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Re: Mjorna

Virgil nods and continues walking, still looking around "So. You're a gravedigger?" Virgil says in an attempt to start a conversation "I was a doctor back in Blackmont. Took quite a bit of business from you."
Re: Mjorna

Leaving much of the salvaged armor and equipment in a pile, she lights off the funeral pyre, speaking a few words of final rights to the fallen warriors who soon were consumed in the fire. Staying until the flames died, the girl then stood, taking what armor she could carry and heading back to her new home.
Re: Mjorna

"No!" Tork's voice takes on a stern tone as he calls out. "Keep your wrist away from the saw! Do you want to cut yourself?" He looks up to the sun. "We're having a few hours of light left. Take your time."
- - -
As Hera returns into the city she can hear crunching sounds - like something is breaking bones with it's mouth. At about the same time she notices the movement in the ruins again. . . only this time the shadows are much closer to her. As she turns her head towards one of them she sees a pair of eyes in the dark, studying her.
- - -
Virgil and Leon have similar experiences as they make their way down the path. Movement in the corner of their eyes, snarling sounds. At one point Virgil spots a long, hairless tail quickly disappearing behind a corner.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra nodded as she popped another berry into her mouth, "I suppose you're right. That's what we should do. We can make some dried fruit cakes. I heard from a traveler before... that you can make journey cakes using rendered fat, ground up dried meat, and dried berries. They're good for an extra energy boost if you run out of food." She looked thoughtful. "I've seen people starve on a diet of pure protein. Animals can do it, but people just aren't made that way."
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods her head as she tooks takes one last berry and says "Please don't say anything Ilph, they just look too delicious." She pops it into her mouth savoring the taste as she slowly walked back to the village, chewing and swallowing the raspberry and asking aloud "Following Ilph?"
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra was indeed, right behind the fox kin. "I'm glad there are people with some sensibilities. The ones who died were and extreme group of Wolftaurs that lived in my village. They thought what was good enough for their animal counterparts, was good enough for them."
Re: Mjorna

Meda blinks and slows down too where she and Ilph were walking side by side. "Really Ilph? That sounds similar to shamanism." Her tails swirl around in interest.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra nodded, "But that level of stupidity cost them their lives."
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods her head a little bit taken aback by the sudden end. But she smiles and replies "I bet I know something that was far more idiotic then that."
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra chuckled, "Debating the stupidity of people? I could go on for hours."
Re: Mjorna

The girl froze at the sight of the eyes, her hands gripping her staff gently. She didn't understand what this creature was, but she started backing around it, her staff gripped hard as she tries to give the eyes a wide berth, holding the pile of salvage armor under one arm as she tries to get back.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka squeaked in slight fright, before she replied, meekly, "S- sorry!" She removed her arm from next to the saw, before she sawed the rest of the way through, doing it rather slowly though since she was quite nervous now that she was scolded.
Re: Mjorna

Meda nodded happily "That is true, either of us could go on for hours if we look back into the past with hindsight." Meda could see the village in the distance and looked over at Ilph "Want to race to Mjorna?"
Re: Mjorna

"Heh, yeah, he caught something. Only cost a bit of skin off my shoulder too!" He laughs, then trots over to Tork. "Where do you want me to put this thing?"
Re: Mjorna

Tork sighs. "Didn't mean to yell. . . Just don't want you to cut off your hand, 's all." As Toya approaches Tork tilts his head. "Umm. . . don't you need to gut it first? I mean I'm no specialist on that whole hunting thing."
- - -
As Hera backs away the creature comes into the light. It most certainly looks feline, but it's BIG - matching a wolf in size, if not bigger. Thick, tusk-like canines jut forth from it's short snout. Most curious however is it's almost hairless skin, save for a strip of brown fur that runs along it's back - until it's tail comes into view. It's at least again as long as the animal and slowly whips back and forth. A growl escapes it's throat. . . answered shortly after by one in Hera's back.
Re: Mjorna

This made her freeze. Fearfully, she peered around her slowly, trying to look both for escape routes, and to figure out the best way to escape. Quite literally, she was scared for her life once again...
Re: Mjorna

Virbil spots the tail and jumps back in fright, shaking his head and then grasping his temples with his hands "Leon. Did you see that tail? Maybe we should leave. This place is starting to creep me out."
Re: Mjorna

Toya nods. "Aye, I do. I was just wondering if there was a certain place in the village I should do it. I'm still new to this place and don't really know where anything is, and I doubt you'd want me to do something like that in the eyes of the public."
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra shakes her head, "I want these berries to get there as undamaged as possible."
Re: Mjorna

Meda laughed and nodded her head. "How forgetful of me. By and by Ilph, what are you going to do with the leather I dropped off?"