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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker Guro [Newface] Evil Goddess (堕邪女神)

Sorry if this was asked before, but has anyone ever tried using Translator++ with this game? I thought I'd try translating the chinese-only bits but TL++'s parser always seems to hang when it hits the Scripts_Push.rvdata2 file. Am I being really thick here or is there just no way to get it working?
Sorry if this was asked before, but has anyone ever tried using Translator++ with this game? I thought I'd try translating the chinese-only bits but TL++'s parser always seems to hang when it hits the Scripts_Push.rvdata2 file. Am I being really thick here or is there just no way to get it working?
I think it won't work due to the DRM encryption.
Just going to ask since just now remembered this game, is there no more updates from the creator?
Just going to ask since just now remembered this game, is there no more updates from the creator?

Not for like a year and a half? He decided at some point, due to pirating, that he was just going to finish the game without patreon. Or something along those lines.

Tbh, I think the focus on piracy really did the game a diservice. It's such a great game, but even for people paying for it, the piracy protection could be an issue. Like the time I built a new PC, I had to also get a new code for the DRM system the game uses. But to do that I needed to send a DM to Newface then wait... and wait. If he didn't focus so much on piracy, probably way more people would have played the game, and supported it's development as a result.

Now, instead, the game may never be finished. Such a pity.

I think another big barrier to people trying the game, was the long release cycles for updates. People only really had 1 or 2 chances a year to try out anything besides the public demo, I'm sure that was a bit of a turnoff as well.
I remember last time the dev mentioned he lost his Patreon password and couldn't log into the account for several months.
Bro I'm really starting to hate the DRM on this game with the dev going awol.
My old key is no longer working cause the code I have to send to dev somehow got reset, so now I'm stucked with a bricked game that I paid ~$60 for...
Bro I'm really starting to hate the DRM on this game with the dev going awol.
My old key is no longer working cause the code I have to send to dev somehow got reset, so now I'm stucked with a bricked game that I paid ~$60 for...
would the using another .exe workaround help?