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The Adbot's Revenge!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shot her a look of 'where the fuck did you come from,' before shrugging.

"Don't ask, I have no idea HOW I did that. Looks like you were right Sinful."

He turns slightly away, walking off some distance, staring out into the sky, lost in thought.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"About what?" Sin asked as she stepped over one of the bodies, and pulled out its heart. Of the entire body, a wraith's heart was surprisingly delicious. She looked over the land as she took a bite of the dead muscle.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shot an almost amused look over his shoulder at her.

"About landing in a freak show. You've got a reality destroyer, a dark weaver, a cyborg, a vampire ... Somewhere is our hacker and I'm not even sure what the fuck Bartnum is, never asked."

He fully turns to her to look at her.

"And then there's me, an enigma all of my own. Formerly a Wraith Hybrid who until a week ago didn't even know any of his own kind were still alive, let alone that almost all of us are evil sadistic bastards who feed on human life forces. Now .... Well, now I'm just another product of bio-engineered viral weaponry. I go from being the total freak of the planet to probably the second most feared alive currently in less than a few hours."

He chuckled. "To you we must be the strangest, freakiest grouping you've ever met. So before the next apocalypse starts, welcome to our world."

He turned around again, shoulders rolling ever so slightly.

"I can't even begin to imagine what you must have left behind when you were tossed here. At least for me I already know who all I've lost. All I've got left now are the groupings of you. So now my only duty left is to ensure you all survive, and this world is safe."

When he'd turned around, she would have garnered a full look into his eyes. Void and black as demon kin, with glowing red centers. A far cry from what they'd been earlier. Now though, he'd replaced his shades again, seemingly unwilling to let anyone look directly into his eyes anymore.

"If I can help you get back I will, but I honestly have no idea how to. Sorry."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin thought it over. They were a strange gathering, but strangely it didn't bother her. As she looked into his eyes before the shades went on, she had a brief flashback to her home, and shuddered.

"I don't have much left back there... except blood that needs shedding. But I am here, and I will kill as many as I need to to get back home. I need to find a ship or something that's strong enough to leave the atmosphere, but until then, I'll help you win this... war, or whatever you call it," she told the virus, and held out her hand in a gesture of friendship.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He turned and looked at her for several moments before nodding slowly, a small, bare hint of a smile reaching his face.

"Thanks, and I'll do what I can to get you a ship but .... this isn't exactly a space faring planet. Though I'd bet Host could whip something up eventually."

He took her hand, gently shaking, but with a firm enough grip to it. It was likely considering what she'd seen him do before that he wasn't using his full grip here, for fear of breaking even her hand.

He considered for a moment, then softly added, "and if it proves impossible for you to return home, your more than welcome to stay here if you wish."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"If its impossible to return home, not much of a choice is there?" Sin said with a smirk before taking her hand back. She walked over to a rock to overlook the trenches, and took a sniff at the wind.

"Undead... I'd know them anywhere. Most peculiar smell," Sin muttered of the soldiers moving around the battered trench system.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon peered down.

"Hmm, Host mentioned nothing of his army of Lurkers becoming undead if they were killed. Figures he'd leave that little tidbit out. Doesn't surprise me though with all the shit they've experimented with before."

He shook his head. With the hive now gone, the wraith defeated, all that was left was to pursue TP and Supermeme, and end their evil plans.

Still, he felt that something was out of place. All the viral weapons they'd seen so far, the leech men, the Thembrihkal, Nemesis .... how many more were there? How many more viral creations had those two made that were waiting to be unleashed on the world? And how had TP and Supermeme managed to kill his .... No, he wouldn't let that cross his mind. How had they managed to kill Sparky and John without suffering damage themselves? There had been no evidence either of them had done ANY damage to the two enemies, yet Siphon knew neither of them would have just rolled over either. What had happened? He wished he could use his former hybrid abilities to restore Sparky at the least, find out what had happened. Unfortunately the virus had destroyed any chance of that, and deep down he knew that was forever lost to him.

A thought occurred to him suddenly. The virus so far had replaced EVERY ability he'd had with something of compatible nature. He couldn't revive the dead, so perhaps... could he possibly manage to 'feel' the battle where it hadn't been that long? It was worth a try, and he steeled his resolve. No matter how horrific it had turned out, he had to know.

"Sin .... When Copper comes back out, can you two meet me at the spot we were heading towards when Shrike told us of Supermeme? Copper will know where it was. I ... there's something I need to glean from that site. I need to know what really happened there, and I think I may have a way of finding out, maybe even figuring out what we're up against."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sure... who's Copper though? And where is... she? he?" Sin asked, shrugging with her lack of knowledge.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"She'll be the mist that reforms, and a vampire. And the only other woman in this area right now."

He heads off, vanishing quickly.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper watched the Wraith consider their options for a moment and didn't bother holding in a grin as they picked their best one: running away. Since she wasn't kicking up her speed, they did have that advantage on her, but then, they'd get winded sometime. Then she'd have fun. If Siphon didn't catch them first.

What happened next, though, made even her pause. All four of the fleeing wraith stopped and let out shrieks, the like of which she'd never heard before in her life. And then something else happened, something she had seen before, but never one of her own team doing it.

By the time she got over there to survey the damage, Siphon and Sin had already walked away, but not before she'd gotten a look at what Sin had done. For a second, she was actually supremely jealous of the other woman but she stamped that down and moved to catch up with the two of them, taking her flask from her jacket and pulling from it. That helped a little and a smoke would distract her further.

Finally, she caught up with the other woman. "He does that a lot, you know." She'd come up on her, taking care to make enough noise so as not to surprise her. "Where's he off to this time?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Stepping a bit backwards to play catch-up :/ ))

Shrike would have answerred Sin's introduction, but was distracted by a renewed hail of fire in her dieection. She managed to get out of the way of most of it, but it ate her entire shields and she felt a couple hits reverberate through the hull before the hive itself exploded and the fire stopped. "Damage assessment." She asked calmly, letting out a slow breath she hadn't realized she was holding.
Comms array destroyed, hull at 86%, minor damage to most other systems. the A.I. responded with a smug grin on the hologram's face.
"Well, fuck. Alright, scan for friendlies, let's see if we can get back in range for me to use the handheld, then I'll drop off and you head back to the bay, see if we can find another replacement." Shrike said with a resigned sigh.
Two radio signatures detected, comparing from previous transmissions, the unique oscillations suggest Siphon, and Copper. One other lifeform with them, radio also reads as Siphon.
"Two? Alright, good enough, get me within range."

A moment later, the trio spotted a ship approaching them from towards the wreckage of the latest hive. A couple seconds later, their radios started going off.
-ou copy? Repeat, this is Shrike, do you copy?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin looked over her shoulder and wasn't entirely surprised to see the woman that had emerged from the wolf earlier. She also noticed her tucking the flask away.

"Not entirely sure... he just said to meet him at where you were going when Shrike told you about Supermeme," she said, reaching into her cloak and pulling out the pack of smokes.

She took a moment to inspect them, and was happy to see them undamaged by her fall. After lighting one for herself she held the pack out to the other woman as an offering.

"Names Sin by the way... Wolf girl."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon, as he was moving, would receive a radio transmission. He alone would be the one to hear it. On the other line, a charismatic, gentle voice would be heard "Are you the one known as Siphon?" the voice would ask, followed by a fairly familiar mumbling in the background, and the man's voice speaking again.

"Your commander has asked me to personally contact you, and notify you that he is well. When you have prepared to hunt for the ones who attacked your forum, contact me again over Burrito's personal frequency. I have no doubt that you are investigating a lead of some kind on the ones who orchestrated the entire attack. Once you are finished, we will begin the hunt." If Siphon had made an attempt to return contact, it would be met with silence.

Meanwhile, throughout the forum, multiple teams of buggies and bikes began to speed through the forum, cleaning up any and all Wraith that had managed to escape into the city. One would speed past Siphon as the man was talking, the red scorpion tail symbols clear as crystal.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

She lets out a thoughtful sound at the mention of Supermeme, then her expression seems to darken for a second. She blinks, the cigarettes coming into focus. "Copper." She plucks one from the pack and fishes a Zippo out of the pocket of her jacket, lighting Sin's for her before taking care of her own, snapping the case shut afterward.

Bringing a hand up, she pressed the radio a little closer to her ear. "Shrike! You doing okay up there? You look like you're smoking a bit and not in the fun way."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Comms got blasted off, I'm on the handset right now. Past that, some minor hull damage and that's about it. Hell, She's probably still space worthy as is, so yeah, nothing to complain about. Hang on a sec. Shrike responds with a chuckle, coming in closer and popping the hatch to get out once she was close enough to the ground. On it's own, the ship lifted back off and headed towards the forum.

"So this has been one hell of a day, eh?" She said with a smile, walking up to the group.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Indeed," Sin said, tucking the pack of cigarettes away, cocking her head quizzically at the approaching newcomer.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon didn't bother trying to return the radio call, as the squad raced by him. He had a feeling all the squad would need to see was a thumbs up sign from him and the mystery sender would get the message.

This done, he moved to the position he needed to be at, spotting the blood where the battle had been waged.

He cleared his mind, willing the virus within him to seek out any other traces of viral weaponry that had been in the area. He found two signatures, one most definitely having been Supermeme's. He was unsure if the second was of TP or not, but it seemed likely.

"Ok, now the hard part. Viral Sense."

He suddenly found himself thrust into the battle that had claimed his friend and Sparky's lives. He was an outside observer, outside of normal time in a sense, though he was not actually seeing the battle when it had happened in the past. Rather he was accessing a portion of his ability that was allowing him to see what had happened here.

A small frown crossed his lips as he took note of TP's teleport, the toughness of Supermeme. An amused smirk at SM's claim to be a god.

Him? A God? Arrogant even now. Yet he fails to realize his viral signature is degrading. Which means it's unstable. But if that's the case, why is mine stable?

He would still be there scanning if and when Copper and the others came across him, though very much aware of his surroundings still.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The vampire merely grunts as a response to Shrike's remark, stuffing one hand into her pocket, the other plucking the cigarette from her lips when she was finished taking a drag. She was careful to exhale away from the non-smoker at least.

"We're still in one piece. The wraith aren't. I call that a win. Now if we can just track down those other two bastards, I'll be happy to call it a day." Given Siphon's orders, she's worked her way slightly in front of Sin, just so she can lead the three of them back to the sight of the melee battle. It's slow going, with all the debris, but eventually, they managed to reach the outer edge of where the fight took place.

"Now what's he up to?" She drops the remnants of her cigg and scuffs it out with her boot, her eyes on Siphon in the distance.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike gave a nod to Sin, figuring she was the one with Siphon's second radio. "Careful with the pair of them. Supermeme is going to be a bitch to kill, but he's slow, so there isn't going to be much of a problem there. Toonpimp is going to be the problem, he's a capable swordsman and he can either teleport or move faster than he has any reason to be able to. That's how he got the pair of them, just poofed to right behind them, no mercy." Shrike explained as they walked, stopping at the same time as the others. "Dunno what he's up to, but this is the place, so he's probably trying to find where they went from here." She said, shrugging as she looked around.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon stood after several moments.

"They're both infected with a similar virus that I am, that's how he teleported Shrike."

Of note, he had not turned around yet so how he knew was beyond them, though it was possible he'd heard her.

"They took off that way, and then the trail suddenly vanishes. I saw what how TP killed them. Copper .... no offense but .... your hopelessly over matched against him alone. Hell, I can see why Burrito got fucked up so badly. The strange thing is, they think I'm dead."