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Re: Mjorna

"Probably make some gloves." she said thoughtfully, "Tork and the others could use some."
Re: Mjorna

Meda nodded her head and thought for a moment asks shyly "Is it possible for you to make a silk *blushes a little* undergarments?"
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra grinned, "Yes, it's possible, I've made utilitarian wraps before so that nothing hurts while you're working, but I'm guessing you want something a little... frilly this time?"
Re: Mjorna

Meda nodded her head, grateful for the way Ilph was treating the subject. "Yes...That would be nice."
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra's grin grew wider, "Sooooo... who's the lucky guy, hrm?"
Re: Mjorna

Meda blushed and smiled "That's a secret." She said this as they stepped into the village's outskirts.
Re: Mjorna

"Oh no, you can't pull that on me." She chuckled, "You need me to make these frilly things. A bit of... trade is in order I think."


Phaydra crested the hill with her cart, horse, and sheep. "Well would you look at that Captain..." she smiled, "A new place, just for us!" She started carefully downwards, "Ho! Mjorna!" she called loudly singling out forms as she got closer. As she spotted the Dragontaur, her eyes came alight.
Re: Mjorna

Meda nodded and blushed lightly before she leaned closer and whispered into Ilph's ear "Sarem.... Please don't tell him please?" She almost begged at the last part since this is important to her. She also pointed at a naga on the hill and said "Ilph look! Another newcomer! Should we go greet her?" The way she said almost sounded like a desperate topic change.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra grinned, "I swear by my fuzzy exoskeleton." Then she looked where the fox-kin was pointing and her eyes grew wide, "A Naga? Here? And by the looks of it she..." she shook her head, "Here, lets get the baskets into my hut first."


Phaydra turned to her horse, "You see that Captain? A real Dragontaur... I wonder what his name is..."
Re: Mjorna

Meda blinks nods her head and whispers to Ilph "Why are you acting a little, nervous?" Confused to Ilph's rough change.
Re: Mjorna

"Because she's from a place that's a long way off from here..." Ilphstra said quietly as she entered her hut and set the baskets down, before heading right back out and towards the Naga.
Re: Mjorna

Meda follows Ilph curiously. *This seems to becoming interesting,* As she set down her baskets near Ilph's.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra hurries out to the Naga, "Hello there!" she plastered on a smile.

Phaydra regarded the spidertaur and the fox-kin that approached her, and decided that this is one time where formality would be useful. She bowed her head and crossed her arms over her chest, "The crossing of our paths is fortunate. The way to Nirvana is hard..." she paused, hoping one of the strangers knew the ritualistic formula.

"But the riches and peace are worth the trials..." Ilphstra completed in a soft voice.

Phaydra's head jerked up as she stared at the spidertaur's face in surprise, "I am called Phaydra Teluk Thun." she said, "How may I call you two?"

Ilphstra let out a deep breath, "I am Ihphstra Arabund." Then the turned to Meda with an expectant look.
Re: Mjorna

Meda blinks not understanding but she smiles and curtsies and replies "I am Corwinyth Singe-Tails, but I preferred to be called Meda. May I ask what greeting just happened between you *motions to the naga* and Ilph?" Her tails sway in curiosity forming a red furry background.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra was still staring at the spidertaur, "How did you know my villages's greeting?"

Ilphstra chuckled, "My father traveled there before. I had hoped you were from that same village. It makes everything easier." she said cryptically.

Phaydra then turned to Meda, "It's just a greeting. A very formal greeting, but a greeting none the less."
Re: Mjorna

Meda blinks and smiles and simply says "You two seem like spiritual sisters that just found each other. I heard a word 'Nirvana' I think it was. Is that the name of your village or ?" She left the question hanging.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra closed her eyes, "Nirvana is an aspect of heaven that is much like life."

Ilphstra resists the urge to roll her eyes, "Come on you two. Prior Wulfric will want to meet you Phaydra." Then she started skittering down the hill.
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods and follows Ilph beckoning Phaydra to do the same as she followed Ilph. "Phay could you or Ilph tell me more about that greeting and the village? It sounds interesting."
Re: Mjorna

(Hey, remember back when I used to post on this forum? That was awwwwesoooome.)

"Yeah, I saw it, but I won't turn back now. I'm going to get the food supplies today," Leon says as he forges on ahead, tightening the grip on his pick.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra was too busy staring at the dragontaur holding the boar to answer Meda, so Ilphstra sighed and said, "It's just a simple village greeting. A formal way of recognizing someone."