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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I think Jones soda might be one of the best things ever. I just wish it weren't quite so expensive, otherwise it would definitely be my drink of choice.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I actually found it for $1.30 a bottle. In my favorite flavor too.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)


I love having smooth legs. I think I'll shave more often.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love living near a beach.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Nice! Me too!
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love when people surprise you. Storytime!

So tonight I was driving home from work, and as I was nearing my house this big truck gets behind me, shining his brights right in my mirrors (They were yellowish so I don't think they were those annoying blue-beams). I flip my rearview, but the thing is a tank, so I can't keep him out of my side mirrors, and I can't see a damn thing. What an ass, I think to myself, so I decide to be an assfag right back and stop at the stopsign for an unnecessarily long period of time. He follows me on my turn, and I shake my head, facepalming a little bit inside. Then I realize that he's going to pass me as I park on my street, so I decide to leave the car running and blast my own brights right in his face as he passes.

He pulls up beside me and asks if I'm lost. I tell him no, this is where I live. He tells me that he noticed that I was going slow and that my plates were out-of-state (I moved about a year ago and still haven't registered my car) so he figured I might have been lost. I tell him no, I was going slow because maybe his brights were in my face. He tells me no, it's just a rental truck and that he hates it when he has that done to him, a big fat truck having brighter-than-average headlights gets directly behind him, and apologizes.

Wow, I'm thinking to myself. I completely wasn't expecting that. Not only was he not being an asshole, he responds to my defensive douchebag reaction by actually inquiring if I, a complete stranger, might be lost and need help.

People just aren't made like that anymore.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Well, that's because most everybody assumes that everyone else is a douchebag nowadays, because most everyone is a douchebag nowadays, but that's only because they assume that since everyone else assumes they're a douchebag, they might as well be one. 'tis a vicious cycle.

I try to be nice to people, I really do, but then they typically act like an idiotic douche, and 7 times out of 10 I'll say 'fuck it' and give up on being nice to them, because it's not worth the frustration, especially when I'll more than likely never see them again. The other 3/10 of the time it's usually a friend/family member/etc., at which point I try to stay nice because I know that A) they'll come around and apologize because they actually do know better, or B) they'll look like a total ass and I'll get to laugh at them when it bites them on the ass later. More often it's A that happens rather than B. Though my step-dad seems to always choose B, for some odd reason.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Because step-dad's tend to be absolute fuckers.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Eh, one of my friends (that I havn't seen in a few years, admitidly) had an awsome step-dad. One of those cool people that you wish was your dad, the kind that really makes an effort to involve themselves in their kids well being, like taking them hiking and whatnot. I believe I told this story once, but he was the one that showed me how steaks should really be cooked.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Over open fire, with a stick, until it stops bleeding profusely and mooing?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Over open fire, with a stick, until it stops bleeding profusely and mooing?

Pfft. The moo adds flavour.

On another note. I love deep fried dill pickles.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I had an opportunity for those today. Went to the medieval faire about an hour away and they have a "deep fried stuff" vendor. Pickles is one of them and if you're feeling like going into some sort of shock (either diabetic or just plain "omnomnrmaugh" goodness) oreos. I've heard deep fried Twinkies are not so good and I don't particularly care for the fish options they offer. Maybe I'll have to give them a go next time around. All depends on how bloated I am from other faire food *laughs*

On a similar vein...I love sunscreen. Spent all day at the faire (in a corset dress) and I'm barely pink. Except for maybe the back of my neck. We'll see what a night sleeping brings but so far, no prickles.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I spent a fair portion of my day swimming and lazing around on the beach. Extremely mild sunburn and complete relaxation... well worth it.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I spent most of yesterday with a migrain, so there :p
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I worked.

And then I came home and ran a D&D session.

Then I tried to jump on TF2 but fatigue + sniper = fail.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I had an opportunity for those today. Went to the medieval faire about an hour away and they have a "deep fried stuff" vendor. Pickles is one of them and if you're feeling like going into some sort of shock (either diabetic or just plain "omnomnrmaugh" goodness) oreos. I've heard deep fried Twinkies are not so good and I don't particularly care for the fish options they offer. Maybe I'll have to give them a go next time around. All depends on how bloated I am from other faire food *laughs*

On a similar vein...I love sunscreen. Spent all day at the faire (in a corset dress) and I'm barely pink. Except for maybe the back of my neck. We'll see what a night sleeping brings but so far, no prickles.

I get em at a wing place called "Wild Wings". A bit overpriced, but so delicious. I never knew deep fired dill pickles could be so fucking delicious. I've also had a deep fried Mars bar in a diner in Ottawa. It was actually quite good.

And I hate to be the creeper here Copper, but the though of you in a corset dress sends tinglies up my spine.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I concur Sin.

Also, my stepdad is the most awesome guy ever. I love him <3
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I got to try deep-fried oreos at a place called Spinelli's, awhile back. Oh so delicious, but I think I gained two pounds just from the oreos.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I concur with you on both counts, sin. I also think I might need to try deep-fried oreos now.