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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

My 2D Config:
Z = Dash
X = Jump & Quit Menu
C = Attack
V = Magic & Gun
F = Guard
A = Change items
S = Use items
D = Submit ( Rest "bonfire" , Talk , Skip Dialogue )
Q = Map
Enter (Return) = Menu
is this game difficult ?
Honestly? no. it's dark souls inspired, and plays like one, but it isn't anywhere near as punishing, invincibilty frames are through the roof, enemies are super slow to swing, and your dodge gets well out of reach of basically everything. Only bosses will offer some level of challenge, but that only applies to afew anyway. Only complaint, somewhat easy to get lost. especially as areas keep expanding and theres no objective markers or anything letting you know what new thing or area you need to go to.

sidenote: both hands required
is this game difficult ?
I wouldn't say overly so, no. There are some boss fights that will require you to actually think/pay attention a bit, but even there if you REALLY wanted to you could probably grind enough to make them relatively easy. Just focus on mostly dodging enemies. Aside from just getting yourself overwhelmed by multiple at once, I can't say there are too many who should give you a ton of trouble, some later on can be a bit more punishing, but the game does have different difficulties to scale damage/health of the enemies and such.
is this game difficult ?
Some enemies are a little threacherous on how much reach or speed have but you have enough health and recovery items to move from one checkpoint to another.
the only problematic boss for me was the lady on the church but I didnt buff my HP ultil far later in the game.
Also I havent tried it but there are is an easy mode (dammit tewi and reisen because of you I cant play even H games on easy mode without hurting my pride)S
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That is what I said, duh. The game doesn't has to be realistic by forcing big boobs need to be soggy and bounces 20 cm up and down. Nor am I stating it must be unrealistic either. The original question was whether was whether anyone think its too soggy. It's a simple yes or no question. I don't understand why some ppl need to bring up the "he has a wife and 2 kids while playing NOR, so his answer must be correct" (lol?)

Some ppl just like to twist the question. Not you though. : 3

The boobs seem kinda weird through development in that they have gotten more saggy, which I suppose is his choice however I question the consistency and they are quite far from being unrealistically firm if that's even possible. Like seriously look at the defeat where shes tied to the chair, then look at her in a similar pose you'll see what I mean.
question, is the last animation in gallery accesable from the game? or just in the gallery?
if yes can i ask where it is?
What do you guys think would be in the next update?

question, is the last animation in gallery accesable from the game? or just in the gallery?
if yes can i ask where it is?
When you ask last animation what do you mean?
Do you mean the animation in the bar? That one is an accessible event that occurs on stage 6-1. Just walk right from the altar and eventually you should come across an arrow that says event. To get the animation, select the top option. It is only accessible in the game and cannot be found in the gallery.
Honestly? no. it's dark souls inspired, and plays like one, but it isn't anywhere near as punishing, invincibilty frames are through the roof, enemies are super slow to swing, and your dodge gets well out of reach of basically everything. Only bosses will offer some level of challenge, but that only applies to afew anyway. Only complaint, somewhat easy to get lost. especially as areas keep expanding and theres no objective markers or anything letting you know what new thing or area you need to go to.

sidenote: both hands required

You guys are actually playing this game with two hands?
You guys are actually playing this game with two hands?
Actually yes, you have to be creative but yeah. Have you ever tried the "Potato starch X" from shimoneta? or an equivalent just use your imagination and both of your hands would be free to use
Two h-scenes and a boss, followed by two more h-scenes and another boss. Neat.
Though the update preview has a disclaimer that he wanted to make the boss as un-repulsive as possible. So it'll probably be a boss in that unusued bossroom in the infirmary.

Two h-scenes and a boss, followed by two more h-scenes and another boss. Neat.
Though the update preview has a disclaimer that he wanted to make the boss as un-repulsive as possible. So it'll probably be a boss in that unusued bossroom in the infirmary.

View attachment 33575
Un-repulsive? so it would not be repulsive? like a handsome knight or something?
Probably another human/humanlike boss like Candore.
Un-repulsive? so it would not be repulsive? like a handsome knight or something?

Maybe I worded it poorly, but basically the boss is designed to be tough to fight. He doesn't want to scare anyone off.
He also wants to have another optional side area, and is fiddling with the idea that, if you do the side content, it makes the final boss harder instead of easier.
Maybe I worded it poorly, but basically the boss is designed to be tough to fight. He doesn't want to scare anyone off.
He also wants to have another optional side area, and is fiddling with the idea that, if you do the side content, it makes the final boss harder instead of easier.
oh I see welp some game do that actually like giving an extra form to the final boss if you do de sidequest 8wich also reveals the true ending) It would be nice i guess