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Webcomics of win

Re: Webcomics of win

Goddammit, I'll get spanked wherever I'll go. I know, to the underground!
Re: Webcomics of win

But that's where the mole people live.
Re: Webcomics of win

The mole people allied with me a while back, we should be safe there.
Re: Webcomics of win

Oh... well then cool.
Re: Webcomics of win

Little do you know, I have a mole amongst the mole people.
Re: Webcomics of win

This c-c-c-combo breaker has been brought to you by:

Re: Webcomics of win

Haha! I love it! I did the same thing when I went back and replayed my copy of Red a couple months back :D
Re: Webcomics of win

Re: Webcomics of win

You follow a bunch of evil/chaotic aligned characters in a quest to overthrow the lord of the hells. Their chosen lord picked them for the task.

It's got a lot of DnD in it with some unique twists.
Re: Webcomics of win

Ah Green, you crazy, crazy bitch. Anyone read the Pokemon Adventures manga? It's pretty good, it's definitely made me a fan of Green/Sabrina pairing.
Re: Webcomics of win

Well. Now I'm hooked on the following:
Least I could do (was from before) Leasticoulddo.com
Xkcd(was from before) xkcd.com
Questionable content (was from before) questionablecontent.net
Sugar Bits (OMG SOOOOOO CUTE!!! And poor little red riding hood:'( And tehn there's the gingerbreadman that knows fire kung fu!)
And I am now a utter and complete fan of DR. McNinja.

These are all linked already, I just wanted to show my gratitude, as I think the Doc is the most awesome thing to happen since Abe Lincoln. (actually, no man can pass The dr in awesomeness, Not even Chuck... You know which chuck I mean)
Re: Webcomics of win

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned dungeons and dorks yet.
Re: Webcomics of win

You follow a bunch of evil/chaotic aligned characters in a quest to overthrow the lord of the hells. Their chosen lord picked them for the task.

It's got a lot of DnD in it with some unique twists.

I love Komi and Jasper! Been reading this one for a while now. Friend also introduced me to . I've got a long way to go to get caught up (it started back in 2006 and is still going, far as I know) and if you've gamed or know gamers, you'll like.
Re: Webcomics of win

Not actually a web comic, but instead an online translated manga, but still, this amuses me:

Short summary: a guy's mother sticks him with the job of being a magical girl. (It would be funnier if the guy was more masculine, though)
Re: Webcomics of win

Dunno if it's been mentioned here yet, but whilst browsing /d/ today I found an awesome adult humor webcomic;
Re: Webcomics of win

haha, i think the skulls one was posted here, but I dont remember any others.
Re: Webcomics of win

Dead Winter: More zombies, but also Black Monday Blues.

This thread was fairly indispensable in retrieving my list of webcomics after updating to windows 7.
Re: Webcomics of win

has started back up again. i recommend it for some turn based fantasy strategy action.