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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm a Canadian way out on the east coast, but it's much better out here than in the middle. At least, I think so, but then, I'm biased.

Over here we've got surfing, whale watching, lobsters, awsome lighthouses... Just off the top of my head. But then, I'm pretty tired. Try Newfoundland, I've heard it's very beautiful up there.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

newfoundland? but i've no need to sodomize me boys.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My local library allows these forums past it's content blocker, but has a peculiar method of blocking threads containing swear words, sexual, drug, or excessive violence references. It will load up the thread, but block any post and all bellow it that contain barred content. I can scroll back up and then go to the next page if there are any, but getting to the bottom of any one page is rare.

It also block the XMarks service strangely enough (a harmless bookmark sync & storage service) on grounds of sexual content. I can still access it if I use the services old name of FoxMarks though. I have to wonder if they've simply blocked all websites beginning with X.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just got a crappy grade on a math test that I had thought went very well and that I worked my ass off to prepare for.

Disappointment isn't an adequate word to describe the feeling I'm repressing right now.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When in doubt, make a bet that the kid with the worst grade has to wear a poncho to class. It's what we do.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When in doubt, make a bet that the kid with the worst grade has to wear a poncho to class. It's what we do.

Yeah, but then if you got people like me who don't care if they wear ponchos...
I wore my military one whenever it rained when I was in high school.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When in doubt, make a bet that the kid with the worst grade has to wear a poncho to class. It's what we do.

Hehe, sounds fun, and I would nearly have had to wear a poncho... Thing is, I'm in the Mathlete class... A friend of mine taking the same course was silently crying because of his grade. His was better than mine.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

traditionaly thats what the dunce hat was for.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, but then if you got people like me who don't care if they wear ponchos...
I wore my military one whenever it rained when I was in high school.

Hehe, sounds fun, and I would nearly have had to wear a poncho... Thing is, I'm in the Mathlete class... A friend of mine taking the same course was silently crying because of his grade. His was better than mine.

The poncho is made out of a trashbag and has pink polkadots on it from construction paper.

Also, the results of that test, which we thankfully did not bet on.

Me 54/56 Him 56.5/56 That's fricken cheep.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I love typos.


Friggin Cheep
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, Fricken is only two letters different then Chicken. Any other day of the week yall'd have said I did it on purpose.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

There's something about that picture... young chicks can be quite freaky looking creatures.

In other news, anyone else pulled a little sad face at receiving the email informing that the XMarks service is shutting down? =(
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Err.. I don't know what that is.

But I did pull a little frowny face learning that Greg Giraldo died.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, that makes two. Tony Curtis also passed away today (yesterday, I suppose.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It was just a handy service that synced my bookmarks between computers, and allowed me to access them on it's website while away from my normal machine. And now it's shutting down, I'll have to find a new one. It's a catastrophe you see? I'm a highly distraught Squid.

However I don't know either of those people... should I pay respects to them, or join in frowning maybe? (refrains from google for the sake of petty conversation.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can think of much worse catastrophes.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When I was little I had a pound purries kitten. Then it got left at a hotel in Oaklaholma... I'm still a bit sad sometimes... :(