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The Adbot's Revenge!


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Quad--fucking A," Copper mutters. Still, I'm not going batshit psycho for some stupid game. Not if I can help it, anyway.

Hearing Burrito over the radio, she curses again. "Really glad I don't need to breathe." Still, getting caught in that stink cloud was one of the last things she wanted to do. As he put up the warning, though, a quick memory snapped back to her mind. Far as she knew, Grave didn't have a radio. Unless he was near enough to hear Burrito actually yelling...oh, this could get bad.

Jerking her knife out of her latest kill, somewhere in the thirties...forties, maybe? Well, didn't that just suck. She went and lost count. Leaving the bot to drop to the ground, she willed her blood to stir her muscles again, this time directing it more toward speed than strength. Tearing back to where she'd left the warrior, she didn't wait, catching him up in a rather clumbsy tackle-carry and doing her best to haul ass out of Burrito's range. Once they were clear, she set him down, about to say something when Pale's Hellfire started ripping up the streets as well.

Looking from the flames back to the human before her, she rolled her eyes. "I think they're cheating." Let him be pissed at being pulled away. It was only temporary. And better than getting caught in the crossfire.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave managed to kill around 90 bots before Copper dragged him away. Of course, that didn't please him and the vampire was greeted with a flood of insults. It didn't cease during Burrito's assault and Pale's fireworks display, but at that moment Grave was insulting the two responsible for the mess. The warrior stood up and dived into the Hell created by his comrades, looking for more victims. He was really mad, and the large group of bots he had run into learned that the hard way. A large shockwave rocked the city when Grave's temper finally broke all limits and the warrior released all of his power in a single burst. Grave launched wave of extreme heat and compressed air that destroyed everything around him, leaving him weakened, but putting out the fire... And nearly doubling Grave's body count.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Finishing her glyph, Pale mutters something brief, and the wound in her hand closes, with a flash of green. The mage takes a long, hopping jump to stand right in the center of the shapes she's drawn so laboriously, then smirks.

Overhead, the clouds have gathered closer, and closer, swelling and darkening with their burden, and Pale's victorious laugh over the radio says it all.

"Hah! I knew it would work.. hope you brought an umbrella, folks!"

She begins an incantation under her breath, aligning herself with the correct energy, preparing the shape. Finally, with a deep breath, she speaks the control word, and the symbol around her bursts into eerie light.


With a finger thrust skyward, a burst of red light flashes from the mage, and vanishes into the brooding clouds. And then... nothing happens. The fire dies from the glyph, and the mage stands on her rooftop with arms outspread.. to no reaction.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave paused for a moment. Everything around him was dead and destroyed, so he could afford to stop and catch a breath. He looked up, observing the strange clouds. The warrior wasn't sure what kind of trick was this, but perhaps it'd be wise to hide. Grave quickly hid in one of the buildings that still had some kind of a roof and continued to watch the show.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((OK to spice some stuff up here.))

Siphon continued his dervish antics, not noticing the upgraded terminator moving in until it was too late. With a deep cracking sound, the weapon on it's arm released a large glob of blue colored energy, slamming directly into his backside and sending him crashing into one of the remaining buildings with a sickening, and despite the fighting noises, audible crunch. Strange blackish blood erupted outward from a gaping energy burn in his backside, but other than that, he was still down in the spot he had landed. It would be unclear at their distance from him if he were even still alive or not.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

From his hiding place, Grave heard the loud crack of the terminator firing his weapon. It seemed that an ally was in trouble. The warrior left the building and began to move towards the place where Siphon encountered the beast. Upon arriving, Grave saw the Wraith lying on the ground and the terminator getting closer. The warrior charged forward, screaming like a berserker in order to get the monster's attention. The bot noticed him, and after estimating Grave's speed it decided that charging the cannon for another shot might be risky. Instead, it released a chainsaw-like blade from it's arm and used it like a sword to defend itself. Altough Grave was a skilled swordsman, his last attack weakened him while the bot was still in good shape. The terminator deflected a couple of Grave's slashes, then counter-attacked, stabbing at his face. Somehow, the warrior was able to change the course of the attack with his left arm, but if Grave hadn't been wearing metal gauntlets, he'd have lost his hand. Grave took a few steps back, then went into a defensive stance. Altough it seemed that this fight would be difficult, at least the bot didn't have the chance to finish Siphon off.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The Bot begins to roar, its chainsaw revving as it charged Grave and swung downward at the warrior


Burrito, having heard everything that was going on, begins to dash towards the location of the bot and grave "OI! NEED SOME HELP?!" Burrito calls out to grave, noticing the chainsaw revving "Must act fast. But even if I'm fast enough, Grave will have to dodge that chainsaw" he says, grasping the sheath of his blade with his right hand, taking it off his back and leaning forward, now in both a crouch and on the balls of his feet as he holds the sheath with the handle pointing down over his head as he grasps the handle of his blade, the lower half of his pants starting to show signs of movement "Grave! Stop the chainsaw and I'll destroy what's left of that beast!" he says, his wrist moving to point the handle of the blade forward over his shoulder as he begins to breath deeply


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike woke up under a mass of dead bots, a pain in her head and ribs. Last she remembered, Siphon had gone berzerk and started tearing up bots all over the place. She had tried to plow her way through to him, but she never was too good at plowing, and got bogged down. A mass of them had jumped her at once and she had shredded them, but dead or not they still bore her down, she reached back behind her head and yep, big lump right there, must have landed wrong. Next check was her ribs. Right along her left side, just above the last rib, was a nasty gash, barely more than skin deep but angry and still bleeding. She shut out the pain in the back of her mind and focused on the gash for a while, and it stopped bleeding and started to scab over. She tried to mentally feel the situation outside of her pile of bots, but the pain in the back of her head was too great and she had to stop. Someone was shouting nearby, though she couldn't made out what. She began to dig herself out physically, listening to the sounds of battle as she went.

((Don't feel like coming back quite yet, I'm still here though :) ))


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


Tsuki hoped that Burrito and Grave could handle the menacing bot. She didn't have the energy to help much, and definitely couldn't hack him.

Her drones kept firing at nearby bots, but unfortunately one of the drones took a good hit and fell to the ground before giving a tiny explosion. "Darn it." Tsuki took revenge, her energy blade slashing away and cutting apart bots. She slowly made her way to a building, before hiding inside. Her drones kept watch over the door, as she took a breather.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Let him rant. From the look of things, getting pissed helped, if that light show was any indication. Good. More power to him.

Hearing Pale over the radio, Copper looked up and set herself to dash into the nearest building, except...the nothing happened. "Uh, Pale?" she radioed. "That supposed to do that?" For once, she wasn't trying to be a smartass. Instead, she still wanted to know if she should get clear or not.

Of course, she forgot completely about the spell when she heard the cannon blast and the crunch. She looked over in time to see Siphon falling.

And the world went red.

Letting out a sound that was part shriek, part howl, and all pissed, she tore over the battlefield, one minute seeming to have been where Grave had left her, the next, she was behind the bot, sparks flying from its back as she raked across it with both sets of her claws. Unlike the previous fight, this one was born of pure rage. The thing before her needed to be ripped apartsunderedbrokendestroyeddeadatmyfeet. Life for a life. Suffering brought back tenfold.

There was no telling her to get clear, but her attacking from behind left it vulnerable to Grave and Burrito. Thankfully, too, she seemed to be moving fast enough that anything they did, she'd be able to dodge...if she even bothered to. From the look of things, she wasn't about to stop until thing thing wasn't fit for scrap.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

While they were all attacking the bot, Siphon was slowly regenerating. His eyes snapped open finally, and there was a low growl. He suddenly stood, tossing his head back, arms out to the side, and let out a deafening roar of pure rage. When he was done, his gaze turned, murderous to the bot Copper was attacking, which was being stupid enough to TRY and hit the vampire.

Without a word, he just simply was not where he had been a second ago, and suddenly Copper would find herself swinging at air, the bot literally flying through the air a good fifteen feet from her. With a sickening noise, it was impaled through the head on a piece of metal sticking out of the debris behind it. Interestingly enough, all but a dozen or so of the remaining bots ceased to function with the death of this one. The number shut down was close to six hundred.

Of course, this came with a price for him letting loose like that so soon after such an injury. With a grin he muttered to Burrito and Copper, "Aye, those ones that shut down are me kills, that makes 1500." He then proceeded to topple over onto the ground at Coppers feet, chest moving irregularly, not moving, but still alive for the moment. Blood had begun seeping out, but the blackish color and strange smell to it likely would turn Copper's feeding sense off big time.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale slumps, dejected on her rooftop. Behind her, the sigil hums with an arcane light... but to no end. Magic strains the air around her, unreleased, unchanneled. And she'd still forgotten to turn her radio off.

"I.. don't understand... I made the shape perfectly, but it just won't flow... I just.. don't.. understand."

The mage sags forward, to her knees, wings folding around her to shield her from the spatter of raindrops. The concrete before her is flecked with red, drops falling only sparsely at first, then more, and more. The grey mage turns a disbelieving eye to her hands, and then the clouds, as blood begins to rain from the sky.


The previously morose mage leaps to her feet, spinning, dancing, laughing out loud. Across the city, blood falls, to harmlessly soak the defenders, and pool in the streets. On bots, though, it was very different. For them, the sky bled death. Every drop burned, clung, and ate, sizzled and burned the fleshy components away, dissolved the metal where they stood.

And through it all, Pale stands, wings soaked through with blood, laughing merrily at her own accomplishment.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Snarling as she swung, there was a rather audible "whoosh" as Copper's claws sliced through the spot where the bot had just been. With the bot out of the way, it was easy to see her eyes, glowing a deeper red again and her fangs, very pronounced as she growled. For a split second, it looks as though she's actually going to go after Siphon for denying the vampire her prey when she snaps just as quickly back to reality as she entered her frenzy.

As Siphon declared the now fallen bots his kills, she shook her head. "Cheater," she muttered, then let out a noise as he collapsed. Kneeling down beside him, she couldn't see any easy way to close up the wound. Given that, she failed to notice the rain at first, even as the drops hit her, pattering against her leather jacket and her hair, tracing red lines down her face, almost like cracks in porcelain. Looking first over her shoulder at the remaining bots, she put her attention on Grave and Burrito.

"I'll get him inside and stick his finger in a socket or something. You guys got what's left?" She doesn't exactly wait for an answer, given that Siphon might not have that time. All the while that she strives to move him, she's muttering to him about missing weather that she can actually enjoy for once and how it's all his fault for showing off and then nearly getting himself blown up in the process. Still, her bitching is good-natured, believe it or not, even as she complains he's heavy, too. Seems more awkward than heavy, though, as she's trying to carry him so that she won't upset the wounds further.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave didn't listen. He was quite upset - he wanted to kill the bot by himself, but in the middle of a huge battle there was no time for duels. The warrior sighed. At that moment, Pale's rain of blood kept reducing most of the bots to scrap. "God damn you all. There's no way a regular human could win with you cheaters."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Burrito looks up and sees the blood raining he begins to laugh to himself "Soaked in blood. Fighting in the streets. Perfect" he says, still in his stance, the lower half of his pants ripping to shreds as he jumps forward at n alarming speed, and, if one watching looked carefully enough, they would see him draw his sword and slice downward in an instant, then sheath it halfway as he passed the bot, landing and smiling as he holds the blade and sheath in front of him, sliding the blade back in "Arrow notch slice" he says, slamming the blade into the sheath, a massive gash appearing on the back of the bot, causing it to roar in pain and fall over flat on it's face "That........is how you use a blade.......Grave" he says, falling to his knees and sighing "Grave. I'm through for now. Finish them off."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave smiled a demonic smile. It definitely wasn't that kind of grin that inspired confidence. More horrible grins were seen, but only on a sort of grinner that is orange with black stripes and lives in a jungle looking for victims to grin at. The warrior charged towards the nearest large group of bots that resisted the rain of blood. Soon it became clear that dissolving in a puddle of red liquid would be a much easier death than fighting against Grave when the warrior is in a bad mood.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Wait... what worked? Huh?" Tsuki asked over the radio, hearing Pale's cries of joy. She scooted over to the door and peered out and stared out at the blood soaked... everything. "Well that's interesting."

She loaded up an umbrella as she stood, seeing that most of the bots were dying some way or another. She dismissed the rest of her programs as she stepped out to talk a walk in the rain. Eventually, she made her way over to Siphon and Copper. "...Oh crap. Uh... is he okay?" Stupid question. Of course, by this point it was rather hard to tell what the Hybrid was bleeding and was just 'rain.'


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As the weight shifted some, Tsuki would be able to see that there was still a hole in his backside, exiting from his chest, as if something large had simply been rammed through him. The burns on his new clothing suggested energy blast of some kind.

He was breathing, but it was semi-shallow, as if perhaps the shot had narrowly missed taking out a lung, or both. He seemed to be only partially awake, but mostly dazed. The good news was, for the moment, he was still alive.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Crap. Program program program... which program??" Tsuki thought outloud. A holographic list appeared in front of her eyes, and scrolled up as she scanned them. "...AH HA! This one! Load hemosynth_nano.exe!"

A small mass of red appeared in Tsuki's free hand. It looked like blood, though it was thicker and blob-like for the moment. She kneeled down, and placed to blob into the wound. It was made of nanomachines that simulated blood... except it was better and healed. The mass spread out and clung to the edges of the large wound while some of it entered the bloodstream. "I hope that works...."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Hey, Tsuki." Copper managed a wry grin as she saw the hacker. "Alive, but barely." She was about to ask her to give a hand hauling Siphon back to the labs but seeing that the other girl was busy, she kept quiet.

Her interest perked as she saw the glob, watching it latch onto their wounded friend. "Nice. Now he hopefully won't bleed out."