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Hmm, yeah, it's probably tricky to keep the game optimized while changing it/adding to it all the time. I do hope it's pretty well optimized by the time it is ready to launch.
Swear we're working hard on it! It'll definitely be a way better experience on that front by the time we officially release the game.
May I suggest that you re-balance Ashley's training? I was quite bored so I decided to train her until I got all of her stats up to 100. I spent hours grinding and I got the stats up to 40, which is crazy low considering how many hours I put in.
May I suggest that you re-balance Ashley's training? I was quite bored so I decided to train her until I got all of her stats up to 100. I spent hours grinding and I got the stats up to 40, which is crazy low considering how many hours I put in.
Oh yeah, training and nutrition will definitely be re-balanced. It will more than likely be an on-going thing, where we tweak them actively for every build, until we reach something that's palatable. The final game will have different ways and extra items to speed up the process as well.
Oh yeah, training and nutrition will definitely be re-balanced. It will more than likely be an on-going thing, where we tweak them actively for every build, until we reach something that's palatable. The final game will have different ways and extra items to speed up the process as well.
Oh, good. That's interesting, I hadn't even thought of things to speed it up in game. I'm assuming you mean something like what, protein shakes and the like? If that's it, it's a pretty cool thing to add to that mechanic.
Oh, good. That's interesting, I hadn't even thought of things to speed it up in game. I'm assuming you mean something like what, protein shakes and the like? If that's it, it's a pretty cool thing to add to that mechanic.
Yes, exaclty that! We already have plans to do it but it'll take a while to balance everything.
Cool changes to the UI, it's looking WAY better in my opinion. I know you guys had to delay the previous release so I'm assuming you might've rushed it as it was quite the bug fest! I'm glad you guys released this hotfix, really took care of the bugs I had noticed.
Cool changes to the UI, it's looking WAY better in my opinion. I know you guys had to delay the previous release so I'm assuming you might've rushed it as it was quite the bug fest! I'm glad you guys released this hotfix, really took care of the bugs I had noticed.
Thank you! Yes, unforunately that's what ended up happening, there's a fine line between frequent updates and quality, we usually do a pretty good job but this time there was a lot to change and not enough time.
Could interactables/pick-ups be given some kind of inidcator, like a slight glow when you're near them? I'm asking because I remember those witchcraft books being a chore to find...
Could interactables/pick-ups be given some kind of inidcator, like a slight glow when you're near them? I'm asking because I remember those witchcraft books being a chore to find...
Yeah, we've been planning to add some kind of an indicator. It really is a pain in the ass to pick up and interact with items as the game is now, we can acknowledge that.
Yeah, we've been planning to add some kind of an indicator. It really is a pain in the ass to pick up and interact with items as the game is now, we can acknowledge that.
It would make it way better, I'm glad you guys get how troublesome it can be. It doesn't even need to be something very flashy, any contrast would be great.
It would make it way better, I'm glad you guys get how troublesome it can be. It doesn't even need to be something very flashy, any contrast would be great.
For sure, we'll look into it.
I really appreciate how diverse you guys are making Ashley's wardrobe. I remember in the early days when there were only a few pieces of clothing haha. The option to have her wear different outfits and makeup makes me feel like I can really mould her to be my Ashley, you know?
I really appreciate how diverse you guys are making Ashley's wardrobe. I remember in the early days when there were only a few pieces of clothing haha. The option to have her wear different outfits and makeup makes me feel like I can really mould her to be my Ashley, you know?
That's exactly what we're going for! Earlier in development, Ashley's appearance was really set in stone, but right now there's a whole lot of options and we're working on even more!
That's exactly what we're going for! Earlier in development, Ashley's appearance was really set in stone, but right now there's a whole lot of options and we're working on even more!
Yeah, I super appreciate that! She's always been cute but the pigtails were not my thing lol, so I especially loved the update with the other hair options.