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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave sighed. He mowed down a couple of bots that got too close, then wandered off to kill more of those bastards. He didn't want to lose the bet - not to a vampire, not to a cyborg. He didn't want to lose to anyone.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There is a grim look on his face as he replies, "I would sir.... if the bloody medical facility hadn't been blown sky high by that last blast. It's completely gone."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale sends a fireball with a casual flick of the arm, to clear out the nearest, then drops down with a smile.

"Who needs a medical institution when you've got me? Dr Pale, at your service, dear.. Grave, cover m-... "

She looks around for the swordsman, to no avail.

"Fuck that, then. Siphon, cover us."

With a mutter, and more importantly, hand gestures, she produces the shape for WarmHeal. A moment later, she places warmly glowing hands on Siphon's back, and his wounds start to close. The sensation is odd - a tingling, like a million heated ants, accompanied by a gentle, almost blissful euphoria, that last once her hands are removed.

She staggers, with one hand flashing to her head, then smiles.

"Problem solved! Go kick some ass..!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Let's get to work, then." Burrito says, reaching down and grasping a dead bot and holding it up with his left hand grasping the chin "Hope you're bulletproof." he says, smiling as he grasps for his pistol, bringing it up to level over the shoulder of his 'hostage' "CHARGE!" he yells, running forward with the bots legs dragging to his left has he charges into the army of bots, firing his pistol at each one he passes, a bullet hitting each one in the head, Burrito only stopping long enough to eject the clip from his pistol and toss the gun up, reaching for a clip and holding it up, the pistol landing square on the clip and jamming in "Too easy!" he yells, snapping the bots neck and jumping at another bot, landing with his feet on said bots chest, shoving his pistol in the bot's mouth and firing "Who's next?" he says, smiling as he puts away his pistol and draws his blade, a grin on his face as he stands in a kendo stance
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

If the sensation bothered him at all he hid it very well, however when she started swaying on her feet, his arms instinctively shot out and caught her. "Whoa, no fair pitching over on us here."

He half walked, half carried her over to one of the still standing buildings, sitting her down and looking at her. "You alright?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale blinks a few times, grey eyes out of focus. She recovers, though, pure energy flicking from an outstretched hand to remove a bot from existence. She grins, lopsidedly.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman..?"

She frees herself with a neat pirouette, practically dancing the next few steps around him...

"Well, we gonna go, we gotta go! I'll handle the ranged chappies, you go do your thing..."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He blinked at Pale, surprised for a moment at her quick recovery. "Alright then, if your sure."

He the waded back in, causing more destruction.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki selected a group of bots. "You're my minons now," she said as she hacked into their scripts. They turned on their comrades and opened fire, as Tsuki went about upgrading them to make them better than what they were. So that they'd actually be useful!

Still, she couldn't completely focus on that as she was stilling fighting the horde of bots. Luckily, her drones were doing their job and largely killing off bots before they could get off a shot towards the hacker.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Turning at Burrito's call, Copper took a second to study Siphon. He looked fine. He wasn't raging against them. Of course, the fact that he was ignoring the hits and still bleeding...that was the problem. At least until they had a breather and Pale managed to get him patched up. Time for a quick stock...

Siphon and Pale...check. Watching each other's backs. Burrito...meatshield. He'd be good until the bot got to messy to hold on to. Tsuki...a little zoned while she seemed to be hacking into the bots, figuratively and literally, but the little guys around her seemed to be doing a good job of making sure nothing got too close. Shrike...she'd lost track of Shrike. She'd seen her following Siphon initially, but after that, she was gone. And Grave...knee-deep in the dead and only getting higher. Yeah, he was fine. And taking a commanding lead. Dammit. Time to kick things into higher gear and take a page from the Brujah handbook: Hit first, hit hard, hit 'em again for good measure.

Her path did take her, though, over to where she'd last seen the psion warrior, wanting to make sure she hadn't been overwhelmed in the confusion. And hey, if it meant clearing a path to get over there, all the better for her body count.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave didn't bother himself with looking after his comrades. The warrior focused on building a hill of corpses and it seemed that it would get quite high. Grave kept counting every single bot he killed - he wanted to win the bet. His already high body count continued to rise at a fast pace.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki just smiled as she finally took a step back from the mass of fighting. Her now powered-up bots took up a guard around her and opened fire with their improved weaponry. The drones she had also helped. Soon, a large ring of dead bots formed around Tsuki's position. Well, she didn't have to work too hard anymore now that she had minions to do it for her.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon was still his whirling Dervish self, seemingly better now that he wasn't hampered by injuries. If anyone remembered the game, they would swear he was executing Shiro Tagachi's "impossible odds" move on the bots he attacked. Truth be told, that wasn't far off as they really didn't have a prayer against the slightly cooled off, but still very pissed off hybrid.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale was... reclining? After healing Siphon, she'd hopped up onto a nearby building - an apartment complex somewhere in the Everywhere Else district, and was actually dangling her legs over the edge, watching the devastation sweep the city. Here and there, her fellow warriors were making a difference.. but they formed scattered pockets of resistance, no more. From her vantage point, things weren't looking good.

After a moment or two, she worked out how the radio worked. She figured the cleaner she'd borrowed it from wouldn't have had much use from it, as he caught shrapnel in the eye five minutes in.

"Testing, testing.. is this thing on? Ah. Good. Look. Whoever thinks they're in charge better get their act together - we're being overrun. There a rally point around here somewhere?"

There is a long pause.

"Oh, and... are you all still in double digits? I've got my count at about 30, but I'm not going all-out yet."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had become enraged again. He'd tried to use Daedalus again to even the odds out some, but nothing had happened. He could only assume that meant the ship had been damaged some and was repairing, so for now they were on their own. Pale's words only sent him deeper into a frenzy, which he took out on the bots. By his count he'd skewered about 75 or 80 now. With another large group coming at him, 30+ of them, he was getting bored. It was then that he decided to tap into the networks around him. With a grin, he pulled the two weapons a bit closer to him, then launched himself at the group with a fierce battle cry. What happened next was hard to tell, but the end result was there wasn't much left of the bots when he was done.

The easiest thing to say was, he went absolutely nuts. Some would reference it to a specific move. The truth was, Siphon was doing his best impression of a video game character he had seen. He had just performed Shiro Tagachi's 'Impossible Odds' sword attacks, simply unstoppable right now, though he had drawn the attention of a particularly large bot. As of yet, he had not seen that it was lumbering towards him, a massive cannon of sorts in it's arm.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Double? I'm in the quadruples!" Burrito exclaims over the radio, sheer joy in his voice "Okay. Enough with this. Guys and gals, clear out. I'm using 'IT' again." Burrito says, jumping and slamming his right fist down on the earth, cracking the ground and knocking down all the bots around him "Stink bomb, incoming!" Burrito yells, his stomach slowly expanding as he begins generating more and more gas to use "FIRE IN THE GOD DAMN HOLE!" he yells, letting out a massive fart, the gas from this one expanding to well over two miles and suffocating anything within that radius if they didn't have their nose covered
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


Siphon had stopped DEAD in his tracks when he heard that, then bolted for one of the still standing buildings. He emerged a moment later sporting a gas mask, taking no chances at all. With this done, he continued his attacks, no longer bothering to keep his attacks in check against the bots, and just letting fly. He downed about another hundred fifty before Burrito released his cloud.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale saw the cloud coming, and was definitely not going to be hit by it. With an oath, she throws up her bubble shield, grumbling... with the radio switched on.

"Fucking moron.. who does he think he is... stinking up the goddamn place.. well. Fuck him. Fuck it. Hellfire"

Anyone who was hanging around the mage earlier should've known what -that- meant. With a vicious slash of one arm, columns of fire rain from the sky, crashing down into the gas cloud, and cutting straight through it, seeking souls to devour. Where they land, flames fill the streets for a good ten seconds, and leave nothing in their wake. She was steering them away from her teammates, though.. mostly.

Another stroke, left arm this time, and the columns rain down for a second time, setting off secondary explosions as bots are devoured in their scores. Something big went off, though, and explodes with an impressive fireball - swaying Pale's apartment building, and knocking her from her feet. The mage takes this opportunity to examine, dizzily, just how beautiful the sky really is..
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The hell fire changed Siphon's path in a hurry, and that actually worked to his benefit. The massive explosion flung a huge ass weapon at him, landing not two feet from him. Curious, he picked it up and pointed the barrel at a bot and pulled the trigger. The result was a glob of energy not unlike what the hive itself had fired out, and vaporized the bot immediately. What was more, it seemed to run almost full automatic. Grinning with this new toy, he lifted the gun, which could only be described as a mini cannon into his arms, aimed at a large gathering of bots, and let out a victorious bellow before holding the trigger down.

The result was sheerly humorous to him, and he could be heard laughing manically over the deep booms of the thing going off as energy round after energy rouns smashed bots to itty bitty bits. This was fun for several minutes, until it ran out of energy. Growling with disgust, he flung the cannon at a grouping of bots, a loud crash signifying they had failed to catch it and had been crushed under it. He then went back to his sword fighting, having taken out a few hundred more.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki quickly loaded a gas mask program. Unfortunately, that still led to the death of her minion bots, which she grumbled about. Still she had her drones.

"MmmMmmph." A pauses as she adjusted the program. "Okay... uh, we were supposed to keep count? Huh... I have no idea how many...."

She might as well as keep track now, as she cast her arm out. Little 0's and 1's appeared in the air around a large field of bots. A moment then, "Deletion." They writhed for a split second before they seemingly froze in time and faded out of existence. The hacker panted as she tried to catch her breath. It took quite a bit of energy, which she didn't have much of.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale sits up with a groan, her whole world spinning to a standstill, and slowly, ever-so-slowly, coming back into focus.

"Ow... memo to self.. stay out of explosions. Now.. where was I.."

With her wings extended for balance, the mage stands up to survey her handiwork, though a frown soon finds her face at the results. Burrito's gas cloud, and her flames, had scorched thousands of the bots.. yet they still poured in from every gate, storming over the ashes of their fallen brethren.

With a sigh, Pale reaches for her dagger, slitting open her left palm with scarcely a grimace. Blood wells up from the cut, and she sets to work - using the impromptu ink to daub a large symbol on the roof of the apartment buildings.

"Dracula girl, wherever you are.. you're going to love this trick."

As she draws, immediately over her, clouds start to form in ominous fashion.