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RPG RPG Maker Loli [Pika-san] 大冒険 セントエルモスの淫魔


Jan 22, 2012
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Hello everyone.

This is another of Pika-san's traditional RPGM, JRPG, male MC indie battle-fuck game. This is one is really short compared to Leoquest, but it's a little harder and it's harder to grind good stuff.
Contains loli content, so no pictures or links.

Translation thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/pika-san-sentoerumosuno-great-adventure-succubi-of-st-elmo.14095/

"←→↑↓" - move buttons
"Z" "Enter" - confirm buttons
"X" "Numpad 0" - Menu/Cancel
"Shift" - hold to sprint/dash

Typical grindy RPG with randomly triggered encounters as well as visible, chasing enemies. All battles are sex-battles.

There's essentially 3 types of damage skills you can use (breasts/ass/vagina), and a few which target all of those parts. I believe every enemy has a weakness and takes 1.5x/2x the damage if you attack the correct body part.
Higher MP skills deal more damage, but are mostly MP inefficient. They do have their uses when fighting multiple, dangerous enemies.
Unlike Leoquest, you learn skills by fighting enemies instead of just leveling up. During a combat with some enemies (NOT ALL) you have a chance to learn different skills after few turns.

As said, this game is much shorter than Leoquest, but should still be a few hours of fun. The game is in Japanese, but a full (or very close to) translation link is provided in this thread.
You can set your character's women preference - Standard (not seen as a weakness)/Older sister/Loli/Mature. You will take more damage, and enable special attacks to be used against you from the type that you choose.
Be careful though, this game can be unforgiving even when using the "Standard" version. I'm talking a full 100%->0% combo chains if you're unlucky.

Your mission is as usual. Humanity gets attacked by succubi, and your task is to get rid of them with sex-battles. "Quests" follow the rule of, enter a cave/dungeon/mansion and clear the boss, then go back to the castle and repeat the process. Be careful, chasing enemies CAN surround you and MAKE YOU STUCK in endless fighting loop. If you get into that situation without enough consumables, you can actually lose the save. So save often AND use different save slots.

Content: only static pictures, but with few variations, giving you the impression of "animation". There is no recollection room, and completing the first "quest" locks that area from being accessed again.

Feel free to ask any questions. I'll try to answer what I can if people need more info.
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Sr, but if this game hard to find then where can get game or apply patch trans? also, no source mean no pic aka cant know game is good or bad?
ps: sr my engrish.
cant wait to dust off my saturn....emulator and pop this bad boy in.

look man, at least link a developers twitter. i think you can link the page, because you are linking the source information (possibly within reason!) just not images
Kind of looks like a case where the source of the information isn't that convenient. Some gamedevs don't do that kind of thing and just drop their game into a chan. I haven't exactly dug deep but a couple of cursory searches didn't turn up anything that would qualify as a source.
"You can't find it if you can't speak Japanese."

What if I just google " Pika-san "大冒険 セントエルモスの淫魔" " and hit the third link down?

Oh hey, there it is.

EDIT: Wasn't worth it.
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cant wait to dust off my saturn....emulator and pop this bad boy in.

look man, at least link a developers twitter. i think you can link the page, because you are linking the source information (possibly within reason!) just not images

There's no link to any of those, because... I don't think they exist. I believe Pika-san just drops a link to his games on some forum/chan and that's it.
That's why I didn't/was hesitant later to make this thread, I believed I couldn't provide good information. Though it seems that because of its silly name, it caused even more confusion.

Anyway, I'll be happy to help anyone having problems, just PM me. All I wanted to do is share the translation.
I found the game, fen*** (*** for missing letters since I have no idea if we are allowed to talk about other sites) has a forum if you know what I mean, there is a working link with fitting decription key.
I had to search for leoquest to find it further down the same page

Edit: Translation seems to be working. Another game I got through greed and will not have time to play, since I use all the time I have to search instead of playing v.v
Thank you for the translation
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Why would you not be allowed to talk about other websites?
@TheBl4ckC4t Surely you are referring to this

Also found a mirror on random chan.
^If this is allowed, I'll put the the link
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Thread in question feature more old gems, notably (for me) Metal Succubus and Sai-tama.
It'd be good manners for someone to PM ThatOneJester kind fellow for permission though. This is an indie game after all, overcoverage is unwanted.

Thanks for the hint, blackcat, I wouldn't have thought about searching the furries' den. They lose too much hair in the summer 🐶
I'm ashamed I never knew about this game; that Pika dude sure does neat stuff, kudos to him (for this game or his former ones).
We need more Good old Games like this (if only to know [worry about] how low have standards nosedove to during the past decade).
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@TheBl4ckC4t Surely you are referring to this

Also found a mirror on random chan.
^If this is allowed, I'll put the the link

You can link to the thread, but not link to the download AFAIK. Not sure about linking to the specific post, you'd have to ask @DarkFire1004 .
Linking to a chan post is fine, but seems a bit... temporary to me.