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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread



...STFU. Guys can collect plushies too.

Goddamn Lucas, you've got two of the more ugly Pokemon in plush form. And I see you've got a plush god too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I watched the extended cut of Black Hawk Down today. Really good version of the movie, but I'm not sure if I should have watched it. I'll have to be careful about the next time I do because it affected me much more than I had anticipated.

Ridley Scott almost did too good a job.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well I can't even watch the normal version of it anymore, even if it is one of my favorite movies of all times. So I may skip out on getting the extended version, maybe. Unless I can find someone to watch it with that is.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well I can't even watch the normal version of it anymore, even if it is one of my favorite movies of all times. So I may skip out on getting the extended version, maybe. Unless I can find someone to watch it with that is.

I hadn't seen any version since getting back, and I really enjoyed the movie, so when I saw the extended cut on sale I picked it up, and just never got around to watching it until today.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah I originally saw it when I was stationed in Korea, as a special screening before it was released. I loved it then, though my section sergeant didn't but he was part of the 10th Mountain/UN rescue convoy that got them out.

Then I saw part of it again when they played it while we were stuck in Kuwait for our decompression time. Every single person left the room when it got to a certain scene, so it was probably a bad choice of movie to play at that time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, I can see why he didn't like it...

What scene? And yeah... that would be a bad choice to play during decompression. We had Jeff Dunham.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

SGT. Pilla's death. Yeah I guess they weren't thinking that night, usually they played comedies or something along those lines.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah... I was pretty much in tears at that point.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't start crying, but I get the shakes which if you ask me is worst.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I didn't get those luckily, because yeah I can see them being worse.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Especially after they've gone on for too long, you can't really do much of anything with them. I wouldn't mind a good cry though since there is usually a feeling of relief after that. Unfortunately I only cry after sappy stuff, like Old Yeller or the Velveteen Rabbit.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah... crying is surprisingly therapeutic for me. There's a few movies out there that get me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu cried during eight below.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but thanks for serving Ronny and Sin.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but thanks for serving Ronny and Sin.

While we serve two nations, we're both NATO. I also never really know how to answer this to be honest.

And that's okay Nunu, I've cried in a lot of movies.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I cried watching Persepolis a couple weeks ago. It's easy to get me to cry in a movie or any other time though. If somebody else starts crying its almost automatic even if I don't want to.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't usually answer when someone says thanks, though it's not because I don't appreciate when someone says it. It just feels weird to be thanked for it is all, though I don't really know why it would feel weird.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only movie I've cried during is Forrest Gump. Then again, my general response to being sad or anything is to be stoic instead of the loud and obnoxious person I ususally am.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The last time I've actually cried for a movie was ET. There's something about ET's death scene that really gets me, but the last time I've seen it was decades ago.

The only other time I came close was the bridge scene in Saving Private Ryan.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My body automatically stops me from crying and when something is too emotional I physically stop myself from crying.

But yeah, the last movie I almost-cried in was Toy Story 3. For those who have seen it, you know which scene I'm talking about.