish, overall speaking (leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but...). Better than most H-RPGs, at least. Definitely better than web novels.
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Seems that recollection room is pushed back to sept 4th release.

Also, according to the creator's blog, to fix your slow-ness after chapter 2 quest: "Exit or complete the quest with a return stone." to fix it...?
Unfortunately this all get marred by how the plot is handled. It's like playing a tabletop RPG with a GM who goes "Gotcha, Paladin! Now you fall and lose your class abilities and your fancy Holy Avenger sword!" with vindictive glee. First few times weren't that contrived (and can be dodged by a savvy player without savescumming), but it gets really old as the plot progresses. Example: Wake up, get prompted to walk around town, walk into a you-totally-can't-see-it-coming inescapable boss fight with zero items and wrong equipment (protip: humans are immune to Holy). AND the friggin' boss has an insta-kill move that he will use if you don't defeat him fast enough. "Gotcha, Paladin! You fall!" (It's a running theme.) Oh and if you walk in during the evening, after a mission? No heals for you! You start with whatever battle injuries you had without full HP/MP. Crap like this really makes you want to reload the game instead of rolling with the punches, because of how blatantly unfair some of them can be. (Which is a shame because the story and writing feels much better when you ironman it, but the random out-of-left-field "gotchas" just leave a bad taste in the mouth. Really, after a while, it's just easier to go through the game if you don't get attached to Léna as your player character and stop caring about the NPCs; otherwise the player punches feel cheap.)

Ahem, please allow me to correct you kind sir but the fight is not unwinnable.
The armored jerk mock you and your incapability of reenacting a worthy saint-like skill, whenever he does that there's a chance you're vexed (blue status icon you're afflicted with when he does the purple skill belittling you) if you attack or defense, the first time you automatically you lose half your clothe (enable you to be raped), the second time instant de-flowering. How do you beat him? Slap his face with that 50 SP first skill you start with whenever your HP fall below 75%, the same skill he mocks you about, and he's stunned 100% of the time, the rest is easy picking. you only obtain like 200 Exp though which is... ehh. (but you gotta keep your virginity so...)
It's there, you just haven't payed enough attention to mid battle conversation.
Ahem, please allow me to correct you kind sir but the fight is not unwinnable.
The armored jerk mock you and your incapability of reenacting a worthy saint-like skill, whenever he does that there's a chance you're vexed (blue status icon you're afflicted with when he does the purple skill belittling you) if you attack or defense, the first time you automatically you lose half your clothe (enable you to be raped), the second time instant de-flowering. How do you beat him? Slap his face with that 50 SP first skill you start with whenever your HP fall below 75%, the same skill he mocks you about, and he's stunned 100% of the time, the rest is easy picking. you only obtain like 200 Exp though which is... ehh. (but you gotta keep your virginity so...)
It's there, you just haven't payed enough attention to mid battle conversation.
Are you talking about fighting Samson(?) in the slums?
If so, I just had a non-holy weapon, or I just keep using lightning slash.
Are you talking about fighting Samson(?) in the slums?
If so, I just had a non-holy weapon, or I just keep using lightning slash.
Yes it is, the thing is, lightning slash is only avaiable at LV 16 which is a grind , thunder enchantment and 2 other thunder swords comes at weap tech lv 3 and 4 which is too late and too costly.
Any sword beside the holy sword Cecile gave you is too slow. Just spam the skill to stun lock him and chip damage him.
Don't actually need to beat him the first time anyway.. If you get any ending that isnt the true end you will get NG+ after which gives a level bonus on top of you keeping what equips you have.
He's ridiculously easy the second time around, and youll need to replay anyway to get the other endings.
He's the only thing that makes getting the virgin ending hard anyway, as doing most of the bosses is much easier as long as you still got access to the holy sword. (since it allows you to just ignore the boss mechanics) He's the only exception to that.
what's actually the condition for true end anyways, been busy not playing for days.
Perfect completion, no virginities lost ?