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Merry Christmas!

Re: Merry Christmas!


DAMN IT. How the fuck did I miss that? Damn it!

At least somebody pulled that reference.

((Hey, waitaminute... they'll buy me this and all those games, but not a PS3 INSTEAD of all that? wtfux))

You'd rather have a single shitty system rather than such a kickass haul?

If I didn't already have most of those games and actually cared about the ones I don't have, I'd be jealous of you.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Ooh ooh! Raptor, please to tell me where you got this PS Emulator, and the ROM for SotC?

Search for Emuparadise.

You'd rather have a single shitty system rather than such a kickass haul?

I know what you mean. I got a Fagbox360 while what I really wanted was Uncharted 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 for my PS3.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Sure, I'd rather have the haul I got, it's the principle of the matter. The PS3 is down to around $250. What I got is well worth $3-400+.

It's like getting told that your parents won't buy you a pony, but they will buy 2 dogs, some chickens, and a couple cows - sure, in the long run, you'll appreciate that more, but you really wanted that pony, dammit.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Search for Emuparadise.

I know what you mean. I got a Fagbox360 while what I really wanted was Uncharted 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 for my PS3.

Thanks, I will in a bit. MGS4 is such a badass game. Meryl's too butch though. I preferred her in MGS1. Not being sexist and saying women can't be butch or anything, but she's supposed to be the game's sex interest isn't she? It would be fine if one of the other women in that game were like that instead of her. Raptor, what's your PSN?
Re: Merry Christmas!

Sure, I'd rather have the haul I got, it's the principle of the matter. The PS3 is down to around $250. What I got is well worth $3-400+.

It's like getting told that your parents won't buy you a pony, but they will buy 2 dogs, some chickens, and a couple cows - sure, in the long run, you'll appreciate that more, but you really wanted that pony, dammit.

Steal the pony. Things are always more appreciated when you work for them.

And by work for, I mean steal.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Why have lots of people taken down their Christmas avatars already?

There's still 10 days of Christmas...
Re: Merry Christmas!

Apparently when my grandma went in to buy it, it was the only copy sitting on the shelf >.<

On a somewhat related note, I think my New Years resolution will be to kill all the idiots that made FF VII so god-damned iconic that I can't find a copy for under 5 bagillion dollars.
I would resolve to kill my little brother for breaking the copy I had, but I'm apparently not allowed to kill him.... stupid laws...

Yes FF VII is a good game, yes it's a big achievement for when it was made, blah blah blah... but for the love of god, there is NO REASON for it cost more than a PS3 did when it first launched.

If you've got a PSP then you can buy and DL it onto the PSP. That's what I did and I haven't stopped playing it. At the moment I'm trying to make Cloud my perfect melee fighter(Slash x4, All Slash, Hades+Added Effect/Weapon, Mystify+Added Effect/Weapon, HP Plus, Speed Plus, Counterattack, Longrange, Final Attack+Phoenix), Yuffie my healer/summoner (Mega All, Heal, Restore, Revive, MP Plus, Magic Plus, Bahumut, Neo Bahumut, Buhumut ZERO) and Red XIII my mage (Contain+MP Absorb, Ultima/x2+MP Absorb+Turbo MP). I've done most of the materia, just need to get some of the endgame materia.
Re: Merry Christmas!

Shame I didn't see this earlier to actually post it for Christmas. 'SomethingUnreal' proves that the western Touhou community can actually create something worthwhile from time to time.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Shame I didn't see this earlier to actually post it for Christmas. 'SomethingUnreal' proves that the western Touhou community can actually create something worthwhile from time to time.


Alright, somebody needs to dance to those arrows now, 'cause that's crazy >.<
Re: Merry Christmas!

It broke already. Not even the side of the handle that you flip on, the part that protects the blade that you kinda shouldn't be near. I wasn't even like flipping it like all insane like, I was turning it and it just fell off.
Even my little brother looked at it happen and goes "wow, what a piece of crap".

Good news is the blades still sharp, and now there's nothing to protect anyone from the blade, I figure that's just one less step.
Re: Merry Christmas!


Alright, somebody needs to dance to those arrows now, 'cause that's crazy >.<

For a start, the dancer will need to find some extra limbs.

Oh yeah, and I got a keyboard (the musical variety) for Christmas. A bit bizarre, since I've never played piano or such before. But I've been giving it a go. Found sheet music for some simplified Touhou arranges, plus Mario, Zelda and stuff. Some small successes, but I should probably find help getting started. I suspect there's a certain relative in the family that already knows I have it and would jump at lending a few lessons.

Piano is hard...
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Re: Merry Christmas!

Good luck with that, Squid! I got a Casio of all things way back in the day and I still can't play a single thing on piano except the opening of the Siamese Cat song from Lady and the Tramp *laughs*
Re: Merry Christmas!

Bah! Don't play, compose! :p
Re: Merry Christmas!

*Looks at previous posts*

Oh that's horseshit. All I have is homework for Christmas.

*Buys himself a gift so he doesn't feel as bad*
Re: Merry Christmas!

I've been walking around with this stupid no-tread, flat little, skate shoes for the past like 3 years and today I got my late Christmas present, a new pair of, what I refer to as, JEWSTOMPAHS! I used to have a pair before these dumb skate shoes. These are giant sneaker/hiking boot hybrids with spiked grip bottoms that nearly add an extra inch and1/2 - two inches of height.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Do want. Atm all I have are my (unused) sports trainers, my (filthy and covered in holes) slip-ons, and my steelies. God I love the steelies.
Re: Merry Christmas!

I wear either running shoes... or Magnum combat boots
Re: Merry Christmas!

Mine are the old version of the British Army boots. I got them from Chetwynd Barracks, when I was there on work experience with the engineers.