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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Two vampires if you count John, and yes, one of my old buddies happens to be a defector from the wraith. He came here hoping to sabotage their hive ships before they could complete them, but that didn't go according to plan because of a mistake on my part. As for myself .... well I suppose you could call me a newly reformed viral weapon."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito sighs as he hears the commotion over the radio "God dammit, you guys! I thought I told you to let me have some fun once in a while." he says, then reaches his left hand back and grasps his shotgun by the grip "Feel like going on a killing spree?" he asks Oni, grasping the handle and cocking it forward, loading two shells into the barrels
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"There's another group incoming, half mile from us. If you hurry you might get a kill or two. I'm itching to beat one of them to death with it's own leg, which I'm sure Oni will LOVE."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. "Tch. If you're slow enough to let your fun escape, maybe you don't really need it." The warrior cracked his knuckles. "Dear god, it feels like we've done a genocide... And they still keep coming."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale spots the pained wince, but says nothing, instead, backing away a step or two to lean against a handy building. As if as an afterthought, she snaps her fingers, and the cuffs binding Host fall away.

"Merely.. a precaution. You know how it is. In answer to your question, Sarge. everything is just peachy. Jussst.. peachy. That is, unless you've brought trouble with you.."

A gray gaze is directed towards Oni, full of disdain.

"I suggest you keep him on a tight leash. It'd be a shame to lose a potential helper. Another one, I mean."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Vampires... cyborgs. What the hell did I get into," Sin muttered to herself, popping a magazine out of her carbine and checking the ammunition inside. With a shrug she slid it back into place.

"Well, if you two say there are more of these... things, coming, I suppose I should be ready,"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Agreed. Eight hundred yards and closing slowly, they know we're here, and we took out the other squad."

His head turned ever so slightly as two sounds caught his ears, one she might catch as well if her hearing was good enough. It was the sounds of a grenade being primed, and a heavy missile launcher being aimed.

"Grave, if you can do anything about the grenade, do it. Leave the Rocket to me."

He cracked his knuckles, and when the rocket came inbound, he didn't move from next to Sinful to avoid it. Instead he grabbed it out of the air, briefly wrestling with it. "This should be fun. HEY Wraith! I think you lost something!"

He forced the rocket to turn and head back at the Wraith who fired it. Two were blown apart, while the rest of them flooded out of the woodwork to avoid being hit.

"This is fun."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin saw the wraith with the grenade, and shot through his wrist. The creature screamed out as the explosive fell from his hand, and detonated at his feet. Sinfulwolf smirked as she saw chunks flying through the air.

"Indeed, this is fun," she chuckled as she started to advance, carefully but quickly taking aim and shooting each target that presented itself.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Oh, sonofa--" Copper listened to Grave's call over the radio and watched Siphon take off running. "The least he could do is invite me along, dammit."

With Grave practically there and Siphon on the way, the vampire saw no need to hurry. Pondering for a moment, she opted to shift into wolf form instead of crow and began picking her way out of the city limits, her lope turning into an all-out run as she listened to the chatter of the others over the radio. Then, of course, there were the explosions. Knowing their group, that was probably a good thing, though. Of course, the Wraith Hunters were so fixed on the targets in front of them that they didn't notice the beast bearing down on them until it lept onto one, seizing it in a powerful set of jaws and, snarling, pulled the warrior down to the ground, teeth sinking into the downed Wraith's throat. Hearing the whine of their weapons, the wolf quickly darted away, letting the shots blast uselessly into either the ground or their commerade. From the way the wolf was acting, head low to the ground, ears perked, butt up, tail thrashing, little low noises escaping its throat, there was only one thing on its mind: Let's play, bitches.

Of course, that didn't distract all of the Wraith, but a couple did put their attention on their new foe, trying to blast the wolf that was harrying them. She might not be taking them down, at least not right away, but they were definitely distracted.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The wolf appearing on the scene was strange for Sin, but she instinctively became protective of it. Flicking her carbine to full auto she rushed the wraiths, firing without control.

Then she was amongst them, she easily slung the C8, and drew the swords. As steel flashed in the light and blood spurted through the air. She started to snarl, baring her teeth as she cut through flesh and severed limbs.

The smell of blood filled her nostrils, and the sounds of death and screams filled her ears.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had become a total blur of movement, not staying still for more than a few seconds at a stretch, making it next to impossible for the wraith to target him.

A palm strike here, sending one flying at impossible backward speed, a heart rip there, a roundhouse kick here that sent several heads flying at once, acquisition of a stolen 9mm pistol that allowed him to dodge and shoot at once .... the string on the combo almost seemed endless, and disorienting for those who couldn't track his speed.

When he finally was still, a good number of wraith were dead, but not nearly all of them. He came to a stand still next to Sinful, smirking slightly.

"Enough playing around, time to let them know what they are up against."

Standing directly next to her, right where she'd be able to see, he removed and pocketed his shades, revealing his glowing red eyes, which actually made several wraith take a step back in fear. Seeming to shrug at whatever her reaction was to his eyes, he suddenly took off again, charging two wraith directly in front of them and off to one side, grabbing each by their throats and hurling them with a grunt/growl of annoyance, sending them crashing into several others. This lined them up perfectly for a single multishot kill for Sinful, if she was so inclined.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"These bars DO have meaning, Y'know." Burrito says, indicating a set of two parallel bars on his collar "As for Oni, don't worry. He's no harm as long as I'm nearby."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Dammit, you people keep leaving me behind. It's not easy to run in this armour, you know."

Bartnum, having finally reached the wraith hunters, simply drops to the floor and rests. He takes out his shotgun and begins taking random shots at the wraith.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well you know me, a little slaughter sounds like fun," Oni then glares at Pale. "And if I were you I'd watch that pretty little head of yours. Heh, I know you. Pale, wasn't it? Do you want to know how I killed you? Maybe I'll tell you sometime." The corners of Oni's mouth twitch into a slight smile as he dematerialises and streams off towards a newly formed concentration of negative emotion, a black blur of mist quickly disappearing into the distance.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

This time, Grave decided to do the same thing as others and went into close combat, materializing claws over both hands. To increase his speed, he used a dark shroud that formed energy paths over which the darkweaver could move with great speed. Grave cut, stabbed, and tore apart any wraith in his way... It was a pity that most of them were taken out by his companions. However, the group prepared by Siphon for a multikill was good enough for a moment.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

A black streak of mist tore through the air and towards the ground and in the middle of a group of Wraiths. With a crash Oni appeared amongst the Wraith, the ground beneath his feet cracked and shattered.

"ALRIGHT! Who ordered one World Destroyer to go?" With sword newly rematerialised he violently swung at the crowd, cutting many of the Wraith clean in two. He then rushed towards another Wraith, running it through and then grabbing it's jaw. "DIE!" Oni slammed the creature to the ground and repeatedly punched it in the face until all that was left was pulp. Unfazed by the Wraiths death Oni got up and picked the corpse up and threw it at another group.

"I feel so ALIVE!" Oni said as he rushed towards the group.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin was amongst the wraiths as well, moving as if in a dance of death. Her swings graceful but vicious. Her cloak moved around her, almost like it had an essence of its own. She snarled at the enemies, and moved closer to the wolf.

As she got closer though, she noticed something about the four legged warrior. It's smell was very... off. It wasn't a wolf, she knew that. It was a pretender.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Welcome to the party Oni and Bartnum!"

Siphon grabbed another Wraith, and let loose another growl, raking it across the body of a semi-downed tree, taking chunks of the dying tree's bark out with it. He then impaled it on a large branch, leaving it there to hang, having already bled out.

As he turned, six stunner blasts hit him at once in the side. He just turned, smiling at the offending Wraith, who wet their clothing at this. They didn't survive long enough to change them.

He noticed two wraith, each carrying a silver dagger of some kind moving to try sneaking up on Sinful. "Sinful, watch your six!"

He was in the middle of a mob, and couldn't break off from them just yet, but he COULD give her a warning.

((Wraith daggers as near as I can tell are all of a silver nature, and they try to use them to hit the lungs and make you bleed out.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You may wish I didn't turn up at all," Oni calls out to Siphon as he forces his hand into the Wraiths chest. No visible wound could be seen but the creature looks as if it was in immense pain. "Oh god, this feels sooo good," Oni says as he lets out a pleasing sigh. After a moment he throws the Wraith to the ground and again plunges his hand into it's chest and rips out it's heart.

((feel free to play them attacking him))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

A couple of loud screams could be heard from Grave's direction, but he wasn't the one that was horrified. The darkweaver projected four thin, skeletal tentacles that resembled chains - chains made of blades, of course. At the end of each tentacle, Grave created a spike. This mass of edges followed the warrior, coming out of the shroud around him and skewering every wraith that avoided being torn apart by the darkweaver himself. After looking at the way the tentacles operated as they killed, perhaps being the target of Grave's claws wasn't such a bad fate.