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[Complete - Partial] RJ146155 - Le dernier saint chevalier

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Okay, this has languished long enough and I don't know how to fix this weird super-speed bug, so let's do it live.

Download link:

Walkthrough is included. Requires Japanese locale.

This is edited MTL. My knowledge of Japanese is at best rudimentary, so I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation. My intention is to create a readable, coherent, and functional translation, not a perfect one. To that end, I do also sometimes change lines to add little Easter eggs, or make a joke in English that is not a direct translation of the Japanese. I will also take the occasional liberty with leaving Japanese terms in the game, nothing you shouldn't know from memes or general weebery.

I do not own RPGMaker, and do all of my translation and modding work directly with the base Ruby files.

Particular to this game is that I am also a French speaker, which I didn't expect to use in a Japanese H-RPG, but it pops up now and then. Nothing story relevant, but don't be surprised if a French word or phrase pops up where appropriate.

Fullsave included in Slot 32. You can also use it for a NewGame+ if you want a really, really easy time.

In addition to translating the game, I made the following changes to the base DSC experience:
1) Added Armour Durability to the stats displayed in combat
2) Accelerated Raina's base movement speed to 2x, slowed enemies. Dash will accelerate to 4x speed.

1) In both the Tutorial and when skipping it there is some kind of speed modifier causing Raina to move very fast for the first two or three map transitions. This issue does resolve itself.
2) Quests and research dialogues can overflow, causing weird interactions while selecting an option. To my knowledge they are all fixed, but I could be wrong. Hold down Ctrl when selecting an option to bypass if it is behaving strangely.
3) The Giant Demon enemy speaks in some kind of slang/slurs their speech and I can't figure out what the fuck he's trying to say. If you are fluent in Japanese and want to translate about 30 lines of probably very simple dialogue, shoot MuninKai a DM on F95. In the meantime, his line are just made up whole cloth based on him being an idiot.

Game Version are JPNvx.x. Translation releases are ENGrx.x

ENGr1.0 - Release
- Updates to Walkthrough
- Minor tweaks

ENGr0.4 - Pre-Release
- Changed apostrophe characters in text to have less excessive spacing
- Tweaks to all text
- Fixed error with summonable enemies

ENGr0.3 - Beta Release
- Updates and tweaks to CommonEvents
- Updates and tweaks to States, Troops, and Maps
- Updates to yugifan3 translation of Weapons, Armours, Items, Skills, and Enemies to bring in line with my translation
- Accelerated Raina's movement speed and slowed enemies
- Translated the Quest log
- Completed Walkthrough for Virgin Run
- Included fullsave
- Translated the Prologue, which I had not even realised was untranslated after 14h of playtesting

ENGr0.2 - Second Release
- Second draft of CommonEvents
- First draft EMTL of States and Troops
- First draft EMTL of Maps 1 - 29
- Added Armour Durability to the stats displayed in combat

ENGr0.1 - Initial Release
- Updated to from JPNv1.0 to JPNv1.2
- Integrated yugifan03's translation work on the Items, Enemies, Skills, and System files
- Combined first draft EMTL of CommonEvents with MTL of States, Troops, and all Map files
Last edited:
This translation is now complete. Please see the Game thread.

Nnnno. You should NOT be redirecting people to the game thread. Translation discussion stays in the Translation section. Game threads are for game discussion.
Nnnno. You should NOT be redirecting people to the game thread. Translation discussion stays in the Translation section. Game threads are for game discussion.
Woops, my bad. Though there isn't much to worry about now, the translation is complete. I'll post any patches here though I guess?
So..., is that the final version?

In theory.
I'm not gonna say 100% because I'm not the translator, but by the look of it, unless there reason to update (like really a lot of mistyping error...) or the discovery or game breaking bug related to the translation, there won't be any need to update.
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