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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Lawl, you underestimate my ability to whine on the forums about it until everyone gets sick of it and Nunu threatens me to stop or it'll be nasty things to me.

:D Perspective

And you underestimate my ability to...



Not give a shit?
I guess it'll have to do.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Worst part was that it took me until Chibi said alchemist in the pics thread for me to realize that FMA was Full Metal Alchemist.

Damn do I feel outta place.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Worst part was that it took me until Chibi said alchemist in the pics thread for me to realize that FMA was Full Metal Alchemist.

Damn do I feel outta place.

*patpatpat* It's okay. I still love you. :3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Don't worry sin, I've only heard of it sparingly myself and it's not really something I like, so I'm completely confused as well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Neg rep - Goddamn, if you want to stop her shit head ex from picking her up again and doing the same all over again why don't you ask her out instead of whining about about her ex and being in the friend zone. Fuck, man up or shut up.

To answer our mysterious asshat, I'll restate what I've said earlier; that I'm not going to pursue her, I've given up chasing dreams etc. I'm actually pursuing someone else right now, who is either less or more screwed in the head, depending on how you look at it. Let's just say the girl I'm pursuing knows more memes, and nothing will shock her? =D

Ignoring that part, what kind of an idiot asks out a girl right after she gets dumped anyways? That's a good way to be a short rebound relationship that fails. IF she says yes rather than calling you an insensitive jerk.

That aside, you've clearly missed the main point, I don't want to be in any friend zone. Not because I'd rather be dating her, but because I don't like it. I don't like being that person, who she can use as a crutch but will never actually see as a real person. At least I know she's better than flat out ignoring/ talking over the top of whenever I express a grievance. She still doesn't give a damn, but she's at least polite enough to listen instead of being "FORGET ABOUT YOU, WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE". Yeah, I've met someone like that.

Moving past that, I find it highly ironic that you would challenge someone to man up so anonymously and underhandedly. I'm getting a little tired of people neg repping me for BS reasons and hiding behind their anonymity. I've you've got something to say to me, say it to my online username you cowardzzzz. Lawl. Srsly. It is pretty much a dick move, but then you probably aren't phased by that accusation.

In short, basically what I'm trying to say here is grow some balls you underaged pansy momma's boy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

hey inky, shut up about yer rep.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Can't help it. Don't like witnessing others in pain. I can go from raging furious at someone to sympathetic in a second if I see enough pain (the kind not just caused by me, or when I crit with my words or something).

I'm a demon of love, maan. Of looooove. (I haven't slept and am kinda nutty, ignore the nuttiness)

o.o Was just telling you because I learned a long time ago that that just ends up causing far more trouble.

Trust me I used to be a lot like that now I just try to not let stuff bother me when some of my closer friends appear to be down, have issues, etc. It's probably better for both of us because then they feel like they can depend on me and I won't feel like a wreck when they have something they don't want to tell me/Good advice they won't listen to.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

the girl I'm pursuing knows more memes, and

I blanked out after that but, good luck,

but... when somebody mentions memes I just can't....
I just lost the game.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I blanked out after that but, good luck,

but... when somebody mentions memes I just can't....
I just lost the game.

Memes are what breaks or makes relationships Cappy.

I thought you'd know something this important.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, Rule 34 does classify all things as relative.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

To say something completely out of context:

I have an announcement to make, during my afternoon nap, or when I closed my eyes for a minute, my cat decided to jump from the ground and to the top of my head. At which point, it lost its' footing(pawing?) and was on a descending course to the ground. Fortunately, for my cat, it managed to flail around, with claws outstretched, and hook onto my left ear. One of her claws completely pierced it, and she was hanging onto the ear after her claw.

Having all of my cats weight on my ear; I started an attempt at removing the claw and cat, but since the claws are crooked removing it was a difficult task indeed. In the end, however, I managed to almost rip my ear in two, but fortunately this was not the case.

Having safely removed the cat, I felt my ear for what certainly had to be blood welling forth, but being the genious superhuman I am, not a single drop was there. So now I have gained a pierced left ear, in the most awesome way possible. Relatively painful, but still pretty awesome. (Except for with a nail gun, nothing beats the nail gun.)

Also, it saddens me when I see girls being used by their boyfriends or husbands. Because this one-way love affects all off the girls friends and relatives. You can think of their relationship like a lifeboat, OK? In this lifeboat there is her and her bf and all of her friends, however the boat is sinking. And if someone doesn't go it will go down. If she keeps holding onto her bf, she will have to throw out her friends one after the other, to keep the boat from sinking. Until it is only the two of them left, and the boat is still sinking. She will have to sacrifice herself, and give up on her needs to serve him, and still the boat is sinking. It is either go down with the boat or jump back onto the "cruise", most girls in this situation choose the former.

Felt a little deep now, so I just showed you guys I can be deep too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Is this the part where I start talking about my past relationship that actually went to shit two months ago? =D
(relax I'm only kidding about the "talking about" part.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My last relationship (one and only, that lasted for more than a week) was boring so I dumped the girl, after slapping her in the face of course... with my knife
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My last relationship (one and only, that lasted for more than a week) was boring so I dumped the girl, after slapping her in the face of course... with my knife

You know... your a worrying one at times... '_'
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sometimes I wonder if Zoto's doing an experiment with neg-reps or something.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I didn't want to of course. I loved her, or at least was attracted to her. But she wanted to tell on me when she found out about the nailgun incident, so I had to slap her with my knife
Then I broke her uuuuuI mean broke up with her.

But seriously, I think, both of us knew it dindn't work out. And I was being nice when I separated her...I mean when we separated. Is that right? maybe when I split...I mean when we split up.
She was nice and all, but too nice. If you know what I mean, could never make a decision for herself, always asked me what I wanted to do, and when I said she should decide, she decided that I should decide. Maybe she thought it was cute, but after a while I just got irritated. We didn't see eachother in the summer and I broke her up after that.

Edit: you know, maybe I shouldn't say this, but I haven't gotten a single neg rep, for the take-advantage-of incident.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Meh, I'd +rep you for honesty, but I've already repped you in the not so distant past.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Everyone makes mistakes, not everyone is honest about it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

wait, mistake? honesty? I....don´t understand.... where is the mistake?

And god damnit, my 100% +rep is destroyed. I knew I shouldn´t have said anything.
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