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ACT Patreon Abandoned [Zolvatory] Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover



Feb 18, 2020
Reputation score
Heyo! It's us again.

Yes, we've been quiet on our Twitter and Patreon and we are sorry for that. Patrons were always able to contact us on Discord though and now that we made it public, there will be a direct path of reaching us! There is also a reason why we kind of "shadow dropped" our demo like this and only announced it now publically! We are going to explain that a bit later today. Of course it's fine that you brought it up here for us and we want to thank you for your interest and spreading the word.

Honestly, we hope you like what we put out with our game. We know it's a bit rough on the edges but we're gonna work hard to make it good! Currently there's not much to do in there except for fighting the fairies and looking at the art Veila made, but that should change in future patches!


Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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Dialogue options plus a timer, dynamic lighting/shadowing, a pretty big map, secret rooms, wall climbing/jumping, enemy types having different dialogue every time they catch you...
Yeah, I can see the base for a lot of core elements already, so nice job with the first demo!

Lemme give some C&C for some things I noticed. I figure you guys probably know about at least a few of these..

-Jumping feels a bit floaty, mostly for higher jumps.
-The dialogue arrow sometimes points up and down for those two-choice questions. Also the timer covers up the arrow so you can't see what option you're choosing.
-Stairs. You don't seem to be able to drop through them so you have to do a series of mashing forward and down to get past.
-Enemy detection range is really far, they end up detecting you off-screen so you can't consistently hide from/avoid them if you want to play it sneaky.
-Lastly, some extra clarity for when you can and can't parry projectiles would be nice! Like a white flash that lasts during the parry state.

Can't wait to see how this game turns out in future updates. It's already presenting a lot of potential, a lot of it.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
I'll be honest and say I was getting ready to drop support as I rarely seen any patron post and was lucking to cull some people. Luckily I checked my discord and realized a demo was posted and I must say it was definitely worth the wait, love the music even though it does sound a lil repetitive. Only criticisms I can think of was already covered by
IAmAKi so I can't say much more. Really looking forward to future content.

I'll say you need to let you're patreons know what's going on outside of discord. I'm probably not the only one who isn't consistent on checking for discord updates. Heck even a "posted new info on discord" would suffice.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2019
Reputation score
Just want to say this demo really impressed me a ton! I had put a watch on this thread way back when you made it, and the demo you put out really got me hyped again.

I'll try to write up my thoughts beyond what Ki said later, but I'm really psyched for where you guys will go with this. (y)


Nov 7, 2013
Reputation score
Good to see a demo!
Just curious though, where is the save located? I wasn't paying attention the first time I got caught and wanted to see the first time dialog again...
I looked in the usual place unity dumps saves but there's just a log there.
Edit: Oh, read the readme again and saw the F1 thing. Still interested though.


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
Remapping your hotkeys does not work properly.
In the menu itself you still need to press SPACE and the newly assigned button for Jump to assign new keys.
In-game the default keys are not disabled. E.g. I assign Block to D, and when I press D my character blocked (as intended) and walked to the right.

When the enemy asks you a question it is unclear how you are supposed to react to it. As others have said apparently the button is hidden behind the clock.

It is unclear what the three hearts are supposed to represent.

To move stairs down you should need to press Down and Jump, not just Down.

In the game over H-scene the dialog should not advance automatically but only after a button press. Maybe another button press enables / disables auto-mode.

In the same vein the game over H-scene should not black out and sent you to the game over screen automatically. Let the last part of the animation loop indefinitely and only end the scene after the player pressed the continue hotkey.


Feb 18, 2020
Reputation score
Thank you for taking your time to play the game and giving feedback! Let me see if I can tackle it all!

Lemme give some C&C for some things I noticed. I figure you guys probably know about at least a few of these..

-Jumping feels a bit floaty, mostly for higher jumps.
-The dialogue arrow sometimes points up and down for those two-choice questions. Also the timer covers up the arrow so you can't see what option you're choosing.
-Stairs. You don't seem to be able to drop through them so you have to do a series of mashing forward and down to get past.
-Enemy detection range is really far, they end up detecting you off-screen so you can't consistently hide from/avoid them if you want to play it sneaky.
-Lastly, some extra clarity for when you can and can't parry projectiles would be nice! Like a white flash that lasts during the parry state.
-We're going to work on the jumping quite a bit, especially now that we got multiple comments on it! Although we already expected that.
-The arrow and "timer" really need some explaining from us, haha. We're going to put an explanation of how they work in the readme in the next patch. For now let me shortly summize: The arrows are there as inputs to free yourself. The timer is not really a timer but a "reaction game" to choose your answer between the good and the bad one. That's also what the hearts are influencing as it's an arousal bar and makes the area of the bad answer bigger to make the reaction game more difficult. We definitely will work on making all of that more obvious in and outside of the game.
-Yes, stairs are a bit wonky and definitely need some fixing. We're working on it for sure!
-That's a good point that nobody brought up yet and we'll look into it. Currently we did it this far so the fairy gets a chance to shoot at all, haha. Maybe we can find a good sweetspot in between.
-Definietly noted the last point as well! We're going to do something like it for sure.

I'll say you need to let you're patreons know what's going on outside of discord. I'm probably not the only one who isn't consistent on checking for discord updates. Heck even a "posted new info on discord" would suffice.
Yet again we are really sorry for it. We're new to it all and want to thank you for sticking with us! We'll do so from now on and keep everyone up to date more often even if its just a small tidbit of info.
Thank you also to Shrifted for joining the discord and already telling us of their opinion there!

Just curious though, where is the save located? I wasn't paying attention the first time I got caught and wanted to see the first time dialog again...
I looked in the usual place unity dumps saves but there's just a log there.
"On Windows, the save files are stored in the registry under HKCU\Software\Zolvatory\LostCase.
It's an ugly way of saving since the files are pretty hidden, but also the easiest and fastest way of doing so, making it best for smaller games and alphas." - Masker

Remapping your hotkeys does not work properly.
In the menu itself you still need to press SPACE and the newly assigned button for Jump to assign new keys.
In-game the default keys are not disabled. E.g. I assign Block to D, and when I press D my character blocked (as intended) and walked to the right.

When the enemy asks you a question it is unclear how you are supposed to react to it. As others have said apparently the button is hidden behind the clock.

It is unclear what the three hearts are supposed to represent.

To move stairs down you should need to press Down and Jump, not just Down.

In the game over H-scene the dialog should not advance automatically but only after a button press. Maybe another button press enables / disables auto-mode.

In the same vein the game over H-scene should not black out and sent you to the game over screen automatically. Let the last part of the animation loop indefinitely and only end the scene after the player pressed the continue hotkey.
We're going to work on the bug fixes, obviously (and we weren't aware of the one you brought up!)
As mentioned earlier, we're going to make clear how the "choosing an answer" part works in the readme. Short version explained further up in the post.
We'll consider making going through the stairs like this.
And I totally agree for the Game Over Scene and see what we can do with that!

Thanks for all the feedback and caring for the game. We're incredibly happy to see people this interested in it! Please look forward to future updates.


Jungle Girl
Sep 10, 2012
Reputation score
Would suggest a bit longer of a "timer" so I can read my choices if that's possible. Also would suggest having dialogue choices selectable via the attack/block/interact buttons. E.g. press attack for the left answer or block for the right.

Nice demo so far tho.


New member
Dec 18, 2018
Reputation score
"One last important thing to mention:
Every demo and update we release will be completely free for everyone to play
, you do not need to be a patron or anything. The game will also be free to download once it is completed, so even if you are not able to support us on Patreon, do not worry about it! We'd still appreciate your feedback once a demo is out or even now if you want to comment on the art/story or whatever comes to mind."



Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
Hey, @Zolvatory , this might be kind of off topic, but, in regards to what @LukeSky001 before me quoted, i wanted to ask you a question:

How do your patrons feel about that?
I think that's very awesome of you, and kind. But i do wonder if they feel the same. As in, they're not getting the privilege of them being the only ones who can play it.(Now, i'm asking because i want advice, not just because of nosy. But if i am being so, i understand and you're not, of course, obliged to answer)


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Think of it like traditional arts patronage. The people giving them money are not purchasing a product but funding the creation of something. It's the way patreon pitched it's service to begin with.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
Hey, @Zolvatory , this might be kind of off topic, but, in regards to what @LukeSky001 before me quoted, i wanted to ask you a question:

How do your patrons feel about that?
I think that's very awesome of you, and kind. But i do wonder if they feel the same. As in, they're not getting the privilege of them being the only ones who can play it.(Now, i'm asking because i want advice, not just because of nosy. But if i am being so, i understand and you're not, of course, obliged to answer)
As a person whose a patreon of several developers, I don't mind it. In the end I pledge funds to help developers with development so the game won't get stuck in development limbo. Only times I feel sour is when a dev decides to complete scrap a project and does something entirely different, similiar to what divine arms did.


Jungle Girl
Dec 15, 2016
Reputation score
as someone who also has donated to several patreons, they should probably paywall some stuff. lets be realistic here, if theres no incentive to pay, most people wont, as evident by the small number of donations and income. Despite how good the game is, its barely making scraps. my concern at the end of the day is keeping the lights, and the project, on. it's hard to do that if they're making so little money they most likely have a full time job on top of development. i'd say, treat your work like the premium content it is. nobody will blame you for doing so.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
Thank you all for your views. I appreciate it.
As patrons, it is very valuable. it's exactly what i was asking for


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
as someone who also has donated to several patreons, they should probably paywall some stuff. lets be realistic here, if theres no incentive to pay, most people wont, as evident by the small number of donations and income. Despite how good the game is, its barely making scraps. my concern at the end of the day is keeping the lights, and the project, on. it's hard to do that if they're making so little money they most likely have a full time job on top of development. i'd say, treat your work like the premium content it is. nobody will blame you for doing so.
I kind of attribute the lack of patreons due to slow development and not enough info updated on their patreon. Honestly, I was just getting ready to pull my pledge because of it than suddenly noticed a demo when I decided to checkout discord. (something I rarely do). If they would make more public and patreon updated they'd probably see an increase in funds.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
I'm not a patron, but good communication is the basis of all good relationships
Give the people information on what you're doing so they don't feel like the money is just going into a black hole

That's how the big patreon earners I know of do it. They don't really do anything that special, they just let everyone know what they've been doing


Feb 18, 2020
Reputation score
Would suggest a bit longer of a "timer" so I can read my choices if that's possible. Also would suggest having dialogue choices selectable via the attack/block/interact buttons. E.g. press attack for the left answer or block for the right.

Nice demo so far tho.
Thanks for trying it out! We're definitely still adjusting and fixing these things and trying to take all the feedback into account. Currently our goal is to make the whole Dialogue System more clear to the player at least in the form of an explanation in the ReadMe. I really did a bad job at this, but it's a learning experience! Working on something for a while makes it seem as if things are obvious but to players its always a new experience and i forgot to take this into account.

Hey, @Zolvatory , this might be kind of off topic, but, in regards to what @LukeSky001 before me quoted, i wanted to ask you a question:

How do your patrons feel about that?
I think that's very awesome of you, and kind. But i do wonder if they feel the same. As in, they're not getting the privilege of them being the only ones who can play it.(Now, i'm asking because i want advice, not just because of nosy. But if i am being so, i understand and you're not, of course, obliged to answer)
as someone who also has donated to several patreons, they should probably paywall some stuff. lets be realistic here, if theres no incentive to pay, most people wont, as evident by the small number of donations and income. Despite how good the game is, its barely making scraps. my concern at the end of the day is keeping the lights, and the project, on. it's hard to do that if they're making so little money they most likely have a full time job on top of development. i'd say, treat your work like the premium content it is. nobody will blame you for doing so.
We can definitely understand your worries and are also keeping an eye on this and how it develops. Believe us when we say how important this game is to us too, so we really want it to succeed as well. While we do not really get enough money to live from it, contact with other developers in the scene are clearly helping us find our way in how to do certain aspects. It was important to us to get this game out to as many people as possible and while it could be problematic as you mentioned (with it barely finding any support) we're actually quite happy. We never expected to get this much support in not even a year. Also it's very clear to most of our patrons that the game will be released for free so the rewards are more along the lines of previews, early concept art, timelapse art videos, votes in polls whenever they come up and other treats along those lines. We also encourage people to suggest other rewards, that hopefully would not take too much of our time (since we need to focus on the game) but still make people happy.

I do think this is a worthwhile discussion to have though, so thank you for brining it up!

I kind of attribute the lack of patreons due to slow development and not enough info updated on their patreon. Honestly, I was just getting ready to pull my pledge because of it than suddenly noticed a demo when I decided to checkout discord. (something I rarely do). If they would make more public and patreon updated they'd probably see an increase in funds.
I'm not a patron, but good communication is the basis of all good relationships
Give the people information on what you're doing so they don't feel like the money is just going into a black hole

That's how the big patreon earners I know of do it. They don't really do anything that special, they just let everyone know what they've been doing
We definitely noticed that as well and ever since the release of the alpha build have been trying to better ourselves on that regard. Hopefully that was visible. In the coming days we'll also talk about what we are doing right now in some more detail in a public post so please look forward to it!


Dec 6, 2008
Reputation score
I'm not sure if anyone else has brought it up, but in the current demo whenever the game restarts from a game over, the fairy's dialogue does not reset. It's a minor thing, but it is a bit funny to hear her taunting the protagonist for getting caught so much, when in this case, it is the first time! (And her ejaculation count is off, how is she going to impress the higher up's if she can't count?)


Feb 18, 2020
Reputation score
I'm not sure if anyone else has brought it up, but in the current demo whenever the game restarts from a game over, the fairy's dialogue does not reset. It's a minor thing, but it is a bit funny to hear her taunting the protagonist for getting caught so much, when in this case, it is the first time! (And her ejaculation count is off, how is she going to impress the higher up's if she can't count?)
Currently it only resets when you press F1 in the main menu (that's resetting the whole save file!), although we do plan on adding some ingame ways to do so as well. It's just a nice and simple solution for now. We have also possibly stumbled on a way to make the fairy count accurately! Wouldn't that be something? Although I do have a feeling that she will still get it wrong somehow. It's almost as if maths isn't her strong suit.


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
Although I do have a feeling that she will still get it wrong somehow. It's almost as if maths isn't her strong suit.
So at some point it is impossible to give the correct answer?! That sounds fun. (y)